
Becker Bible Topics

1.  A man whose descendants return with Zerubbabel… Ezra 2:2, 15

2. A man whose descendants return with Ezra… Ezra 8:1, 6 

3. Sealer of the covenant…  Nehemiah 10:1, 16


    Becker Bible Topics

    In Old Testament:

    Moses’ expository… Deuteronomy 1:1- 4:40 
    Moses’ second… Deuteronomy 4:44- 26:19
    Moses’ third…  Deuteronomy 27:1- 30:20
    Moses’ fourth… Deuteronomy 32:1-43
    Moses’ final… Deuteronomy 33:1-29
    Joshua’s exhortation… Joshua 23:2-16
    Joshua’s farewell… Joshua 24:1-25
    Solomon’s to God… 1 Kings 3:6-9
    Ezra’s expository…  Nehemiah 8:1-8
    Jeremiah’s Tempie sermon…  Jeremiah 7:1 – 10:25

    Of Paul:

    First… Acts 9:20-22
    Second… Acts 13:16-41
    To Peter… Galatians 2:14-21
    To women…  Acts 16:13
    With Silas…  Acts 16:29-32
    At Athens… Acts 17:22-31
    At Troas… Acts 20:6, 7
    To elders… Acts 20:17-35
    To the crowd…  Acts 22:1-21
    Before Felix…  Acts 24:10-21
    Before Agrippa… Acts 26:1-29
    On the ship… Acts 27:21-26
    Final recorded…  Acts 28:25-28

    Of Peter:

    In upper room… Acts 1:13-22
    Pentecost… Acts 2:14-40
    At Temple…  Acts 3:12-26
    In house of Cornelius… Acts 10:34-43
    At Jerusalem council… Acts 15:7-11

    Of others:

    Stephen… Acts 7:2-60
    Herod… Acts 12:21, 22
    James…  Acts 15:13-21
    Tertullus… Acts 24:1-8


    Becker Bible Topics

    Manner and number of:

    “The Lord added”… Acts 2:47
    “Believers added to the Lord”… Acts 5:14
    “Disciples multiplied” … Acts 6: 1
    “A great company of priests”..  Acts 6:7″
    Churches were multiplied”… Acts 9:31
    “A great number believed”… Acts 11:21
    “Much people added”… Acts 11:24
    “Churches increased in number”…  Acts 16:5

    By means of:

    Word preached… Acts 2:14-41
    The Spirit’ s convicting power… John 16:7-11
    The Gospel as God’s power… Romans 1:16
    Responding faith… Acts 14:1


    Becker Bible Topics

    Figurative of Dan’s treachery… Genesis 49:17
    Sting of wine… Proverbs 23:31, 32
    Wickedness of sinners… Psalms 58:3, 4
    Triumph of saints… Psalm 91:13