
Nehemiah was in the high position of cupbearer to the king when he learned that Jerusalem was in great affliction and reproach. He was successful in having himself appointed as governor in Judah with authority and resources to rebuild the city walls. He was a man of skill and daring, as he surveyed the walls at night to avoid detection, then assembled labor forces and supervised the building process. After the wall was completed, he took measures to increase the population of Jerusalem and to correct social, economic and religious abuses. Nehemiah was a wise and courageous man with deep piety and strong convictions, with an invincible determination to complete the tasks for which the LORD God had called him to do. The book of Nehemiah is believed to be authored by him, and most probably taken from a personal diary that he kept.

Nehemiah 1

1:1-3 Nehemiah learns the misery of Jerusalem
1:4-11 Nehemiah’s prayer for Jerusalem

Nehemiah 2

2:1-10 Nehemiah sent to Jerusalem
2:11-20 Nehemiah encourages people to rebuild walls

Nehemiah 3

3:1-32 The builders of the wall

Nehemiah 4

4:1-3 Nehemiah opposed and ridiculed
4:4-12 Nehemiah answers by prayers
4:13-23 Nehemiah arms the laborers

Nehemiah 5

5:1-5 Complaints of debt, interest, and bondage
5:6-13 The payment of interest abolished
5:14-19 Nehemiah’s example of unselfishness

Nehemiah 6

6:1-14 The plots of the adversaries
6:15-19 The wall is finished

Nehemiah 7

7:1-4 Nehemiah appoints rulers for Jerusalem
7:5-73 List of returning exiles

Nehemiah 8

8:1-12 Ezra reads and explains the Law
8:13-18 Feast of tabernacles restored

Nehemiah 9

9:1-3 The people fast and repent
9:4-38 Confession of priests and Levites

Nehemiah 10

10:1-39 Those who sealed the covenant

Nehemiah 11

11:1-36 The residents of Jerusalem

Nehemiah 12

12:1-26 Priests and Levites who went up with Zerubbabel
12:27-43 The dedication of the walls
12:44-47 The temple offices restored

Nehemiah 13

13:1-31 Nehemiah’s reforms



Ezra, had a royal commission that authorized him to “inquire concerning Judah and Jerusalem, according to the law of thy God” (v. 14). As a result, he and Nehemiah focused Israel’s new identity on the LORD GOD’s law brought forward from Moses. Israel was forced to focus on the form and content of religious life and practice, as the Babylon exiles returned as faithful Israelites, and reestablished their temple worship.

There were three groups of returns from Babylon to Judah. The first led to the rebuilding of the Temple of the LORD, the second was under Ezra, and was focused on reformation and returning to their covenant obligations, and the third was led by Nehemiah. The identity of the author of this book cannot be established with certainty, however, Jewish tradition names Ezra as the original author, with Nehemiah completing his work. Most modern scholars agree with this attribute to Ezra, “the chronicler”.

Ezra 1

1:1-4 Proclamation of Cyrus
1:5-11 The return of the exiles to Jerusalem

Ezra 2

2:1-70 Those who returned from captivity

Ezra 3

3:1-7 The restoration of worship
3:8-13 The rebuilding of the temple begun

Ezra 4

4:1-16 Adversaries seek to stop the work
4:17-24 The work suspended

Ezra 5

5:1-17 The temple rebuilt

Ezra 6

6:1-12 Darius confirms the decree of Cyrus
6:13-15 The temple finished
6:16-22 The passover restored

Ezra 7

7:1-10 Ezra goes to Jerusalem
7:11-26 Commission of Artaxerxes
7:27-28 Ezra’s Thanksgiving

Ezra 8

8:1-14 List of Ezra’s companions
8:15-20 Ezra sends for the Levites
8:21-23 Ezra Proclaims a fast
8:24-30 The treasure committed for the priests
8:31-36 Ezra’s arrival in Jerusalem

Ezra 9

9:1-15 Ezra’s prayer of confession

Ezra 10

10:1-17 Foreign wives and children put away
10:18-44 Those who put away foreign wives

2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles

The Book of 2 Chronicles was originally one book with 1 Chronicles in the Hebrew text. The one “Things Left Behind” text was divided by translators of the Septuagint. The book of Chronicles was written by the priests of Israel (often attributed specifically to Ezra in Jewish Tradition), and places focus on the religious institutions of Israel – the temple, priesthood, offerings and feasts. The individual reigns of the descendants of David are covered, from Solomon until the fall of Jerusalem under Zedekiah.

