The importance of holding your tongue in witness

The most terrible, embarrassing, and humbling mistakes I have ever made in my ministry occurred in the instances that I failed to hold my tongue. I’m not talking about profanity, nor am I talking about the loose talk of the world. I’m speaking of sincere spiritual witness about my Lord Jesus Christ, and the requirements a believer must take to be born again, and received into the Kingdom of God.

When I was a young Christian, I just couldn’t shut up. When someone showed even the tiniest interest into the things of God, I was there with a highlighted Bible, some well practiced phrases, an exuberance to reflect the Holy Spirit that is always inside me, and a concrete goal that the person will confess, repent, and accept in that very day. How many people did I discourage, how many people did I turn away, because I failed to stop talking long enough to address the issues and concerns that brought them to me? Oh, dear God, what trouble did I bring to those who came to me with hunger for milk, and I fed them meat they could not chew?

It’s a matter of timing, an issue that seems to be focused on a lot by me these days. The big timings of God, and the smallest timings of God are all the same. Either you allow the LORD God to control things in His Time and in His Way, or you take control, plow forward with a loose tongue, and lose any hope of completing the Will of God.

Profitable witness to the Word of God and His saving Grace, requires mastery of flowing with the timing of God. It is vital that you speak the things He wants you to speak, then shut up, especially:

1. After you ask a question. Let the perspective converts think about what you have asked, and then answer it from their perspective. Don’t prompt them for the correct responses, because there aren’t any. The LORD God brings every type of person, with different beginning beliefs, experiences, outlooks, and emotions. If you don’t shut up and listen to their concerns, you risk alienating and confusing them in their most vulnerable moments.

2. Anytime you ask for their commitment to Christ. Our Kingdom does not have a “complete knowledge and understanding” requirement for entrance, and the new converts are not going to know the deep things of God immediately. They are going to have misperceptions, mistaken beliefs, and worldly thoughts. If they are not able to address these things, in their own ways, then their path toward Jesus Christ is made rocky and curved as they try to balance the things of God with the things in their own minds. The important and critical things of salvation to the person must be presented accurately and completely. But the deeper things of faith can wait; have confidence that the LORD God will present it all to them, in His Time, and avoid overloading the young Christian with things that are unimportant to him at his new birth.

3. When you are not sure what to say next. Either you are speaking for the LORD God, at the movement of the Holy Spirit, and the Truth of the Word of God in the name of Jesus Christ, or you are not. If you are at a loss for words, then that means that you are not being given words to speak. Do not try to break the silence with your own words. Have confidence that when the words need to be spoken, they will be given to you. Embrace the silence for what it is, and Praise God that He has control of even the silent times, as he moves the people to the places they need to go, deep inside themselves, where no one else can know or go.

4. When people express disappointment. It is in our nature to explain why something went wrong or to offer a quick solution to problems that we have overcome already. However, if you allow people the opportunity to vent, you gain both an understanding of the problem, and a foundation where the Word of God can be laid through His Moving. It is these times when the person becomes primed for seeking and hearing the Word of God. We must restrain ourselves from offering quick solutions, and remain quiet enough in ourselves to speak His Words as He gives them to us. The best witnesses of Jesus Christ are the quietest. They are able to actually hear what the interested people are saying, and what is most confusing to them. Most importantly, good and quiet witnesses are able to allow the foundation of Jesus Christ to be laid, as they serve the milk of God’s Word to the new babes in Christ in His Time and in His Way.

Hebrews 5:12-14

“12 For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which [be] the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. 13 For every one that useth milk [is] unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. 14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, [even] those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.” (Heb 5:12-14 AV)

Preparation of both the Righteous and the Wicked to Complete God’s Works

One of the coolest things for a Christian to witness is when the forces and agents against the LORD God are moved by Him in preparation for His Works to be completed. The righteous people of the LORD God carry out the works that the LORD God Wills; but often, those works cannot be accomplished until the conditions and times are just right.

