Facebook Sabbatical

By Kathy L McFarland


On May 10, 2024, I will be absent from Facebook for a bit of time. I will be taking a spiritual retreat and a writing sabbatical to move deep into the Lord’s Word and develop new Bible Studies. Please pray that it is fruitful!

When I return, I will be evaluating the Facebook platform and ensure that I am reaching those that God wills, and whether this is the best tool to use to spread His Teachings. I will examine the responses and comments to the Bible Studies, as well as the usage numbers.

Now is a perfect time for you to go back and read all of those Bible Studies that were coming at such a fast rate! You too will have a break to review and learn even more as I am developing new lessons!

When I do return to Facebook, and if I choose to continue on this platform, expect a great deal of deep Bible Studies coming your way! I am so excited for all of us!

Just in case we lose contact with each other, my blog is located at https://kathylmcfarland.org/ and will contain my writings and movements.

This week, “The Beginnings of All Things Created” Bible Study will conclude. I hope that you all enjoyed the deep revelations of the LORD God that He has shared with us!

I’m already missing our daily contacts. Stay spiritual and deep in God’s Word, and I will write again when the Lord directs.


By Kathy L. McFarland

I will never forget the first time I heard Leonard Cohen sing ‘Hallelujah!’ I was sitting in a car awaiting the rest of the family to finish the food shopping that I was physically unable to complete. It was late at night, and it had been a long and hard day; I was praying that my pain be hidden from their eyes when they returned, so they would not feel the despair that surely would come.

The radio began the broken chords of Hallelujah! I felt the minor lifts and the major chords swell within me, and recognized that the Holy Spirit was touching and healing me with the most secular of songs reaching to the core of my being. I sang Hallelujah, and another and another, until I felt the familiar strength surge through me, restoring my soul to a place of peace with a overwhelming joy of recognizing an answer from my Lord.

I may have made mistakes in this life. My body may not be the perfect creation He made me to be. “And even if it all went wrong, I’ll stand before the Lord of song with nothing on my tongue but, ‘Hallelujah!’

It was at that moment that I recognized that a true follower of Christ is ALWAYS broken before they come to Him, and once found in His embrace, is unable to say anything worthy of that hug, but Hallelujah!

Thank you, Leonard Cohen, for writing the words that reminds us to lift up our Hallelujah’s even when they seem broken.

Lusts of the Heart

Lusts of the heart are destroying churches! Sexual perversions and worldly morality, desire for riches and power, and corrupting the Word of God to become more liberal in practice are prevalent in most spiritual places. Combined with false teachers and witches who have agendas to destroy faith, and the popular social media condoning and tempting walks away from the Lord, more and more burden is placed upon the true Christian leaders of congregations that worship the LORD God, through the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Please discuss one of the following in detail (if you would like to write about more than one, give each topic due regard). The following subjects are for your consideration.

1. Seeking wealth

2 Manipulating people to move away from the Lord and toward the world

3. Worldly exposure, and its tricks and treats

4. Seeking connections to powerful entities in the world

5. Seeking titles to gain people’s respect without regard to the Lord’s standards

6. Worldly sexual perversions, pleasures and practices

7. The seeking of fame, fortune, and fantastic opportunities

8. Corrupting the Word of God

9. Witchcraft

10. False Teachers

11. The destruction of marriages and family

12. Perverse liberalism or conservatism

13. The worshipping of false gods

14. Wickedness made normal by social norms and media

15. Child sexual abuse by those within the Christian churches

16. Seeking man’s self-help, rather than learn God’s Word.

Christian leaders, this is a few of the many problems that are destroying churches from within. Please share your knowledge, experience, and possible solutions to begin addressing this problem with those God has placed in your care. The more detail, the better!

What do you think?

I really want to know!

I receive daily requests to go to preach and teach in countries all over the world. I receive offers of great money to help form programs with me as the head of the productions.

This week, I have had many emails accusing me of avoiding the calls of God by failing to go to the various needs.

What I think I know: I’m doing what God called me to do. I am a writer, not a speaker. I am a teacher, not a preacher. I am one small part of the Body of Christ. My contributions in doing the Lord’s work guided by the Holy Spirit help all of those God brings to formulate their own works for Him. If I choose to answer one “call” of those wanting my actual presence, I would have absolutely no time to complete the works God has given me to write and publish freely to Christians He has assigned great works.

