JAMES – Lesson 3: The Faith of Trials and Tribulations

“James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.” (James 1:1 AV)

21. James considered himself to be a servant to both the LORD GOD and the Lord Jesus Christ.

22. The Epistle of James was written to the Christian faithful who came from twelve tribes of Israel, which were scattered abroad.
Faithful Patience

“2 ¶ My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. 4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” (James 1:2-4 AV)

23. You should be joy filled when you fall into “diverse” adversities. “Diverse” or “motley” is a perfect name for people or things that are very different from one another and do not seem to belong together.

Diverse temptations are conditions of confusion that both young and mature Christians experience often. It is the time when you are surrounded by trouble, and mixed messages are coming your way. You feel the pull of righteousness and the push of wickedness, and this big black cloud, and white light seem to swirl together and paint everything grey. What seems right is wrong, what seems wrong is right. You face a strong temptation to react and resolve and to fix the things that are happening.

Christians often respond quickly and resolutely to this condition, often making rash and incorrect decisions. They feel the forces of wickedness and trouble stirring, and the natural reaction of their human nature wants to fight, flee, fear or freeze. Yet, the righteousness dwelling inside them through the presence of the Holy Ghost stirs the Christian to patience, to wait for the resolution to come.

You must have strong enough faith that the situation will be resolved according to the LORD God’s Will, and you must have the patience to let it happen! When you patiently wait as the adversity swirls around, you are allowing the LORD God’s Will to be accomplished, and resolution made perfect.

It is through these perfect solutions of the LORD God that will bring a joy to your being. How wonderful it is to be able to stand in the midst of a swirling cloud of activity, not understanding the problem exactly, and certainly not able to solve anything, yet confidently aware that the LORD God will resolve the issue in His time and way that will be perfect.

Faith to Ask the LORD God to Provide

“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” (James 1:5 AV)

24. You know if you lack wisdom. Wisdom is the combination of knowledge and understanding that is often gained through experience to make sensible decisions and judgments. When wisdom is lacking, the ability to manage things in the worldly natural life and the spiritual life is difficult.

25. The LORD God gives wisdom liberally to all of His People. Wisdom gives Christians the ability to hear the LORD GOD and discern His Will.

26. The LORD God will not give you wisdom if it is used to upbraid others. If wisdom is used to elevate yourself above others, and used to taunt and make others feel lessoned, the LORD God will not give you wisdom.

“But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.” (James 1:6 AV)

27. You must have enough faith, that when you ask the LORD God for something, that you do it without wavering.

The LORD God is the LORD GOD! He is not to be trifled with and He is not on standby to fulfill your every pleasure at your convenience. He wants His People to be firm, standing on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ, and faithfully asking Him for the things needed to accomplish His Works, with the confidence that He will provide.

He does NOT want a worker who waffles and tosses between wise thoughts and foolish, repetitive, fading requests, wasting his time with vain things that are buffeted around and guided by the current “wind” blowing through.

“For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.” (James 1:7 AV)

28. The LORD God does not want you to think that you will receive anything from him automatically.

“A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” (James 1:8 AV)

29. A double minded man is unstable in everything. If a man wavers back and forth and vacillates his opinion and his purpose, then he is unstable to himself, to others, and most importantly, to the LORD God.

So, the LORD God wants you to ask for wisdom, and He wants to give it to you liberally. He does not want you to hesitate to ask Him for anything that you need, but, He wants you to make sure that you use that wisdom He gave you, before you make your request. He does not want you to think that you can have anything you request, but to faithfully know that anything you request from Him in Wisdom will be given. And if for some reason, God forbid, that you should come to Him without wisdom and waver in your requests to Him, He will know you to be unstable.

Faith in Your Station in Life

“9 Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted: 10 But the rich, in that he is made low: because as the flower of the grass he shall pass away. 11 For the sun is no sooner risen with a burning heat, but it withereth the grass, and the flower thereof falleth, and the grace of the fashion of it perisheth: so also shall the rich man fade away in his ways.” (James 1:9-11 AVRLE)

30. There are different degrees of the station in life in any Christian congregation. The brother of low degree should rejoice because he has high rank in God’s Kingdom.

31. The brother who is rich should rejoice because he is made low in this life. It is through that “making low”, that allows him to become eligible to be exalted in the Kingdom of the LORD God.

