#2 – BI100_2 – What is a sin?

Foundation of Jesus Christ

#2 Lecture BI100-2 – What is sin?

By Kathy L. McFarland

September 21, 2022

Lesson 2

What is a sin?

Sin is the disobedience to the LORD God’s Laws and is unrighteous, unjust, immoral, and wrong.  The five types of sin, transgression, unrighteousness, omission of known duty, faithlessness, and foolish acts constitute a sin against the LORD God. This chapter encourages you to have faith that the LORD God has convicted you of your sins, and dissuades you from looking for new sins, or focusing on the old ones. You will learn to focus on what the LORD God is placing in your heart concerning sin and change what you can as fast as you can and have confidence that those deeper sins that seem impossible to remove at this point, will become easier to overcome as your walk with Jesus becomes steady.

John 3:4

Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

22. Sin is the disobedience to the LORD God ‘s Laws.

1 John 5:17

All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death.

23. Sin is unrighteous. It is unjust, immoral, and wrong.

24. There are different degrees of sin. Not all sin is unforgivable and punished by death.

James 4:17

Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

25. A person that knows to do good works and does not do them is sinning.

26. A sin for one person may not be a sin for another person.

Romans 14:22-23

Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth. And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.

27. Faith is between each individual and God. The LORD God decides how much faith you will have, and he will transform you by the renewing of your mind so that you know what is good, acceptable and the perfect will of God. Conversely, the LORD God will reveal to each individual what their sins are.

28. A sin is committed if a person believes a certain truth, then doubts that truth and acts on his doubt.

29. If a person’s faith allows him to act, and he does that act in faith, he will be happy.

30. If a person’s faith allows him to act, yet he condemns with guilt, doubt, punishment, or fear on the act, he will be unhappy.

31. If it is not of faith, it is a sin.

Proverbs 24:9

The thought of foolishness is sin: and the scorner is an abomination to men.

32. It is a sin to plan or think wickedly or recklessly.


There are five types of sin. These types of sin are:

1. Transgression                  (22)   Disobedience to the LORD God’s Law

2. Unrighteousness             (23, 24) Unjust, immoral, and wrong

3. Omission of known duty (25, 26) Failing to do good works

4. Faithless                          (27-31)   Failing to act on faithful conviction

5. Foolish acts                    (32)    Wicked or reckless planning

When we first started Becker Bible Studies, we passed out a list of sins assembled and classified from the Ten Commandments. Similar lists of sin are popular with many of the major religions in teaching their students the definition of sin. Through the years, we discovered that this list of classified sins created many problems that failed to address the LORD God’s complete and true Will regarding sin. No man or church can conclusively construct a list of sins. Man’s relationship with God develops new requirements, thus, new possibilities for deeper interpretations of God’s laws. Furthermore, because of the all-encompassing nature of the LORD God, man might be unaware of sins that are truly sins to the LORD God. Just because a sin has not yet been convicted by the LORD God on a person’s heart, does not make it any less of a sin.

Another problem with attempting to list sin is the “actual” vs. “intent” interpretation. As we walk with Jesus, we learn how to understand the laws of the LORD God through His Will rather than man’s rigid, confusing, or self-serving interpretations. For example, theft may be classified as a sin on a list as a violation of the Eighth Commandment that says “Thou shalt not steal”. (Ex 20:15) While the letter of the law states that theft is a sin, the intent of the law by the LORD God is so much different. We all know deep inside ourselves that there is a difference between a person who would take possessions of others for self-gain vs. a person who takes a loaf of bread to feed a hungry family. That knowledge of difference in this example is placed in the hearts of His people by the LORD God.

The LORD God gives His people the ability to seek justice, interpret grayness and recognize sin. He gives us this knowledge through Jesus Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Jesus spoke of the intent of the LORD God many times as the Pharisee and Sadducees tried to trap Him with the letter of the law. He taught His disciples to choose the LORD God’s Will over man’s interpretation, and to have faith in their convictions.

The list of sin handouts is no more. The LORD God’s people must be obedient to His law and avoid anything that is unjust, immoral, or wrong. They should know that when the LORD God expects a good work from them, they should do it. God’s people should never fail to act on a faithful conviction of the heart. Lastly, sinful thoughts are just as bad as sinful actions, and people of God should avoid them.

Have faith that the LORD God has convicted you of your sins and you know what they are. Don’t go looking for new sins, and don’t go looking for old sins. Focus on what the LORD God is placing in your heart concerning sin and change what you can as fast as you can. Those deeper sins that seem impossible to remove at this point, will become easier to overcome as your walk with Jesus becomes steady.

#2 Foundation B100-2 Test

35. What is sin? 1John 3:4 (22)

A. Evil

B. Satan’s trickery

C. Disobedience to the LORD GOD’s Laws

D. All the above

36. What characteristic makes “sin” always a sin? 1 John 3:4 (23)

A. Worldly lusts and desires

B. Unrighteousness

C. Satan

D. Lucifer

37. How do different sins compare to each other? 1John 3:4 (23)

A. All sins are equal in wrongness

B. There are different degrees of sin.

C. Original sin is actually the only sin known to mankind

D. Purposeful sins and innocent sins are no different from each other.

38. What statement is true concerning the consequences of sin? 1John 3:4 (23)

A. Sin is unforgivable and punished by death.

B. Sin is unforgivable, but not always punished by death.

C. Not all sin is unforgivable and punished by death.

D. Not all sin is unforgivable, but all sin is punished by death.

39. Which actions are considered punishable sins by the LORD GOD? James 4:17 (25) (26), Romans 14:23-23 (27) (28) (31), Proverbs 24:9 (32) (More than one answer)

A. If a person that knows to do good works and does not do them.

B. If a sin for one person is done by another who was unaware of the sin.

C. If a faithful action is done that was previously revealed by the LORD GOD to the person as a sin.

D. If a faithful action is done that was not previously revealed by the LORD GOD to the person as a sin.

E. If a person believes a certain truth, then doubts that truth and acts on his doubt.

F. If it is an action not of faith.

G. If a person plans an action wickedly

H. If a person plans an action recklessly

40. Match the five types of sin with their meanings.

A. Transgression                         a. Wicked or reckless planning

B. Unrighteousness                    b. Failing to do good works in LORD GOD’s Will

C. Omission of known duty         c. Failing to act on faithful conviction of heart

D. Faithless                                 d. Disobedience to the LORD GOD’s Law

E. Foolish thinking                       e. Unjust, immoral and wrong

41. How does knowledge of sin correspond to a person’s faith? Romans 14:22-23 (27) Rom 12:1-3 (27) (More than one answer)

A. Faith comes as a result of worship and praise to the LORD God and prevents sin.

B. The more righteous person always has more faith and less sin

C. Faith is between each individual and God. He will reveal to each individual what their sins are.

D. Good works results in good faith and less sin.

E. Faith comes from a desirous soul and sin from a corrupt heart.

F. The LORD GOD decides how much faith you will have, and the knowledge of your sins.

G. Faith grows without pause and sin stops abruptly.

42. What results if a person’s faith allows him to act, and he does that act in faith? Romans 14:22-23 (29)

A. He will be happy.

B. He will be sinning.

C. He will be judged.

D. He will be sad.

43. What results if a person’s faith allows him to act, yet he puts restriction, guilt, doubt, punishment or fear on the act? Romans 14:22-23 (30)

A. He will be happy.

B. He will be sinning.

C. He will be judged.

D. He will be sad.


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