2 Chronicles 1

1:1-13 Solomon’s prayer for wisdom
1:14-17 Solomon’s wealth and might

2 Chronicles 2

2:1-10 Solomon prepares to build the temple
2:11-18 Huram agrees to help Solomon

2 Chronicles 3

3:1-2 Solomon begins the temple
3:3-14 Dimensions and materials of the temple
3:15-17 The two pillars

2 Chronicles 4

4:1-22 The furnishings of the temple

2 Chronicles 5

5:1-14 The ark brought into the temple

2 Chronicles 6

6:1-11 Solomon blesses God and the people
6:12-42 Solomon’s prayer of dedication

2 Chronicles 7

7:1-3 The Glory of the LORD fills the temple

7:4-11 The sacrifice and rejoicing
7:12-22 The Lord’s covenant with Solomon

2 Chronicles 8

8:1-18 Solomon’s activities and fame

2 Chronicles 9

9:1-12 The queen of Sheba visits Solomon
9:13-28 Solomon’s riches and fame
9:29-31 The death of Solomon

2 Chronicles 10

10:1-11 Rehoboam succeeds Solomon
10:12-15 Rehoboam’s foolish decision
10:16-19 Israel’s revolt

2 Chronicles 11

11:1-4 Rehoboam dissuaded from fighting Israel
11:5-13 Rehoboam fortifies his kingdom
11:14-17 Jeroboam rejects the worship of the Lord
11:18-23 Rehoboam’s family

2 Chronicles 12

12:1 Apostasy of Rehoboam
12:2-12 Shishak’s invasion of Judah
12:13-16 The death of Rehoboam

2 Chronicles 13

13:1-2 Abijah reigns over Judah
13:3-20 The war between Abijah and Jeroboam
13:21-22 The family of Abijah

2 Chronicles 14

14:1-8 Asa reigns over Judah
14:9-15 Asa’s victory over Zerah

2 Chronicles 15

15:1-7 Warning of the prophet Azariah
15:8-19 The reforms under Asa

2 Chronicles 16

16:1-6 Asa’s league with Benhadad
16:7-12 Asa rebuked by Hanani
16:13-14 Asa’s illness and death

2 Chronicles 17

17:1-5 Jehoshaphat succeeds Asa
17:6-9 Revival under Jehoshaphat
17:10-19 Jehoshaphat’s power increased

2 Chronicles 18

18:1-3 Jehoshaphat’s alliance with Ahab
18:4-11 Ahab’s false prophets
18:12-27 Micaiah’s true prophecy
18:28-34 Defeat of Jehoshaphat and death of Ahab

2 Chronicles 19

19:1-3 Jehu rebukes Jehoshaphat
19:4-11 Jehoshaphat’s additional reforms

2 Chronicles 20

20:1-2 Moab invades Judah
20:3-12 Jehoshphat prays for deliverance
20:13-19 Jehaziel promises a great deliverance
20:20-25 The invading armies stricken with death
20:26-30 The triumphant return to Jerusalem
20:31-37 Jehoshaphat reigns over Judah

2 Chronicles 21

21:1-7 Jehoram reigns over Judah
21:8-10 Edom and Libnah revolt
21:11-15 Elijah’s prophecy against Jehoram
21:16-17 The Philistines and the Arabians invade Judah
21:18-20 Jehoram’s illness and death

2 Chronicles 22

22:1-6 Ahaziah reigns wickedly over Judah
22:7-9 Jehu kills Ahaziah
22:10-12 Athaliah unsurps the throne

2 Chronicles 23

23:1-11 Joash become king over Judah
23:12-15 Athaliah is slain
23:16-21 The revival through Jehoiada

2 Chronicles 24

24:1-3 Joash reigns well in Judah
24:4-14 Joash repairs the temple
24:15-16 Jehoiada the good priest dies
24:17-19 Joash turns to idolatry
24:20-22 Son of Jehoiada slain
24:23-27 The Syrians invade and defeat Judah

2 Chronicles 25

25:1-4 Amaziah reigns over Judah
25:5-16 Amaziah defeats Edom
25:17-28 War between Judah and Israel

2 Chronicles 26

26:1-5 Uzziah succeeds Amaziah
26:6-15 Uzziah prospers in war and fame
26:16-23 Uzziah unsurps the priest’s office

2 Chronicles 27

27:1-9 Jotham reigns over Judah

2 Chronicles 28

28:1-4 Ahaz reigns over Judah
28:5-15 War between Ahaz and Pekah
28:16-27 Edomites and Philistines invade Judah

2 Chronicles 29

29:1-2 Hezekiah reigns over Judah
29:3-19 The revival under Hezekiah
29:20-36 The temple worship restored