What many “callers” think: If I would step out of my comfort zone, fame would follow, and that extra attention would free me up to do even more works for the Lord and provide money to enlarge the works of God.

I AM CONFIDENT I AM DOING WORKS ASSIGNED BY GOD! However, am I limiting those works by “staying in my lane” and doing one thing very good?

I do NOT think I am limiting God’s works; rather, I think I am dedicated to the specific work God has given me. AND, I am doing just what I am tasked to do by Him.

Others think that I am not seizing the ability to grow the works higher and bring more glory to His Kingdom and specific peoples in need for direct ministry.

I really want to know what YOU think. I hope you choose my side! But if you don’t, could you please make a strong argument with Scripture support as necessary? Has my spiritual works helped and grown your own spiritual works?

Help me weigh this issue once and for all, so I can confidently accomplish the works the Lord has given me to do.

(This personal post is to help illuminate the indecisions that occur in all Christian works as they began growing)


My dear, fellowshipping Christian friends who contributed to this discussion. You have centered me, and supported me perfectly. Your conclusions are my conclusions, and my prayer reveals the same conclusions. With your participation, I was able to think on the indecisions from many different directions which was a Godsend.

I asked for my friends thoughts, for four reasons. 1) I was being deluged with emails that were unanimously chastising me for hiding behind Facebook and not stretching the ministry bigger. 2) There are NO Christians that can see straight all of the time, and reliance upon fellowshipping Christian’s opinions help center the focus; 3) Though I thought I knew God’s will with certainty, I was shaky on some of the details; with my strong Christian’s friends support, I have it clear and concise now. 4) I wanted to let my Christians friends know that when you do a work for the Lord, this situation of wanting to advance it occurs EVERY time (it is our human nature), and also brings confusion for choosing direction. Hopefully, this sharing will remind others how common this problem is.

I am sticking with my convictions and my respected Christian friends support of this decision. Most importantly, the Lord has not told me differently, so it is here where I stand.

Big hugs to all my helpful friends!

Culture Shock in Missions:

Does Facebook Missionaries experience part of the same “lostness” with cultural ideas that are foreign to them?

What ways can we become part of the Facebook cultures that we are witnessing Christ to?

What are some specific culture shocks that you have experienced on Facebook that posed a challenge to your ministry?

What are some of the specific solutions to overcome culture shock on Facebook with your ministry?

By Kathy L. McFarland

I remember my first overseas assignment in Tokyo Japan so well, that if I close my eyes I can still recall the sounds, smells, sights, and confusion. The minute we stepped off the plane, I smelled a fishy odor in the air; by the time I reached customs, every one of the Japanese, Koreans, and Thais that I met smelled the same way. I had not prepared for that. But I had prepared for cars driving on the road in the opposite direction as Americans; I was so proud that I remembered that until I stepped off my first curb and forgot to remember that pedestrians must look different ways because of different lanes of travel. When I looked left, I saw no cars, stepped out into the road, and almost got slammed by the car moving forward in its correct lane. You think you can prepare, but you cannot think about it all.

Our military rank did not permit base housing, so we had to go off base and live among the locals. We found a really nice, brand new, Japanese apartment with a 2ft wide x 4ft tall bathtub, a 1ft x 1ft stove with a tiny 1ft oven underneath, and a strange contraption coming out of the wall that had a nozzle and gas that had to be turned to high to get a bit of hot water. It was winter, and there was no heat; we did not know about kerosene heaters from the start, and the walls of our cold, cold apartment began to mildew all over the wallpaper as the still hardening concrete stayed wet without heat. The TV and radio didn’t speak anything that I could understand, and the noise of the traffic, bicycle horns, and drums preparing for a night festival penetrated my mind.

I started to experience culture shock; it is a real disordered process in one’s mind that can’t adapt because things are so strange. It was not homesickness (of which I also began to experience), but another physical/mental obstacle added atop that. The people living on base had a little bit of one; mine was full-fledged. Unless you have tried to establish a home in a foreign country without knowing the language, you cannot understand how crippling culture shock is until you experience it.