32. If a rich Christian keep his ways of superior being, and does not change his ways when he is brought low, then he will wither, fade away and perish with the brightness of those who are exalted in the brightness of light from Jesus Christ.

Faith to Endure Temptation

“12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. 13 ¶ Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: 14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. 15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. 16 Do not err, my beloved brethren.” (James 1:12-16 AV)

33. If you endure temptation, you are blessed with an extreme happiness and a sense of well being.

34. When you endure temptation faithfully and successfully, you are showing the LORD God that you love Him and His Word and His Way.

35. When you show the LORD God love, he promises to give you a crown of life and a place of exalted honor in His Kingdom.

36. When you face temptation, you should never say that it is the LORD God that is tempting you. He does not tempt with evil, nor does he tempt any man.

37. Temptation comes from evil.

38. The LORD God can never be tempted by evil.

39. When a person is tempted, he is drawn away because of his own craving for what is forbidden.

40. When lust of a person is active, then the opportunity for enticement occurs.

41. Lust causes sin and sin, when it is finished doing it’s destruction, causes death.

42. You should be extremely careful to avoid roaming from the Truth and walking from the Ways of the LORD God.

Faith in the Gifts that the Father in Heaven Gives His Children

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” (James 1:17 AV)

43. Your Father in Heaven sends good and perfect gifts to all of His children.

44. The gifts your Father sends you are without variableness. The quality of perfection and goodness in every gift He gives, never changes, never varies. It is easy to know the gifts He gives because of this knowledge.

45. The gifts your Father sends you are without shadow of turning. The perfect and good gifts that your Father in heaven sends you are not going to change and evolve into something else. The gifts are perfect and unchanging.

“Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.” (James 1:18 AV)

46. Your very nature was made with the Word of Truth, and His Truth was placed into you at the very moment of your birth – As a chosen, called and faithful person, you are His first effort of making Man in His own image and He infused special things into you through His Word of Truth, different from what is given to other living beings of the world. This difference between you and the worldly creatures is the Word of Truth that dwells within you. It is the Holy Spirit that gives you the ability to discern gifts from the LORD God, and temptations of wickedness and you must have faith that you are able to do this through the revealing of Truth by the Holy Spirit.

It is vitally important that you understand how your LORD God provides to you, and the type of gifts he gives. If you have no understanding, then it is easy for the wicked to trick you into believing a gift or provision is from Him, when in reality it is given to you to cause fall from His Grace. The wicked forces in the world have every intention of tempting you with evil through your lust. Often, they try to stir that lust and trick you by giving you a gift that appears righteous in nature but turns quickly into something quite recognizable as wicked.

For instance, often a person is tricked through lust that if he prays a certain prayer correctly, that he will receive wealth. When the prayer is said, and the wealth comes, it appears for a moment to be righteous and true. But when the Word of God is examined closely, and the types of gifts He gives to His believers known, it reveals the sudden fortune from prayer to come from Satan, and not from Him, and originating from evil lust and not righteous wisdom. By describing the perfect and good types of gifts your Father sends, you are better equipped from recognizing the fake righteous gifts put into your presence to cause you to lust, succumb to temptation, prosper, and fall.

Know your LORD God through study of His Word. Know your LORD God through the personal relationship and steady walk with Jesus Christ. Know your LORD God for who He really is, not who the wicked forces try to make Him be. Most importantly, have faith of your knowing, have faith of your moving, and have faith of your discerning through the presence of the Holy Spirit that dwells within you.

The LORD God has equipped us to overcome every trial and temptation. He has taught you how to be steady and secure in your request to Him. He has told you exactly how the things from Him can be confirmed and verified. His Word has revealed every trick the wicked might try, and has provided you with warnings and guidance on how to overcome these attacks. When you are faced with temptation, be joyful, patient, watchful, stable, wise and most importantly….BE FAITHFUL!