The knowledge of the timing of the works of the LORD God is essential for Christians. It is this timing that allows for the preparation of all of the players and actions to come together to ensure the success of the Works for Him.

This preparation is exemplified in the story of Esther. She was advised by her father that the Jews were being persecuted and threatened with death by the wicked Haman, and she was in a perfect position to stop it. Esther was married to King Ahasuerus, and he loved her above all others, and had made her Queen. Still, there was protocol to follow, and just to enter into his presence without being summoned risked a death sentence to her. Esther had to make her husband aware of the wicked acts of his chief Prince Haman, and his threats against the LORD God’s people, but to blurt it out in the wrong time would result in her own death, and the empowerment of the Prince. So Esther began the process of doing a great work for the LORD God and saving His People, by letting Him know of her efforts, and her relinquishment of control to God’s timing.

1. She asked the Jews to fast and pray. Her father, Mordecai, led the Jews to accomplish the fast and bring God’s attention to the movement to protect both himself from the gallows, and the destruction of God’s People.

2. She went to her husband and arranged a great feast for the next two days, to be attended by only her, King Ahasuerus and the wicked prince Haman.

Then the timing of God and his preparation of the players begin…

1. Ahasuerus was prepared by God to receive the distressing information and understand the deep implications by causing his sleep to be disrupted. Because he was unable to sleep, he commanded the book of records to be brought before him to read. Within those records, was the report of Mordecai’s loyalty and great actions to honor and protect the King. Ahasuerus’s heart was moved to reward Mordecai’s service.

2. The wicked prince Haman was prepared by God to pronounce the reward to be given to Mordecai by allowing Haman to think that that the King was preparing to reward him instead. Haman mistakenly assumed that the King was asking what reward should be given him, when in fact Ahasuerus was preparing to reward Mordecai. Haman recommended that the man in the King’s favor be given glory and authority, and he excitedly prepared to receive those honors.

3. The faithful servant of God, Mordecai, was prepared by Him to receive the promotion to prince, and to lead and protect His people, when the timing of God caused the works of Him to be completed at the hands of Esther.

All the while, Esther waited, until the LORD GOD had made the preparations for His Works to be carried out in His time. She prepared the banquet, the King prepared to sleep, Haman prepared to be honored, and Mordecai prepared his people. In God’s time, Mordecai was made prince, and Haman was hung in the gallows that he had ordered to be prepared for Mordecai.

Today, I wait in anticipation of a great work of the LORD God’s to be completed, and the restoration of the integrity and honor of one of His people. I have witnessed His preparing many people, some righteous and some wicked, to bring His Work together in a platform that will eventually lead to one of His Works being done. And when I grow impatient for this holy and just act to be completed, I remind myself of the story of Esther, and how critical it is that we allow the timing of the LORD God to move at His Will. It’s a matter of time, His time, that is going to make the difference, and bring the most glory to His Ways.

We don’t tickle, and we don’t scratch that itch

A confused Christian and I have corresponded concerning his spiritual backsliding. Time after time, this Christian moves two steps forward, gets tempted by the lusts and greeds of worldly things, and falls three steps back. Over the years, when he has fallen off the path, he’ll get in touch, and we get him to focus once again on the Word of God. Once a person removes their self focus, and worldly focus, and puts it back on the spiritual things of God, then spiritual restoration can begin.

I received a letter from him suggesting that I was “legalistic” in my interpretation of his sins. He believes that what he does might be a sin for others, but not for him, because it makes him feel good, therefore it must be good. If it makes him happy, then it can’t be a sin. He is so very wrong, and you can be assured that I told him so with the Word of God coming through loud and clear.

Preachers, Pastors, Priests, Teachers of the Word of God, Mature Christians, Parents, Friends, Christian Brothers and Sisters should ALWAYS correct, reprove, and instruct their loved ones if they are doing something that could cause the loss of their spiritual growth toward God. Failure to do so, is a lack of love and an act of cowardice.

