BEGINNINGS – Spirits of Counsel, Creation, Deep Sleep (Slumber), Deliverance, Discerning Spirits, Evil, Faith (Lesson 4)

By Kathy L McFarland

Spirit of Counsel

13 Who hath directed the Spirit of the LORD, or being his counsellor hath taught him? 14 With whom took he counsel, and who instructed him, and taught him in the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge, and shewed to him the way of understanding? (Isaiah 40:13-14 AV)

142. The Spirit of Counsel teaches the LORD God.

143. The Spirit of Counsel instructs the LORD God and teaches him the path of judgment and knowledge.

144. The Spirit of Counsel shows the LORD God the way to understanding.

1 ¶ And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: 2 And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; (Isaiah 11:1-2 AV)

145. The Spirit of Counsel rested on Jesus Christ. As a result, Jesus Christ was taught the path of judgment, given knowledge and shown the way to understanding.

146. The Spirit of Counsel determines the appropriate action and advises, guides, and purposes the solution.

The Spirit of Counsel is one of seven Spirits of the LORD God that rested on Jesus. Jesus Christ was anointed with the Spirit of the Lord to accomplish six tasks. These tasks, found in Luke 4:18-19 were…

1. Preach the gospel to the poor

2. Heal the brokenhearted

3. Preach deliverance to the captives

4. Recover the sight to the blind

5. Set at liberty them that are bruised

6. Preach the acceptable year of the Lord

The seven Spirits given to Jesus Christ from the LORD God allowed Jesus Christ to accomplish the Works his Father had Willed. The Spirit of the LORD and the Spirits of Counsel, Might, Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge and Fear of the LORD worked together through Jesus Christ to fulfill the LORD God’s Will and Works.

28 For they are a nation void of counsel, neither is there any understanding in them. 29 O that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end! (Deuteronomy 32:28-29 AV)

147. If a thing is void of counsel, there is no understanding.

148. Understanding allows wisdom to come. Because there can be no understanding, without counsel, and no wisdom without understanding, we can know that the Spirit of Council prepares the way for the Spirit of Understanding which paves the way for the Spirit of Wisdom.

Notice how the Spirits of Council, Understanding and Wisdom were three of the Spirits which rested on Jesus Christ. When the Spirit of Council is accomplishing a Work of the LORD God, the Spirits of Understanding and Wisdom are often present at the same time. The Spirit of Knowledge usually Works with this group as well. And as we learned previously, to have true knowledge of the LORD God results in the “fear” of the LORD God, thus, the Spirit of Knowledge prepares the way for the Spirit of Fear of the LORD. None of these Spirits would be present, if the Spirit of the LORD had not first come to Jesus.

The resulting Work of the Spirit of Counsel results in the Spirit of Might being able to complete His Works. Oftentimes, the Spirits of the LORD God are interconnected and rely on each other to complete the Works necessary to allow the other Spirit to complete His Works. The Work of one of the Spirits, leads to the Work of another. As your studies progress, you will start noticing and expecting to see certain Spirits to be working together to complete a Work of the LORD God.

This knowledge is important to you, personally. It allows you to ask the LORD God specifically for the help you need in completing your Works for the LORD God. For instance, if we were having difficulty preparing this lesson today because we were unable to interpret a difficult passage, a prayer requesting the Spirit of Understanding to come to us would be appropriate. If we understood the Scripture, but were unable to realize the significance of the revelation, a prayer requesting the Spirit of Wisdom would be a proper course of action. If we got into an extreme human rut, and were unable to know, understand, or wisely complete the Work the LORD God has asked us, we would seek the Spirit of Counsel. When the LORD God’s Spirit of Counsel is given to us, we would receive advice and instruction inside ourselves to help us determine the direction necessary to become spiritually connected again with the Spirits of the LORD God. If we were to ask the LORD God for the Spirit of Understanding, while in our natural life human rut, we might receive that Spirit, but be unable to do anything about it because we were traveling in the wrong direction in the first place. That is why it is so critical that a person know the Spirits of the LORD God to accomplish His Works, and so special when your relationship is personalized with Him to that degree.

Spirit of Creation

The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. (Job 33:4 AV)

149. The Spirit of Creation makes man, and the LORD God’s breath gives life.

26 ¶ And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (Genesis 1:26-27 AV)

150. The Spirit of Creation suggested to the other Spirits “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…” Together, the Spirits assisted the Spirit of Creation in forming man in the image of God.

1 ¶ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. (Genesis 1:1-2 AV)

151. The Creation Spirit of the LORD God created the heaven and the earth.

152. The Spirit of Creation moved upon the face of the waters to establish His Works of Creation.

Spirit of Deep Sleep, Slumber

7 What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded 8 (According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day. 9 And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto them: 10 Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway. 11 I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy. (Romans 11:7-11)

153. Most of Israel, except for some of the elect, were spiritually blinded and deafened by the Spirit of Slumber.

154. When the Spirit of Deep Sleep/Slumber causes a person’s eyes not to see, that person’s spiritual awareness is obscured and hazy and spiritual matters are vague, ambiguous, and unknown to him. He is unable to perceive and has no intuitive recognition.

155. When the Spirit of Deep Sleep/Slumber causes a person’s ears not to hear, that person cannot hear the Word of God, therefore, cannot have belief. A deaf man walks in a way that is not good, after his own thoughts, and is disobedient, lacking and idle.

156. The Spirit of Deep Sleep/Slumber places snares, traps, stumbling blocks and adverse moves toward those who have been spiritually blinded and deafened by Him.

157. The Spirit of Deep Sleep/Slumber takes these actions, not so the LORD God’s Chosen people will fall, but rather, so that salvation could come to the Gentiles, while at the same time provoke them to jealousy.

158. The goal of the Spirit of Deep Sleep/Slumber’s Work is to create a intense longing and desire for the LORD God by those Chosen people who have turned away from Him.

9 ¶ Stay yourselves, and wonder; cry ye out, and cry: they are drunken, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink. 10 For the LORD hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered. 11 And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed: 12 And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned. 13 Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: (Isaiah 29:9-13 AV)

159. The Spirit of Deep Sleep/Slumber prevents the blinded from learning the Word of God.

160. Although a blinded or deafened person draws toward the LORD God through their practiced speech, their heart is unable to draw close to Him.

161. If a person is unable to draw close to the LORD God, he has no understanding. If a person has no understanding, he has no true fear of the LORD God.

162. If there is no true fear of the LORD God, a blind or deaf person is taught to falsely fear the LORD God through the precepts of men. This false fear is encouraged through the implementation and enforcement of laws made by men, which leads to religious traditions and practices that are irrelevant to the LORD God.

Spirit of Deliverance

18 ¶ And he was sore athirst, and called on the LORD, and said, Thou hast given this great deliverance into the hand of thy servant: and now shall I die for thirst, and fall into the hand of the uncircumcised? 19 But God clave an hollow place that was in the jaw, and there came water thereout; and when he had drunk, his spirit came again, and he revived: wherefore he called the name thereof Enhakkore, which is in Lehi unto this day. (Judges 15:18-19 AV)

163. The Great Spirit of Deliverance is given to the LORD God’s people when they are under constraint, restraint, limit or control of a force that is causing trouble to them.

164. When a person of the LORD God receives the Spirit of Deliverance, he is given the power to free himself from the situation and become safe.

165. If the freed person requires additional things as a result of this deliverance, the LORD God provides him with the necessary things for survival. The delivered person must “call out” to the LORD God and let Him know the additional needs arising from the deliverance by His Spirit.

The Spirit of Deliverance assists the person in obtaining freedom. That is His job. He is not responsible for the needs of the person once the deliverance has been effected. That is why it is necessary to call out to the LORD God after deliverance if additional needs develop as a result.