If someone had asked me about Jesus that first month, I doubt I would have had the proper words formed. But, during that first month, because I was so lost, I got a great deal of help from my local neighbors. They all delighted to have a young American amongst them (back then they liked it anyway), and went outside their comfort to help me adapt. These neighbors became some of my best and life-long friends; I never established closer ones when I finally made enough rank to live on base and just commute outside the gates into the culture even after being inside the country for eight years.

As I read the Brewster article on the difference bonding makes, I immediately thought of this time in Japan.[1] They recommend immersion into the culture immediately; basically, they are advising to initiate the culture shock hard and fast, and deal with all the conflicting, emotional, confusing, scary signals that overload a foreign brain.[2] Did I mention that it is common for those with culture shock to become sick with flu-like symptoms as the body must do without the brain’s usual clues to keep fit because it is preoccupied with survival from the shock? So in the thick of shock overtaking your brain, most also have nausea, congestion, and an achy body to go with it. And always, for everyone I’m almost certain, there will be tears. And, these authors are asking missionaries to subject themselves to that shock without much of a safety net; at least I had the U.S. Military ready to save me should I get in over my head.

Missionaries have two choices; they settle into the culture by staying away and isolated or they dwell amongst them. The “foray” method usually allows the missionary to live in a missionary compound that is familiar and safe; as the missionary goes out several times a week to spread the Gospel of Christ, there is always a familiar, safe haven awaiting the return of the expatriate.[3] Or, the missionaries bond with the culture and people, live their lives with them, and experience the horror of culture shock from the beginning.[4] This shock usually leads to a deep bonding, just as the author’s example of a newborn baby bonding to the parents at the moment of birth, and eventually establishes a sense of belonging with potent relationships with people developing in this shocking vacuum.

The authors warn that total culture immersion into a foreign language culture is not without risk.[5]But, it is this risk that starts the process of a bonding relationship, and eventually becomes the foundation of mission work that has the best potential of gaining the culture’s trust. It is trust within a relationship that best serves the delivery of the Gospel of Christ, and compels the listeners to walk toward Him. Author Reyburn calls this point-of-contact connection by the German words der Anknupfungspunkt which designates a deep process that connects the speakers with the listeners.[6] The identification of the missionary must adapt to the culture’s connection, or the message will never be heard. The unconscious habits and culture traditions become critical introductions to the missionaries’ presence, and offers the freedom to witness the Gospel to them when all of the pieces of connection fall together.[7]

But, even the concept of der Anknupfungspunkt might be misleading when it stresses the need to have common ground to bridge the gap between Christians and non-Christians. Karl Barth and Emil Brunner have deep divisions in necessity for this to occur.[8] Some argue that God makes that “common ground” connection, and the missionaries should stay out of the way of the culture. Barth stresses that every human being, believer and unbeliever, can have philosophic axioms and theorems that are contrary to each other, yet, the image of God is born inside them, ready for access to lay the common ground for the Gospel to be heard.[9]

Thus, a case could be made that missionaries can live in secluded compounds and still do a good job when they go out into the cultures, without having to absorb the actual culture understanding into their lives. But, my experience in Japan argues against this; a comparison of the close connections I made with the Japanese compared to my peers that lived on the military base prove that close living and sharing makes a difference, in my mind at least.


Brewster, Elizabeth S. and E. Thomas Brewster. Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: The Difference Bonding Makes. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 1992.

Henry, Carl Ferdinand Howard. God, Revelation, and Authority. Vol. 5. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 1999.

Henry, Carl Ferdinand Howard. God, Revelation, and Authority, Vol. 1. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 1999.

Reyburn, William D. Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: Identification in the Missionary Task. Pasadena, CA: William Perry Library, 1992.


[1] Elizabeth S. and E. Thomas Brewster Brewster, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: The Difference Bonding Makes (Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 1992), 467-469.

[2] ibid., 466.

[3] Ibid.

[4] ibid., 466-467.

[5] ibid., 469.

[6] William D. Reyburn, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: Identification in the Missionary Task (Pasadena, CA: William Perry Library, 1992).

[7] ibid., 474-476.