The time has arrived when young or weak Christians are refusing to endure sound doctrine, but instead are going after their own lusts. Instead of searching for the True Will of the LORD God, they instead make up their own beliefs, and find teachers that let them off easy by preaching the very things they want to hear. This condition is called “itchy ears”. They don’t want to hear the truth, they just want to hear what they choose, and find a teacher to scratch their itch for their pleasure.

All of the Teachers of the Word of God with Becker Bible Ministries, Inc. take the responsibility of saying it like it is, as well as we can in accordance with His Word. We don’t tickle or itch the ears. We don’t call our dedication to the Word of God legalism or constructive criticism. We call it making full proof of our ministry. We call it loving our brothers and sisters in Christ enough to help them stay focused on the things that are important to their spiritual growth. We believe that it is a strong and courageous Christian that is able to stand against the tide of popular liberalism, and declare consistently the Word and Will of God.

With what standard do you measure? Who in this life is your treasure? By what focus do you judge me?

Let me always be with a congregation of believers who measure me with the Word of God, who have the treasure of Jesus Christ, who focus on their love for me and each other to reprove, correct, instruct, preach, exhort, uphold, teach the Word of God, so we might help each other become perfect, righteous and thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

As long as we are using the Word of God, and not the doctrines of men, it’s all good!

2 Timothy 3:16-4:8

“16 All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”

4:1 I charge [thee] therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; 2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away [their] ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. 6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. 7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished [my] course, I have kept the faith: 8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. (2 Timothy 3:16-4:8

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit dwells inside each Christian that has hands laid on him in the baptism of the Holy Ghost. This Holy Spirit stirs inside each of us as Jesus Christ and the LORD God have Works for us to perform for Them.

When the Holy Spirit moves inside us, we become tools for Him. An effective Christian is able to empty himself of himself when the Holy Spirit moves. The more the Christian is able to remove self-focus, the more filling is accomplished by the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit moves greatly, and fills the Christian with an extraordinary large amount of Himself, it is done to complete an important Work that He Wills done.

This large filling is a temporary condition, done until the completion of the Work intended. When a Christian does not fight the process, wonderful Works of the LORD God are produced, and effects change among many.

When I am preparing a Bible Study, I separate myself from worldly influence, and most importantly, myself. When it is His Will, the Holy Spirit greatly fills me and accomplishes what He Will. When I am finished with that task, or my physical and mental being is not able to sustain, His presence inside me relaxes, and I return to a normal state of being. He is still inside me, but the powerful filling is lessoned to allow me to recover for another day.

Once the Holy Spirit returns to a normal being inside me, for a while, I sometimes become disorientated, depressed, frustrated, disappointed, sad, or wanting to cry. When I was a young Christian, I thought that meant that I was sinning somehow. Now, after many, many years of experiencing this condition, I understand it completely. If we have the power of the LORD God and Jesus Christ in us so strongly that our very selves disappear, then certainly, when that dwelling subdues, we are faced once again with our pathetic human condition. That transition between powerful use by the Holy Spirit, and becoming once again just a human, and the journey from a spiritual high place of great filling of the Holy Spirit to face my lowly nature once again is difficult but necessary so His Works can always continue to be directed by Him.

1 Corinthians 2:6-16 AV

“6 ¶ Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought: 7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, [even] the hidden [wisdom], which God ordained before the world unto our glory: 8 Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known [it], they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. 9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 10 But God hath revealed [them] unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. 11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. 12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. 13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know [them], because they are spiritually discerned. 15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. 16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 2:6-16 AV)

It is rough times for “Despitefully Used” Christians

I am being despitefully used by a nonbeliever. She has falsely accused me, has mocked me, and has attempted to trick me. Her motive is to gain entry into my inner circle of trusted family and friends. When she was unable to manipulate me, she began her campaign from the outskirts of my circle, in hopes that the ripples will force me to relinquish control and direction to her.

She is using my strong walk with Jesus Christ to effect the things she wants. She has publicly asked for my forgiveness, in a loud and boisterous voice, with many other non- believing witnesses surrounding her. Her deeds against me were dastardly and horrible, yet she mockingly calls for my forgiveness in the name of my Christ. Her heart is not sincere, but her hope to penetrate my world is.

