JAMES – Lesson 4: The Faith of Responding to the Word and Will of God

Maintaining the Ability to Respond to the Word of God
in the Time of Trials and Tribulation

“19 ¶ Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: 20 For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.” (James 1:19-20 AV)

47. You must maintain righteousness during the trials and tribulations that come your way, in order to respond quickly to the LORD God’s Word and Will as you are moved. There are three steps you must do to maintain righteousness during the trials and tribulations that come upon you. …

Three Step Righteousness Posture for times of trouble

1. You must be swift to hear – You must be alert and able to swiftly hear and understand the situations as they develop.

2. You must be slow to speak – You must wait in patience for the situation to unfold in its entirety, so you can fully analyze and respond correctly according to the Will of the LORD God.

3. You must be slow to wrath – You must stay level headed and focused. The enemy would like nothing better than for you to lose your temper to wrath. The loss of such intense anger seizes your mind and prevents you from accomplishing or hearing the righteous Works and Will of your LORD God.

The times of trials and tribulations are increasing in intensity and frequency for Christians all over the world, and things are promised to get worse, before they get better, by the Word of God. Christians are able to face these trials and tribulations in faith because their LORD God has given them exact instruction in how to behave in these critical times. It is crucial that you follow these instructions completely.

If you fail to hear the Word and Will of the LORD God in the critical time of trials and tribulations, when the wicked of the world are trying to ensnare and destroy you, then you are going to be on your own and facing their wiles by yourself. The only way you can have the LORD God’s support, is if you respond as He says. If you can’t hear Him, or understand His instructions, then count on trials and tribulations being very costly to both your natural and spiritual life.

You can be certain that the enemy is fully aware of your inability to hear and understand the LORD God’s Will and Word if you are angry and embroiled in the chaos and clutter of emotional and physical attacks. When you are in the midst of your battles, everything that can be done by the other side to cause you to speak without thinking, or to lose your temper in an outburst of emotion, will be attempted.

It is in the wicked forces best interest to put you at a place where you can not hear your LORD God! What better place than inside yourself, seething and exploding in anger at the injustices that will be directed toward you!

One trend that we are now seeing among many of our students’ spiritual lives, are the trials and tribulations that come to them as a result of a past “lust”. Lusts of past times that used to paralyze many of our students, were overcome through prayer and practice and the Grace of the LORD God. That’s what good Christians do; they grow and overcome the things that prevent them from being righteous and holy.

Apparently, the evil forces are unaware of this growth, and place them in tribulation with matters that they had overcome. The lust is not present, and the sin does not happen, and the evil attempt to move the Christian away from his walk with Christ fails.

But this is the interesting part. Several of our students report that even though the tricks were easily recognized because they no longer carried the sin, they could have still been caught up in the turmoil that was produced in the attempt to create chaos, anger and an inability for them to hear the Word and Will of God. Evil did not just use the trick of tempting the lust of a person, but they also used the trick of disrupting through chaos and an emotional string pull and blackmail in an attempt to cause the Christian to fall. If it were not for the student’s commitment to swiftly hear and understand, and be slow to speak and slow to get angry, they would have surely fallen as a result of the method of delivery, rather than as a result of the actual temptation.

“Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.” (James 1:21 AVRLE)

48. You must lay aside any immorality that exists inside you. If you have something nasty going on in your private life, you have to get rid of it. If your nature is such that you have an excessive abundance of naughtiness, let it go.

Notice how we’re not saying the word “sin” here. There is a quality of our nature that is a weakness that can be used against us during times of tribulation. We’re not talking about sins here, we’re talking about things that go on behind closed doors; things that certainly aren’t sinful, but because we do them, we become dirty in our own mind, and when we fill filthy and worthless is the time the tribulations began in earnest.

So, let’s do some plain talk. Sexual lusts and unnatural acts fall into this category often. The things that happen between a husband and a wife in their lovemaking are not sinful, nor are they judged by the LORD God as a sin. If an act, however, causes your partner to feel dirty, and that feeling increases to the point of filthiness, the act must be laid aside. We must not subject ourselves or our loved ones to a place where filthiness is the norm. If we remain dirty, we are a prime target for trouble, and it will surely come!

Another example of excessive naughtiness is when you seek naughty revenge when you are slighted, or set people up for falls just for the fun of it, or create situations of emotional turmoil and then back away. We all know what naughty is, and God’s Word says if you are excessively naughty, get rid of it.

So how do we know when things that are not sins, but are ensnaring and trapping us with their dirtiness?

49. The Word of God is engrafted into every Christian. The Word of God is implanted in you, and as a Christian filled with the Holy Spirit, you are able to discern right and wrong things. You automatically know the things that are nasty, and you know the things that are naughty, and you know the things you need to throw away and get rid of.