[8] Carl Ferdinand Howard Henry, God, Revelation, and Authority, Vol. 1 (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 1999), 396.

[9] Ibid.

Note to Facebook Readers: Please be brave and wrestle with the questions at the beginning of this post. Then answer them in reply my friends. I want to know your experiences on mission work on Facebook and how you learned to adapt to different culture difficulties.

Bible Search!

Witnessing Christ to a “good” person, she points out that she was raised by the best parents, learned to control the few sins she was born with, and was 99.9% sin-free. She stressed that her parents were the best sinless parents in the world, and when they died without Christ, God still saw their goodness and assumed them into Heaven. If her good parents are NOT in Heaven, then it could NOT be worthy of her presence either.

What Scripture verses would you use to show her God’s Truth through His Word concerning salvation and her need for Christ?

Don’t worry: I’m NOT going to knock on your door!

I am not going to force my belief upon you. I’m not going to go door to door with the assumption that only my belief is the correct one, and be vain enough to try to get you to believe my ways. I’m not going to stand on a platform and preach Hell and damnation so I can scare you. I’m not going to lead a revival of emotions to trick you into coming closer to God. I’m not going to have a weekly altar call that requires non-believers to go to the front of the church and be confronted by a good deal of emotion and confusion. If you invite me to one of your functions, I will seldom speak of my Lord Jesus Christ unless the conversation is first initiated by you. I am NEVER going to reject seekers of Christ and His things, no matter how different they are from me. I am not going to post a bunch of nonsense on the social media pages that is popularly spread amongst people that makes them feel good when they share the posts. I’m not going to act holier than you; nor am I going to act lower than you; I’m just going to be myself.

But, be forewarned, I am a very strong Christian leader, with constant and true faith in my Lord Jesus Christ. I take my assignments for the jobs He has given me to do very, very seriously. Almost all of my waking, and some of my sleeping moments involve planning and leading activities to reach the goals of my Lord. That’s why I sometimes don’t make good conversation. I am always thinking of the Lord’s work; social niceties often are difficult for me to navigate. And by the way, the closer I come to God through my Lord Jesus Christ, the more righteous and holy I do become. Yet, I always remain me; maybe a little bit better than before me…but I am still me.

I do not look like a Christian leader. I am extremely cognizant of my deteriorating looks. I do the best I can, but it is never enough to look my part. But, those that get to know me spiritually, honor and uphold my journey and respect my decisions. Most look to me to guide them to the places they should be in Christ’s world. We baptize more people yearly, on the average, than do the churches in our area. Though our creeks run cold most of the time, we’ve got access to warm water tanks, should old bones need it. Yearly, people we don’t even know knock on our door and ask for Bible Studies. We have many Bible studies with many student groups who are always different. I write Bible Studies specifically for the participating students of each group, guided by the Holy Spirit, in order that they are spiritually restored and moved closer to God. With the professional help of Joanne, we are able to counsel sexual abuse victims, drug and alcohol addicts, prisoners, oddballs, and your general broken people found everywhere amongst the unchurched.

Our ministry has missionaries and our teachings in every country of the world. Many of our missionaries are in dangerous places that we must continually watch out for to ensure their protection. We are known by the various governments, have been vetted often by the United States Pentagon, Army, CIA, and law enforcement agencies. Many foreign governments also monitor our teachings, and continue to allows us to place them on their internet; many have embraced Christ as their Savior because of these opportunities! We even have a pin in our ministry map for a place called “Hell.” We suspect it is a foreign country name, but that is how it was reported, so we stuck a pin in it! We proudly provided many Bible Studies, including our books to soldiers in danger in the Iraq wars. We also provided a training and counseling place for Chaplains during this wartime, and we were honored to gather together almost 500 chaplains with the Army and Pentagon into a group ministry. All of us were blessed to figure ways of accessing and including God in the midst of horror and despair. What a ministry life we have lived!

So, all of the new people meeting us, that’s what we do. We do our jobs very well for the LORD God and we try our hardest to be perfect in delivering His teachings to others. Sometimes our personal lives suffer, and people leave because they cannot rise up to the spiritual level that Joanne and I must maintain. It breaks our heart each time; sometimes more than others. But, we have to choose the life that God demands us to live and pray for those that must leave our presence that the seeds we have planted are not thrown away, but quietly waiting a regrowth and regeneration. Prayer is all we have in many situations.