My Lord’s words are clear:

“43 ¶ Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. 44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; 45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? 47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more [than others]? do not even the publicans so? 48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” (Mt 5:43-48 AV)

“Despitefully use you” had no deep meaning to me, until now that I am faced with that exact thing. It is the word “use” that causes the most pain to me. I am no different than thousands of other Christians who daily endure despiteful treatment from some through their wicked actions. It comes with the territory, and we all accept that as part of the price we pay to bear our cross and follow after Christ. So I know what it feels like to be “despised”.

But “despitefully used” is something new to me. Those words mean that my persecutor is going to be inside my life, in my presence, and cause my faith and walk to be directed in attention to their spite. The way my enemy is “using” me is loudly proclaiming that if I am of Christ, I am obligated to forgive her when she asks. Though my spirit and heart know she is insincere, and the practice of my faith requires repentance and change to receive forgiveness, her public outcries place my ministry and testimony in conflict with my teachings as viewed by the unsaved world. More importantly, to not forgive her would cause me to appear to go against the teachings of my beloved Jesus Christ.

Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? 22 Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.” (Mt 18:21-22 AV)

Seventy times seven, over and over if necessary, I am instructed to forgive my brethren when they sin against me. My brethren, who are my Christian brothers and sisters, that share my faith in Jesus Christ, and my Father LORD GOD, receive forgiveness from me without pause. But this girl is NOT my brethren. She does not profess her faith in Christ, she refuses to be baptized, her ways are wicked and go against the things of my God. Yet, she calls herself “Christian”, and proclaims her Christianity to be better than mine, because it allows her to do the things that feel good to her, and manipulate the things in my outer circle to come under her control.

To be “despitefully used” makes the walk of a Christian very slippery, with the enemy placing landmines and pitfalls in the path to righteousness. When the path gets this slippery (or even when it is sure), I have no choice, but to follow my Lord’s instructions exactly.

So today, I will be praying for her, as my Christ instructs. I will try to make my heart as perfect as I can before I say the prayer, and choose my words carefully, so that my love for my King and Savior shines through the wickedness that is placed before me by my enemies. And then. I am going to wait patiently, as His Will and Works unfold.

If you are reading this…please pray for my enemy too. She needs all the prayers that she can get!

My son came home from the war, a bit broken, but with a strong faith in Christ

After the violent attacks in 2001, my thirty year old son became so angry against the brutality of terrorism, that he joined the Army to help fight for his country. When he joined he was beginning his study in the ministry, and he was becoming the spiritually strong man that I knew he would be as we raised him to be. Although we were proud of his principles and his strength to stand for what he believed, we were scared to death that he would see the horrors of war and become confused in his spirit that had been groomed since his childhood to be a man of God. As he enlisted, we held many long night discussions with him, trying to help him sort out his obligations to his country, vs. his obligations to his Savior Jesus Christ. It was a trying time for all of us, and he resolved the conflict by obtaining a job with the Chaplain’s service in the Army.

Following basic and tech school, he was snatched up by the Rangers, and went through serious and exhaustive training to become one of the elite special force members. He was the first enlisted chaplain Ranger, and we kept receiving glowing reports of his progress, and his wonderful witness among the troops about his Lord. Then the horrors of war entered solidly into our lives, and we watched for months as it unfolded over our TV. Because of his elite status, and the subversive type of work that the Rangers do, we were not allowed to know where he was. We were not allowed to write letters, or talk with him on the phone, or get a hold of him in anyway, to offer encouragement and support for his efforts.

We struggled often to hold our fears together as we imagined our boy seeing the horrors of war, and being unable to resolve his needs to defend against his needs to love. We prayed fervently and constantly, yet we were so very scared, that one night we cried in each others arms because of our fear. We feared not of his loss of his natural life, as much as his loss of spiritual life, and we had no way of knowing if he was going to be okay, and continue in the path of service to Jesus.