And he said, Open the window eastward. And he opened it. Then Elisha said, Shoot. And he shot. And he said, The arrow of the LORD’S deliverance, and the arrow of deliverance from Syria: for thou shalt smite the Syrians in Aphek, till thou have consumed them. (2 Kings 13:17 AV)

166. The amount of the Spirit of Deliverance needed to give freedom is measured by the LORD God and sent in exact amount to the person. The Spirit is given specifically to accomplish and preserve the freedom for that person, and results in deliberate and planned actions to effect that freedom.

In other words, if you are being controlled, restrained or troubled by forces that prevents your freedom to do the LORD God’s Work, call on the Spirit of Deliverance. The LORD God will send the amount of His Spirit of Deliverance needed to obtain and preserve your freedom from that restraint.

And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call. (Joel 2:32 AV)

167. All the LORD God’s chosen and called people are given promise to receive the Spirit of Deliverance, and be delivered, when they call upon the name of the LORD God.

18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 19 To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. (Luke 4:18-19 AV)

168. One of the Works that Jesus Christ was anointed by the LORD God to accomplish was to proclaim that the LORD God’s Spirit of Deliverance was going to free His people from the captivity and control of unGodly forces.

Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection: (Hebrews 11:35 AV)

169. Christians can choose to not accept the Spirit of Deliverance in order to obtain a better resurrection.

Remember, works for the LORD God are measured by fire and categorized as gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay and stubble. The finer the measure, the better the reward. There are some situations that can develop where a Christian’s captivity, persecution or even bodily death, would result in the magnification of the LORD God’s Works, and glorify Him more. These situations must be measured by the Christian, and if the Christian chooses to reject deliverance with the expectations of great reward to follow, the LORD God honors and rewards that decision. Note: The LORD God does not make a “martyr”. A martyr is made by the choice and free will of a person to accept captivity, persecution and death to be a witness to the LORD God.

Please understand this: Situations requiring Christians to make life and death choices are not as common today, as they will be tomorrow. Soon, all Christians will be faced with the pressures of determining the LORD God’s Will in the most stressful, torturous, lonely, and demanding circumstances. We must respond in the way that brings the most magnification on the greatness of the LORD God and His Works, as well as representing our King and Lord Jesus Christ in a way that glorifies him and makes him proud of us.

If the LORD God has provided you with the Spirit of Deliverance, your release from captivity is provided for by Him. It’s okay to accept deliverance, and may be prudent to continue on in freedom to further spread His Works to His Glory. On the other hand, if that defining moment has come to a Christian, when all of the teachings and direction and powers of the LORD God come together at that one place in time; that one moment that defines everything that a Christian is, a situation that magnifies the LORD God in all His Power, and Might, and Glory. It is worthy and good and righteous, that the Christian may choose to reject deliverance. If the choice to continue in captivity and persecution even unto death for the glory of the LORD God is made by the Christian, that Christian will receive great reward by the LORD God.

Spirit of Discerning Spirits

Seven spirits of the LORD God are given to rest on all Christians at their baptism. The Spirit of Christ allows the other Spirits to come to a Christian. They are:

2. Spirit of Truth (John 14:17)

3. Spirit of Life (Rom 8:1-11)

4. Spirit of Adoption (Rom 8:14-17)

5. Spirit of Promise (Eph 1:13-14)

6. Spirit of Grace (Heb 10:29) (Phil 1:25)

7. Spirit of Holiness (Rom 1:3-5)

Every baptized Christian receives these Spirits of the LORD God, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. As we have learned through our current study, a Christian has the ability to request and receive other portions of different Spirits of the LORD God to complete His Will and Works.

So how does the gifts of the Holy Spirit fit in with the complex relationship already shared between the LORD God and His people?

While Jesus Christ was with his followers on earth, he spoke the Words of the LORD God. His followers had direct access to the LORD God through Jesus Christ. After Jesus Christ was crucified, buried, and then resurrected (Praise be to the LORD God!), he was seated at the right hand of His Father. Jesus Christ continues to sit at this honored position next to the LORD God in heaven presently.

While Jesus is in heaven, he is separated from his followers who are not in heaven with him. As a result, the ability to communicate with the LORD God was removed, because His messenger was removed from our immediate presence.

When Jesus Christ ascended into heaven and was glorified, he sent a helper and comforter to Christians to communicate with him and the LORD God, and allow the LORD God and him to be able to communicate with the followers. This helper is the Holy Spirit.

When a believer is baptized in the Holy Spirit, the ability to communicate with the LORD God and Jesus Christ in heaven is activated through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Christian is able to know the things that are given to him by the LORD God and Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.

Along with the communication ability, a newly baptized Christian receives a special gift from the LORD God. This gift is different for each believer, but all gifts come from the LORD God through Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit, to the newly baptized. The receiving of the gift from the Holy Spirit confirms to the believer that an connection and an ability to communicate with the LORD God and Jesus Christ exists.

The gift given to a believer is a portion of one of the Spirits of the LORD God that will rest on the newly baptized. That gift of one of the Spirits of the LORD God is given specifically to that believer and is chosen by the LORD God to assist in completing his Will and Works through that particular person.

4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. 8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; 9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; 10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: 11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will. (1 Corinthians 12:4-11 AV)

170. A portion of the Spirit of Discerning is one of the Spirits of the LORD God that is given through the Holy Spirit as a gift to particular and specific individuals.

171. The Spirit of Discerning is able to judicially estimate and discern spiritual beings. A person that has been given the gift of a small portion of the Spirit of Discernment is able to immediately recognize the different Spirits of the LORD God.

He is also able to recognize the spiritual being of other people, and discern their spirits through the Spirit of Discerning.

Note: Christians have the ability to discern good and evil through their living their spiritual lives. As a Christian matures in his spiritual life, his ability to discern good and evil increases through practice. This discernment between good and evil does not involve the Spirit of Discernment directly, but is created through a Christian continuously exercising their discernment abilities by observing differences between good and evil.

14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. 16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:14-16 AV)

172. To know the things of the Spirit of God requires the Spirit of Discernment. If the LORD God Wills you to understand the things of Him, He will send the Spirit of Discernment to reveal those things to you.

173. The Spirit of Discernment is able to judge all things spiritual.

174. No man is capable of judging the Spirit of Discernment.

175. The Spirit of Discernment knows the mind of the Lord and instructs Him.

176. The Spirit of Discernment allows the LORD God to know all other of His Spirits and their Works and Wills. It is through the Spirit of Discernment that allows the LORD God to join all His Spirits together to form his oneness and the great I AM.

177. Christians have the mind of Christ, allowing them to discern things through Christ.

Spirit of Evil

This is the hardest Spirit for me to teach, for two reasons.

The first is because I love our LORD God with all my heart, soul and mind, and to even mention the word “evil” in association with our Father causes me to be ashamed of myself.

The second reason it is so hard to teach is because I have angered the LORD God when I talked around the subject as if I were ashamed of Him. For these two reasons, I strive to be very exact in my teaching to glorify the LORD God and all of His great Spirits and Works.

14 ¶ But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him. 15 And Saul’s servants said unto him, Behold now, an evil spirit from God troubleth thee. (1 Samuel 16:14-15 AV)

178. The Spirit of Evil from the LORD God does not enter into a person while any of the other Spirits of the LORD God are present in a person.

179. The Spirit of Evil’s purpose is to cause trouble in a person’s life and soul.

180. The Spirit of Evil can also be called the Spirit of Trouble. Note how the LORD God’s Spirit of Evil in Scripture always indicates that He comes from the LORD God. In fact, Satan also has six spirits that we will discuss further in another study…..none are the spirit of “evil”.

