Hebrews Index

Hebrews 1

1:1-4 God has spoken by his Son
1:5-14 The Son superior to angels

Hebrews 2

2:1-4 So great salvation
2:5-18 Christ’s work of salvation

Hebrews 3

3:1-6 Christ superior to Moses
3:7-19 Under Moses Israel failed to believe

Hebrews 4

4:1-13 The present danger of unbelief
4:14-16 The sympathetic Christ

Hebrews 5

5:1-10 Christ, the High Priest
5:11-14 An appeal to believe

Hebrews 6

6:1-12 An appeal to believe (continued)
6:13-20 An anchor of the soul

Hebrews 7

7:1-10 The priestly order of Melchizedek
7:11-28 Aaronic priesthood inferior to Christ’s

Hebrews 8

8:1-5 Christ, the High Priest
8:6-13 The new covenant

Hebrews 9

9:1-14 The old and the new covenants contrasted
9:15-28 The sacrifice of Christ establishes the new covenant

Hebrews 10

10:1-18 The failure of the old covenant
10:19-39 A plea to hold to the new faith

Hebrews 11

11:1-3 By faith we understand
11:4-7 Faith at the dawn of history
11:8-12 Faithful Abraham
11:13-16 The heavenly hope
11:17-22 The faith of patriarchs
11:23-29 The faith of Moses
11:30-40 By faith they overcame

Hebrews 12

12:1-2 Run the race
12:3-11 God’s discipline
12:12-29 Warning against disobedience

Hebrews 13

13:1-17 Service well-pleasing to God
13:18-25 Benediction