2 Chronicles 30

30:1-14 Preparation for the Passover
30:15-27 The celebration of the Passover

2 Chronicles 31

31:1 The idols destroyed
31:2-21 Hezekiah’s provision for priests and Levites

2 Chronicles 32

32:1-19 Sennacherib invades Judah
32:20-23 The Lord delivers Hezekiah
32:24-26 Hezekiah’s illness and recovery
32:27-31 Hezekiah receives envoys from Babylon
32:32-33 The death of Hezekiah

2 Chronicles 33

33:1-10 Manasseh reigns over Judah
33:11-20 Manasseh’s captivity and restoration
33:21-25 Amon reigns over Judah

2 Chronicles 34

34:1-2 Josiah reigns over Judah
34:3-7 Josiah’s reforms
34:8-13 Josiah repairs the temple
34:14-21 The Book of the Law discovered
34:22-28 Huldah’s prophecy
34:29-33 Josiah’s covenant

2 Chronicles 35

35:1-19 Josiah keeps the Passover
35:20-27 The death of Josiah

2 Chronicles 36

36:1-4 The reign and dethronement of Jehoahaz
36:5-8 Jehoiakim reigns over Judah
36:9-10 Jehoiachin taken captive to Babylon
36:11-16 Zedekiah reigns over Judah
36:17-21 The captivity of Judah
36:22-23 Decree of Cyrus to build the temple

1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles

The author of 1 Chronicles is unknown, but Jewish tradition assigns the authorship to Ezra. The books of Chronicles were originally one book in the Hebrew text. They became separated into two books by the translators of the Greek version of the Old Testament. These translators gave the books a title meaning “Things Left Behind” – that is, details not included in Samuel and Kings. The Hebrew title, “Daily Matters,” like the English title “Chronicles”, reveals the most important daily affairs in the lives of Israel’s kings. The theme of Chronicles records how Judah and the people of God responded to the standards revealed by the LORD GOD, and places special focus on the covenant with David.

1 Chronicles 1

1:1-4 Descendants of Adam
1:5-7 Descendants of Japheth
1:8-16 Descendants of Ham
1:17-23 Descendants of Shem
1:24-27 Shem’s line to Abraham
1:28-33 Descendants of Ishmael and Keturah
1:34-54 Descendants of Esau

1 Chronicles 2

2:1-2 The sons of Israel
2:3-55 Descendants of Judah

1 Chronicles 3

3:1-9 Descendants of David
3:10-24 Descendants of Solomon

1 Chronicles 4

4:1-23 Descendants of Judah
4:24-43 Descendants of Simeon

1 Chronicles 5

5:1-10 Descendants of Reuben
5:11-17 Descendants of Gad
5:18-26 History of the two and a half tribes

1 Chronicles 6

6:1-30 Descendants of Levi
6:31-48 The temple singers and keepers
6:49-53 Descendants of Aaron
6:54-81 Cities of the Levites

1 Chronicles 7

7:1-5 Descendants of Issachar
7:6-12 Descendants of Benjamin
7:13 Descendants of Naphtali
7:14-19 Descendants of Manasseh
7:20-29 Descendants of Ephraim
7:30-40 Descendants of Asher

1 Chronicles 8

8:1-32 Descendants of Benjamin
8:33-40 Descendants of Saul

1 Chronicles 9

9:1-9 The genealogies of Israel and Judah
9:10-34 Priests and Levites in Jerusalem
9:35-44 Genealogy of Saul

1 Chronicles 10

10:1-14 The death of Saul and his sons

1 Chronicles 11

11:1-3 David made king over all Israel
11:4-9 David captures Zion
11:10-47 The mighty men of David

1 Chronicles 12

12:1-40 The army of David

1 Chronicles 13

13:1-8 David’s desire to remove the ark
13:9-14 Uzza is smitten

1 Chronicles 14

14:1-2 Hiram’s kindness to David
14:3-7 Children born to David in Jerusalem
14:8-17 David’s victories over the Philistines

1 Chronicles 15

15:1-29 David brings the ark to Jerusalem
1 Chronicles 16

16:1-6 David’s sacrifice and thanks
16:7-36 David’s psalm of thanksgiving
16:37-43 The Levites appointed for the ark

1 Chronicles 17

17:1-15 God’s covenant with David
17:16-27 David’s prayer and thanksgiving

1 Chronicles 18

18:1-17 David extends his kingdom

1 Chronicles 19

19:1-5 David’s messengers humiliated
19:6-15 David defeats Ammon
19:16-19 David defeats the Syrians

1 Chronicles 20

20:1-3 Joab and David capture Rabbah
20:4-8 The Philistine giants slain

1 Chronicles 21

21:1-6 David numbers Israel and Judah
21:7-17 David chooses his punishment
21:18-30 David builds an altar

