
Jeremiah was the chief author of the book that bears his name. He was the son of Hilkiah, a priest in the line of Abiathar, who lived at Anathoth. Because he was raised in a Levitical tribe, Jeremiah learned a high regard for the law of the Lord and the importance of the temple and priesthood.

Jeremiah prophesied during the reigns of Judah’s last kings. His prophetic ministry was during the days of Josiah (640-609 B.C.) until Jerusalem’s fall in the reign of Zedekiah (598-586 B.C.). The prophet of the LORD GOD was a deeply spiritual man, and was completely dedicated to Him. In spite of his timid nature, he was able to overcome his shyness by his fervent love for God. Although Jeremiah’s message was one of inevitable judgment upon Judah, he also delivered news of great consolation. He spoke of God dealing again with a repentant people in a new covenant through which the promised blessings would be realized. His prophecy extended deeply into times to come, when the great final gathering of God’s people to Himself for the Messiah’s everlasting reign.

Jeremiah 1

1:1-3 Introduction
1:4-19 Jeremiah called

Jeremiah 2
2:1-8 Jeremiah’s message to sinful Israel

2:9-37 Israel’s sufferings the result of sin
Jeremiah 3

3:1-5 Judah turns from the Lord
3:6-19 Israel and Judah entreated to repent
3:20-25 A confession of sin

Jeremiah 4

4:1-4 God called Israel by his promise
4:5-18 Judah threatened with judgment
4:19-31 Jeremiah laments over Judah

Jeremiah 5

5:1-6 Perverseness
5:7-9 Adultery
5:10-17 Impiety
5:18-31 Spiritual and civil corruption

Jeremiah 6

6:1-30 The destruction of Judah

Jeremiah 7

7:1-20 Jeremiah calls for repentance

7:21-34 The punishment for Judah’s rebellion

Jeremiah 8

8:1-22 Jeremiah mourns the desperate state of the Jews

Jeremiah 9

9:1-16 Disobedience brings God’s judgment
9:17-22 An appeal for trust in God
9:23-26 Knowledge of God is man’s glory

Jeremiah 10

10:1-16 God and the idols
10:17-25 Exhortation to flee the coming judgment

Jeremiah 11

11:1-17 The broken covenant
11:18-23 The plot against Jeremiah

Jeremiah 12

12:1-17 Jeremiah’s complaint and God’s answer

Jeremiah 13

13:1-11 The lesson from the marred girdle
13:12-27 The lesson from the filled bottles

Jeremiah 14

14:1-22 The message of the famine

Jeremiah 15

15:1-9 The Lord’s unyielding anger with Judah
15:10-14 Promise and threat
15:15-18 Jeremiah’s personal lament
15:19-21 The Lord’s assurance to Jeremiah

Jeremiah 16

16:1-21 Signs of the coming captivity

Jeremiah 17

17:1-6 The sin of Judah
17:7-18 The blessedness of trusting the Lord
17:19-27 The Sabbath must be kept

Jeremiah 18

18:1-17 The lesson from the potter
18:18-23 A plot and a prayer

Jeremiah 19

19:1-15 The lesson from the broken pottery

Jeremiah 20

20:1-6 Jeremiah imprisoned
20:7-18 Jeremiah’s lament

Jeremiah 21

21:1-10 The destruction of Jerusalem foretold
21:11-14 Denunciation of Jerusalem

Jeremiah 22

22:1-30 Prophecies against the kings of Judah

Jeremiah 23

23:1-8 The return of the remnant
23:9-40 False prophets

Jeremiah 24

24:1-10 The lesson from the good and bad figs

Jeremiah 25

25:1-14 Seventy years of desolation
25:15-38 The cup of wrath for all nations

Jeremiah 26

26:1-24 Jeremiah threatened with death

Jeremiah 27

27:1-7 The lesson of the yokes
27:8-22 Exhortation against false prophets

Jeremiah 28

28:1-9 The false prophecy of Hananiah
28:10-14 Hananiah breaks Jeremiah’s yoke
28:15-17 Jeremiah predicts Hananiah’s death

Jeremiah 29

29:1-9 Jeremiah’s letter to the captives
29:10-19 The promise of return
29:20-32 The fearful end of two lying prophets

Jeremiah 30

30:1-24 The promised return of the captives

Jeremiah 31

31:1-17 Restoration of Israel
31:18-22 Rachel’s mourning is comforted
31:23-30 Judah also to be restored
31:31-40 The new covenant

Jeremiah 32

32:1-15 Jeremiah buys a field at Anathoth
32:16-27 Jeremiah’s prayer
32:28-44 Jerusalem will be destroyed and restored

Jeremiah 33

33:1-9 A glorious return promised to the captives
33:10-13 Judah will be revived
33:14-16 A descendant of David will be king
33:17-26 The priesthood will continue

Jeremiah 34

34:1-7 Jeremiah’s warning to Zedekiah
34:8-22 The broken covenant concerning servants