divers – 4164. poikilov poikilos poy-kee’-los; of uncertain derivation; motley, i.e. various in character:— divers, manifold. (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

temptations – 3986. peirasmov peirasmos pi-ras-mos’; from 3985; a putting to proof (by experiment [of good], experience [of evil], solicitation, discipline or provocation); by implication, adversity:— temptation, X try. (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

wisdom – 4678. sofia sophia sof-ee’-ah; from 4680; wisdom (higher or lower, worldly or spiritual):— wisdom. (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

upbraidth -3679. oneidizw oneidizo on-i-did’-zo; from 3681; to defame, i.e. rail at, chide, taunt:— cast in teeth, (suffer) reproach, revile, upbraid. (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

wavering – 1252. diakrinw diakrino dee-ak-ree’-no; from 1223 and 2919; to separate thoroughly, i.e. (literally and reflexively) to withdraw from, or (by implication) oppose; figuratively, to discriminate (by implication, decide), or (reflexively) hesitate:— contend, make (to) differ(-ence), discern, doubt, judge, be partial, stagger, waver. (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

double minded -1374. diqucov dipsuchos dip’-soo-khos; from 1364 and 5590; two-spirited, i.e. vacillating (in opinion or purpose):— double minded. 1a) wavering, uncertain, doubting 1b) divided in interest (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

low degree – 5011. tapeinov tapeinos tap-i-nos’; of uncertain derivation; depressed, i.e. (figuratively) humiliated (in circumstances or disposition):— base, cast down, humble, of low degree (estate), lowly. (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

exalted – 5311. uqov hupsos hoop’-sos; from a derivative of 5228; elevation, i.e. (abstractly) altitude, (specifically) the sky, or (figuratively) dignity:— be exalted, height, (on) high. (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

temptation – 3986. peirasmov peirasmos pi-ras-mos’; from 3985; a putting to proof (by experiment [of good], experience [of evil], solicitation, discipline or provocation); by implication, adversity:— temptation, X try. (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

blessed – 3107. makariov makarios mak-ar’-ee-os; a prolonged form of the poetical makar makar (meaning the same); supremely blest; by extension, fortunate, well off:— blessed, happy( X -ier). (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

Crown of life – 4735. stefanov stephanos stef’-an-os; from an apparently primary stefw stepho (to twine or wreathe); a chaplet (as a badge of royalty, a prize in the public games or a symbol of honor generally; but more conspicuous and elaborate than the simple fillet, 1238), literally or figuratively:— crown. (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

lust – 1939. epiyumia epithumia ep-ee-thoo-mee’-ah; from 1937; a longing (especially for what is forbidden):— concupiscence, desire, lust (after). (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)
entice – 1185. deleazw deleazo del-eh-ad’-zo; from the base of 1388; to entrap, i.e. (figuratively) delude:— allure, beguile, entice. (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

err – 4105. planaw planao plan-ah’-o; from 4106; to (properly, cause to) roam (from safety, truth, or virtue):— go astray, deceive, err, seduce, wander, be out of the way. (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)
variableness – 3883. parallagh parallage par-al-lag-ay’; from a compound of 3844 and 236; transmutation (of phase or orbit), i.e. (figuratively) fickleness:— variableness. (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

shadow – 644. aposkiasma aposkiasma ap-os-kee’-as-mah; from a compound of 575 and a derivative of 4639; a shading off, i.e. obsuration:— shadow. (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

turning – 5157. troph trope trop-ay’; from an apparently primary trepw trepo (to turn); a turn (“trope”), i.e. revolution (figuratively, variation):— turning. (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

Worksheet for Lesson 3

55. Who did James consider himself to be a servant to? James 1:1 (21)
(May be more than one answer)
B. Jesus Christ
C. Jews
D. Christians
E. Ministers and Priests of the LORD GOD

56. Who did James write his Epistle to? James 1:1 (22)
A. The Nation of Israel
B. The Twelve Tribes of Israel in Israel
C. The Twelve Tribes of Israel who were scattered abroad
D. Those members of the Twelve Tribes of Israel who had converted to the Christian faith, and were scattered abroad

57. What should your mental state be when facing the many different adversities placed in the path of your Christian Walk? James 1:2 (23)
A. Confusion
B. Paranoia
C. Anger
D. Joy

58. (Let’s talk)

What experiences have you had with adversities being put in your Christian path?

What emotions were the situations trying to evoke?

Do you know the hidden purpose for the adversities placed in your path by your enemies?

How did you successfully overcome these adversities?

What mistakes did you make in handling adversities as a young Christian, which you wouldn’t make today as a more mature Christian?