One day, a Newsweek magazine came to our home. We were looking at the pictures of war inside it, when one of the pictures touched us so deeply, we shook with emotion. A small picture, at the top of the page, showed a group of soldiers gathered around a sandbagged font of water, many with shirts off in the middle of the desert. And there, in the midst of all of them, surrounded with hope and the love of Jesus on there faces, stood an image of our son as he participated in the baptism of the soldiers before they went into the hot zones of war.

As a Christian, you can imagine how joyous we were when our prayer to God was answered with the reassurance that our son was doing His work in spite of the chaos and violence. That picture provided enough strength to us to allow us to wait seven more months before we could speak to him. We learned later that they had parachuted into that area for just one day, and couldn’t quite understand at the time why, and had no idea that his picture was even taken. He took that opportunity to assist in the worship service and help with the baptisms. The picture of that precious service hangs on our wall today.

Five tours of duty in war later, my son finally came home. He brings with him the pains and sufferings of many of our young men and women who have sacrificed their very lives for the principles of freedom and duty. Most importantly, he tells of the glorious witnesses of Christ moving among the soldiers in comfort amidst the bloody desert sands, when the things of spirit take precedence over the things of nature.

Thanks be to the LORD God, my son has come home a man changed with the pains of war, but solidly intact in spirit, still able to walk his steady walk in faith toward his precious Savior and King. What a blessing we have received!

The Sacrifice made by Christ is NOT enough for Some

I remember reading the account of Christ going to his crucifixion for the first time as a young child and I was horrified. Even at that young age, I had the realization that He was hanging from that cross because of the sins I did and would do in my lifetime. I realized with horror that it was me that pounded those nails into his hands, as my savior offered His life to the LORD God for redemption of my own.

That gift on Calvary, given because Jesus Christ loved me so dearly, has always been enough for me. If the LORD GOD told me today that I would lose everything I own, everything I love, everything I am in an instant, I would still praise His Holy Grace for giving me the most precious gift of all; salvation through the sacrificed blood of my precious Jesus Christ. It was so undeserved, but oh so blessed to receive the ultimate gift of love and eternal life.

I know it sounds like big talk and brings images of Job and God and the devil sorting the things of righteousness out as the friends debate the proper response to his tragic life. But I must tell you: I have been there, and faced that desperate loss, and I know. I have lost everything I loved, everything I was, and everything I knew in one very wicked instant. And at my lowest time, when I faced homelessness and loss of everybody I loved, and everything I had ever lived for, my precious Jesus and his sacrifice of life for me became my only focus.

And when I was at my lowest, it never crossed my mind to ask Jesus for anything more than allowing me to be called one of His people, and to receive redemption through the grace of the LORD God. I honestly never thought about asking for riches, or power, or help or even the basic things to sustain my life. I was so overwhelmed that when my whole world had ended, and I was repulsive to every person in my old life, that I was given a new life, and I was loved with a love that would never be taken away.

It is my Savior Jesus Christ I live for forever because the sacrifice he made for me was the most precious act of love I could ever receive, and all other rewards pale in comparison. So I have a hard time understanding the newest movements that are winding through the community of Faithful. I remember a few years back when people started saying a prayer focused around a tiny scripture in hopes that they would be rewarded greatly by the LORD God for their faithful and repetitive asking for riches. Now, I talk with brothers and sisters on every day who are striving to achieve the newest goals of self-actualization through a purpose driven life. I listen as they implement their newest goals and direct their life to its fullest potentials.

I wonder, isn’t there anybody left among the Faithful that love Jesus Christ enough that the sacrifice He made for them is exactly enough? Is there anybody alive today that could lose everything, and still sing praises to God for the salvation of their soul?

I spoke with three new converts this week; all three of them came to Jesus Christ because of goods, time and money received by faithful Christians who took time to help them out when they were down. In each instance, the new convert was so astounded that a non-relative would help them with the worldly things of life, that they started going to church to figure it all out. Hey, they wrongly thought, it worked! And now there are three more converts who have committed to following Christ for the wrong reasons entirely. They think if Jesus led others to give them so much help before their acceptance, then how much more riches can they expect to receive now that they belong to Him? When do the riches start rolling in, now that they have bent their knees? How much study is required of that purpose driven life to effect the opulent rewards of true belief?