Jeremiah 35

35:1-19 The obedience of the Rechabites

Jeremiah 36

36:1-10 Jeremiah’s scroll read by Baruch
36:11-32 The burning of the scroll

Jeremiah 37

37:1-15 Jeremiah imprisoned
37:16-21 Transferred to the court of the guard

Jeremiah 38

38:1-6 Jeremiah put in a dungeon
38:7-13 Jeremiah rescued from the dungeon
38:14-28 Zedekiah seeks advice from Jeremiah

Jeremiah 39

39:1-10 The fall of Jerusalem
39:11-14 Nebuchadnezzar’s care for Jeremiah
39:15-18 God’s promise of deliverance to Ebedmelech

Jeremiah 40

40:1-12 Jeremiah lives with Gedaliah
40:13-16 Ishmael’s conspiracy

Jeremiah 41

41:1-10 Ishmael murders Gedaliah
41:11-18 Johanan recovers the captives

Jeremiah 42

42:1-6 Jeremiah counsels Johanan
42:7-22 Johanan assured of safety and destruction

Jeremiah 43

43:1-7 The migration to Egypt
43:8-13 Nebuchadnezzar to conquer Egypt

Jeremiah 44

44:1-30 Jeremiah prophesies to the Jews in Egypt

Jeremiah 45

45:1-5 Jeremiah’s message to Baruch

Jeremiah 46

46:1-26 Prophecies concerning Egypt
46:27-28 Jeremiah comforts the Jews

Jeremiah 47

47:1-7 Prophecy against the Philistines

Jeremiah 48

48:1-47 Prophecy concerning Moab

Jeremiah 49

49:1-6 Prophecy concerning the Ammonites
49:7-22 Prophecy concerning Edom
49:23-27 Prophecy concerning Damascus
49:28-33 Prophecy concerning Kedar and Hazor
49:34-39 Prophecy concerning Elam

Jeremiah 50

50:1-46 Prophecy concerning Babylon

Jeremiah 51

51:1-64 The Lord’s judgment on Babylon

Jeremiah 52

52:1-3 The reign of Zedekiah
52:4-11 The fall of Jerusalem
52:12-30 The captivity of Judah
52:31-34 Jehoiachin released in Babylon

Just a little more perspective on Baptism:

First set of Slides Faith given and measured by the LORD God alone

Slide 1 – You cannot become a Christian, receive salvation or become born again, until you first experience an opening of your eyes and your ears by God, as He moves you toward an opportunity to receive His gift of grace and faith (Luke 10:21-24; 24:30-35; Acts 13:48).

Slide 2 – Not everybody is given this opportunity. Most people in the world are blind and deaf to His things. When God chooses certain people to receive sight and hearing to obtain faith, He is showing great love for them (Matthew 11:13-17; 20:29-34; 1 Corinthians 1:17-31).

Slide 3 – Usually, when faith is given, you experience a curiosity and a driving need to learn more about God and His Things. You are no different than every other Christian that has also received the great gift of faith. Things are very confusing at the start, especially when you are from a non-believing family or a non-believing culture. Quickly, the Holy Spirit will bring you to fellowship with other Christians, and you will learn the words and doctrines of faith with the moving of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:5-21).

Slide 4 – Your soul knows God, and hungers for His touch…that is why you seek answers. Now your mind must understand. God will provide you with exactly the things you need, to become more comfortable with His Things. He will provide you access to Christians that can answer your questions and feed you knowledge, and help you through these scary first moments of belief. His Bible will be made available to you, and will become your map as His Word speaks about all the things you need to know to begin your journey, and understand the things that you are thinking about in the first moments of faith (John 6:33-37).

Slide 5 – Simply put…you are very special to God, and He has chosen you to move closer to Him. The closer you come to Him, the more peace and joy you will have. To get really close to Him, you must be brought to Him by Jesus Christ (John 3:16).

Slide 6 – The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross allowed death to be brought to sin. That means that your sins can also receive death. Because Jesus Christ resurrected from death, you also can receive eternal life (John 6:37-40; 10:27-29). Once you no longer under the control of sin, and are resurrected into the life of a new believer, you can come closer to God (Romans 8:1-14; 1 Corinthians 15:51-57).

Slide 7 – Each step of the way, God is going to open your eyes and ears more and more. Thoughts that seem scary to you now will soon pass, as you receive the Foundation of Jesus Christ. Take a deep breath, be courageous, and walk toward the place that God is leading you (Luke 6:47-49).

Slide 8 – Ask questions and read His Words through the Holy Bible, and know that there are many Christians here today that will be praying that your path is made clear, and your eyes opened fully to receive pure faith in His promises! You are very, very special to be called by God to come closer to Him through His Son Jesus Christ (Hebrews 9:15)!

Second Set of Slides Faith brings Salvation, Baptism brings Heaven

Slide 9 – The only way be saved from damnation and resurrected to life eternal and inhabit the New Earth requires faith, and only faith, in the atoning blood and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. However, the baptism of Jesus Christ is required if you desire to go to Heaven for a time for rest until all things of God are in place for the New Earth to be established.

