

The Book of Judges covers the men with spiritual discernment, military prowess and administrative abilities that the LORD GOD raised up to guide the fortunes of Israel. These leaders were established from the death of Joshua to the days of Samuel, the last judge. Samuel is traditionally thought to have written this book. The account notes the failure of the children of Israel to maintain the high spiritual standards laid down by Moses and Joshua in their failure to conquer the land of Canaan as God had challenged them to do, to their growing disobedience and spiritual apostasy brought on by wicked immorality. God would teach His people through this period that “rest” was fully available, and provided for by Himself, but must be entered into by an obedient people.

Judges 1

1:1-7 Judah and Simeon capture Abonibezek
1:8-10 Conquests of Judah
1:11-15 Othniel conquers Debir and receives Achsah
1:16-21 The extent of conquests of Judah and Benjamin
1:22-36 Conquests of other tribes

Judges 2

2:1-5 Angel of the Lord rebukes Israel
2:6-10 The death of Joshua
2:11-15 Israel’s apostasy
2:16-23 Ministry of the judges

Judges 3

3:1-7 Nations left to test Israel
3:8-11 Othniel judges and delivers Israel
3:12-30 Ehud delivers Israel from Moab
3:31 Shamgar delivers Israel

Judges 4

4:1-16 Deborah and Barak deliver Israel
4:17-24 The death of Sisera

Judges 5

5:1-31 The song of Deborah and Barak

Judges 6

6:1-10 Midian oppresses Israel
6:11-35 The call of Gideon
6:36-40 Gideon’s signs

Judges 7

7:1-14 Gideon’s men reduced to three hundred
7:15-23 The lamps and the pitcher
7:24-25 Gideon’s victory

Judges 8

8:1-28 Gideon captures and slays Midian’s kings
8:29-32 Gideon’s children; his death
8:33-35 Israel turns from God

Judges 9

9:1-6 Abimelech made king
9:7-21 Jotham rebukes the Shechemites
9:22-49 The conspiracy of Gaal
9:50-57 Death of Abimelech

Judges 10

10:1-5 Tola and Jair judge Israel
10:6-18 Israel humiliated

Judges 11

11:1-28 Jephthah delivers Israel
11:29-31 Jephthah’s vow
11:32-40 Jephthah’s victory

Judges 12

12:1-6 Ephraimites slain by Jephthah
12:7 Jephthah’s death
12:8-15 Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon judge Israel

Judges 13

13:1-25 The birth of Samson

Judges 14

14:1-7 Samson and the women from Timnath
14:8-20 Samson feast and riddle

Judges 15

15:1-2 Samson is denied his wife
15:3-13 Samson burns the Philistines’ corn
15:14-20 Samson slays a thousand Philistines

Judges 16

16:1-3 Samson at Gaza
16:4-22 Samson and Delilah
16:23-31 The death of Samson

Judges 17

17:1-6 Micah’s images
17:7-13 Micah’s hired priest

Judges 18

18:1-31 Micah and the Danites

Judges 19

19:1-30 The Levite and his concubine

Judges 20

20:1-14 The war against the Benjamites
20:15-16 Seven hundred left-handed men chosen
20:17-23 Israel defeated in two battles
20:24-48 The defeat of the Benjamites

Judges 21

21:1-7 Mourning for Benjamin
21:8-25 Wives for the Benjaminites



Joshua was Moses’ personal aide and military commander. This Book stands at the beginning of the Jewish scriptural collection known as the Former Prophets, and is believed to be mostly written by Joshua himself. The book is considered the first of the Historical Books of the English Bible, because it traces the record of the children of Israel from the shores of the Jordan River to the conquest and division of the land of Canaan. It closes with an account of the aged Joshua’s farewell speeches. The events listed span some 40 years, from c. 1407-1367 B.C.