181. When the LORD God’s Spirit of Evil “troubles” a person, He causes that person to become afraid. The purpose of the Spirit of Evil is to cause fear in order to accomplish the LORD God’s Will.

Let our lord now command thy servants, which are before thee, to seek out a man, who is a cunning player on an harp: and it shall come to pass, when the evil spirit from God is upon thee, that he shall play with his hand, and thou shalt be well. (1 Samuel 16:16 AV)

And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him. (1 Samuel 16:23 AV)

182. When Saul was filled with the Spirit of Evil from the LORD God, he sought out David to play his harp. The pure and refreshing tones from David’s music allowed Saul’s fears to be forgotten, and he was refreshed. When he was refreshed, he was made well, which resulted in the Spirit of Evil departing from him.

To cause the Spirit of Evil to depart from Saul through the use of holy music might be confusing to you until you consider the results. As long as Saul stayed in the spiritual life, and allowed David in his presence, with the holy music playing and Saul concentrating on the LORD God, all was well. When Saul left the spiritual life for the worldly natural life, the Spirits of the LORD God who refreshed Saul and made him well, departed. These spirits were replaced by the Spirit of Evil which caused him trouble, which in turn, caused him to once again seek psalms from David to make him spiritually well. This cycle controlled Saul, and allowed the LORD God’s Will to be accomplished.

Once you have an understanding of how the LORD God uses His Spirit of Evil, a familiar recognition of this Spirit should be more apparent to you. How many times have you seen faithful church goers enter into their congregation with heavy and troubled hearts and leave a couple hours later refreshed, reinvigorated and well after listening to and participating in the songs of hope and praise with fellow believers? Oftentimes, this refreshed filling is confused with worship, but it is not. It is the removal of fear from a person’s spiritual soul.

When the Spirit of Evil troubles a soul so much, that the person seeks refuge into the spiritual world, filled with praise songs for the LORD God, the person is made whole and filled once again with the Spirits of the LORD God.

Imagine how potent and powerful the congregations could be if all of their members had no need for the Spirit of Evil to trouble them, and they were able to maintain the Spirits of the LORD God continuously. True worship of the LORD God would have to occur when they gathered, because there would be no need to attend to them; the focus would, instead, be on the LORD God!

Spirit of Faith

7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. 8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; 9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; 10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: (1 Corinthians 12:7-10 AV)

183. The Spirit of Faith is one of the Spirits given as a gift of the Holy Spirit to some Christians after baptism. This is a gift from the LORD God through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. (Galatians 5:21-23 AV)

184. Faith is also a fruit from the Holy Spirit. Fruits are the results of Works, in this case, of the Holy Spirit.

Faith is a gift to all Christians by the LORD God to allow them to believe in Jesus Christ, and this faith comes from Him. Additionally, when Christians receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, they receive additional faith from the Holy Spirit’s fruit. Some Christians receive an additional portion of the Spirit of Faith as one of their gifts from the baptism of the Holy Spirit. All of these “faiths” are the same “faith”, but differ in purpose for the Will of the LORD God.

13 We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak; 14 Knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus, and shall present us with you. (2 Corinthians 4:13-14 AV)

185. Christians all have a portion of the Spirit of Faith which allows them to know that they will be resurrected from death and stand with Jesus. Through the Spirit of Faith, a Christian does not fear death.

The Spirits of the LORD God could each have individual books written about them. Their Works, their Will, their Ways, their Nature, and their complex interrelationship that forms our LORD God can never be known completely by man, although, as a man walks closer and closer to the LORD God, more is revealed. In 002 Beginnings, we are trying to introduce you to the basic makeup of your LORD God. We are not covering any Spirit in detail, but focus on revealing enough of each Spirit that you are able to form a concept about who the individual Spirits are. We are laying a basic foundation, so as you continue in Becker Bible Studies, this knowledge of your LORD God can be added as it is revealed to you.

Chapter 4 – Spirits of Counsel, Creation, Deep Sleep (Slumber), Deliverance, Discerning Spirits, Evil, Faith (Worksheet)

260. What responsibility does the Spirit of Counsel have to the LORD God? Is 40:13-14(142-144)

(May be more than one answer)

A. The Spirit of Counsel teaches the LORD God the ways of the Spirits

B. The Spirit of Counsel teaches the LORD God the path of judgment

C. The LORD God instructs the LORD God in knowledge

D. The Spirit of Counsel shows the LORD God the way to understanding

E. The Spirit of Counsel teaches the LORD God discernment

F. The Spirit of Counsel teaches the LORD God all things

261. Who does the Spirit of Counsel rest on? Is 11:1-2 (145)


B. Jesus Christ

C. Christian

D. Mankind

262. How did Jesus Christ benefit from the Spirit of Counsel while on earth? Is 11:1-2 (145)

A. The Spirit of Counsel represented Jesus before the Pharisees

B. The Spirit of Counsel defended Jesus at his trial

C. The Spirit of Counsel taught judgment, gave knowledge and showed him understanding

D. All of the above

263. What does the Spirit of Counsel do after determining the appropriate action? Is 11:1-2 (146)

A. Advises

B. Guides

C. Purposes the solution

D. All of the above

264. How many Spirits of the LORD God rested on Jesus Christ while he was on earth? Is 11:1-2 (notes)

A. One

B. Three

C. Six

D. Seven

265. What Spirit came first to Jesus to allow the other six Spirits to come? Is 11:1-2 (notes)

A. The Holy Spirit

B. The Spirit of the Lord

C. The Spirit of the son of man

D. The Spirits of the LORD God

266. Why did some of the LORD God’s Spirits rest on Jesus Christ? Luke 4:18-19 (notes)

A. Because he is God also

B. To do the Will and Works of the LORD God

C. To establish his rule among all the nations

D. All of the above

267. How many tasks was Jesus Christ expected to accomplish through the anointing of the Spirit of the Lord? Luke 4:18-19 (notes)

A. 6

B. 7

C. 8

D. 9

268. (Bonus) What were the tasks that Jesus Christ accomplished through the anointing of the Spirit of the Lord? Luke 4:18-19 (notes)

269. What results if a thing is void of counsel? Deu 32:28-29 (147)

A. There is no righteousness

B. There is no understanding

C. There is no sacrifice

D. There is no acquittal

270. What does understanding allow? Deu 32:28-29 (147)

A. Righteousness

B. Counsel

C. Wisdom

D. Intelligence

271. Who does the Spirit of Council prepare the way for? Deu 32:28-29 (148)

A. Spirit of Understanding

B. Spirit of Wisdom

C. Spirit of Discernment

D. Spirit of Creation

272. Who does the Spirit of Understanding pave the way for? Deu 32:28-29 (148)

A. Spirit of Council

B. Spirit of Wisdom

C. Spirit of Discernment

D. Spirit of Deliverance

273. What do the Spirits of Council, Understanding and Wisdom have in common besides their interrelationship? Deu 32:28-29 (notes)