Slide 10 – Salvation comes to a Christian through faith (Hebrews 9:23-28). A Christian must have faith that the blood of Jesus Christ was shed for the redemption of the Christian’s sins. There is nothing a person can do to save himself from sin. It is only through faith in Jesus Christ, and his crucifixion and resurrection, that a person can receive salvation (Romans 3:19-26). When a person receives the promise of salvation, he receives the promise that he will be forgiven of all sin, be judged innocent, and saved from the judgment of eternal damnation.

Slide 11 – Faith is the condition of believing. Christians cannot receive salvation from judgment of eternal damnation until they face Jesus Christ for judgment; those baptized will join Him in Heaven for Judgment, those unbaptized believers will be resurrected from their grave at a certain time and receive His Judgment (Hebrews 9:27-28). This Judgment officiated in Heaven is often called the “Glory Seat” Judgment by Christian scholars (Revelation 20:1-6; 22:12-14), and is different than the Final Judgment (Revelation 20:11-15). Christians believe in God’s promise that they will be forgiven of all sin as a result of Christ’s crucifixion. A Christian must have Faith of this promise throughout his life, and even into his physical death. This faith brings the reward of promised salvation and eternal life through the free Grace of the LORD God as a result of the sacrifice given freely by His Son Jesus Christ (John 3:15-18).

Slide 12 – A simple way to distinguish the difference between faith, salvation and baptism is expressed fully in Scripture. Believers that have faith in Jesus Christ are children of the LORD God, and will receive the same inheritance as His Chosen people. Believers that receive the baptism of Jesus Christ, put Him on, and become one with Him; this means they are born again and resurrected in eternal life through His Resurrection (Galatians 3:26-27). All those with faith in Jesus Christ, whether baptized or not, receive salvation and are promised eternal life. The only difference between the baptized and unbaptized is the time of their resurrection into eternal life!

Third Set of Slides Faith Statements of Fact

Slide 13 – (1) As a result of sin, a person is separated from the LORD GOD’s presence (Exodus 20:18-21; Psalm 51; John 8:34-36).

Slide 14 – (2) The only thing that can remove sin is death (Romans 6:1-14).

Slide 15 – (3) Jesus Christ died for sin once, and as a result, those accepting him as their Savior, are promised salvation for life eternal (Romans 8:7-9; Galatians 3:19-26).

Slide 16 – (4) This salvation guarantees that when a person faces the Judgment of the LORD God, he will be able to redeem the sacrifice of the blood of Christ for his sin, and allowed to continue on to the New Earth. (1 Peter 1:6-9).

Slide 17 – (5) This promise of this redemption is accepted by faith. This faith in redemption does not make the person free from sin in their life (Ephesians 1:3-23).

Slide 18 – (6) To be free from sin in this life requires a believer to embrace the foundational doctrine of Jesus Christ (2 John 1:8; 1Timothy 6:1-6).

Slide 19 – (7) Two parts of this doctrine of Jesus Christ are the baptism by water and the baptism by the Holy Ghost (Hebrews 6:1-3).

Slide 20 – (8 ) Water baptism is the process in which death is brought to a believer. When a faithful believer goes under the water baptism, he is dying and going to his grave. As a result of his death, sin loses its power, and no longer has the ability to stay with that person, and it is destroyed (Romans 6:3-4).

Slide 21 – (9) As the believer rises from the baptismal waters, he is receiving the same resurrection in faith that was accomplished through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The faithful man is born again. He is no longer the man that died in sin, but a new man resurrected into the Kingdom of God (Romans 6:8-11).

Slide 22 – (10) The baptized faithful will never again experience death. Death occurs one time for the release of sin, and those believers who have died through baptism are cleansed of their original sin, and will never again go to their grave. Those faithful, who do not receive the baptism of Jesus Christ, are not released from sin until physical death comes to them (Hebrews 9:17-28). If they have not been baptized, then they must experience natural death to their grave to be released from sin (Romans 6:3-11).

Slide 23 – (11) The baptism of the Holy Ghost is given to the born again man, to burn up any sin that comes his way, and lead him on the path that the LORD God wills to walk (Matthew 3:11-12; 1 John 2:20-24).

Slide 24 – (12) Those baptized believers are taken to Heaven for rest for a time, until the New Earth and the New Heavens are established in His Time (2 Peter 3:9-13).

Slide 25 – (13) On the New Earth, the baptized believers, and those unbaptized who had faith in their redemption through the shed blood of Jesus Christ (now freed from sin as a result of death, and resurrected through the promised redemption) ( Romans 8:10-11) will be joined together once again.

Slide 26 – You must be cleansed of sin through the death of water baptism and resurrection to life eternal through faith in Jesus Christ before you can receive rest in Heaven for a time (1 Peter 1:3-5; 3:21-22). To receive the promise of eternal life and the ability to walk on the New Earth requires you only to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, believe in his resurrection, and have faith in the redemption of his sacrifice before you die in natural life and go to your grave until resurrection.

Slide 27 – Having faith of salvation through the sacrificed blood of Jesus Christ is all that is necessary to receive the promised salvation from eternal damnation. The process of receiving salvation through this sacrificed blood is called Redemption (1 Peter 1:18-23). At the designated time, all believing Christians who come through Jesus to the presence of the LORD God will have their sins redeemed through his shed blood, and they will be judged innocent as a result of their faith in Him. Until that day, faithful Christians are sealed by the Holy Spirit and await the promised redemption to be paid in full (Ephesians 4:30).