What a struggle each of these converts will have when they realize the path of Jesus Christ is not filled with riches, but with trials, tribulations, persecutions and loss at every turn. What a terrible conflict of nature and spirit they will one day struggle with, when they are faced with accepting Christ’s sacrifice over the tempting riches placed before them by a devil just waiting for their greed to overshadow the Gift. What shame they will feel when they remember the time when the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for their sins was not enough.

1 Timothy 6:6-12
“6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into [this] world, [and it is] certain we can carry nothing out. 8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. 9 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and [into] many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. 10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 11 But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. 12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.” (1Ti 6:6-12 AV)

1 Peter 2:19-25
“19 For this [is] thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully. 20 For what glory [is it], if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer [for it], ye take it patiently, this [is] acceptable with God. 21 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: 22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: 23 Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed [himself] to him that judgeth righteously: 24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. 25 For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.” (1Pe 2:19-25 AV)

Strokes for the slef-focused

Let me say from the start: these words are gonna get me in trouble.

The conservative Christians will be shocked that such a topic would ever be discussed, the liberal fellows will grin from ear to ear, and the unholy and worldly will try to use my words to convict me of things I am not guilty of. So, I will try to be very careful how I say the message, avoid using the words that readily define the condition I am going to discuss, and pray that you receive an understanding of my message through a deeper reading of my words.

The problem is the strokings of the self-focused. It is a worldly problem of nature that has been reinforced through the school system in providing liberal praise for every action, regardless of achievement or effort. The need for pleasurable experiences is escalated through the constant exposure to provocative, sensual and outright pornographic images that pummel us everyday, stirring the hidden “feel good” buttons and offering a quick “pleasing stroke” for the self focused.

Liberal psychologists encourage excessive rewards to our children, and liberal bosses hold feel good seminars to motivate their workers. The newest and greatest companies are the ones who package these “personal strokings” and offer them as incentives for their employees to enjoy. Group dynamics now focus on the individual needs, rather than the group goals, and every meeting of people is viewed as an opportunity to make them better.

Christian spiritual growth through the study of the Word of God is no longer encouraged, but is replaced with the feel good books that give purpose to life through driving the needs of individuals above the needs of God. Personal accomplishments and the resulting strokes is what life has become for the human race, and

Christianity is not immune from it’s insidious touch. The problem with this self focused need for strokings that the people of nature demand, is that it has crossed over into our spiritual gathering places, and the spirits of many of our young Christians. This desperate need for stroking is evident in every aspect of our fellowship. Pastors and church leaders spend hours upon hours talking with the most needy self focused, providing each with the attention they demand or risk creating rifts inside the congregation that are irreparable. Teachers of the Word of God are pummeled with personal story after personal story, as the focus on His Word is moved to a focus of the self-focused students gathered in “study”. Christian parents feel guilty and give in to the self-focused demands of their children, who are motivated by the environment they study and play in.

More personally, the need for strokes of the self-focused continually attempt to remove my focus from the things of God, repeatedly try to disrupt my life, and always cause me many burdens and pain. It is the main reason why I remove myself from relationships with not only some of my Christian brothers and sisters, but even some of my personal family and friends as well.

They stand in front of me and demand my attention and my vocal praise for deeds that matter nothing to me or God. They come to me and use my precious time to mindlessly drone on about pathetic and small things in their life that bring focus only to themselves. They become offended if their focus is directed to higher things, and are hurt when their efforts of attention getting fail, and strokes are not forthcoming. Those misguided selfish ones who are closest to me, use a form of blackmail to force the strokings of their nature to be done. They suggest through word and deed that if the strokes are not forthcoming, then they will soon be gone, away from me and the Word of God forever.

