
1.  A Philistine king of Gerar… Genesis 20:1-18 
Makes treaty with Abraham… Genesis 21:22-34
2.  A second king of Gerar… Genesis 26:1-12
Tells Isaac to go home… Genesis 26:13-16 
Makes a treaty with Isaac concerning certain wells… Genesis 26:17-33
3.  A son or Gideon by a concubine… Judges 8:31
Conspires tobecome king… Judges 9:1-4
Slays his 70 brothers… Judges 9:5
     Made king of Shechem… Judges 9:6 
Rebuked by Jotham, lone survivor… Judges 9:7-21
     Conspired against by Gaal… Judges 9:22-29 
Captures Shechem and Thebez… Judges 9:41-50 
Death of… Judges 9:51-57

4. A son of Abiathar the priest… 1 Chronicles 18:16 
Also called Ahimelech… 1 Chronicles 24:6

Becker Bible Topics


    Descriptive of:

    Material prosperity … Deuteronomy 16:17
    Emotional strength… Numbers 11:14 
    Military power… Numbers 13:31,  1 Kings 9:21
    Physical strength… Exodus 18:18, 23
    Mental power… Genesis 15:5
    Moral power… 1 Corinthians 3:2
    Spiritual power… James 3:2
    Divine power… Romans 4:12

    Of God’s power to:

    Deliver… 1 Corinthians 10:13
    Humble men… Daniel 4:37
    Create life… Matthew 3:9
    Destroy… Matthew 10:28
    Preserve believers… John 10:28
    Keep His promise… Romans 4:21
    Make us stand… Romans 16:25
    Supply grace… 2 Corinthians 9:8
    Exceed our petitions…  Ephesians 3:20
    Service… 1 Peter 4:11
    Comfort others… 2 Corinthians 1:4
    Keep what we have entrusted… 2 Timothy 1:12
    Save from death… Hebrews 5:7
    Resurrect men… Hebrews 11:19
    Keep from falling… Jude 24, 25

    Of Christ’s power to:

    Heal… Matthew 9:28
    Subdue all things… Philippians 3:21
    Help His own… Hebrews 2:18
    Have compassion… Hebrews 4:15, 16
    Save completely… Hebrews 7:25

    Of the Christian’s power to:

    Speak for the Lord… Luke 21:15
    Admonish… Romans 15:14
    Survive testings… 1 Corinthians 3:13
    Withstand Satan… Ephesians 6:11, 13
    Convince opposition… Titus 1:9
    Bridle the whole body… James 3:2

    Becker Bible Topics


    King of Judah…  1 Kings 14:31
    Son and successor of King Rehoboam…  1 Kings 15:1-7
    Follows in his father’s sins… 1 Kings 15:3, 4 
    Wars against King Jeroboam… 1 Kings 15:6, 7

    Becker Bible Topics

    Abijah, Abia, Abiah

    1.  Wife of Hezron…  1 Chronicles 2:24
    2.  Son of Becher… 1 Chronicles 7:8
    3.  Samuel’s second son; follows corrupt ways… 1 Samuel 8:2
    4.  Descendant of Aaron; head of an office of priests… 1 Chronicles 24:3, 10    
    Zechariah belongs to… Luke 1:5
    5. Son of Jeroboam I…  1 Kings 14:1-18

    1.   Slays 500,000 Israelites…  2 Chronicles 13:13-20
    2.   Fathers 38 children by 14 wives… 2 Chronicles 13:21
    3.   The  mother of Hezekiah… 2 Chronicles 29:1     
      Called Abi.. 2 Kings 18:2
    4.    A priest who signs the document… Nehemiah 10:7
    5.   A priest returning from Babylon with Zerubbabel… Nehemiah 12:1, 4, 17
    Becker Bible Topics


    Second of Aaron’s four sons… Exodus 6:23
    Ascends Mt. Sinai… Exodus 24:1, 9
    Chosen as priest… Exodus 28:1
    Offers, with Nadab, strange fire… Leviticus 10:1-7
    Died in the presence of the Lord.. Numbers 3:4
    Dies with heirs… 1 Chronicles 24:2

    Becker Bible Topics


    1. A Levite head of the house of Merari… Numbers 3:35
      2.  Abishur’s wife…  1 Chronicles 2:29
    2. A Gadite chief in Bashan… 1 Chronicles 5:14
      4.  Wife of King Rehoboam… 2 Chronicles 11:18
    3.  Father of Queen Esther… Esther 2:15
    Becker Bible Topics


    Becker Bible Topics
    1. Nabal’s beautiful and wise wife… 1 Samuel 25:3
      Appeases David’s anger… 1 Samuel 25:14-35 
      Becomes David’s wife… 1 Samuel 25:36-42 
      Captured and rescued… 1 Samuel 30:5, 18 
      Mother of Chileab… 2 Samuel 3:3
    2. A stepsister of David… 1 Chronicles 2:16, 17