Fourth Set of Slides Salvation is not the ticket to Heaven.

Slide 28 – Salvation is the promise of a verdict of innocence following the redemption of blood, and avoiding the sentence of eternal damnation. It is baptism, the lively expression of hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ that allows believers to enter Heaven upon their physical death (1 Peter 1:3-9).

Slide 29 – Many misguided, young, or self-focused Christians think that Heaven is a permanent place that everybody who is good gets to go to at their death. It is not. Heaven is a temporary dwelling place for the LORD God and His Spirits, Jesus Christ, the angels, and the saints who are righteous. Heaven is going to come to an end one day, at the moving of the LORD God (2 Peter 3:9-10; Revelation 21:1-8). All of the saints in Heaven, as well as those resurrected from their grave through their faith in Jesus Christ, and martyrs who died for the cause of Christ (Revelation 6:9-11) will one day populate the New Earth; joining them will be all of the others judged favorably on Judgment Day and who receive the verdict of not-guilty and given the reward of eternal life by the Supreme Judge who is also the Son of God (Revelation 20:11-15).

Slide 30 – To be Righteous means to be free of sin. Faith does not remove sin from a living body! Even though you have faith, original sin still dwells within you. There is only one way a person that is alive and walking the earth can become righteous. The original sin must leave his body (1 Peter 4:16-19).

Slide 31 – There is only one way that sin can leave the body. Physical Death of the body – The moment the body dies, sin has no hold, and dies (Romans 5:7-21). But here’s the problem… If you die with sin still within you, then you go to your grave. Sinful people do not get to rest in Heaven for awhile. In fact, that’s why death exists to start with. Because there is sin, then death must come to man. So the dead in sin stay in their graves until they are resurrected on the Day of Rapture, just before the rapture of living Christians (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17).

Slide 32 – There is a much better option laid out for Christians. The Baptism of Jesus Christ causes the body to die, and the sins to die in a faithful Christian. If a Christian goes under the baptismal waters to their grave, they die and the original sin’s control is removed from them. When the Christian comes up out of the baptismal waters and in faith experiences the same resurrection that Jesus did, then they come out of the waters sin free and new. This new person, free from original sin, is called Born Again (John 3:1-7).

Slide 33 – The born again Christian is a new being, and sin-hold-released baptized Christians have two options available to them to remain sin free, and increase their righteousness through His Will. The first one is the authority of Jesus Christ to forgive sin on earth (Luke 5:17-25). When a baptized Christian commits sin, he has the opportunity to confess, repent, and return to a righteous state through forgiveness and restoration by Jesus Christ.

Slide 34 – The second option is through the Holy Spirit Baptism, a baptism accomplished through the laying on of hands by an apostle of Jesus Christ. (Acts 19:1-7). When the Holy Spirit is infused into a baptized believer, then that Christian has all of his innocent sins burned away, helping to maintain a righteous state (Matthew 3:11-12).

Slide 35 – When the baptized and faithful Christian experiences a physical death, he is immediately taken to Heaven. This Christian will not feel the sting of death or lay asleep in the grave for even an instant (1 Corinthians 15:51-57). The baptized and faithful Christian is immediately taken to Heaven, where they serve the Lord Jesus Christ for a time in the bosom of the LORD God, until the rest of the LORD God’s plans are completed (Revelation 7:13-17).

Slide 36 – At the establishment of the New Earth and the New Heaven, the Christian will assume a new life on that new earth, along with all of the favorably judged people who stood before the throne of Jesus Christ. This New Earth life will be ruled by King Jesus Christ, and will begin its existence with sin free people who love the LORD God, and humbled forever by the undeserved grace and salvation received as a result of His Son sacrifice (2 Peter 3:11-18; Revelations 21:1-8).

Slide 37 – Faith in your salvation through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is all that is need to receive eternal life. The absence of Baptism or Works does not remove you from this promise. However, Baptism allows the grasp of sin to be freed from its hold upon you, and permits your entrance into Heaven for a short while. Works brings reward to you through the “Glory-Seat Judgment of Jesus Christ. When all is finished according to God’s Will with this old heaven and earth, it will be those of faith in Him that will occupy the New Heaven and New Earth. It is faith in Jesus Christ that makes us citizens of that new Kingdom of God, as it is revealed and established in His Time! Thanks be to God!


Isaiah was one of the most prominent citizens of Jerusalem, having access to both the royal and priestly leadership of the nation of Judah. His long life spanned the rule of several kings. Born during the reign of Uzziah, Isaiah was called to his prophetic ministry in the year of the king’s death (740 B.C.). Uzziah was succeeded by Jotham (752-736 B.C.). He was followed by Ahaz (736-720 B.C. and finally by Hezekiah (729-699 B.C.).