A. They are three Spirits that rested on Jesus Christ

B. They are the three Spirits of the Holy Spirit

C. They are the Trinity

D. They are three Spirits that rests on Christians

274. What other Spirit works with the Spirits of Council, Understanding and Wisdom? Deu 32:28-29 (notes)

A. Spirit of Discernment

B. Spirit of Creation

C. Spirit of Deep Sleep

D. Spirit of Knowledge

275. What Spirit prepares the way for the Spirit of Fear of the LORD God? Deu 32:28-29 (notes)

A. Spirit of Discernment

B. Spirit of Creation

C. Spirit of Deep Sleep

D. Spirit of Knowledge

276. What is the resulting work of the Spirit of Counsel? Deu 32:28-29 (Notes)

A. It allows the Spirit of Might to complete His Works

B. It allows the Spirit of Creation to complete His Works

C. It allows the Spirit of Deep Sleep to complete His Works

D. It allows the Spirit of Knowledge to complete His Works

277. What word bests describes the process of one Spirit’s Works leading to another Spirit’s Works? Deu 32:28-29 (Notes)

A. Interconnected

B. Intercontinental

C. Interesting

D. Intriguing

278. Why is the knowledge of the way the Spirits of the LORD God work together important to you? (personal opinion)

279. What Spirit should be requested in prayer if you have difficulty interpreting a difficult passage in the Word of God? Deu 32:28-29 (Notes)

A. Spirit of Understanding

B. Spirit of Wisdom

C. Spirits of the LORD

D. The LORD God

280. What Spirit should be requested in prayer if you understood the Scripture reading, but were unable to realize the significance of the passage? Deu 32:28-29 (Notes)

A. Spirit of Understanding

B. Spirit of Wisdom

C. Spirit of Counsel

D. The LORD God

281. What Spirit should be requested in prayer if you get into a human rut, and are unable to know, understand or wisely complete the Work the LORD God has Willed? Deu 32:28-29 (Notes)

A. Spirit of Understanding

B. Spirit of Wisdom

C. Spirit of Counsel

D. The LORD God

282. How would this Spirit lead you out of the rut (see above question)? Deu 32:28-29 (Notes)

A. Give you direction to become spiritually connected again with the Spirits of the LORD God

B. Give you understanding as to why you were in the rut in the first place

C. Give you awareness of the forces surrounding you while you are in the rut

D. Give you reprimand and punishment for falling into the rut

283. What problem could you encounter if you asked for the wrong Spirit to help you out of the rut? (Personal contemplation)

284. Which Spirit of the LORD God was in charge of creating the Heavens and the Earth and Man? Job 33:4 (149)

A. Spirit of Creation

B. Spirit of Evolution

C. Spirit of Natural Life

D. Spirit of Mother Nature

285. How does the LORD God give life? Job 33:4 (149)

A. Through His Power

B. Through His Breath

C. Through His Love

D. Through His Essence

286. What did the Spirit of Creation suggest to the other Spirits in the beginning? Gen 1:26-27 (150)

A. “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…”

B. “Let us make man from dust to eat of the tree of life…”

C. “Let us make man from a monkey, and let us allow him to evolve into a God…”

D. “Let us make man in love, and give him all the good things that we are…”

287. How did the Spirit of Creation make the heavens and earth? Gen 1:1-2 (151-152)

A. Through a big bang that exploded in time

B. Through the stirring up of dust

C. Through moving upon the face of water

D. Through magic and sorcery

288. What did the Spirit of Deep Sleep/Slumber do with most of Israel? Rom 11:7-11 (153)

A. Caused them to fall asleep and lose the war

B. Caused them to die and go to their graves

C. Caused them to be spiritually blinded and deafened

D. Caused them to become uncaring and apathetic

289. What are the characteristics of spiritual blindness? Rom 11:7-11 (154)

290. What are the characteristics of spiritual deafness? Rom 11:7-11 (155)

291. What does the Spirit of Deep Sleep/Slumber do with persons that He has first spiritually blinded and deafened? Rom 11:7-11 (156)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Places snares and traps in front of them

B. Places stumbling blocks in front of them

C. Sends Christians to guide them around worldly obstacles

D. Sends their guardian angel to protect them

E. Makes adverse moves towards them

F. Prays for their protection to the LORD God

G. Causes them to worship the LORD God by force

H. Involves the Christian community to rescue them from evil’s grasp

292. Why does the Spirit of Deep Sleep/Slumber take adverse actions toward the LORD God’s Chosen people? Rom 11:7-11 (157)

(May be more than one answer)

A. So they will fall

B. So salvation could come to the Gentiles

C. To provoke them to jealousy

D. To disown them forever

E. To destroy their spirits

293. What is the Goal of the Spirit of Slumber’s Work? Rom 11:7-11 (157)

A. To punish those that have turned away from the LORD God

B. To create an intense desire for the LORD God by those who have turned away from Him

C. To disown those Chosen people who have turned away from the LORD God and embraced evil

D. All of the above

294. What are the blinded prevented from doing by the Spirit of Deep Sleep/Slumber? Is 29:9-13 (159)

A. Dying

B. Learning the Word of God

C. Obtaining their freedom

D. Good works of charity

295. What results when a spiritually blinded or deafened person draws toward the LORD God through practiced speech? Is 29:9-13 (160)

A. The mind is able to draw close to the LORD God

B. The heart is unable to draw close to the LORD God

C. The soul is able to talk to the LORD God

D. The spiritually blinded or deafened person is healed of the affliction

296. What results if a person is unable to draw close to the LORD God? Is 29:9-13 (161)

A. He has detailed understanding

B. He has complete understanding

C. He has no understanding

D. He has some understanding

297. What results if a person has no understanding? Is 29:9-13 (161)

A. He fears the LORD God

B. He fears death

C. He has no true fear of the LORD God

D. He does not fear any man

298. What are spiritually blind and death persons taught through the precepts of men? Is 29:9-13 (161)

A. False fear of the LORD God

B. False religious traditions

C. False religious practices that are irrelevant to the LORD God

D. All of the above

299. What Spirit of the LORD God is given to His people when they are under constraint, restraint, limit or control of a force that is causing trouble to them? Jud 15:18-19 (163)

A. Spirit of Deliverance

B. Spirit of Relief

C. Spirit of War

D. Spirit of Salvation

300. When a person receives the Spirit of Deliverance, what is he given? Jud15:18-19 (164)

A. Immediate deliverance from the controlling force

B. Power to free himself from the situation and become safe

C. Deliverance from the Spirit and transportation to a safe place

D. Promise of freedom when the time is right

301. What will the LORD God do if the delivered person has a need for things as a result of his relocation for safety? Jud 15:18-19 (165)

A. The delivered person is expected to provide for his survival needs

B. The delivered person will be provided with all the things he needs all the time

C. The LORD God will provide him with the necessary things for survival

D. The LORD God does not provide for additional things after deliverance

302. If a person has been delivered to safety, and as a result has new survival needs, what should he do? Jud 15:18-19 (165)

A. Pray to the LORD God for provisions

B. Look around….the Spirit of Deliverance provides for all needs

C. Analyze the situation and determine the best course of action

D. You are on your own….figure it out

303. How much Spirit of Deliverance is sent to a person who is in trouble? 2Ki 13:17 (166)

A. The exact amount necessary for deliverance

B. The exact amount necessary for deliverance and survival provisions for a limited time

C. An extra amount for contingency planning

D. You can never know if a large portion or small portion of the Spirit of Deliverance will come

304. When has the LORD God promised to deliver His people? Joel 2:32 (167)

A. All times

B. When He has seen they’re attempts at getting themselves out of trouble first

C. When they call Him in prayer

D. All of the LORD God’s people are protected from trouble always

305. What was one of the Works that Jesus Christ was anointed by the LORD God to accomplish concerning the Spirit of Deliverance? Luke 4:18-19 (168)