You don’t have to search scriptures, and you don’t have to go to a priest to know of the things that are making you feel dirty. The nasty things are in direct conflict with the Word of God that is engrafted inside you, and as a result, you know you are dirty. You are not going to rid yourself of dirtiness by going to a twelve step program, or a self help book, or a guru on top of a mountain. You can wash yourself every day for the rest of your life, and not get rid of the dirtiness that we’re talking about. And, this is important:

The blood of Jesus Christ will not wash away the dirty things of your nature that are not sinful, but just nasty…There is only one thing that can rid you of the nasty and naughty habits of your nature. You have to stop doing them.

It is because the Word of God is engrafted into a Christian, which allows him to feel that nastiness to the point of rejecting it, and restoring righteousness and holiness as a result. Praise God for the engrafting of His Word!

“22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. 23 For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: 24 For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. 25 But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.” (James 1:22-25 AV)

50. You must do what the Word of God says. Hearing the Word of God is just half of the requirement of serving Him. Hearing is not enough. you must do it also!

If you do not obey the Word of God in your actions, then you will lose yourself!

We have a student who could quote scripture, pray loudly, sing on tune and bring joy into our presence every week. He would listen to our lessons and participate in the discussion and worksheets fully, but, when it was time to live his life, he made a mess of it.

He knew that living with a girl without being married was wrong, and he knew his drinking and partying was causing troubles with some of his friendships, but the “Lord knows I love him” and those things didn’t matter.

He wasn’t deliberately sinning and he certainly wasn’t doing the bad and terrible things of the wicked worldly. But, .he was doing things that he believed in his heart were wrong, because he had heard the Word of God speak on the subjects.

The thing he couldn’t understand is why his life was going so badly downhill. He liked to blame his spiritual and natural troubles on walking the line that separates them too closely, in an effort to win converts for the Lord. Sometimes he would use the excuse that He was a normal man that had gone to war and deserved the little vices that fell his way. It didn’t matter what excuses he used for his personal justification, it still didn’t change the fact that he was losing himself and his faith because he was hearing the Word of God, but failing to implement the Word in his life.

The loss of yourself and everything you hold dear is the price you pay for hearing the Word of God and not doing it. We often tell our new students that if they are not prepared to implement the things they learn through the study of the Word of God, it would be better for them to leave before they learn it. Because once the Word of God is heard and understood, you are accountable to do exactly what the Word says. Period.

51. If you realize that you have the freedom to choose the life you want, and you choose to hear the Word of God, and not grow forgetful with it, but build your life on the Foundation of Jesus Christ, then you will be blessed greatly.

Every human being, including the Christian Faithful, has the perfect law of liberty that allows them to choose the life they want to live. Woe to those who choose to hear the Word of God and not do it. Blessings to those who choose to hear the Word of God and do it!

“26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain. 27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” (James 1:26-27 AVRLE)

52. If you piously flaunt your practice of your religion, yet fail to restrain the output of your behavior and do as the Word of God says, then you are deceiving your own heart and your religion is really useless.

53. Pure and undefiled practice of your religion requires you to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and keep yourself unspotted from the world.

You must do what you hear from the Word of God!


wrath – 3709. orgh orge or-gay’; from 3713; properly, desire (as a reaching forth or excitement of the mind), i.e. (by analogy,) violent passion (ire, or [justifiable] abhorrence); by implication punishment:— anger, indignation, vengeance, wrath. (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

filthiness – 4507. ruparia rhuparia hroo-par-ee’-ah; from 4508; dirtiness (morally):— turpitude (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

engrafted – 1721. emfutov emphutos em’-foo-tos; from 1722 and a derivative of 5453; implanted (figuratively):— engrafted. (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

perfect law of liberty – 1657. eleuyeria eleutheria el-yoo-ther-ee’-ah; from 1658; freedom (legitimate or licentious, chiefly moral or ceremonial):— liberty. 1) liberty to do or to omit things having no relationship to salvation 2) fancied liberty 2a) licence, the liberty to do as one pleases 3) true liberty is living as we should not as we please (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

religious 2357. yrhskov threskos thrace’-kos; probably from the base of 2360; ceremonious in worship (as demonstrative), i.e. pious:— religious. (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

bridleth -5468. calinagwgew chalinagogeo khal-in-ag-ogue-eh’-o; from a compound of 5469 and the reduplicated form of 71; to be a bit-leader, i.e. to curb (figuratively):— bridle. (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

vain – 3152. mataiov mataios mat’-ah-yos; from the base of 3155; empty, i.e. (literally) profitless, or (specifically) an idol:— vain, vanity. (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

Worksheet for Lesson 4

89. Why is it important for you to maintain righteousness during the trials and tribulations that come your way? James 1:19-20 (47)
A. To prove your goodness to the LORD GOD
B. To be a role model for other Christians
C. To encourage others to be strong in the face of trouble
D. To be able to respond quickly to the LORD GOD’s Word and Will as you are moved

90. (Memorization) What are the three steps to implement when trials and tribulations come upon you? James 1:19-20 (47)

91. What can you be certain about concerning trials and tribulations coming to you? James 1:19-20 (47)
A. They have been prophesized to come to all of Christ’s faithful
B. It is going to get worse before it gets better
C. The times of trials and tribulations are increasing in intensity and frequency for Christians all over the world
D. All of the above

92. (Let’s Talk)

What are some of the trials and tribulations that are occurring to Christian brothers and sisters that you are currently aware?