What emotions did you feel when you chose the resolve the situation yourself?

What emotions did you feel when the situation was resolved perfectly by your LORD GOD?

59. What is the technique that a Christian can use to allow the LORD God to perfectly resolve all diverse temptations and adversities? James 1:2-4 (23 & Notes)
A. Have faithful patience as it plays out in the LORD God’s time
B. Have on the armor of God before you fight the battle
C. Have strength and courage to confront your attackers
D. Respond swiftly to any adversity, taking your enemies off guard and giving you the offensive advantage

60. How do you know if you lack wisdom? James 1:5 (24)
(May be more than one answer)
A. Others tell you often that you are dumb
B. You are never sought out for leadership positions in your church
C. You keep making wrong decisions and judgments
D. You are unable to understand the debates of theologists and apologists
E. The ability to manage things in the worldly natural life and the righteous spiritual life is difficult.

61. When will the LORD God give wisdom to a person? James 1:5 (25)
A. Never. It comes at a natural time in a natural way.
B. It is given in small amount to all people as their spiritual capacity grows.
C. Wisdom is measured at birth and the capacity to be wise is based on that.
D. The LORD God gives wisdom liberally to all of His people.

62. How does wisdom enable your relationship with the LORD God? James 1:5 (25)
A. Wisdom gives you the ability to hear the LORD God and discern His Will
B. Wisdom allows you to stay out of sins way, and stop the transgressions of iniquity
C. Wisdom make the LORD GOD love you more
D. All of the above

63. When will the LORD God not give you wisdom? James 1:5 (26)
A. If it is used to upbraid others.
B. If it is used to elevate yourself above others.
C. If it is used to taunt and make others feel lessoned.
D. All of the above

64. How do you ask the LORD God for something? James 1:6 (27)
A. You must have enough faith that you will receive an answer for what you ask
B. You cannot waver for even a moment in your faith that He will provide according to His Will
C. You have no need to ask for anything, the LORD GOD knows everything you will ever need.
D. A & B
E. B &C
F. All of the above

65. When does the LORD God standby to fulfill your every desire for pleasure? James 1:6-7 (27, 28)
A. When He is well pleased with you.
B. When you are accomplishing works that will glorify Him in Heaven
C. When you are given the task to spread His Word to places it has never been before
D. Never

66. How does the LORD God want His people to come to Him when they have a need? James 1:6 (27 & Notes)
(May be more than one answer)
A. Standing firmly on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ
B. Faithfully asking Him for the things needed to accomplish His Works
C. Having confidence that He will provide
D. Tossing wise thought and foolish without regard
E. Praying repetitive and fading requests
F. Wasting His time with vain things
G. Bringing matters to Him that are buffeted around and guided by current winds blowing through
H. Thinking that you will receive anything that you ask for

67. What is wrong with a double minded man? James 1:8 (29)
A. He is unstable in everything
B. He wavers back and forth and vacillates his opinion and his purpose
C. He is unstable to others, and most importantly to the LORD God
D. All of the above

68. What will the LORD God think about you, if you come to Him without wisdom and waver in your requests to Him? James 1:8 (29)
A. You are unstable
B. You are a sinner
C. You are stupid
D. You are being cute and charming

69. What status are the stations in life that Christians hold? James 1:9-11 (30)
A. All Christians are poor and of low degree
B. Faithful Christians are always rich and of high degree
C. Faithful Christians are always poor and of low degree
D. All Christian are always rich and of high degree
E. Weak and ineffectual Christians are always poor and of low degree
F. Christians can either be low or high degree and is dependent on the LORD God’s Will

70. Why should the Christian Brother or Sister of low degree rejoice? James 1:9-11 (30)
A. He will understand poverty before he obtains riches in the world
B. He is still able to stand tall among the rich brothers and sisters
C. He has high rank in God’s Kingdom
D. His spirit is one of servitude to higher Christians in this world, and a position greatly needed in the Kingdom of God

71. Why should the Christian Brother or Sister of high degree rejoice? James 1:9-11 (31)
A. He should be filled with exceeding joy that the LORD God proves His love through the granting of riches and high position
B. He should be proud that He was chosen above others to mange money, power and prestige
C. He should rejoice when he is brought low, which allows him to become eligible to be exalted in the Kingdom of God
D. All of the above