Joshua 1

1:1-18 Preparations for the conquest of Canaan

Joshua 2

2:1-7 Spies sent to Jericho
2:8-24 The pledge between the spies and Rahab

Joshua 3

3:1-13 Directions for crossing Jordan
3:14-17 The waters of Jordan divided

Joshua 4

4:1-18 The twelve stones taken from the Jordan
4:19-24 Camp at Gilgal

Joshua 5

5:1-11 The circumcision and passover at Gilgal
5:12 Manna ceases
5:13-15 Joshua and the man with a drawn sword

Joshua 6

6:1-27 The fall of Jericho

Joshua 7

7:1-26 The sin of Achan

Joshua 8

8:1-29 The capture and destruction of Ai
8:30-35 The law recorded at Mount Ebal

Joshua 9

9:1-15 The deceit of the Gibeonites
9:16-27 Their servantage to Israel

Joshua 10

10:1-11 The defeat of the Amorites
10:12-43 The sun stands still

Joshua 11

11:1-15 The defeat of Jabin’s alliance
11:16-23 Joshua takes the whole land

Joshua 12

12:1-6 The kings defeated by Moses
12:7-24 The kings defeated by Joshua

Joshua 13

13:1-6 The lands yet unconquered
13:7-21 Inheritances east of Jordan
13:22-33 Balaam slain

Joshua 14

14:1-5 Canaan divided by lot
14:6-15 Hebron given to Caleb

Joshua 15

15:1-12 The territory allotted by Judah
15:13-20 Caleb conquers Hebron and Debir
15:21-62 The cities of Judah
15:63 Jebusites remained in Jerusalem

Joshua 16

16:1-4 Territory of the sons of Joseph
16:5-10 Borders of Ephraim

Joshua 17

17:1-13 Territory of Manasseh
17:14-18 Sons of Joseph receive more land

Joshua 18

18:1 The tabernacle set up at Shiloh
18:2-10 The land described and divided
18:11-28 Benjamin’s territory

Joshua 19

19:1-9 Territory of the children of Simeon
19:10-16 Territory of the children of Zebulun
19:17-23 Territory of the children of Issachar
19:24-31 Territory of the children of Asher
19:32-39 Territory of the children of Naphtali
19:40-48 Territory of the children of Dan
19:49-51 Joshua’s inheritance

Joshua 20

20:1-9 Six cities of refuge appointed

Joshua 21

21:1-42 The cities of the Levites
21:43-45 Israel possesses the land

Joshua 22

22:1-9 Two and a half tribes sent home
22:10 The altar by the Jordan
22:11-34 The dispute and reconciliation

Joshua 23

23:1-16 Joshua exhorts the people

Joshua 24

24:1-25 Joshua’s farewell address
24:26-28 The stone of witness
24:29-33 Joshua’s death and burial


Deuteronomy is a significant book which is often quoted in the New Testament with 195 citations. It establishes many concepts that have influenced religious thought and life of ancient Israel, Jews and Christians down through the ages. Moses is generally considered the original author, with the final chapters completed by a theocratic officer, possibly Joshua, who recorded both the death and the song of Moses.

The greatest commandment to Jesus and Christians, and the creed of Israel, known as the Shema, are recorded in Deuteronomy 6:4,5. The words are upon the hearts of all of God’s people, who are instructed to teach them diligently to their children, and Jesus names this commandment as the first and the greatest in Matthew 22:37.

Another major thought contained within this chapter concerns the covenant relationship between the LORD GOD and His chosen and called people, and the obligation they had to obey His commandments. Both the rewards for obedience and the punishments for disobedience are clearly laid out to His people.

The substance of the three addresses of Moses to God’s people as they awaited the final instructions to go over and possess the land God had promised to their fathers is recorded. This exciting and momentous occasion is captured in and forms one of the themes in this fifth book of Moses.