1 Chronicles 22

22:1-5 David’s preparation for the temple
22:6-19 David’s instructions to Solomon

1 Chronicles 23

23:1 David makes Solomon king
23:2-23 Divisions and duties of the Levites
23:24-32 New office of the Levites

1 Chronicles 24

24:1-19 Aaron’s sons divided into twenty-four lots
24:20-25 The divisions of the Kohathites
24:26-31 The divisions of the Merarites

1 Chronicles 25

25:1-31 The divisions of the musicians

1 Chronicles 26

26:1-32 The porters and overseers

1 Chronicles 27

27:1-34 The officers of the kingdom

1 Chronicles 28

28:1-8 David’s counsel to Israel
28:9-21 David encourages Solomon to build the temple

1 Chronicles 29

29:1-9 David exhorts the people
29:10-19 David’s thanksgiving and prayer
29:20-25 Solomon made king
29:26-30 The death of David

2 Kings

2 Kings

The author of 2 Kings is unknown, but Jewish tradition supports Jeremiah. The books of Kings were originally contained within one book of Hebrew text, and was part of a two-volume collection with the books of Samuel. Therefore, 2 Kings is actually the fourth book in the series on the history of the Hebrew Kings as presently arranged. The accountings serves as the final account of the demise of the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah, and correlates historical facts with theological truths. The providential care of the LORD God for his people, as He acts in the affairs of men and nations is recorded here for all to witness the true and living Will and Works of Him.

2 Kings 1

1:1-16 The death of Ahaziah
1:17-18 Jehoram succeeds Ahaziah

2 Kings 2

2:1-11 Elijah divides the Jordan
2:12-18 Elisha divides the Jordan
2:19-25 Elisha heals Jericho’s water

2 Kings 3

3:1-3 Jehoram reigns over Israel
3:4-20 Elisha predicts victory over Moab
3:21-27 Moab defeated
2 Kings 4

4:1-7 The widow’s oil
4:8-37 Elisha and the Shunammite women
4:38-44 Elisha’s miracles for the prophets

2 Kings 5

5:1-14 The cure of Naaman’s leprosy
5:15-19 Elisha declines Naaman’s gifts
5:20-27 The sin and punishment of Elisha’s servant

2 Kings 6

6:1-7 The axe head made to float
6:8-23 Elisha and the Syrians
6:24-29 The siege of Samaria
6:30-33 Benhadad seeks Elisha’s life

2 Kings 7

7:1-4 Elisha’s prophecy and promises of plenty
7:5-15 The flight of the Syrians
7:16-20 Elisha’s prophecy is fulfilled

2 Kings 8

8:1-6 The land of the Shunammite restored
8:7-15 Hazael becomes king of Syria
8:16-24 Jehoram reigns over Judah
8:25-29 Ahaziah reigns over Judah

2 Kings 9

9:1-13 Jehu anointed king over Israel
9:14-26 Jehu kills Joram king of Israel
9:27-29 Jehu kills Ahaziah king of Judah
9:30-37 The death of Jezebel

2 Kings 10

10:1-17 Jehu destroyed the house of Ahab
10:18-31 Jehu slays the worshipers of Baal
10:32-36 The oppression of Israel

2 Kings 11

11:1 Athaliah destroys the royal seed
11:2-11 Joash is saved
11:12-15 Joash becomes king over Judah
11:16-21 Athaliah is slain

2 Kings 12

12:1-21 Jehoash reigns over Judah

2 Kings 13

13:1-9 Jehoahaz reigns over Israel
13:10-13 Jehoash reigns over Israel
13:14-25 Elisha’s final prophecy and death

2 Kings 14

14:1-22 Amaziah reigns over Judah
14:23-29 Jeroboam reigns over Israel

2 Kings 15

15:1-7 Azariah reigns over Judah
15:8-12 Zechariah reigns over Israel
15:13-16 Shallum reigns over Israel
15:17-22 Menahem reigns over Israel
15:23-26 Pekahiah reigns over Israel
15:27-31 Peka reigns over Israel
15:32-38 Jotham reigns over Judah

2 Kings 16

16:1-18 Ahaz reigns over Judah
16:19-20 Hezekiah reigns over Judah

2 Kings 17

17:1-4 Hoshea reigns over Israel
17:5-23 The fall of the Samaria and the captivity of Israel
17:24-41 The repopulation of the Samaria

2 Kings 18

18:1-12 Hezekiah reigns over Judah
18:13-37 Sennacherib invades Judah

2 Kings 19

19:1-7 Hezekiah’s message to Isaiah
19:8-13 Sennacherib’s letter to Hezekiah
19:14-19 The prayer of Hezekiah
19:20-37 Isaiah’s prophecy and Judah’s deliverance

