Messiah’s advent… Numbers 24:14-19
A piece of property… Ruth 4:4
Kathy L McFarland Bible Studies, Writings, Scholarship, and Works
Messiah’s advent… Numbers 24:14-19
A piece of property… Ruth 4:4
Caused by:
Man’s sin… Genesis 3:16, 17
Disobedience to God’s Law… Leviticus 26:14-20
Purposes to, of:
Punish for sin… 2 Samuel 12:9-12
Humble us… 2 Chronicles 33:12
Lead us to God’s Word… Deuteronomy 8:2, 3
Chasten and correct… Hebrews 12:5-11
Test our faith… 1 Peter 1:5-8
Give us final rest… Psalms 94:12, 13
Reactions to:
Rebellious… Exodus 14:4-8; Job 2:9
Distrustful… Exodus 6:8, 9
Complaining… Ruth 1:20, 21
Questioning… Jeremiah 20:7-9
Fainting… Proverbs 24:10
Arrogant… Psalms 10:6
Hopeful… Lamentations 3:31-40
Submissive… Job 5:17-22
Joyful… James 1:2-4
God’s relation to:
Troubles nations with… 2 Chronicles 15:5, 6
Knows the soul in… Psalms 31:7
Saves out of… 1 Samuel 10:19
Redeems out of… 2 Samuel 4:9
Help under:
By prayer… Jonah 2:1-7
By understanding God’s purpose… Lamentations 3:31-39; Romans 5:3
Descriptive of:
Satan… 1 Peter 5:8
Gospel’s enemies… 1 Corinthians 16:9
Israel’s enemies… Joshua 5:13
An enemy… Esther 7:6
A rival… 1 Samuel 1:6
God’s agent… 1 Kings 11:14, 23
God’s angel… Numbers 22:22
Believers attitude toward:
Pray for… Psalms 71:13
Use God’s weapons against… Luke 21:15
Not to be terrified by… Philippians 1:28
Not to give occasion to… 1 Timothy 5:14
Remember God’s judgment on… Hebrews 10:27
Announced in the Old Testament by:
Birth… Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23
Forerunner… Matthew 3:1, 2; Matthew 3:1-3
Incarnation… Isaiah 9:6
Time of arrival… Daniel 9:24; Mark 1:15
Rejection… Isaiah 53:1-4; Romans 10:16-21
Crucifixion… Psalms 2:1, 2; Acts 4:24-28
Atonement… Isaiah 53:1-12; 1 Peter 1:18-21
Resurrection… Psalms 16:8-11; Acts 2:25-31
Priesthood… Psalms 110:4, 5; Hebrews 5:5, 6
Prophecies fulfilled by his:
Introduces Gospel age… Acts 3:24
Consummates new covenant… Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews 8:6-13
Fulfills prophecy… Luke 24:44, 45
Nullifies the ceremonial system… Hebrews 9
Brings Gentiles in… Acts 15:13-18
First Advent
Prophesied… Deuteronomy 18:18, 19; Isaiah 7:14
Came as man… Philippians 2:5-7
Announced… Luke 2:10-14
Time predicted… Daniel 9:25
To save the lost… Mathew 18:11
Subject to government… Matthew 17:24-27
Second Avent
Prophesied… John 14:1-3; 1 Thessalonians 4:16
Come as God… 1 Thessalonians 4:16
As a thief… 1 Thessalonians 5:2
At a time unknown… Matthew 24:36
To judge the lost… Matthew 25:32-36
Source of government… Revelation 20:4-6; Revelation 22:3 -5
In God’s kingdom, none by:
Birth… Matthew 3:8, 9
Race… Galatians 2:14-16
Position… John 3:1-6
Works… Matthew 5:20
Wealth… Luke 9:25
In God’s kingdom, some by:
Industry… 1 Corinthians 15:10
Faithfulness… Matthew 25:14-30
Kindred spirit… Philippians 2:19-23
Works… 1 Corinthians 3:11-15
Dedication… Revelation 14:1-5
Promotion to a higher office:
Moses and Aaron, by the Lord… 1 Samuel 12:6
Promised to Balaam… Numbers 22:16, 17
Joseph, by true Interpretation… Genesis 41:38-46
Levites, for loyalty… Exodus 32:26-28
Phinehas, by decisive action… Numbers 25:7-13
Haman, by intrigue… Esther 3:1, 2
Mordecai, by ability… Esther 10:2
Daniel, by fidelity… Daniel 2:48
Deacons, by faithfulness… 1 Timothy 3:10, 13
Conditions of, seen in:
Humility… Matthew 18:4
Faithfulness… Matthew 25:14-30
Skilled in work… Proverbs 22:29; Luke 22:24-30
Hinderances to, occasioned by:
Self-glory… Isaiah 14:12-15; 1 Corinthians 4:7-9
Pride… Ezekiel 28:11-19; 1 Peter 5:5, 6
A hill between Jerusalem and Jericho… Joshua 15:5, 7, 8
The probable site of Good Samaritan parable in… Luke 10:30-37
In God’s Law… Exodus 20:14
By Christ… Matthew 5:28, 32
By Paul… Romans 7:3
In mental attitude… Matthew 5:28
As a work of the flesh… Galatians 5:19
Sin of:
Breaks God’s Law… Deuteronomy 5:18
Punishable by death… Leviticus 20:10-12
Brings death… Proverbs 2:18, 19
Makes one poor… Proverbs 29:3
Produces moral insensibility… Proverbs 30:20; 2 Corinthians 12:21
Corrupts a land… Hosea 4:1, 2, 11
Justifies divorce… Matthew 19:7-9
Excludes from Christian fellowship… 1 Corinthians 5:1-13
Excludes from God’s kingdom… 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10
Merits God’s judgments… Hebrews 13:4
Ends in hell (Sheol)… Proverbs 7:27; Revelation 21:8
Forgiveness of, by:
Man… Judges 19:1-4
Christ… John 8:10, 11
Repentance… 2 Samuel 12:7-14
Regeneration… 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Examples of:
Lot… Genesis 19:31-38
Shechem… Genesis 34:2
Judah… Genesis 38:1-24
Eli’s sons… 1 Samuel 2:22
David… 2 Samuel 11:1-5
Amnon… 2 Samuel 13:1-20
The Samaritan woman… John 4:17, 18
Symbolized by:
Seen in Israel’s idolatry… Judges 2:11,17
Described graphically… Ezekiel 16
Symbolized in Hosea’s marriage… Hosea 1:1-3
Symbolized in final apostasy … Revelation 17:1-5
Figurative of friendship with the world… James 4:4
Figurative of false teaching… Revelation 2:14, 15, 20-22
Sin of:
Punished by death… Leviticus 20:10
Ensnares the simple… Proverbs 7:6-23
Brings a man to poverty… Proverbs 6:26
Leads to death… Proverbs 2:16-19
Increases transgressors… Proverbs 23:27, 28
Defined by Christ… Matthew 5:32
Forgiven by Christ… John 8:1-11
Examples of:
Tamar… Genesis 38:13-24
Potiphar’s wife (attempted)… Genesis 39:7-20
Midianite women… Numbers 25:6-8
Rahab… Joshua 2:1
Bath-sheba… 2 Samuel 11:4, 5
Herodias… Matthew 14:3, 4
Unnamed woman… John 8:1-11
(See Harlot)
Punishment of… Leviticus 20:10
Waits for the twilight… Job 24:15
Offspring of… Isaiah 57:3
Land is full of… Jeremiah 23:10
Shall not inherit the kingdom of God… 1 Corinthians 6:9
God will judge… Hebrews 13:4