I am me. I am different than most. But, if you are a part of Joanne’s and my spiritual life, you know us and love us just as much as we love you. It’s the way God made people in His Kingdom, and it promises to be just a small foretaste of what will come when this old earth comes to an end. I can hardly wait for the pains and disappointments of this life to be over on that Promised Day and finally be able to stand in the presence of my Lord!


I agree with a writer that Scripture (1 Timothy 2:12) is clear that women cannot be a Pastor in a church according to Paul’s standards. If a woman assumes authority of a Pastor, she will be wrong. God will NOT give a woman authority to be in charge of men’s souls as a shepherd in Church settings. Thus, a woman Pastor, even if she speaks with the Holy Spirit, or is a wise woman, or a highly educated woman, she will NEVER hold authority over men inside a church. Thus, what she says from the pulpit is a suggestion, not a command of authority, which can lead people wrongly. Agreed?

So here is the million dollar question:

Men and women, do you give your Church Pastor full authority over guiding your soul? If NOT, why NOT?

Becker Professional Theology Academy and Becker Bible Ministries, Inc.

Becker Bible Ministries, Inc. is an American NON-PROFIT 501(c) (3) legally formed, in good standing Institution. Becker Professional Theology Academy is our present school which we use to train up and ordain those qualified students to represent our ministries.

There has been a terrible law change. Though we are in very good standing with all governments that we operate within, our state government for which we are registered has decided to charge us $5000.00 per student to offer them a diploma. We believe it is to give them government control over what we teach, how we teach it, and who we teach it to. Further, we suspect that the State likes to have money coming in for all kinds of licensing’s, and they have found a new way to make money.

This is not acceptable to Becker Bible Ministries. We have taken the following steps:

1. I have moved my business and declared a new state as residency.

2. I have dissolved the Non-Profit part of our organization, which removes most government control off of us.

3. I stay committed to offering Bible Studies to Christian leaders and others that are brought to me by the LORD God.

4. If you are one of the thousands that have enrolled in some of our classes, your transcripts are preserved.

5. My prayers to the Lord have been reassuring. However, I am not certain what form these teachings will take, and maybe not even where they will be. Wherever we go, it will have to be FREE of CONTROL and allow me to teach the Word of God FREE of CHARGE.

6. Though this transition will be difficult, I recommend you follow me here on Facebook. The things I put on here, are some of the things you should learn anyway.

7. And please give me your spiritual support as much as you can. 2023 was a terrible year!

I recommend you participate as fully as you can in discussions on Facebook and stay present in these postings. Let me see you adding significant discussion and supporting the ideas of Becker Bible Ministries.

We all know the things that are indicative of these approaching Last Days. This dissolution of our Non-Profit is just one of many attacks that will be coming towards Christians and trying to disrupt the teaching of the Word of God. While we have Facebook, we will use it, and look to God to help us establish a FREE place that is not in the hands of Government Control.

Stay in your lane if God is in it!

Recently, I’ve been trying to get various Christian leaders on Facebook to realize how invaluable their ministry is going! Many of them are starting to get known on Facebook and are being asked to expand their ministry on Facebook and move to preaching and teaching in a virtual or real brick and mortar.

Facebook ministries that I am seeing in these Last Days are reaching more people with the Word of God, Encouragement, Testimony, Warnings, Praise, Guidance, and Love, with much more hidden contact than we will ever know. Though it seems safer to move on up to the brick and mortar churches, and certainly more profitable and popular reputation builder, it seems counterintuitive to the things God is moving in these times.

Staying in our lane that God has placed us in our ministry using Facebook seems like the wisest and easiest choice to reach everyone God chooses us to reach. In-country missionaries of the past should be applauded and upheld for their tremendous works done for the Lord in scary and destitute places. But now, God’s ministry is speeding up to reach everyone that can be reached by His choice.

I believe that Facebook, at this moment, is developing into becoming one of the furthest reaching vehicles we have. Christian Leaders! Stay in your lane, and don’t leave us alone. Every ministry that is based on the Word of God fully is needed in these tough times!


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