Site of Achan’s stoning… Joshua 7:24-26
On Judah’s boundary… Joshua 15:7
Promises concerning… Isaiah 65:10
Kathy L McFarland Bible Studies, Writings, Scholarship, and Works
Site of Achan’s stoning… Joshua 7:24-26
On Judah’s boundary… Joshua 15:7
Promises concerning… Isaiah 65:10
Site of Persian archives… Ezra 6:2
A king of Gath… 1 Samuel 21:10-15
David seeks refuge… 1 Samuel 27:1-12
Forced to expel David by Philistine lords… 1 Samuel 28:1, 2
Receives Shimei’ s servants… 1 Kings 2:39, 40
Ancestor of Jesus… Matthew 1:14
1. Father of Edomite king… Genesis 36:36, 38
2. A courtier under Josiah… 2 Kings 22:12, 14
Called Abdon… 2 Chronicles 34:20
Ancestor of Jesus… Matthew 1:9
A son of Carmi… Joshua 7:1
Sin of, caused Israel’s defeat… Joshua 7:1-15
Stoned to death… Joshua 7:16-25
Sin of, recalled… Joshua 22:20
Also called Achar… 1 Chronicles 2:7
A Corinthian Christian who visited Paul… 1 Corinthians 16:17, 18
Visited by Paul… Acts 18:1, 12
Gallio proconsul… Acts 18:12
Apollos preaches in… Acts 18:24-28
Christians of, very generous… Romans 15:26
Saints in all of… 2 Corinthians 1:1
Paul commends Christians of… 2 Corinthians 11:10
Gospel proclaimed throughout… 1 Thessalonians 1:7, 8
Field called “field of blood”… Acts 1:19