A. To preach deliverance to the captives

B. To proclaim that the Spirit of Deliverance would free His people from captivity

C. To preach that the Spirit of Deliverance would free His people from control of unGodly forces

D. All of the above

306. Why would a Christian choose to not accept the Spirit of Deliverance? Heb 11:35 (169)

A. If they were in sin and unable to recognize the Spirit of Deliverance.

B. To impress the LORD God in their ability to free themselves

C. In order that they might obtain a better resurrection

D. To get the attention of men for how important they are in their belief

307. How is a martyr made? Heb 11:35 (169 and notes)

A. The LORD God makes martyrs for specific purposes

B. One of the LORD God’s people chooses to be a martyr for Him

C. Any person of the world can be a martyr for Him

D. All of the above

308. What situation should exist before a Christian chooses to martyr himself? Heb 11:35 (169)

A. When captivity and torture would result in tremendous magnification of the LORD God’s Works

B. When death would glorify the LORD God in brilliance

C. When a defining moment has come to a Christian and will be awesome glory to the LORD God

D. All of the above

309. What can be said with certainty if the LORD God has provided you with the Spirit of Deliverance? Heb 11:35 (notes)

A. Your release from captivity is provided for by Him

B. It is okay with the LORD God for you to accept the Spirit of Deliverance

C. It may be prudent to accept the Spirit of Deliverance and continue to further spread the Works of the LORD God to His glory

D. All of the above

310. What happens when a Christian chooses to martyr himself at the appropriate and defining time and place to bring exceptional glory to the LORD God’s Works? Heb 11:35 (notes)

A. The LORD God will be mad, but proud

B. The LORD God will punish the Christian

C. The LORD God will reward the Christian

D. The LORD God will make the Christian an angel

311. Who is the helper and comforter to a Christian? (Spirit of Discerning Spirits notes)

A. The LORD God

B. Jesus Christ

C. Holy Spirit

D. The Church

312. How is a Christian able to communicate with Jesus and the LORD God in heaven? (Spirit of Discerning Spirits notes)

A. Through prayer

B. Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit

C. Through dreams

D. All of the above

313. How does a Christian know that a connection exists to the LORD God? (Spirit of Discerning Spirits notes)

A. Through receipt of a gift from the Holy Spirit

B. Through reassurance of the Christian’s church

C. Through the feelings inside a Christian

D. All of the above

314. Who is the gift of a portion of the Spirit of Discerning given to by the Holy Spirit? 1Cor 12:4-11 (170)

A. All Christians

B. All baptized Christians

C. Certain Christians

D. All believers in the LORD God

315. What does the Spirit of Discerning do? 1Cor 12:4-11 (171)

A. Distinguishes between good and evil spirits

B. Judicially estimates spiritual beings

C. Recognizes the different spirits

D. All of the above

316. How is a mature Christian able to distinguish good from evil with such ease? 1Cor 12:4-11 (171 & notes)

A. All mature Christian’s have a portion of the Spirit of Discerning

B. Practice, practice, practice

C. They have no better chance than a young Christian of distinguishing good from evil

D. It is wrong to think a person has the ability to distinguish good from evil

317. When is one of the times the LORD God will send the Spirit of Discerning to you? 1Cor 12:14-16 (172)

A. When you are spiritually unable to communicate with Him

B. When He wants you to understand the things of Him

C. When you need to pray

D. All of the above

318. What exactly is the Spirit of Discerning able to judge? 1Cor 12:14-16 (173)

A. Men

B. Angel

C. All things natural

D. All things spiritual

319. Which men can judge the Spirit of Discerning?1Cor 12:14-16 (174)

A. Holy men

B. Spiritual men

C. None

D. Christians

320. How does the Spirit of Discerning help the LORD God? 1Cor 12:14-16 (175)

A. He knows the mind of the LORD God and instructs Him

B. He prevents evil from overtaking the presence of the LORD God

C. He maintains all things spiritual

D. All of the above

321. What results from the Spirit of Discerning allowing the LORD God to know all of the individual Spirits and their Works and Wills? 1Cor 12:14-16 (176)

A. He is able to be one, complete LORD God

B. He is the great I AM

C. He is the LORD God with many spirits, joined together in Will and Works

D. All of the above

322. Why are Christian also able to discern things through Christ? 1Cor 12:14-16 (177)

A. Because they are holy

B. Because the Spirit of Discerning rests on Jesus

C. Because Christians have the mind of Christ

D. Because of their faith, they can distinguish evil and good

323. When does the LORD God’s Spirit of Evil enter into a person? 1Sam 16:14-15 (178)

A. When all other Spirits have departed from that person

B. While all other Spirits are present

C. When the person is at worship

D. When the person is at rest

324. Why does the Spirit of Evil enter into a person? 1Sam 16:14-15 (179)

A. When the person sells his soul to the devil

B. When the LORD God wants to cause trouble in a person’s life and soul

C. When the person is tempted by Satan

D. All of the above

325. What is another name for the LORD God’s Spirit of Evil? 1Sam 16:14-15 (180)

A. Spirit of Wickedness

B. Spirit of Darkness

C. Spirit of Satan

D. Spirit of Trouble

326. How does the LORD God’s Spirit of Evil compare to Satan’s spirit of evil? 1Sam 16:14-15 (180)

A. Satan does not have a spirit of evil

B. Satan’s spirit of evil is wicked

C. Satan’s spirit of evil attacks the righteous, the LORD God’s does not

D. Satan’s spirit of evil brings destruction, the LORD God’s brings life

327. What results when the LORD God’s Spirit of Evil comes to a person? 1Sam 16:14-15 (181)

A. The person becomes afraid

B. The person becomes sick

C. The person becomes wicked

D. The person becomes dead

328. What did Saul do when he was filled with the Spirit of Evil from the LORD God? 1Sam 16:23 (182)

A. He ritually bathed himself

B. He offered sacrifice to the LORD God

C. He prayed to have the evil spirit removed

D. He sought out David to play his harp for him

329. How did Saul cause the Spirit of Evil to depart him? 1Sam 16:23 (182)

A. By listening to David’s music

B. By forgetting his fears

C. By becoming refreshed and being made well

D. All of the above

330. (Essay) What was the process that the LORD God used to control Saul and establish David? 1Sam 16:23 (182 & notes)

331. (Essay) What is an example of the Spirit of Evil being present in Christians today? 1Sam 16:23 (182 & notes)

332. Who is the gift of a portion of the Spirit of Faith given to by the Holy Spirit? 1Cor 12:7-10 (183)

A. All Christians

B. All baptized Christians

C. Certain Christians

D. All believers in the LORD God

333. What are “fruits” as spoken in the Word of God? Gal 5:21-23 (184 & typology)

A. Results of Works

B. Results of Faith

C. Results of Religion

D. Results of Practice

334. What is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit? Gal 5:21-23 (184)

A. Faith

B. Ability to receive Spirit of Faith

C. Faithful obedience

D. All of the above

335. Where else does faith originate from? Gal 5:21-23 (notes)

A. From the LORD God as a gift to all Christians

B. From the person’s heart and mind

C. From the angels in heaven as they protect us

D. All of the above

336. (Review) What are the three ways a Christian can receive faith? Gal 5:21-23 (notes)




337. What do all Christians know through the portion of the Spirit of Faith given them? Gal 5:21-23 (notes)

A. That they will be resurrected from the dead

B. That they will stand with Jesus

C. That they have no need to fear death

D. All of the above

BEGINNINGS – Spirits of Adoption, Bearing, Bondage, Burning (Lesson 3)

By Kathy L McFarland

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:24 AV)

The LORD God is not a Physical Being. He is a Spiritual Being. He does not embody form, but yet His Spirits are organized together to create the ultimate Being of our LORD God. To understand the Being of the LORD God, you must first know the individual Spirits that make up the complete essence of Him. Combined together, the LORD God’s Spirits have created our omnipotent and omniscient God. They define who He is, and establish Him as the great I AM.