2 Kings 20

20:1-11 Hezekiah’s sickness and recovery
20:12-19 Hezekiah receives envoys from Babylon
20:20-21 The death of Hezekiah

2 Kings 21

21:1-18 Manasseh reigns over Judah
21:19-26 Amon reigns over Judah

2 Kings 22

22:1-7 Josiah reigns over Judah
22:8-14 The Book of the Law discovered
22:15-20 The prophecy of Huldah

2 Kings 23

23:1-3 Josiah’s covenant
23:4-20 Josiah’s reforms
23:21-23 The Passover restored
23:24-27 The Lord’s anger against Judah
23:28-30 The death of Josiah
23:31-35 Jehoahaz reigns over Judah
23:36-37 Jehoiakim reigns over Judah

2 Kings 24

24:1-7 Jehoiakim subdued by Nebuchadnezzar
24:8-17 Jehoiachin taken captive to Babylon
24:18-20 Zedekiah reigns over Judah

2 Kings 25

25:1-7 The fall of Jerusalem
25:8-21 The captivity of Judah
25:22-26 The remnant flee to Egypt
25:27-30 Jehoiachin restored and honored in Babylon

1 Kings

1 Kings

The identity of the author of Kings is unknown, although Jewish tradition holds that its author was Jeremiah. The books of Kings were originally contained within one volume of Hebrew text. The two books contain an account of Israel’s kings, priests and prophets, and the spiritual activities of God’s covenant people, with the historical accuracy confirmed repeatedly. The books of Kings should not be read for just it’s historical content, but as a focus and record of God’s reward for obedience and faithfulness, and His Judgment of disobedience, as His people vacillated between His Will and their natures.

1 Kings 1

1:1-4 Abishag ministers to David
1:5-27 Adonijah plots to seize the throne
1:28-31 David’s oath to Bathsheba
1:32-53 Solomon made king

1 Kings 2

2:1-9 David’s charge to Solomon
2:10-12 The death of David
2:13-25 Adonijah is put to death
2:26-27 Abiathar deprived of the priesthood
2:28-35 Joab is put to death
2:36-46 Shimei is put to death

1 Kings 3

3:1-2 Solomon marries Pharaoh’s daughter
3:3-15 Solomon prays for wisdom
3:16-28 Solomon’s wisdom and prosperity

1 Kings 4

4:1-20 Solomon’s princes and officers
4:21-28 Solomon’s daily provision
4:29-34 Solomon’s wisdom

1 Kings 5

5:1-18 Solomon’s agreement with King Hiram

1 Kings 6

6:1-38 Solomon builds the temple

1 Kings 7

7:1-12 The other buildings of Solomon
7:13-22 Hiram of Tyre employed by Solomon
7:23-51 The furnishings of the temple

1 Kings 8

8:1-11 The ark brought into the temple
8:12-21 Solomon dedicates the temple
8:22-61 Solomon’s prayer
8:62-66 Solomon makes a sacrifice

1 Kings 9

9:1-9 God’s covenant with Solomon
9:10-28 Further activities of Solomon

1 Kings 10

10:1-13 The queen of Sheba visits Solomon
10:14-29 Solomon’s riches and fame

1 Kings 11

11:1-8 Solomon’s wives and idolatry
11:9-13 God’s anger against Solomon
11:14-40 The adversaries of Solomon
11:41-43 The death of Solomon

1 Kings 12

12:1-15 Rehoboam made king
12:16-24 Israel revolts and makes Jeroboam king
12:25-33 Jeroboam leads Israel to sin

1 Kings 13

13:1-10 A prophet of Judah warns Jeroboam
13:11-32 The disobedience and death of the prophet
13:33-34 The obstinacy of Jeroboam

1 Kings 14

14:1-4 Jeroboam sends his wife to Ahijah
14:5-20 Ahijah’s prophecy against Jeroboam
14:21-31 The reign of Rehoboam

1 Kings 15

15:1-8 The wicked reign of Abijam
15:9-15 Asa’s reign in Judah
15:16-24 Asa’s league with Benhadad
15:25-31 The evil reign of Nadab
15:32-34 Baasha’s reign in Israel

1 Kings 16

16:1-7 Jehu’s prophecy against Baasha
16:8-20 The reigns of Elah and Zimri over Israel
16:21-27 Omri’s reign over Israel
16:28-30 Ahab’s reign over Israel
16:31-34 Ahab marries Jezebel

1 Kings 17

17:1 Elijah predicts drought
17:2-7 Elijah fed by the ravens
17:8-16 Elijah and widow of Zarephath
17:17-24 Elijah raises the widow’s son