With the accession of Hezekiah to the throne, a new day dawned for Judah. Pursuing a policy of reforms, the new king repaired and cleansed the temple and returned to emphasizing the Mosaic Law in determining national ethics. Isaiah became a prime figure during these years as chief advisor to King Hezekiah, as he continued to communicate his faithful and true prophesy spoken on behalf of the LORD God.

Isaiah 1

1:1-9 Judah, a sinful nation
1:10-31 A call to repentance

Isaiah 2

2:1-4 The day of the Lord
2:5-22 Judgment on the proud

Isaiah 3

3:1-15 Judgment on Judah
3:16-26 Judgment on the daughters of Zion

Isaiah 4

4:1 Judgment on the daughters of Zion (continued)
4:2-6 Jerusalem’s glorious future

Isaiah 5

5:1-7 The parable of the vineyard
5:8-30 Woes pronounced on the faithless

Isaiah 6

6:1-13 Isaiah’s vision and commission

Isaiah 7

7:1-9 Isaiah’s message to Ahaz
7:10-25 The coming Assyrian invasion

Isaiah 8

8:1-22 Deliverance foreshadowed

Isaiah 9

9:1-7 The birth of the Prince of Peace
9:8-21 The Lord’s anger against Israel

Isaiah 10

10:1-4 The Lord’s anger against Israel (continued)
10:5-19 Assyria shall be broken
10:20-23 A remnant to be saved
10:24-34 A promise of deliverance

Isaiah 11

11:1-16 The righteous reign of the branch of Jesse

Isaiah 12

12:1-6 Thanksgiving for God’s mercies

Isaiah 13

13:1-5 The doom of Babylon predicted
13:6-22 The Medes to destroy Babylon

Isaiah 14

14:1-2 Israel to be preserved
14:3-23 The proverb against the king of Babylon
14:24-28 Assyria will be destroyed
14:29-32 The warning to Palestina

Isaiah 15

15:1-9 The oracle concerning Moab

Isaiah 16

16:1-14 Prophecy of Moab’s ruin

Isaiah 17

17:1-14 The oracle concerning Damascus

Isaiah 18

18:1-7 A prophecy concerning Ethiopia

Isaiah 19

19:1-25 The oracle concerning Egypt

Isaiah 20

20:1-6 Assyria to conquer Egypt and Ethiopia

Isaiah 21

21:1-10 The oracle concerning the desert of the sea
21:11-12 The oracle concerning Dumah
21:13-17 The oracle concerning Arabia

Isaiah 22

22:1-14 The oracle concerning the valley of vision
22:15-25 The judgment on Shebna

Isaiah 23

23:1-18 The oracle concerning Tyre

Isaiah 24

24:1-23 The judgment upon the earth

Isaiah 25

25:1-12 The song of praise by the redeemed

Isaiah 26

26:1-21 A hymn of praise

Isaiah 27

27:1-13 The assurance of Israel’s deliverance

Isaiah 28

28:1-13 Condemnation of Ephraim
28:14-29 Jerusalem warned

Isaiah 29

29:1-8 Ariel and her enemies
29:9-16 The blindness of Israel
29:17-24 The redemption of Israel

Isaiah 30

30:1-14 The futility of relying on Egypt
30:15-26 An appeal to turn to the Lord for help
30:27-33 The destruction of Assyria foretold

Isaiah 31

31:1-9 God, not Egypt, will defend Judah

Isaiah 32

32:1-8 The coming reign of the righteous king
32:9-20 Women of Jerusalem warned

Isaiah 33

33:1-24 Salvation for those who trust in God

Isaiah 34

34:1-17 The Lord’s wrath upon the nations

Isaiah 35

35:1-10 Israel restored to Zion

Isaiah 36

36:1-22 Sennacherib invades Judah

Isaiah 37

37:1-4 Hezekiah asks Isaiah to pray
37:5-38 Judah delivered from Sennacherib

Isaiah 38

38:1-22 Hezekiah’s sickness and healing

Isaiah 39

39:1-8 The Babylonian captivity foretold

Isaiah 40

40:1-11 Comfort through trust in the Lord
40:12-31 The majesty of the Lord

Isaiah 41

41:1-20 The final restoration of Israel
41:21-29 Apart from the Lord there is no hope

Isaiah 42

42:1-4 The Lord’s servant
42:5-16 The servant comes to glorify the Lord
42:17-25 Israel’s suffering is a result of sin

Isaiah 43

43:1-28 The Lord the only redeemer

Isaiah 44

44:1-5 The spirit of God to be on Israel
44:6-20 The folly of idolatry
44:21-28 The Lord the Redeemer of Israel

Isaiah 45

45:1-7 A charge to Cyrus
45:8-13 The Lord the Creator
45:14-17 An everlasting salvation for Israel
45:18-25 Salvation will come only by the Lord

Isaiah 46

46:1-13 The power of the Lord and the weakness of idols

Isaiah 47

47:1-15 Judgment on Babylon

Isaiah 48

48:1-22 Israel’s unfaithfulness rebuked

Isaiah 49

49:1-7 Israel the Lord’s servant
49:8-26 Israel will be restored to Zion

Isaiah 50

50:1-11 The suffering of the Lord’s servant

Isaiah 51

51:1-11 The faithful are called to courage
51:12-23 The faithful are comforted

Isaiah 52

52:1-12 The Lord will deliver Zion from captivity
52:13-15 The suffering of the Lord’s servant