Further in these studies, you will understand how all of the Spirits of the LORD God interconnect and interrelate with His People. The exact identity of Jesus Christ will be made known to you, as the Spirits given to him by the LORD God are examined. The specific place that you occupy in the great Plans of the LORD God are revealed as the Spirits given to His people are learned, and the Ways of the LORD God will be known through the study of the Holy Spirit. The spirits of Lucifer will also be discussed, to allow you to form a complete picture about how all things are interconnected and controlled by the LORD God.

You are about to receive the most dramatic, awe-inspiring teaching that anyone one can ever receive. It is a great honor to be given the opportunity to come close to the LORD God. This specific and detailed information reveals the essence of the LORD God in a way that will redefine your relationship with Him, and allow you to draw closer to your Creator than you ever thought possible. Embrace your journey of new discovery. You are about to be blessed with knowledge that will bring you into a close relationship with the LORD God, a new understanding of your Savior and King Jesus Christ, and an awareness of where you fit in the great Plans of the LORD God. Praise Be to the LORD God!

To begin our study, you must first have a basic understanding of the functionality of the Spirits of the LORD God. We will start with some basic concepts to start your learning process. Normally in our studies, we present Scripture proof at each statement of fact. When we use a “concept” in our studies, we are giving you information that will be proven throughout our study by Scripture when taken together as a whole. Oftentimes, the “concept” method allows the student to delve right into the new material and gain a quicker understanding. This “concept” method does not give us permission to lazily omit Scripture proof, however, and we strive diligently to include proof throughout the study to each concept. Be aware of these proofs, and apply them to the concepts and known truths in your mind as you discover them in your study of the Word of God.

Concept #1: An orange is a good example of understanding the makeup of our LORD God. An orange in it’s wholeness is formed as one, complete piece of fruit. Contained within that whole piece of fruit are individual sections making up individual parts of that fruit. Each of the LORD God’s Spirits are like these sections of fruit. They are all similar. They are all part of the LORD God; but, each is contained within itself and able to separate from the other Spirits.

Each Spirit has His own responsibility, His own Work, His own Personality, His own Will. Just as an orange section that separates from the whole orange continues to be an orange, so is a Spirit of the LORD God who separates from the whole of the LORD God to independently perform His Works.

Concept #2: The Spirits of the LORD God are fluid, moving, living Beings. They go, they come, they talk to each other and they move to the Will of the complete LORD God. When these Spirits are not moving they have a resting place. While all Spirits belong to the LORD God and respond to His Will where ever they are, some Spirits have different resting places. These resting places have been chosen by the LORD God to further the carrying out of His Will. Specifically, there are three resting places for the Spirits of the LORD God. They rest either in the essence of the LORD God, in the essence of Jesus Christ, or in the essence of a Christian.

1 ¶ And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: 2 And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; (Isaiah 11:1-2 AV)

There are seven Spirits of the LORD God which are given to rest in Jesus Christ. The first Spirit is the

1. Spirit of the LORD and prepares Jesus to receive the other six Spirits which are:

2. Spirit of Wisdom

3. Spirit of Understanding

4. Spirit of Counsel

5. Spirit of Might

6. Spirit of Fear of the LORD God

7. Spirit of Knowledge

There are seven Spirits of the LORD God which are given to rest on Christians through the Spirit of Christ. The first Spirit received by Christians is the:

1. Spirit of Christ, which prepares them to receive the other six Spirits which are:

2. Spirit of Truth (John 14:17)

3. Spirit of Life (Rom 8:1-11)

4. Spirit of Adoption (Rom 8:14-17)

5. Spirit of Promise (Eph 1:13-14)

6. Spirit of Grace (Heb 10:29) (Phil 1:25)

7. Spirit of Holiness (Rom 1:3-5)

Concept #3 – Though all Spirits of the LORD God have a specific and chosen resting place, all Spirits have the ability to move to all places in accordance with the Will of the LORD God. For example, all Christians will always have the six Spirits resting in them, however, they are not limited to just these six Spirits. The LORD God is able to send measured amounts of all of His different Spirits to a Christian to help accomplish His Will and His Works.

Concept #4 – Each Spirit of the LORD God has the ability to be measured and dispersed according to the Will of the LORD God. If again, we were to compare the functions of the Spirits of the LORD God to an orange, a tiny drop of juice from one section would exemplify the measuring and dispersing of a Spirit of the LORD God to a Christian for the accomplishment of the LORD God’s Will and specific Works.

We will discover more concepts as we get deeper into the study. Make sure you watch for the Scripture proofs of each of these concepts, and unite them with your known truths of the Word of God as they are revealed to you.

All Spirits of the LORD God will be studied in alphabetical order (mostly).

Spirit of Adoption

14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. 15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. 16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

17 ¶ And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. (Romans 8:14-17 AV)

117. Everybody that is led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God.

118. All Christians receive the Spirit of Adoption which gives them the right to call the LORD God their Father. The Spirit of Adoption is one of seven Spirits that rest on all Christians, through the Spirit of Christ.

119. The Spirit of Adoption allows Christians to call out to their Father LORD God and be heard. If not for the Spirit of Adoption, the LORD God would be unable to hear your cries. If not for the Spirit of Adoption, the LORD God would be unable to accept you as His own child.

120. The Spirit of Adoption also talks to the spirit inside a Christian, and reassures him of his status as a child of God. This quiet witness of the Spirit of Adoption inside you allows a faithful confidence of your equal standing as a son of God.

121. As a result of the Spirit of Adoption’s witness, Christians are able to claim their right to the inheritance of those things promised to the sons of God.

122. Through the Spirit of Adoption, the Christian receives the right to inherit jointly with Christ. Those things given to Christ through inheritance are also given to the followers of Christ, as they all are “sons of God.” You have the same inheritance rights as Jesus Christ because you are also a son of God.

123. The Spirit of Adoption rests in you and joins with your spirit to witness to the LORD God that you are His Child. The LORD God allows His Spirit of Adoption to rest in you through the Spirit of Christ because it is His Will to do so. The LORD God chooses you to be His child and to have all rights and privileges associated with that honored position. Praise Be to our Father!

Spirit of Bearing

16 ¶ And the LORD said unto Moses, Gather unto me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom thou knowest to be the elders of the people, and officers over them; and bring them unto the tabernacle of the congregation, that they may stand there with thee. 17 And I will come down and talk with thee there: and I will take of the spirit which is upon thee, and will put it upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear it not thyself alone. (Numbers 11:16-17 AV)

The LORD God commanded Moses to lead His people from Egypt to the Promised Land, and to make them a God-fearing, commandment obeying people as they journeyed. Moses was unable to the lead the mass of people as instructed by the LORD God, because of their continued disobedience and lack of faith in the LORD God. Moses called out to the LORD God in frustration, saying “I am not able to bear all this people alone, because it is too heavy for me. And if thou deal thus with me, kill me, I pray thee, out of hand, if I have found favour in thy sight; and let me not see my wretchedness.” (Num 11:14-15). Moses pleaded with the LORD God to kill him because he was so disappointed in his inability to bear the burden of the people alone.

The LORD God chose not to kill Moses. He opted instead to take part of the Spirit of Bearing from Moses and distribute it to seventy other trusted elderly members of the tribes of Israel. Notice how the LORD God did not send any additional Spirit of Bearing toward Moses and the group of seventy. The Spirit of Bearing had been measured exactly into Moses. The LORD God had a works for Moses to do, and the LORD God gave him the amount of the Spirit of Bearing that Moses needed to complete the job.

When Moses had a weakness of flesh, and was unable to sustain the strength necessary to bear the burden of the people, the LORD God shared that Spirit of Bearing with seventy other men. These seventy men, each infused with a piece of the Spirit of Bearing, assumed the burden for a portion of the people each.

