Judah’s friend… Genesis 38:1, 12, 20
Kathy L McFarland Bible Studies, Writings, Scholarship, and Works
Judah’s friend… Genesis 38:1, 12, 20
A town of Canaan… Genesis 38:1
Conquered by Joshua… Joshua 12:7
Assigned to Judah… Joshua 15:20
Fortified by Rehoboam… 2 Chronicles 11:5-7
Symbol of Israel’s glory… Micah 1:15
Reoccupied… Nehemiah 11:30
David seeks refuge in caves of… 1 Samuel 22:1, 2
Exploits of mighty men while there… 2 Samuel 23:13-17
Marries Saul’s eldest daughter… 1 Samuel 18:19
Sons of, slain to atone Saul’s crime… 2 Samuel 21:8, 9
A part or the whole of the Adriatic Sea named after Adria, a city of Italy… Acts 27:27
Travels of Paul… Acts 27:2-6
1. An Assyrian god worshiped by the Samarians … 2 Kings 17:31
2. Killed Sennacherib… 2 Kings 19:36, 37; Isaiah 37:38
Used literally of:
A ruler… Genesis 41:42-44
A harlot… Genesis 38:14, 15; Revelation 17:3, 4
A woman… Isaiah 3:16-24; 1 Timothy 2:9
A building… Luke 21:5
A bride… Revelation 21:2
Used spiritually of:
God… Psalms 104:1, 2
Messiah… Psalms 45:7, 8
Believer as justified… Isaiah 61:10
Believer as sanctified… Titus 2:10
Israel restored… Jeremiah 31:4
Saintly woman… 1 Timothy 2:9
Saints in glory… Revelation 19:14
Guidelines for:
In modesty… 1 Timothy 2:9
Not external… 1 Peter 3:3-5
Rendered falsely to:
Idols… Isaiah 44:15, 17, 19
An image… Daniel 3:5-7
Heavenly hosts… 2 Kings 17:16
Satan… Luke 4:8
Men… Acts 10:25, 26
Angels… Colossians 2:18, 23
Rendered properly to God:
Illustrated… Isaiah 6:1-5
Taught… Psalms 95-100
Proclaimed… Revelation 4:8-11
Rendered properly to Christ as God by:
Wise men… Matthew 2:1
Leper… Matthew 8:2
Ruler… Matthew 9:18
Disciples… Matthew 14:22
Woman… Matthew 15:25
Mother… Matthew 20:20
Blind man… John 9:1, 38
Every creature… Philippians 2:10
(See also Worship)
An official over forced labor… 2 Samuel 20:24; 1 Kings 12:18
A city fortified by Rehoboam… 2 Chronicles 11:5, 9