Deuteronomy 1

1:1-8 Moses recounts God’s promise to Israel
1:9-18 The appointment of judges
1:19-33 Incidents at Kadeshbarnea
1:34-40 God’s punishment of Israel
1:41-46 The defeat of Israel at Hormah

Deuteronomy 2

2:1-23 The years in the wilderness
2:24-37 Israel conquers Sihon

Deuteronomy 3

3:1-25 Israel conquers Og of Bashan
3:26-29 Moses views the Promised Land

Deuteronomy 4

4:1-8 Moses’ exhortation to obedience
4:9-14 Israel’s experiences at Horeb
4:15-40 Warning against idolatry
4:41-49 Cities of refuge chosen

Deuteronomy 5

5:1-6 The covenant in Horeb
5:7-21 The Ten Commandments
5:22-33 The people’s fear

Deuteronomy 6

6:1-9 The great commandments
6:10-25 Warnings against disobedience

Deuteronomy 7

7:1-5 Separateness from heathens demanded
7:6-11 A holy people to the Lord
7:12-26 The blessings of obedience

Deuteronomy 8

8:1-10 A good land to be possessed
8:11-20 Warnings against forgetting the Lord

Deuteronomy 9

9:1-5 The Lord will destroy the nations of Canaan
9:6-29 Israel’s rebellion at Herob

Deuteronomy 10

10:1-11 The second tables of stone
10:12-22 An exhortation by Moses

Deuteronomy 11

11:1-7 The greatness of the Lord
11:8-25 The blessings of the promised land
11:26-32 A blessing and a curse

Deuteronomy 12

12:1-16 Only one place of worship
12:17-28 Holy things to be eaten in a holy place
12:29-32 Warning against idolatry

Deuteronomy 13

13:1-11 Idolaters to be put to death
13:12-18 Idolatrous cities to be destroyed

Deuteronomy 14

14:1-21 Clean and unclean food
14:22-29 The law of the tithe

Deuteronomy 15

15:1-6 The year of the release
15:7-11 Lending to the poor
15:12-18 Treatment of servants
15:19-23 Consecration of firstlings

Deuteronomy 16

16:1-17 The three appointed feasts
16:18-22 Judges and judgments

Deuteronomy 17

17:1-13 Divers instructions
17:14-20 Choice of a king

Deuteronomy 18

18:1-8 The portions of the Levites
18:9-14 Warning against heathen practices
18:15-22 A promised prophet

Deuteronomy 19

19:1-14 Cities of refuge
19:15-21 Law concerning witnesses

Deuteronomy 20

20:1-20 Laws concerning war
Deuteronomy 21

21:1-9 Settlement for an unknown murderer’s crime
21:10-23 Various laws

Deuteronomy 22

22:1-12 Various laws (continued)
22:13-30 Laws concerning chastity

Deuteronomy 23

23:1-8 Those excluded from the congregation
23:9-14 Laws of sanitation
23:15-25 Laws of human relations

Deuteronomy 24

24:1-13 Laws of domestic relations
24:14-22 Oppression of servants

Deuteronomy 25

25:1-16 Laws of human relations
25:17-19 Command to blot out Amalek

Deuteronomy 26

26:1-11 The offering of the first fruits
26:12-19 The offering of the tithes

Deuteronomy 27

27:1-10 An alter on Mount Ebal
27:11-26 The curses at Mount Ebal

Deuteronomy 28

28:1-14 The blessings of obedience
28:15-68 The consequences of disobedience

Deuteronomy 29

29:1-9 Moses exhorts to obedience
29:10-29 The Lord’s covenant with Israel

Deuteronomy 30

30:1-20 The conditions for restoration and blessing

Deuteronomy 31

31:1-23 Joshua commissioned as Moses’ successor
31:24-29 The law to be placed in the ark
31:30 The song of Moses

Deuteronomy 32

32:1-47 The song of Moses (continued)
32:48-52 Moses permitted to see the land of Canaan

Deuteronomy 33

33:1-29 Moses blesses the tribes

Deuteronomy 34

34:1-8 The death of Moses
34:9-12 Joshua succeeds Moses


The experiences of Israel in the Wilderness were compiled by Moses. Numbers stresses the importance of obedience and faith and deals with a census and Israel’s years in the wilderness, and midway speaks of another census of the new generation and telling of the months before entrance into Canaan. The character of God, the land given to Israel by Him, and declaration that Israel is His people are focused in the book of Numbers.