Sometimes the Spirit of Bearing is incorrectly called the Spirit of Government, which identifies the Spirit as bearing just the burden of the people. Although there is limited description about the Spirit of Bearing in the LORD God’s Word, we can confidently know that the Spirit of Bearing is used by the LORD God in a variety of situations. The Spirit of Bearing is not just for the bearing of the burdens of the people, but is helpful in the bearing of all burdens created when the LORD God has a Work for a Christian to accomplish.

If the LORD God gives you a job to do that causes a burden spiritually, physically, mentally or carnally, He’s going to give you the Spirit of Bearing to uphold you while you accomplish the job. He will measure out the exact amount of Spirit of Bearing that you need for His Works. Just as Moses was given the exact amount of the Spirit of Bearing, so will you receive the Spirit of Bearing if the job requires it. Just as Moses defeated himself by looking at that burden so closely that he was unable to overcome it’s grasp, so can you fail to realize the potential of the Spirit of Bearing and be unable to accomplish your task.

When you have a Work to do for the LORD God, and you find yourself tired, frustrated, worn out, scared, burned out, and weak of spirit and mind, call out to the Spirit of Bearing. Have confidence that the LORD God has given you enough of His Spirit of Bearing to overcome all obstacles you will face in carrying out His Work. If the LORD God does not think you can do the job He needs done, He will not ask you to do it. When He does ask, and infuses you with the Spirit of Bearing, He knows you will be able to sustain if you focus on Him and His Works. It is only your weakness of conviction in the power of the Spirit of Bearing that will defeat you.

Most importantly, the Spirit of Bearing IS the LORD God. When you receive a portion of the Spirit of Bearing, you are receiving a portion of the LORD God. The Spirit of Bearing is one of many Spirits that make up the complete essence of our LORD God.

As we learn about each of the Spirits of the LORD God, we tend to focus on Their individual qualities with regards to how They relate to us and our lives. We’re human, and our capability to understand is limited. Strive to understand the individual Spirits as a part of our LORD God and allow your mind to grasp that each Spirit is an integral part of the LORD God, and each part forms His whole. This understanding will allow you to truly know your LORD God.

In this specific case, we have been given a small glimpse of the Spirit of Bearing. The Spirit of Bearing that IS our LORD God, is so much bigger than has been shown us. The Spirit of Bearing that IS the LORD God is able to bear tremendous and horrific conditions to effect the Works of the LORD God. The Spirit of Bearing is one of the Spirits that allows our LORD God to give us chance after chance after chance to move toward His Will, and His fortitude displays the tremendous ability the Spirit of Bearing has for endurance.

124. The LORD God is a Spiritual Being. He does not embody form and he does not have a physical existence.

125. Because the LORD God is a Spiritual Being, He must be worshipped from our spirit in truth. Physical worship has no relevance to the LORD God.

126. One Spirit that makes up part of the essence of our LORD God and rests on Him is the Spirit of Bearing.

127. The Spirit of Bearing was given to Moses when the LORD God gave him the task of leading the people out of Egypt to the Promised Land.

128. When Moses was unable to call on the Spirit of Bearing because of his weakness of faith, the LORD God took a portion of the Spirit of Bearing from Moses and gave to seventy other men to help carry the burden of the people.

129. Sometimes the Spirit of Bearing is incorrectly called the Spirit of Government because this example through Moses established a government of seventy men to assume the burden for the people.

130. The Spirit of Bearing is a Spirit that bears all burdens, and is given to a worker of the LORD God to sustain Him while He is doing the LORD God’s Will.

131. The LORD God always measures out the exact amount of the Spirit of Bearing to share with a person who is doing the LORD God’s Work. If that person fails because he lacks faith in the enduring power of the Spirit of Bearing, it is that person’s weakness, and not the LORD God’s wrong measure. If a worker becomes self-focused, He will quickly lose strength to do the magnificent Works of the LORD God. Works of the LORD God require the Spirits of the LORD God to accomplish His Will.

132. The Spirit of Bearing supports the worker as He does the Will of the LORD God. It is just a tiny portion of the Spirit of Bearing that is shared with a person. The largest portion of the Spirit of Bearing remains with the LORD God, because He IS the LORD God.

133. The Spirit of Bearing is the Spirit that allows our LORD God to give us chance, after chance after chance to move toward Him and do His Will.

Spirit of Bondage

For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. (Romans 8:15 AV)

124. A Christian is given the Spirit of Adoption.

125. Before a person becomes a Christian and is given the Spirit of Adoption, he is under the control of the Spirit of Bondage.

126. Anyone that has the Spirit of Bondage is not allowed to call the LORD God “Father”. A person controlled by the Spirit of Bondage is a servant, not a child.

21 ¶ Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law? 22 For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. 23 But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. 24 Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar. 25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. 26 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all. 27 For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband. 28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise. 29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now. 30 Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman. 31 So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free. (Galatians 4:21-31 AV)


Abram was an old man without children when the LORD God promised to multiply his offspring greatly, and make him a father of many nations. His wife, Sarai was barren. Sarai decided to take matters into her own hands and she encouraged her husband to go into her maid, Hagar, to have sexual relations with her so he might have a child. Abram complied. As a result Ishmael was conceived by Hagar and Abram. Ishmael was born into bondage as a result of his mother’s servant status, as well as a result of being born of the flesh rather than born of the spirit.

Following the birth of Ishmael, the LORD God changed Abram’s name to Abraham, and Sarai’s name to Sarah. They were very old by this time and were not physically able to produce any offspring. As promised by the LORD God, when Abraham and Sarah had sexual relations, the LORD God caused their child Isaac to be conceived through spiritual intervention. Unlike Ishmael who was born of the flesh in bondage, Isaac was born of the spirit and free.

The LORD God made great nations from the children of Abraham. Through Isaac the nation of Israel was formed. Through Ishmael the nation of Islam was formed. Christians are brothers to Isaac and the nation of Israel, and as a result, are “children of promise”. Muslims are the brothers of Ishmael, and are “children of bondage”. (Gen 21:9-13)

In future lessons we will be studying this relationship between Isaac and Ishmael in great detail. Please understand this:

Muslims have a true and real relationship with the LORD God, but it is completely different from the relationship that Jews and Christians have. The Muslims relationship with the LORD God is focused on their status as bonded servants, which can be readily observed through many of their chosen religious practices. The Jews relationship with the LORD God is focused on their status as being “children of the promise of the LORD God” and His Chosen People. Their religious practice is focused on the keeping of the laws of their LORD God, and differs dramatically from the religious practice of the Muslim, who is focused on serving their Master LORD God. Christians are “adopted children of the promise” and through their faith and following of Jesus Christ are free, and able to stand and walk toward the LORD God.

127. Abraham had two sons. Ishmael was born of the flesh from the bondwoman Hagar. Isaac was born of the spirit from Abraham’s wife Sarah.

128. There are two covenants of the LORD God associated with these two people which become the Muslims and the Jews.

129. The Muslims which were brought forth through Agar (which is Greek for Hagar) through Arabia are in bondage. All people in bondage are under the control of the Spirit of Bondage.

130. The Arabs answer to Jerusalem, the free city of the LORD God. Jerusalem is above all faiths, and the mother to all faiths. Although Jerusalem’s children are in bondage, the city remains free under the LORD God.

131. Isaac was brought forth through Sarah and Abraham and is a “child of the Promise” of the LORD God. All Jews, which came from Isaac are also children of the Promise of the LORD God. While they walk in the spirit of that Promise, the Spirit of Bondage does not control them. When they choose to walk in the flesh, the Spirit of Bondage masterly controls them as He does all things of the flesh.