72. What happens if a rich Christian keeps his ways of superior being, and refuses to change when he is brought low? James 1:9-11 (32)
A. He may be in danger of committing a sin of pride
B. He will wither, fade away and perish amidst those who are exalted in the light of Jesus Christ
C. He will be elevated in the Kingdom of God, and receive more responsibilities
D. He will be judged harshly, and receive damnation in Hell on Judgment Day

73. What are you blessed by the LORD God with, if you endure temptation? James 1:12-16 (31)
A. Longer life
B. Extreme happiness and a sense of well being
C. Promotion to a higher station in life
D. All of the above

74. What are you showing the LORD God when you endure temptation faithfully and successfully? James 1:12-16 (34)
A. That you love Him, His Word and His Way
B. That you have been doing great Bible studies in your free time
C. That you are ready to assume greater responsibility
D. That you are righteous enough to cause the wicked forces to worry, and create temptations to cause you to fall

75. What does the LORD God promise to give those who show Him their love? James 1:12-16 (35)
(May be more than one answer)
A. Crown of life
B. An exalted honor in His Kingdom
C. An easy life in this world
D. A granting of any wish you can make

76. When does the LORD God tempt with evil? James 1:12-16 (36)
A. Never
B. To test the Faithful Leaders in His Kingdom
C. To winnow out the righteous from the wicked
D. To prove to you that you are strong in your faith

77. When does the LORD God tempt a man? James 1:12-16 (36)
A. Never
B. To prove the man for His Kingdom
C. To challenge the man to come to Him
D. To prove the man that He can receive strength from the Kingdom of God

78. Where does temptation come from? James 1:12-16 (37)
A. Evil
B. Good
C. The way of life
D. The LORD GOD and His angels

79. When can the LORD GOD be tempted by evil? James 1:12-16 (38)
A. Never
B. When He is challenged to a duel by Satan himself
C. When He allows Himself to be
D. When it is for righteousness sake

80. Why is a person able to be tempted by evil? James 1:12-16 (39)
A. He does not have a strong faith
B. He is not loved by the LORD God
C. He has satisfied his own craving for what is forbidden
D. All of the above

81. When does the opportunity for enticement of temptation occur? James 1:12-16 (40)
A. When a person is tired, sick, weak and oppressed
B. When a person is spiritually high
C. When a person receives recognition, power, support or a leadership position in the spiritual realm
D. When the lust of a person is active

82. What does lust cause? James 1:12-16 (41)
A. Sin
B. Destruction
C. Death
D. All of the above

83. What care should be taken to avoid lust? James 1:12-16 (42)
(May be more than one answer)
A. Avoid roaming from the Truth of the Word of God
B. Avoid walking from the Ways of the LORD God
C. You cannot avoid lust in your human body
D. Deal aggressively with lusts and seek treatment as the weakness appears

84. What types of gifts does the Father in Heaven send His children? James 1:17 (43)
A. Good and perfect gifts
B. Any gift that is asked for
C. Only the gifts that bring Glory to Him
D. All of the above

85. What qualities do the gifts of the Father in Heaven possess? James 1:17 (44, 45)
(May be more than one answer)
A. The quality of perfection and goodness that never changes
B. Always great and ever changing
C. Given with the consideration of the various situations it will be given
D. Never changing
E. Never evolving into something else

86. How did your nature become what it is? James 1:18 (46)
(May be more than one answer)
A. It was formed at your physical conception
B. It was begotten by Him with the Word of Truth
C. It was made at the moment of your birth in Jesus Christ
D. It became as a result of your efforts in the spiritual and natural life

87. What is the difference between a Christian of the Kingdom of God, and a creature of this world? James 1:18 (46)
A. The Word of Truth dwells inside the Christian
B. There is no difference

88. How can you know with certainty the things of your LORD God and Jesus Christ, and not fall for the temptations of evil? James 1:18 (46)
(May be more than one answer)
A. Understand how the LORD God provides.
B. Don’t have lust
C. Study the Word of God
D. Have a personal relationship and a steady walk with Jesus Christ
E. Pray with confidence
F. Have unwavering faith in your knowledge and understanding of all things of the LORD God


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