Numbers 1

1:1-46 Numbering of the men able to go to war
1:47-54 The appointment of the Levites

Numbers 2

2:1-34 The camps and leaders of the tribes

Numbers 3

3:1-39 The number and duties of the Levites
3:40-51 The redemption of the first-born

Numbers 4

4:1-49 The tasks assigned to the Levites

Numbers 5

5:1-4 Cleansing the camps
5:5-10 The law of recompense
5:11-31 The law concerning jealousy

Numbers 6

6:1-21 The law for the Nazarite
6:22-27 The priestly benediction

Numbers 7

7:1-88 Offerings for the dedication of the altar
7:89 God speaks to Moses

Numbers 8

8:1-4 Aaron lights the lamps
8:5-22 The cleansing of the Levites
8:23-26 The age of the Levitical service

Numbers 9

9:1-14 The observance of the passover
9:15-23 The cloud over the tabernacle

Numbers 10

10:1-10 The silver trumpets
10:11-36 The Israelites depart from Sinai

Numbers 11

11:1-9 The Lord sends quails
11:10-15 Complaint of Moses
11:16-35 The seventy elders

Numbers 12

12:1-9 Miriam and Aaron speak against Moses
12:10-16 Miriam healed of leprosy

Numbers 13

13:1-25 The twelve spies sent to Canaan
13:26-33 The report of the spies

Numbers 14

14:1-12 The people rebel against the Lord
14:13-19 Moses intercedes
14:20-35 God’s punishment on Israel
14:36-45 The death of the ten spies

Numbers 15

15:1-31 Laws concerning offerings
15:32-36 The stoning of the Sabbath breaker
15:37-41 Fringes on the garments

Numbers 16

16:1-40 Korah’s rebellion
16:41-50 Ravages of the plague

Numbers 17

17:1-13 Aaron’s rod

Numbers 18

18:1-24 Provision for the priests and Levites
18:25-32 The heave offering

Numbers 19

19:1-22 The purification of the unclean

Numbers 20

20:1-1 Miriam’s death
20:2-13 Water from the rock
20:14-21 Edom refuses passage to Israel
20:22-29 Aaron’s death

Numbers 21

21:1-3 The Canaanites attack Israel
21:4-9 The fiery serpents
21:10-20 Journey around Moab
21:21-30 Israel conquers Sihon
21:31-35 Israel conquers Og of Bashan

Numbers 22

22:1-20 Balak sends for Balaam
22:21-35 The angel of Balaam’s ass
22:36-41 Balak entertains Balaam

Numbers 23

23:1-30 The prophecies of Balaam

Numbers 24

24:1-25 Balaam foretells the happiness of Israel

Numbers 25

25:1-5 Israel worships Baalpeor
25:6-18 The zeal of Phinehas

Numbers 26

26:1-51 The numbering of Israel in Moab
26:52-56 Inheritance to be by lot
26:57-65 The tribe of Levi

Numbers 27

27:1-17 The law of inheritance
27:18-23 Joshua to succeed Moses

Numbers 28

28:1-8 The daily offerings
28:9-15 The Sabbath and monthly offerings
28:16-31 The offerings at the appointed feasts

Numbers 29

29:1-40 The offerings at the appointed feasts (continued)

Numbers 30

30:1-16 The law concerning vows

Numbers 31

31:1-24 The Midianites conquered
31:25-54 The division of the booty

Numbers 32

32:1-42 Reuben and Gad inherit east of Jordan

Numbers 33

33:1-49 The wilderness journeys
33:50-56 Canaanites to be expelled

Numbers 34

34:1-15 The borders of Canaan
34:16-29 Princes to partition Canaan

Numbers 35

35:1-8 The inheritance of the Levites
35:9-28 Laws concerning murder
35:29-34 The law concerning bloodshed

Numbers 36

36:1-4 The law of female inheritance
36:5-13 Marriage within the tribes


A historical narrative of laws to show how Israel became the nation that it did, and what it takes to become a people of the LORD GOD. Leviticus reveals the presence of the LORD GOD in Israelite worship, the attainment of holiness through sanctification, the role of sacrifice, and the establishment of Covenant worship and expected behavior of God’s people who are covered under His Sinai Covenant.