I’m tired. I’m tired of being forced to focus my attention on the pathetic things of nature that mean nothing to me or God. I am sick of feeling used and dirty when the self-focused are filled with happiness from the attention they have sucked from me. I am sick that many come to me to touch me and my relationship with God, with expectations that they can get my peace and my joy by brushing up against me.

Oh, how I long for true Christian fellowship where the self is no longer the subject, and God is the focus. How I crave to have Christian brothers and sisters who walk with me to learn the deeper things of God, without requiring me to make them feel good before the learning takes place. And oh, how I hope, that I never, ever make my Father in Heaven feel as dirty and disappointed as the self-focused have made me feel in their demands for attention and feel good strokes of nature.

The joy of preserving for tomorrow

The first time we met her was when her husband was boorishly offering his testimony of Jesus Christ. The practiced speech of his salvation had worn thin over the years, and the rote memory of his words dampened the rejoicing that should have been present at such an offering. We stood politely and waited for him to finish his witness, all the time wondering how we could have moved next door to a man who, at his best, judged all things in accordance with the spirituality he had experienced, with no room for new and exciting joys that come from an ever growing faith. She had seen our hidden distress, and giggled as her husband went on and on. Pretty soon, she was doubled over in laughter and urging him to speed up, apparently tired of the same old story herself. When he had finished with a great “Amen” she guided him to the garden and put him to work lining up the rows with a string and hoe, and then quietly introduced herself to us. We have never been the same since.

Ginia was the picture perfect grandma, who could pickle anything that grew, and puff up a pastry with a quick swish of her spoon, and can a batch of cherries and their jelly in a fall afternoon faster than it took Jim to get past the first putterings of the day. Her appearance fit her role nicely, and the glow of a healthy life was always lighting her face framed in white mane of glory. When she would laugh, her belly would start before her mouth uttered a giggle. The tiny rolls of fat would move in ripples, then waves, then overtake her whole body as she reared back for a good laugh. But even then, before a sound came from her mouth, her joyful tears would start dripping down her face, and her face would turn a beautiful red, and you knew it was coming. BAM! Her laughter echoed throughout the block, and it would rush past you and snare the funniest bones in your body when it grabbed. The joy of heaven would rush through her delight, and warm even the coldest days in the hardest times.

It was so good, so joyful, being near her, until one day, her laughter came close to killing us. This very Christian, very Baptist, very God fearing woman was a walking testimony in herself. She never spoke with words about her relationship with Jesus, but you knew by just being in her presence that she was one of the trusted faithful of God. She received respect from everyone who met her. She had the bearing of one who was quite able to walk to Jesus and give him a hug, without having to prove to watchers that she had that right. She was a true and perfected Christian, and you couldn’t help but watch and copy her ways of life.

One hot summer day, while we were all sitting around. relaxing from the hot and steamy work of pressuring some corn to preserve, her husband came in and asked where his dinner was. She tried to look at him quietly, without notice from us, but she failed in her private message, and we saw a quick glimpse of pain come over her eyes. It had been a long day, and she just didn’t have the strength to fix a meal. We quickly jumped up to help, reassuring her that we were up to the job, and we went into her kitchen to start his dinner. Forging through her freezer, we found a small portion of meat wrapped in some freezer paper, and it looked like just the right amount to feed one appetite. Plopping it in the microwave, we thawed it out, and then spent many tense minutes studying the slightly browned piece of meat to figure out what it was. Neither of us knew for sure what cut it was, but we figured cut up into a little casserole would make a good hot meal for him. Dinner preparation finished, we proudly carried our quick casserole to her very hungry husband, mentioning to Ginia that we had found the perfect size of meat to avoid left overs. She giggled in delight at having skipped meal preparation one of the few times in her life.

Suddenly, she grew pale, and ordered her husband to drop his fork immediately. which he did quickly. and then it happened. Her belly started rippling, and then rushing in waves, and then convulsing in abnormal contortions. Tears filled her eyes, her face got red, then purple, then blue, and she tried to talk, but words would not come. Her husband tried to calm her down, but to no avail. Bordering on unhealthy, we began to fear a heart attack or a stroke as she struggled to breathe from one of the biggest laugh fits ever experienced by woman. She dropped to the floor, breathless, and held her sides as she struggled to breathe through the gasps of laughter.