Isaiah 53

53:1-12 The suffering servant

Isaiah 54

54:1-17 The Lord’s everlasting love for Israel

Isaiah 55

55:1-13 A free offer of mercy to all

Isaiah 56

56:1-12 An appeal to keep God’s judgments

Isaiah 57

57:1-21 Condemnation of Israel’s idolatry

Isaiah 58

58:1-12 A description of true religion
58:13-14 The observance of the Sabbath

Isaiah 59

59:1-19 National corruption, consequent suffering
59:20-21 Deliverance will be from the Lord

Isaiah 60

60:1-22 The future glory of Zion

Isaiah 61

61:1-11 Good tidings of salvation to Zion

Isaiah 62

62:1-12 The restoration of Zion

Isaiah 63

63:1-6 The day of vengeance
63:7-19 The Lord’s favor shown to Israel

Isaiah 64

64:1-12 A prayer for help

Isaiah 65

65:1-16 The rebellious will be punished
65:17-25 New heavens and a new earth

Isaiah 66

66:1-24 Zion’s future hope

Song of Solomon

Song of Solomon

Solomon authored this song, and many interpretations later, the six most popular are…(1) Allegorical – Denies literal meaning, with Solomon representing the Lord, and the maiden representing Israel (early Jewish literature) (2) Typological – A type of Christ and the church based on the literal courtship and marriage (early church) (3) Anthology of love songs – Nothing more than a collection of love songs, not necessarily related to each other (4) Three-character interpretation – An example of the “eternal triangle” with Solomon as the villain who tries to unsuccessfully woo the maiden away from her local shepherd-boyfriend (some fine scholars) (5) Literal love story – A poetic description of an actual love relationship between Solomon and the Shulamite maiden.

The book is a love song sung by the two lovers: the shepherd-king and the Shulamite maiden. Solomon appears first as a young shepherd who falls in love with the outcast Shulamite girl. Her promises to come again one day to marry her, and in his absence, she dreams about their reunion. When he returns, to her surprise he appears as King Solomon himself. Accompanied by his entire entourage, he takes her back to Jerusalem in his royal coach to become his bride. (6) The story serves as a beautiful picture of Christ’s love for His outcast Gentile Bride, the church, for whom He promises one day to return.

Song of Solomon 1

1:1-8 The admiration of the lovers
1:9-17 The bride and the bridegroom

Song of Solomon 2

2:1-7 The bride’s admiration
2:8-17 The maiden in a country palace

Song of Solomon 3

3:1-5 The bride’s troubled dream
3:6-11 The appeal of the king

Song of Solomon 4

4:1-7 The bridegroom praises the bride
4:8-16 The maiden considers

Song of Solomon 5

5:1-8 The maiden considers (continued)
5:9-16 The bride praises the bridegroom

Song of Solomon 6

6:1-3 Mutual pleasure in each other
6:4-13 The king renews his appeal

Song of Solomon 7

7:1-9 The king renews his appeal (continued)
7:10-13 The shepherd and maiden lover reunited

Song of Solomon 8

8:1-14 The lovers speak


I agree with a writer that Scripture (1 Timothy 2:12) is clear that women cannot be a Pastor in a church according to Paul’s standards. If a woman assumes authority of a Pastor, she will be wrong. God will NOT give a woman authority to be in charge of men’s souls as a shepherd in Church settings. Thus, a woman Pastor, even if she speaks with the Holy Spirit, or is a wise woman, or a highly educated woman, she will NEVER hold authority over men inside a church. Thus, what she says from the pulpit is a suggestion, not a command of authority, which can lead people wrongly. Agreed?

So here is the million dollar question:

Men and women, do you give your Church Pastor full authority over guiding your soul? If NOT, why NOT?

Words Worth Reading!

Keyword: Bible Study


Many, many Christians focus over and over and over again on material that is already known, and fail to delve deeper into Scripture with a mature mind that fears God but yearns more relationship with Him. Hebrews 6:1-8 speaks about this practice of repeating study, over and over, about the same things without advancing knowledge further.

Hebrews 6:1-8

“Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. And this will we do, if God permit. For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God: But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned.”

That Scripture is full of typological solutions to encourage Christians to move past the study of sin, faith, baptism in Christ, baptism in the Holy Spirit, death, resurrection and eternal judgment once those principles of the doctrine of Christ are known. Hebrews 6:4-5 speaks of the real change made in Christians who have received the Holy Ghost and partaken of the full Bible Study with gifts given to them by God. And it reminds believers not to crucify Christ again and again.

It is my opinion that most Church gatherings do exactly that. They speak the same words every week, according to the Church schedule. Each sermon is predictable and spoken to the lesser in the congregation. Mature Christian development is overlooked constantly. I would think that as mature Christians, we should not only learn the skills of hermeneutics, but recognize that as we grow in faith, depth in His Word demands our studies. This requires development of typological, analytical, and associative skills as well as the need to develop the recognition of patterns in His Word that can intrigue our exploration with His guiding.