Leviticus 1

1:1-17 The law of burnt offerings

Leviticus 2

2:1-16 The law of meat offerings

Leviticus 3

3:1-17 The law of peace offerings

Leviticus 4

4:1-12 The law of sin offerings
4:13-35 Laws made for the congregation

Leviticus 5

5:1-13 Laws made for the congregation (continued)
5:14-19 The law of the trespass offerings

Leviticus 6

6:1-7 The law of the trespass offerings (continued)
6:8-30 The law of the offerings

Leviticus 7

7:1-10 The law of the offerings (continued)
7:11-27 The peace offering
7:28-38 The priests’ portion

Leviticus 8

8:1-13 Consecration of the priests
8:14-36 The priests’ offering

Leviticus 9

9:1-24 The first offering of Aaron

Leviticus 10

10:1-7 The sin of Nadab and Abihu
10:8-20 Restrictions for the priesthood

Leviticus 11

11:1-47 Clean and unclean animals

Leviticus 12

12:1-5 The purification of women
12:6-8 Offering for purification

Leviticus 13

13:1-59 Signs and treatment of leprosy

Leviticus 14

14:1-32 The cleansing of lepers
14:33-57 Signs of leprosy

Leviticus 15

15:1-33 Unclean discharges from the body

Leviticus 16

16:1-19 The day of atonement
16:20-28 The scapegoat
16:29-34 Feast of expiations

Leviticus 17

17:1-9 One place of sacrifice
17:10-16 The eating of blood forbidden

Leviticus 18

18:1-30 Acts of immorality forbidden

Leviticus 19

19:1-37 Laws of holiness and justice

Leviticus 20

20:1-27 The penalties for acts of immorality

Leviticus 21

21:1-24 The holiness of the priests

Leviticus 22

22:1-33 The holiness of the offerings

Leviticus 23

23:1-44 The appointed feasts

Leviticus 24

24:1-4 The tending of the lamps
24:5-23 The showbread

Leviticus 25

25:1-7 Sabbath years
25:8-34 The year of jubilee
25:35-46 Redeeming the poor
25:47-55 Servants redeemed

Leviticus 26

26:1-2 Idolatry
26:3-13 Blessings of obedience
26:14-46 Penalties for disobedience

Leviticus 27

27:1-34 Laws concerning dedications


This book in the Holy Bible tells the story of God’s chosen people’s struggles with slavery and the beginning of the Hebrew nation later called Israel. It follows the development of the race from Jacob’s twelve sons (Tribes of Israel) to the deliverance from bondage and the beginning of the journey to the promised land by the leading of the glory of the LORD GOD. The testimony of both the Jewish community and the Christian church is that Moses was author of the book that emphasizes God’s covenant faithfulness.

Exodus 1

1:1-7 The Israelites in Egypt
1:8-21 The oppression of Israel by a new king
1:22 Pharaoh’s cruel order

Exodus 2

2:1-4 Birth of Moses
2:5-10 Early years of Moses
2:11-25 Moses flees from Egypt

Exodus 3

3:1-8 The call of Moses by the LORD GOD through the burning bush
3:9-22 The LORD GOD commissions Moses

Exodus 4

4:1-13 The Rod of Moses
4:14-18 The appointment of Aaron
4:19-31 The return to Egypt by Moses

Exodus 5

5:1-19 Pharaoh chides Moses and Aaron
5:20-23 Israel complains and Moses prays

Exodus 6

6:1-13 The covenant renewed with Moses
6:14-30 The genealogies of Moses and Aaron

Exodus 7

7:1-6 Moses before Pharaoh
7:7-19 The rod of Moses turned into a serpent
7:20-25 The Plague of blood

Exodus 8

8:1-15 The plague of frogs
8:16-19 The plague of lice
8:20-32 The plague of flies

Exodus 9

9:1-7 The plague on the cattle
9:8-12 The plague of boils
9:13-35 The plague of hail

Exodus 10

10:1-20 The plague of locusts
10:21-29 The plague of darkness

Exodus 11

11:1-3 Israelites borrow Egyptian jewels
11:4-10 Death of the first born threatened

Exodus 12

12:1-28 The Passover instituted
12:29-36 The death of the firstborn
12:37-42 The Israelites leave Egypt
12:43-51 The ordinance of Passover