Finally, she was able to speak the words. ”Minie”. We looked to her husband to decipher, and he had dropped to the floor, pale, weakened and laughing in the uncontrolled convulsions. He struggled to tell us what was so funny, but all he could say was “Minie”. Nervously giggling, then joining them outright in a good old fashioned laugh, we got caught up in their delight, and began receiving the wonderful blessing of God’s joy, as it washed over us. We didn’t know why we were laughing, but it was so good and right, and we certainly would not have been able to stop if we chose.

Thirty minutes of gut wrenching laughter later, Ginia stopped suddenly and with all the strength she could muster, asked us to sit down and not look at her or talk to her or make a sound. She said she had something very important to tell us and it would be impossible to get out if she saw our faces. Two years ago, “Minie” her precious little doggie had a tumor in his private parts, and after his operation, she just couldn’t bring herself to part with his privates. She put them in freezer wrap, in the freezer, so she could bury them with him when he passed away.

Oh the horror. Oh the funniest thing we had ever heard! Oh dear God, save us from our uncontrolled laughter to come. We fell to the floor, unable to get our breath, unable to control our bladders, unable to stop our laughter and unable to plead for mercy.

Who would have ever thought that a good Christian Baptist woman could ever have something like that in her freezer next to the pop up rolls and sausage! We coulda died that day, killed by a laughter that was much too big for us to hold!

Hater of God, His People, and His Things

People who hate God always focus their attention on His People and His Things. To hate God requires a person to actively participate in attempting to lessen His Things. Those who hate God the most, are those who love themselves the most. It is a person’s false belief that they and their things are greater than the LORD GOD and His Things, which lead them to their hatred.

People who hate God want harm to come to His People and His Things. Their greatest pleasure is seeing a faithful and professing Christian fall down with public ridicule. Their daily focus is directed toward the disparagement and condemnation of those who would call themselves Christians. They persecute and malign followers of Christ, and gain a certain degree of worldly power with their actions that falsely convince them that they are more powerful than His People.

They often try to place Christians in their quagmire dramas, to cripple and restrain works by Him. At the same time, God haters work diligently at destroying the credibility and truth of a Christian, and will use lies and manipulations to accomplish their goal.

When God haters take their hatred to their graves, they are promised a very harsh punishment in the Day of Judgment. Sometimes God haters are given chances in their life to redeem their sins against Him, through the acceptance and following of Jesus Christ. Usually, the offer is rejected.

The hatred of those who hate God, are more potent than the love they have for anyone other than themselves. If one of their loved ones betrays them by loving the LORD God, that person will face their ridicule and rejection which will eventually lead to direct and purposeful persecution at their hands.

God haters are vain just as Lucifer admired his beauty and perfection to be above God in his delusion. Everything God haters do in this life is for nothing. Their works in this world are dead. Their lives are pathetically lived with the self-focus of perfectness reflected in the mirror, but absolute wickedness reflected in their ways. They are vulgar, worldly and ugly.

Christians who have contact with God haters must separate themselves from their presence. You cannot save a God hater, and you cannot bring a God hater to Christ. If there is hope of salvation for the God hater, then it comes at the active moving and grace of the LORD God, and not in your hands at all. Certainly, a new Christian without a solid foundation of Jesus Christ formed, will never be used to directly bring God haters to Christ. The LORD God would never jeopardize one of His new Children for such a difficult task of witness to the infidels in the world.

Leave the God haters to their wicked ways of living. It is vital that Christians separate from their presence, if they are to walk the straight and narrow path of Jesus Christ. To be in the presence of a hater of God, dirties your soul with the wicked things that hatred brings. More importantly, to allow the hatred of God, His People and His Things to be actively expressed in a Christian’s presence, causes the holy temple of the living God to be polluted with the wickedness of that hatred, and lessens the ability to complete His
Works as He Wills.


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