Voice: Kathy L. McFarland

Circumstance: Discussion Board 4

Citation: Kathy L. McFarland, 201240 Fall 2012 NBST 652-D01 LUO, November 2012

Read More:
Guided Bible Studies for Hungry Christians: 001 Foundation



Solomon is the speaker in Ecclesiastes, but there is no author identified with it’s text. The thought of the book is centered on six key ideas. Three of these are negative and revolve around the problems of life: (1) All is vanity. (2) Man is limited. (3) God is hidden. The other three are positive and give the solution to life’s crisis: (1) Fear God and keep His commandments. (2)Enjoy life. (3) Use wisdom properly. Taken together, Ecclesiastes is a book to show men that they should lead godly and joyous lives, even if they live in a world of divine mysteries.

Ecclesiastes 1

1:1-11 All is vanity
1:12-18 The fruits of wisdom

Ecclesiastes 2

2:1-3 Pleasure is vain
2:4-11 Great works are vain
2:12-23 Wisdom and folly
2:24-26 Joy in labor

Ecclesiastes 3

3:1-15 A time for everything
3:16-22 God judges righteous and wicked

Ecclesiastes 4

4:1-3 Oppressions increase vanity
4:4-16 Vanity increased

Ecclesiastes 5

5:1-7 Caution against hasty vows
5:8-20 The vanity of life

Ecclesiastes 6

6:1-12 The vanity of riches

Ecclesiastes 7

7:1-29 Wisdom and goodness upheld

Ecclesiastes 8

8:1-5 Respect for rulers
8:6-17 The inequalities of life

Ecclesiastes 9

9:1-6 All things come to righteous and wicked
9:7-10 Principles for living
9:11-18 Wisdom better than strength

Ecclesiastes 10

10:1-20 Wisdom and folly

Ecclesiastes 11

11:1-8 Charity enjoined
11:9-10 Advice to the young

Ecclesiastes 12

12:1-8 Vanity and the fear of God
12:9-14 The whole duty of man

Words Worth Reading!

Keyword: Baptism


“Baptism shall be given to all those who have learned repentance and amendment of life, and who believe truly that their sins are taken away by Christ, and to all those who walk in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and wish to be buried with him in death, so that they may be resurrected with him and to all those who with significance request it of us and demand it for themselves. This excludes all infant baptism, the highest and chief abomination of the pope.”

Voice: Anabaptist Swiss Brethren

Circumstance: Statement of belief

Citation: The Schleitheim Confession (1527)

Read More:

Schleitheim Confession

Separation And The Sword In Anabaptist Persuasion: Radical Confessional Rhetoric From Schleitheim To Dordrecht (The C. Henry Smith Series)



The basic meaning of the Hebrew word for proverb is “comparison”. “Proverb” is often used to refer to an aphorism, or concise statement of a principal or to a discourse. Wisdom is the key word of the book, and offers advice to increase the skill in living, moral discipline for one’s life, and distinguishing between true and false, good and bad, what matters most and what does not matter at all. Most of the book was authored by Solomon. The purpose of the book is clearly to show the reader how to live life wisely and skillfully, and the entire structure of the book is arranged to carry out this purpose to lead us to an abundant and successful life.

Proverbs 1

1:1 Title
1:2-6 Purpose
1:7-19 Warning
1:20-33 Wisdom speaks

Proverbs 2

2:1-22 The reward of heeding wisdom

Proverbs 3

3:1-26 Exhortations to obedience
3:27-35 The treatment of neighbors

Proverbs 4

4:1-9 A father’s wisdom
4:10-19 Avoid wickedness
4:20-27 Wisdom is life and health

Proverbs 5

5:1-14 Warning against immorality
5:15-23 Exhortation on fidelity in marriage

Proverbs 6

6:1-15 Warning against idleness and falsehood
6:16-19 Seven deadly sins
6:20-35 Warning against adultery