Exodus 13

13:1-16 The consecration of the firstborn
13:17-22 The pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire

Exodus 14

14:1-20 Instructions to the Israelites
14:21-31 Crossing of the red sea

Exodus 15

15:1-21 The song of Moses
15:22-26 The waters of Marah
15:27 Israel at Elim

Exodus 16

16:1-11 The wilderness of sin
16:12-31 The LORD GOD sends quails and manna
16:32-36 An omer kept

Exodus 17

17:1-7 Water miraculously supplied by the LORD GOD
17:8-16 War with Amalek

Exodus 18

18:1-12 Jethro visits Moses
18:13-27 The appointment of the judges

Exodus 19

19:1-18 Israel at Mount Sinai
19:19-25 God answers Moses from the mount

Exodus 20

20:1-17 The Ten Commandments
20:18-21 The people’s fear
20:22-26 The LORD GOD demands exclusive worship

Exodus 21

21:1-11 The treatment of the servants
21:12-25 Laws concerning acts of violence
21:26-36 Laws concerning responsibility of owners

Exodus 22

22:1-15 Laws concerning restitution
22:16-31 Laws of human relations

Exodus 23

23:1-13 Judgments concluded
23:14-19 The three appointed feasts
23:20-33 The Lord’s angel sent to lead Israel

Exodus 24

24:1-18 Moses and the elders on Mount Sinai

Exodus 25

25:1-9 Israel to bring an offering
25:10-22 The ark of the testimony
25:23-30 The table for the showbread
25:31-40 The golden candlestick

Exodus 26

26:1-37 The tabernacle

Exodus 27

27:1-8 The alter of the burnt offering
27:9-19 The court of the tabernacle
27:20-21 The tending of the lamp

Exodus 28

28:1-14 The garments for the priests
28:15-30 The breastplate of twelve precious stones
28:31-43 The sacred vestments

Exodus 29

29:1-9 The consecration of Aaron and his sons
29:10-37 The order of the sacrifices
29:38-44 The daily offerings
29:45-46 God’s promise of his presence

Exodus 30

30:1-10 The altar of incense
30:11-16 The atonement money
30:17-21 The laver
30:22-38 The anointing oil and the incense

Exodus 31

31:1-11 Craftsmen to be employed
31:12-17 The sabbath as a sign
31:18 Two tables of stone

Exodus 32

32:1-10 The golden calf
32:11-18 Moses’ intercession for Israel
32:19-24 Moses breaks the tables
32:25-35 The idolaters slain

Exodus 33

33:1-11 The tabernacle moved
33:12-23 Moses prays for God’s presence

Exodus 34

34:1-9 The tables renewed
34:10 God’s covenant
34:11-17 Israel warned of the idolatry of Canaan
34:18-26 The three feasts
34:27-35 Moses and the tables of the law

Exodus 35

35:1-3 Regulations for the Sabbath
35:4-9 Israel to bring an offering
35:10-19 The tabernacle articles
35:20-29 The people bring an offering
35:30-35 The workmen are ready

Exodus 36

36:1 The workmen are ready (continued)
36:2-7 The people restrained from bringing gifts
36:8-38 The making of the tabernacle

Exodus 37

37:1-29 The furnishings of the tabernacle

Exodus 38

38:1-8 The furnishings of the tabernacle (continued)
38:9-20 The court of the tabernacle
38:21-31 The sum of the offerings

Exodus 39

39:1-31 The priestly vestments
39:32-43 The tabernacle articles completed

Exodus 40

40:1-12 The setting up of the tabernacle
40:13-33 Consecration of Aaron and his sons
40:34-38 The glory of the LORD GOD


Genesis is the book of beginnings of all things created by the LORD GOD. It records the beginning of creation, time, life, sin, salvation and mankind, as well as the beginning of the Hebrew nation. It is the foundational book to the rest of the Bible, and it covers more time than any other book in the King James Bible. The Genesis record bears witness to the greatness, everlasting and only LORD GOD and the beginnings of His people. Genesis covers the whole plight of man, who was created in God’s image, but because of sin, became destined for the grave. Moses is believed among most of God’s people to be the author.