1 Kings 18

18:1-14 Elijah returns to Ahab
18:15-19 Elijah reproves Ahab
18:20-40 The contest on Mount Carmel
18:41-46 Elijah prays for rain

1 Kings 19

19:1-7 Elijah flees from Jezebel
19:8-18 Elijah flees to Horeb
19:19-21 The call of Elisha

1 Kings 20

20:1-12 Benhadad besieges Samaria
20:13-30 Ahab defeats the Syrians
20:31-34 Ahab spares the life of Benhadad
20:35-43 The prophet reproves Ahab

1 Kings 21

21:1-4 Ahab denied the vineyard of Naboth
21:5-16 Jezebel plots Naboth’s death
21:17-26 Elijah pronounces Ahab’s doom
21:27-29 Ahab’s repentance

1 Kings 22

22:1-12 Ahab seduced by false prophets
22:13-28 Micaiah’s true prophecy
22:29-40 The death of Ahab
22:41-50 Jehoshaphat’s reign over Judah
22:51-53 Ahaziah’s reign over Israel

2 Samuel

2 Samuel

First and 2 Samuel were originally one book in the Hebrew Canon, but were divided by the translators of the Septuagint. Originally, 2 Samuel was called 2 Kings, as it is in the Latin Vulgate. The book now bears the name of the first principal character to appear in 1 Samuel. The content of 2 Samuel deals with the life and reign of King David and could have been entitled the Book of David. Second Samuel serves as a transition from the reign of Saul to the reign of David, as it picks up the narration where 1 Samuel left off. The Davidic covenant is clearly set forth, and includes God’s promise to perpetuate the line of David until the coming of the Messiah, as it bears record of God’s providential protection of the dynasty and His covenant people, Israel.

2 Samuel 1

1:1-16 David learns of Saul’s death
1:17-27 David laments over Saul and Jonathan

2 Samuel 2

2:1-7 David made king over Judah
2:8-32 David fights against the house of Saul

2 Samuel 3

3:1-5 Six sons born to David at Hebron
3:6-21 Abner’s desertion to David
3:22-39 Joab kills Abner

2 Samuel 4

4:1-8 Ishbosheth murdered by his brothers
4:9-12 David puts the murderers to death

2 Samuel 5

5:1-5 David made king over Israel
5:6-10 David takes Zion
5:11-12 Hiram’s recognition of David
5:13-16 Eleven sons born to David in Jerusalem
5:17-25 David defeats the Philistines

2 Samuel 6

6:1-11 David brings the ark
6:12-19 The ark brought to Zion
6:20-23 David reproves Michal

2 Samuel 7

7:1-3 David plans to build a temple
7:4-29 God’s covenant with David

2 Samuel 8

8:1-13 David extends his kingdom
8:14-18 David’s officers

2 Samuel 9

9:1-8 David’s kindness to Mephibosheth
9:9-13 David restores Saul’s land to Mephibosheth

2 Samuel 10

10:1-19 The defeat of the Ammonites and Syrians

2 Samuel 11

11:1-27 David and Bathsheba

2 Samuel 12

12:1-12 Nathan rebukes David
12:13-23 David’s repentance and sorrow
12:24-25 The birth of Solomon
12:26-31 David captures Rabbah

2 Samuel 13:

13:1-19 Amnon’s sin against Tamar
13:20-33 Absalom’s revenge
13:34-39 Absalom’s flight

2 Samuel 14

14:1-24 Joab’s scheme for Absalom’s return
14:25-33 Absalom returns to David’s court

2 Samuel 15

15:1-12 Absalom revolts against David
15:13-37 David flees from Jerusalem

2 Samuel 16

16:1-4 Ziba’s deceit
16:5-14 Shimei curses David
16:15-23 Absalom enters Jerusalem

2 Samuel 17

17:1-14 The counsel of Ahithophel and Hushai
17:15-22 Hushai reports secretly to David
17:23-29 Ahithophel hangs himself

2 Samuel 18

18:1-8 Absalom and Israel defeated
18:9-33 Absalom murdered by Joab

2 Samuel 19

19:1-14 Joab causes the king to cease from mourning
19:15-43 David returns to Jerusalem

2 Samuel 20

20:1-13 Sheba revolts against David
20:14-22 Sheba is slain
20:23-26 The officers of David

2 Samuel 21

21:1-14 Seven sons of Saul hanged
21:15-17 Abishai rescues David from the giant
21:18-22 The Philistines giants slain by David’s men