Have they successfully implemented the Three Step Righteousness Posture? If not, what spiritual advantages could have been achieved?

What damage was done as a result of not implementing these steps?

Which one of the three steps is the hardest for you to keep?

Since the wicked forces know most of your weaknesses, how do they manipulate your trials and tribulations to make you respond incorrectly to one of these three steps?

How can a husband and wife, or even Christian brothers and sisters in Christ, implement the three step righteous posture together and effectively combine forces to maintain righteousness in times of trouble?

What are the techniques that you use to hear the Word and Will of the LORD GOD in the chaotic time of trials and tribulations, when the wicked of the world are trying to trap and destroy you?

Have you ever failed a trial or tribulation, and if so, what loss did you suffer?

93. What trend is currently being seen concerning past lusts of many of our students? (Notes)
A. Trials and tribulations based on past lusts are being encountered
B. Students are unable to resist past lusts
C. Students are being mocked for their rejections of past lusts
D. All of the Above

94. Why is this trend almost laughable and completely ineffective? (Notes)
A. Mockery does not hurt nor motivate a Christian
B. Jesus Christ will forgive lapses in sin
C. Christians grow and overcome things that prevent them from being righteous. It’s what a Christian does best!
D. All of the above

95. What is the danger that lies lurking under the surface for this particular past sin temptation attempt? (Notes)
A. A Christian might return to his sin
B. A Christian might lose respect from others as he is ridiculed
C. The chaos, emotions and blackmail are stirred up so greatly, that the Christian could easily get sucked into the drama if the three step righteous posture is not assumed
D. All of the above

96. What should you do with any immorality that exists inside you? James 1:21 (49)
A. Don’t focus on it if it is not a sin
B. Allow time to bring closure to the things that haunt you
C. Get rid of the nasty things that you do
D. Take it to your focus group and have it analyzed

97. What type of things are we speaking of when we talk of filthiness and naughtiness? James 1:21 (49)
(May be more than one answer)
A. A part of our nature that is a weakness
B. A Weakness that can be used against us during times of tribulation
C. Actions that make us feel dirty in our own mind, but are not sins
D. Sexual lusts and unnatural acts that are not sinful, but make you feel nasty
E. Creating emotional responses from people just for the fun of it
F. Obtaining power over situation through your manipulation of situations

98. How does a Christian know if something is nasty or naughty but not a recognized sin? James 1:21 (50)
A. The Word of God is engrafted into every Christian through the Holy Spirit
B. A Christian can never know for certain
C. If a Christian studies hard and has a good teacher, he will know
D. Talking with a Minister, Pastor or Priest will reveal your nasty habits
99. What must you do when you hear the Word of God? James 1:22-25 (51)
A. Praise Him for his graces
B. Prepare a Bible Study and teach others
C. Go out and witness the revelations to the world
D. Do what the Word of God says to do

100. What results if you do not obey the Word of God? James 1:22-25 (51)
A. You will go to hell
B. Nothing, if you ask forgiveness of your sins
C. You are washed in the blood of Christ, and are not accountable to the law
D. You will lose yourself, and you will forget the faith and personal relationship with the LORD GOD that you once held

101. What is the “perfect law of liberty”?
A. The freedom obtained through a democracy
B. The laws of the Kingdom of Heaven
C. The right given by the LORD GOD that allow you to choose the life you want
D. All of the above

102. How can you be blessed greatly by the LORD GOD when you are aware of the choice that you have?
A. Choose to forgo your freedom to live as you want, and choose to follow Jesus Christ
B. Choose to uphold human rights all over the world
C. Choose to enable democracy to be laid in places where oppression exists
D. All of the above

103. What results if you piously flaunt your practice of religion, but fail to restrain your behavior and do as the Word of God says? James 1:26-27 (53)

A. You are deceiving your own heart
B. Your religion is useless
C. You are going against the Word of God
D. All of the above

104. What does pure and undefiled practice of your religion require? James 1:22-25 (53)
A. Weekly confession of your sins and absolution from a priest
B. Regular attendance and participation in church activities
C. Assuming leadership positions in your church
D. You must do what you hear from the Word of God

105. What is James’ focused message in His Epistle? James 1:22-25 (53)
A. You must do what you hear from the Word of God!
B. You must do what you hear from the Word of God!
C. You must do what you hear from the Word of God!
D. All of the above


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