Genesis 1

1:1-2 The beginnings of creation
1:3-5 The creation of light and separation of darkness on the first day
1:6-8 The creation of Heavens on the second day
1:9-13 The creation of Earth, seas, herbs, and trees on the third day
1:14-19 The creation of sun, moon and stars on the fourth day
1:20-24 The evolution of life from God’s creation allowed on the fifth day
1:25 The creation of life by God from evolution pattern on sixth day
1:26-28 The creation of man by the LORD GOD in His Image on sixth day
1:29-31 The provisions of food given to God’s created life

Genesis 2

2:1-7 The establishment of holy seventh day of rest by the LORD GOD
2:8-20 The Garden of Eden
2:21-25 The making of woman Eve from Adam

Genesis 3

3:1-13 The fall of man
3:14-21 The curse
3:22-24 The expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden
Genesis 4

4:1-7 Cain and Abel
4:8-9 The murder of Abel by Cain
4:10-15 The curse of Cain
4:16-26 The Descendants of Cain

Genesis 5

5:1-5 The Descendants of Adam
5:6-32 The Descendants of Seth

Genesis 6

6:1-8 Wickedness of mankind
6:9-22 Noah makes the Ark at the direction of the LORD GOD

Genesis 7

7:1-16 Noah, his family, the beasts and fowls enter the Ark
7:17-24 The flood

Genesis 8

8:1-5 The waters recede
8:6-14 The raven and the dove are sent out
8:15-19 Noah and his family leave the Ark
8:20-22 Noah sacrifices

Genesis 9

9:1-7 The Blood of Life is Sacrificed
9:8-19 God’s covenant with Noah
9:20-24 Noah’s drunkenness
9:25-29 Curse of Canaan

Genesis 10

10:1 The descendants of the sons of Noah
10:2-5 Sons of Japheth
10:6-20 Sons of Ham
10:21-32 Sons of Shem

Genesis 11

11:1-6 The building of the Tower of Babel
11:7-9 People of the world are given confusion of language
11:10-26 The descendents of Shem
11:27-30 The descendants of Terah
11:31-32 Terah moves from Ur to Haran

Genesis 12

12:1-9 The LORD GOD’s call to Abram
12:10-13 Abram Driven to Egypt by a famine
12:14-20 Abram deceives Pharaoh

Genesis 13

13:1-4 Abram returns to Canaan
13:5-9 Abram and Lot separate
13:10-13 Lot goes to the wickedness of Sodom
13:14-18 The promise to Abram renewed

Genesis 14

14:1-12 Battle of the kings
14:13-16 Abram rescues Lot
14:17-20 Melchizedek blesses Abram
14:21-24 Abram’s unselfishness

Genesis 15

15:1-6 The Lord’s promise to Abram
15:7-17 Prophecy of Israel’s bondage
15:18-21 The Lord’s covenant with Abram

Genesis 16

16:1-6 Sarai and Hagar
16:7-14 An angel speaks to Hagar
16:15-16 Ishmael is born to Hagar
Genesis 17

17:1-14 Circumcision the sign of the covenant
17:15-19 Sarai’s name changed to Sarah; Isaac is promised
17:20-27 Ishmael to be a nation

Genesis 18

18:1-8 Three angels visit Abraham
18:9-15 Sarah promised a son
18:16-21 The doom of Sodom
18:22-33 Abraham intercedes for Sodom

Genesis 19

19:1-3 Two angels visit Lot
19:4-14 The wickedness of the men of Sodom
19:15-23 Lot delivered from Sodom’s destruction
19:24-29 Cities of the plain destroyed
19:30-38 Birth of Moab and Ben-ammi
Genesis 20

20:1-18 Abraham and Abimelech

Genesis 21

21:1-8 The birth of Isaac
21:9-21 Hagar and Ishmael sent away
21:22-34 The covenant at Beer-sheba

Genesis 22

22:1-14 Abraham commanded to offer Isaac
22:15-19 The Abrahamic covenant
22:20-24 Abraham’s relatives