2 Samuel 22

22:1-51 David’s song of deliverance

2 Samuel 23

23:1-7 The last words of David
23:8-39 David’s mighty men

2 Samuel 24

24:1-9 David numbers Israel and Judah
24:10-25 God punishes David

1 Samuel

1 Samuel

The books of Samuel were originally one book in the Hebrew Canon until it was divided into by the translators of the Greek Old Testament, the Septuagint, who viewed Samuel and Kings together as the “Books of the Kingdoms.” The author of the two books is unknown, but according to Jewish tradition, Samuel, the priest, prophet and the last judge of Israel, wrote the first portion of the book, with support from the prophets Nathan and Gad. Samuel tells of Israel’s cry for a king, the resultant selection of Saul as it’s first king, the failure of Saul and the growing contest between Saul and David. The period covers nearly a century of Israelite history, but it is much more than historically important. The central theme of the books centers on the appointment of a righteous king, David, which leads to the King of Kings, Israel’s Messiah and the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ coming.

1 Samuel 1

1:1-8 Elkanah and his wives
1:9-18 Hannah’s prayer and vow
1:19-28 The birth of Samuel

1 Samuel 2

2:1-11 The song of Hannah
2:12-36 The sins of Eli’s sons

1 Samuel 3

3:1-9 The Lord calls Samuel
3:10-21 Samuel warns Eli

1 Samuel 4

4:1-9 Israel defeated by the Philistines
4:10-11 The Philistines capture the ark
4:12-22 The death of Eli

1 Samuel 5

5:1-5 The ark among the Philistines
5:6-12 The Philistines smitten

1 Samuel 6

6:1-21 The Philistines return the ark

1 Samuel 7

7:1-2 The ark in the house of Abinadeb
7:3-6 Samuel leads Israel to repentance
7:7-14 Israel defeats the Philistines
7:15-17 Samuel judges Israel

1 Samuel 8

8:1-3 Samuel makes his sons judges
8:4-22 Israel asks for a king

1 Samuel 9

9:1-27 Saul chosen king

1 Samuel 10

10:1-8 Samuel anoints Saul
10:9-16 Saul’s heart is changed
10:17-27 Saul installed as king at Mizpeh

1 Samuel 11

11:1-11 Saul defeats the Ammonites
11:12-15 Saul confirmed king at Gilgal

1 Samuel 12

12:1-18 Samuel’s address to the people
12:19-25 Samuel asks Israel to serve God

1 Samuel 13

13:1-7 Israel in distress
13:8-12 Saul unsurps the priest’s office
13:13-23 Samuel reproves Saul

1 Samuel 14

14:1-15 Jonathan smites the Philistines
14:16-23 The Philistines destroy one another
14:24-42 Saul’s curse
14:43-46 The people save Jonathan
14:47-52 Saul’s victories and family tree

1 Samuel 15

15:1-5 Saul asked to destroy Amalek
15:6-9 Saul spares Agag
15:10-23 God rejects Saul
15:24-31 Saul’s confession and humiliation
15:32-35 Samuel slays Agag

1 Samuel 16

16:1-13 David anointed king
16:14-23 David plays the harp for Saul

1 Samuel 17

17:1-22 The challenge of Goliath
17:23-31 David hears Goliath’s challenge
17:32-58 David kills Goliath

1 Samuel 18

18:1-4 Jonathan’s covenant with David
18:5-16 Saul becomes jealous of David
18:17-30 David marries Saul’s daughter

1 Samuel 19

19:1-7 Jonathan’s friendship for David
19:8-24 Saul seeks to kill David

1 Samuel 20

20:1-23 Jonathan’s covenants with David
20:24-34 Jonathan learns Saul’s intentions
20:35-42 The parting between David and Jonathan

1 Samuel 21

21:1-9 David flees to Nob
21:10-15 David flees to Gath

1 Samuel 22

22:1-5 David flees to Adullam
22:6-23 Saul kills the priests of Nob

1 Samuel 23

23:1-5 David defeats the Philistines
23:6-12 Saul pursues David
23:13-29 David escapes to the wilderness

1 Samuel 24

24:1-8 David spares Saul’s life
24:9-15 David pleads his innocence
24:16-22 Saul acknowledges his error

1 Samuel 25

25:1 The death of Samuel
25:2-9 David asks Nabal for help
25:10-17 Nabal refuses to help David
25:18-38 Abigail pacifies David
25:39-44 David marries Abigail

1 Samuel 26

26:1-16 David spares Saul’s life again
26:17-20 David pleads with Saul
26:21-25 Saul acknowledges his sin

1 Samuel 27

27:1-4 David lives among the Philistines
27:5-12 Achish gives David Ziklag

1 Samuel 28

28:1-6 The Philistines assemble against Israel
28:7-14 Saul consults the medium of Endor
28:15-25 Saul is greatly distressed