Proverbs 7

7:1-27 The wiles of a harlot

Proverbs 8

8:1-36 Wisdom is everlasting

Proverbs 9

9:1-12 Wisdom’s invitation
9:13-18 Avoid foolish women

Proverbs 10

10:1-32 The wise and the foolish contrasted

Proverbs 11

11:1-31 The wise and the foolish contrasted

Proverbs 12

12:1-28 The wise and the foolish contrasted

Proverbs 13

13:1-25 The wise and the foolish contrasted

Proverbs 14

14:1-35 The wise and the foolish contrasted

Proverbs 15

15:1-33 The wise and the foolish contrasted

Proverbs 16

16:1-33 Moral, ethical, and spiritual precepts

Proverbs 17

17:1-28 Moral, ethical, and spiritual precepts

Proverbs 18

18:1-24 Moral, ethical, and spiritual precepts

Proverbs 19

19:1-29 Moral, ethical, and spiritual precepts

Proverbs 20

20:1-30 Moral, ethical, and spiritual precepts

Proverbs 21

21:1-31 Moral, ethical, and spiritual precepts

Proverbs 22

22:1-29 Moral, ethical, and spiritual precepts

Proverbs 23

23:1-35 Moral, ethical, and spiritual precepts

Proverbs 24

24:1-34 Moral, ethical, and spiritual precepts

Proverbs 25

25:1-28 Comparisons, warnings, and instructions

Proverbs 26

26:1-28 Comparisons, warnings, and instructions

Proverbs 27

27:1-27 Comparisons, warnings, and instructions

Proverbs 28

28:1-28 Comparisons, warnings, and instructions

Proverbs 29

29:1-27 Comparisons, warnings, and instructions

Proverbs 30

30:1-33 The words of Agur

Proverbs 31

31:1-9 The words of king Lemuel
31:10-31 Praise of a virtuous woman

J. Hudson Taylor, Founder of the Interdenominational China Inland Mission

Kathy L. McFarland

James Hudson Taylor (1832-1905) founded the interdenominational China Inland Mission in 1865.[1] He wrote China’s Spiritual Need and Claims (1865) to recruit workers; his other famous writings include A Retrospect (1894) and Union and Communion (1894).[2] When Taylor arrived in China in 1854, most Protestant missionaries focused their efforts in big cities along the coast of China. Taylor pushed past these places, and went into the vast interior of China, which became a crucial point that stirred Protestant missionaries to places that are less-developed, but hungry for the witness of Gospel.[3] But, he would never have been able to go to the interior if not for Presbyterian missionary William A.P. Martin inserting a clause in the Treaty of Tientsin (Tianjin) (1858) that gave permission for missionaries to go to the interior of China to propagate Christianity.[4]

It was a tough journey for missionaries to just reach China in the 1800’s. Taylor’s first trip to China took a half a year by ship. But, many Protestants focused their effort upon the 400 million unsaved Chinese, making China the largest Protestant mission field in the world between 1830 and 1949.[5] Once Taylor arrived, he began dressing and living like the people and speaking the Chinese language to those he was evangelizing; many severely criticized the assumption of likeness in the midst of heathens though this became one of the reasons for his successful ministry.[6]Eventually, it became popular for missionaries to follow Taylor’s example and live in the midst of those receiving the Gospel message.

The Chinese mission fields led by Taylor provided education for Chinese girls which was unheard of at the time.[7]He supported the idea of single women in the missionary field without the supervision of a male head; this support was also rare.[8] The participation of women in China missions soon spread throughout the mission field; by 1898, evangelical missions were being filled by women, and The Women’s Missionary Movement prospered.[9] His China Inland Mission also differed from most because he refused to solicit funds from donors and instead trusted God alone to supply its needs.[10] Though the China Inland Mission has been renamed to the Overseas Missionary Fellowship [International] in modern-day, the policy to trust God for sole support has not changed.[11]

Statistics of Protestant Missionaries success rates amongst the 400 million Chinese that includes Taylor’s efforts and all other missions conflict Taylor’s fame.In the years of 1865-1898, about 500 Protestant missionaries baptized about 100,000 Chinese of about 400 million population.[12]But, those initial baptized grew in numbers; by 1911, there were 207,747 baptized Protestants; by 1996, there were over 36 million baptized Protestants.[13]This made the total amount of Protestants & Catholic baptized Christians to be about 4.3 percent, or 1 in 23.[14] Though some scholars argue that the actual baptisms did not make significant difference in showing successful missionary conversions in Taylor’s time, the accumulated total seems to represent his effort well.

As a side note, Hudson Taylor suffered a deep and crippling depression that led him close to taking his own life during his ministry times.He battled despair or was lifted to higher and higher euphoric faith expressions.[15]The mania in his mind never cancelled out his determination he had since his youth to become a missionary and go to China.His calling and his faith were strong and sure, and he changed the Christian missionary world through his practice of adapting local dress and language to participate in spreading the Gospel to inland China. And, even with statistics that seem light in actual baptisms, when the final numbers are looked upon, it is apparent that Taylor’s missionary work started a flame that began lighting the path of thousands of Chinese that promises to spread Christ as Savior to others today, that first began with him.


Chao, Samuel. “Hudson Taylor & Missions to China.” Christian History, no. 52.

Cross, F.L. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. 3rd ed. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.

Latourette, Kenneth Scott. A History of Christian Missions in China; Tony Lambert, Omf (International); Statistics of the People’s Republic of China, 1929.

Rusten, Sharon. The Complete Book of When & Where in the Bible and Throughout History. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 2005.


[1] F.L. Cross, The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, 3rd ed. (Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2005), 1591.

[2] Ibid.

[3] Samuel Chao, “Hudson Taylor & Missions to China,” Christian History, no. 52.

[4] Ibid.

[5] Ibid.

[6] Sharon Rusten, The Complete Book of When & Where in the Bible and Throughout History (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 2005), 369.

[7] Chao.

[8] Ibid.

[9] Ibid.

[10] Ibid.

[11] Ibid.

[12] Kenneth Scott Latourette, A History of Christian Missions in China; Tony Lambert, Omf (International); Statistics of the People’s Republic of China (1929).

[13] Ibid.

[14] Ibid.

[15] Chao.


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