Genesis 23

1-20 Death and burial of Sarah

Genesis 24

24:1-49 Rebekah chosen as a wife for Isaac
24:50-61 Laban and Bethuel give their approval
24:62-67 Isaac meets Rebekah
Genesis 25

25:1-6 Abraham’s sons by Keturah
25:7-11 Death and burial of Abraham
25:12-18 Descendants of Ishmael
25:19-28 Birth of Esau and Jacob
25:29-34 Esau sells his birthright
Genesis 26

26:1-5 God’s covenant with Isaac confirmed
26:6-16 Dispute with Abimelech
26:17-25 Dispute about wells
26:26-33 Covenant between Isaac and Abimelech
26:34-35 The wives of Esau

Genesis 27

27:1-29 Isaac’s blessing to Jacob
27:30-40 Disappointment and enmity of Esau
27:41-46 Jacob flees from Esau
Genesis 28

28:1-9 Jacob sent to Padanaram
28:10-15 God appears to Jacob at Bethel
28:16-22 Jacob’s vow

Genesis 29

29:1-14 Jacob meets Rachel
29:15-20 Jacob serves Laban for Rachel
29:21-27 Jacob marries Leah instead
29:28-30 Jacob marries Rachel also
29:31-35 Leah’s children

Genesis 30

30:1-4 Rachel gives Bilhah to Jacob
30:5-21 Jacob’s children
30:22-24 Rachel gives birth to Joseph
30:25-36 Trickery of Laban and Jacob
30:37-43 Jacob’s increasing prosperity

Genesis 31

31:1-16 Jacob leaves Laban
31:17-21 Flight of Jacob
31:22-42 Laban overtakes Jacob
31:43-55 The covenant between Jacob and Laban

Genesis 32

32:1-23 Jacob prepares to meet Esau
32:24-32 Jacob wrestles with an angel

Genesis 33

33: 1-20 Jacob and Esau reconciled

Genesis 34

34:1-31 Dinah’s defilement avenged

Genesis 35

35:1-15 God blesses Jacob at Bethel
35:16-26 Rachel gives birth to Benjamin and dies
35:27-29 The death of Isaac

Genesis 36

36:1-30 The descendants of Esau
36:31-43 The kings of Edom

Genesis 37

37:1-11 Joseph’s dreams
37:12-25 The plot against Joseph
37:26-36 Joseph sold to Ishmaelites
Genesis 38

38:1-12 Sons of Judah
38:13-26 Tamar deceives Judah
38:27-30 The birth of twins

Genesis 39

39:1-6 Joseph’s advancement
39:7-19 Joseph and Potiphar’s wife
39:20-23 Joseph is cast into prison

Genesis 40

40:1-4 Joseph is cast into prison (continued)
40:5-19 Joseph interprets dreams
40:20-23 Joseph’s word comes to pass
Genesis 41

41:1-13 Pharaoh’s dreams
41:14-36 Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dreams
41:37-53 Joseph made ruler over Egypt
41:54-57 The famine

Genesis 42

42:1-15 Joseph’s brothers come to Egypt for corn
42:16-17 Brothers imprisoned as spies
42:18-23 Joseph’s treatment of his brothers
42:24-38 Simeon kept for a pledge
Genesis 43

43:1-30 Joseph’s brothers return with Benjamin
43:31-34 Joseph gives a feast for his brothers

Genesis 44

44:1-13 Joseph gives a final test to his brothers
44:14-34 Judah’s plea for Benjamin

Genesis 45

45:1-8 Joseph makes himself known
45:9-20 Joseph sends for Jacob
45:21-28 Joseph provides for their journey

Genesis 46

46:1-7 Jacob moves to Egypt
46:8-28 Jacob journeys with his family
46:29-34 Joseph meets his father

Genesis 47

47:1-10 Jacob presented to Pharaoh
47:11-12 Joseph provides for his father and his brothers
47:13-31 Joseph’s administration in Egypt

Genesis 48

48:1-7 Joseph visits Jacob
48:8-22 Israel blesses Ephraim and Manasseh

Genesis 49

49:1-33 Israel’s prophecy concerning his sons

Genesis 50

50:1-13 Burial of Jacob
50:14-26 Joseph comforts his brothers


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