1 Samuel 29

29:1-5 The Philistines distrust David
29:6-11 Achish dismisses David

1 Samuel 30

30:1-6 The Amalekites take Ziklag
30:7-17 David defeats the Amalekites
30:18-31 David recovers all the spoils

1 Samuel 31

31:1-13 The death of Saul and his sons



Ruth provides an important link in the unfolding messianic genealogy. It emphasizes the sovereign activity of the LORD GOD’s provisions in the affairs of His People. Ruth shows that the LORD GOD’s promise to the seed of Abraham carries on through the troubled time of the judges, as well as moving events toward the salvation of Gentiles. Historically, this book provides information to the customs that surrounded the time period of Judges. It also provides a great role modeling for Christian women, and gives instruction in practical living. The author of this book is not known, although Samuel is one of the most prominent that is suggested as author.

Ruth 1

1:1-14 Misfortunes of Naomi’s family in Moab
1:15-22 Returns with Naomi

Ruth 2

2:1-3 Gleans in the field of Boaz
2:4-23 Boaz shows favor

Ruth 3

3:1-7 Naomi instructs Ruth
3:8-18 Ruth claims Boaz as kinsman

Ruth 4

4:1-10 Boaz redeems the inheritance
4:11-12 Boaz marries Ruth
4:13-22 The generations of Boaz and Ruth



The Book of Judges covers the men with spiritual discernment, military prowess and administrative abilities that the LORD GOD raised up to guide the fortunes of Israel. These leaders were established from the death of Joshua to the days of Samuel, the last judge. Samuel is traditionally thought to have written this book. The account notes the failure of the children of Israel to maintain the high spiritual standards laid down by Moses and Joshua in their failure to conquer the land of Canaan as God had challenged them to do, to their growing disobedience and spiritual apostasy brought on by wicked immorality. God would teach His people through this period that “rest” was fully available, and provided for by Himself, but must be entered into by an obedient people.

Judges 1

1:1-7 Judah and Simeon capture Abonibezek
1:8-10 Conquests of Judah
1:11-15 Othniel conquers Debir and receives Achsah
1:16-21 The extent of conquests of Judah and Benjamin
1:22-36 Conquests of other tribes

Judges 2

2:1-5 Angel of the Lord rebukes Israel
2:6-10 The death of Joshua
2:11-15 Israel’s apostasy
2:16-23 Ministry of the judges

Judges 3

3:1-7 Nations left to test Israel
3:8-11 Othniel judges and delivers Israel
3:12-30 Ehud delivers Israel from Moab
3:31 Shamgar delivers Israel

Judges 4

4:1-16 Deborah and Barak deliver Israel
4:17-24 The death of Sisera

Judges 5

5:1-31 The song of Deborah and Barak

Judges 6

6:1-10 Midian oppresses Israel
6:11-35 The call of Gideon
6:36-40 Gideon’s signs

Judges 7

7:1-14 Gideon’s men reduced to three hundred
7:15-23 The lamps and the pitcher
7:24-25 Gideon’s victory

Judges 8

8:1-28 Gideon captures and slays Midian’s kings
8:29-32 Gideon’s children; his death
8:33-35 Israel turns from God

Judges 9

9:1-6 Abimelech made king
9:7-21 Jotham rebukes the Shechemites
9:22-49 The conspiracy of Gaal
9:50-57 Death of Abimelech

Judges 10

10:1-5 Tola and Jair judge Israel
10:6-18 Israel humiliated

Judges 11

11:1-28 Jephthah delivers Israel
11:29-31 Jephthah’s vow
11:32-40 Jephthah’s victory

Judges 12

12:1-6 Ephraimites slain by Jephthah
12:7 Jephthah’s death
12:8-15 Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon judge Israel

Judges 13

13:1-25 The birth of Samson

Judges 14

14:1-7 Samson and the women from Timnath
14:8-20 Samson feast and riddle

Judges 15

15:1-2 Samson is denied his wife
15:3-13 Samson burns the Philistines’ corn
15:14-20 Samson slays a thousand Philistines

Judges 16

16:1-3 Samson at Gaza
16:4-22 Samson and Delilah
16:23-31 The death of Samson

Judges 17

17:1-6 Micah’s images
17:7-13 Micah’s hired priest

Judges 18

18:1-31 Micah and the Danites

Judges 19

19:1-30 The Levite and his concubine

Judges 20

20:1-14 The war against the Benjamites
20:15-16 Seven hundred left-handed men chosen
20:17-23 Israel defeated in two battles
20:24-48 The defeat of the Benjamites

Judges 21

21:1-7 Mourning for Benjamin
21:8-25 Wives for the Benjaminites


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