132. Christians are adopted brothers of the Jews and Isaac and are “children of the Promise”. Because of the salvation and redemption through Jesus Christ, Christians are born of the spirit and free and are not under the direction of the Spirit of Bondage.

133. Children under bondage do not inherit the same things as children that are free. The LORD God has specific inheritances for the specific people. Your inheritance as a Christian comes through the Spirit of Adoption, not through the Spirit of Bondage.

6 And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. 7 Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. (Galatians 4:6-7 AV)

134. A Christian is made a son of the LORD God as a result of the Spirit of Christ being placed into his heart. As a result, a person filled with the Spirit of Christ is no longer a servant, but a son.

135. A Christian is a son of God, and receives inheritance from the LORD God through Christ.

It is necessary to understand the three differences between Christians, Jews and Muslims, if you are to understand the Spirit of Bondage. The Spirit of Bondage plays a crucial role in the maintenance of the Muslim faith to effect the Will of the LORD God.

The Spirit of Bondage, however, is not limited to the Muslim faith, and has been used often in the punishment of the Jews by the LORD God when they have been disobedient to Him and walked in the flesh rather than the spirit. This can be witnessed throughout the Word of God when the Jews are placed into bondage by other nations, and literally forced to change their relationship with the LORD God. The Spirit of Bondage is apparent and vocal as the Jews are bent to the Will of the LORD God.

Bondage is the state of being subjected to external control. Since the Garden of Eden, The LORD God made and enforced laws to control the behavior of His disobedient people who walked with the flesh. The Spirit of Bondage was responsible for subjecting the LORD God’s people to His control through the means of enforcement of His law and manipulating their destiny to His Will.

The laws of the LORD God were used to establish control, and His punishments were intended to bend and break the people toward His Will. Jews are free by being children of the Promise. Jews become servants and controlled through the Spirit of Bondage, when they choose the flesh over the spirit and reject their status of children of the Promise. It is the Spirit of Bondage who executes this plan.

There is one more thing you must understand about the Spirit of Bondage. The Spirit of Bondage rules people of “the flesh”. If the flesh sins, it will result in death. (Remember your studies in The Foundation of Jesus Christ?). If there is death, there is fear. If there is fear, Satan takes advantage of it in an attempt to control the person. It becomes a vicious cycle of flesh, sin, and death and Satan influence which often leads a believer to mistakenly confuse the LORD God’s Spirit of Bondage with Satan’s “spirit of the world”.

Thankfully, Christians are released from this terrible cycle of fearing death and being controlled by Satan through belief in Jesus Christ. As a result, you are “born of the spirit” and a child of the LORD God. You are not controlled by the Spirit of Bondage. The Spirit of Bondage controls all things “born of the flesh”. Many great and wonderful things are controlled through the Spirit of Bondage, but always in the capacity of Master directing a servant.

As a Christian, you are not a servant to the LORD God. You are the LORD God’s beloved, adopted child. Praise be to the LORD God!

One tiny note: As Christians we are servants to our Lord Jesus Christ. He is our Master, He is our King. By serving Christ, we are allowed to come to the bosom of our LORD God. As a result, we are sons of the LORD God. Because we are sons, we are not under the direction of the Spirit of Bondage. We are always, however, under the direction of our Lord Jesus Christ and a servant to him. As Jesus always does His Father’s Will, we are in essence, servants to the LORD God also. It is a very difficult concept, and sometimes confusing. Scripture says:

For he that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord’s freeman: likewise also he that is called, being free, is Christ’s servant. (1 Corinthians 7:22 AV)

Maybe the best way to understand it is this: We are servants of the Lord Jesus Christ because we choose Him to be as our Master and He has chosen us to serve him. People that walk in the flesh are servants without choice to the Spirit of Bondage, because they must be controlled.

Spirit of Burning

2 ¶ In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel. 3 And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that remaineth in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem: 4 When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning. 5 And the LORD will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defence. (Isaiah 4:2-5 AV)

136. The Spirit of Burning purges impurities from the righteous and holy.

137. The Spirit of Burning performs His tasks after the Spirit of Judgment has performed.

The Spirit of Burning can best be understood through the knowledge we have of the purging of our impurities by the Holy Spirit.

11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: 12 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. (Matthew 3:11-12 AV)

138. The Righteous and holy are gathered to the LORD God’s protection, as the impurities left over from sin is burnt away by the Spirit of Burning.

Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn. (Matthew 13:30 AV)

139. The iniquities left over from sin, oftentimes hide within righteousness by falsely pretending to be holy. This false holiness is found by the Spirit of Burning and purged from a righteous person, gathering, city, nation and Kingdom to perfect all things of the LORD God in true holiness.

140. The Spirit of Burning performs His tasks to enable the LORD God’s people to be brought into His presence.

2 But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner’s fire, and like fullers’ soap: 3 And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness. (Malachi 3:2-3 AV)

141. Just as gold and silver are purged of all impurities, so shall the Spirit of Burning purge the LORD God’s priests so they may offer to the LORD God an offering in righteousness.

If a thing, a person, a city, a nation, or a Kingdom it to stand in the LORD God’s presence, then it must first be purged of all unrighteousness. This is the responsibility of the Spirit of Burning.


The use of the term “Christians” refers to a repentant, baptized believer and follower of Jesus Christ.

gendereth – 1080. gennaw gennao ghen-nah’-o; from a variation of 1085; to procreate (properly, of the father, but by extension of the mother); figuratively, to regenerate:—bear, beget, be born, bring forth, conceive, be delivered of, gender, make, spring. (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

tares – 2215. zizanion zizanion dziz-an’-ee-on; of uncertain origin; darnel or false grain:—tares.

Chapter 3 – Spirits of Adoption, Bearing, Bondage, Burning TEST

161. What type of Being is the LORD God? John 4:24 (notes)

A. One complete, physical Being

B. One complete, spiritual Being

C. One physical Being made up of many kinds

D. One spiritual Being made up of many Spirits

162. Which one of the Spirits is the omnipotent and omniscient LORD God? (notes)

A. The Spirit of Adoption

B. The Spirit of Bearing

C. The Spirit of Holiness

D. Not just one, all of His individual Spirits organized together to create one LORD God

163. Why are “concepts” used in Becker Bible Studies? (notes)

A. Too lazy to find Scripture proof

B. Concepts are suppositions and imaginations of your teachers

C. Concepts allow a student to start learning with a basic understanding

D. All of the above

164. What effort is required by your teachers if concepts are used in lessons? (notes)

A. Scripture proof for the concept must be contained within the whole of the teaching material

B. True Bible teachers are infallible and thus allowed to use concepts freely and often without defense.

C. Concepts are no big deal, and should not be considered separately from the rest of the study.

D. Teachers are required to use concepts to exemplify the LORD God’s Word.

165. Bonus: What is a concept similar to when compared to Scripture? (notes)

A. Homily

B. Prayer

C. Parable

D. Sermon

166. What is your responsibility when concepts are presented by a trusted teacher in your learning process? (notes)

A. Suspect the teacher of false teaching, and disregard everything

B. Apply the concepts with the known truths in your mind as you discover them and they are revealed through your study of the Word of God

C. Concepts are not important. They can be ignored

D. Concepts are a gift given to allow a student to learn without effort.

167. (Essay) What is your teacher’s Concept #1 comparison of the LORD God to an orange? (Concept #1)

168. In the Concept #2, how are the Spirits of the LORD God described? (Concept #2)

A. Fluid, moving, living Beings

B. Stationary, resting, watching Beings

C. Forceful, powerful, waiting Beings

D. Aloof, abrupt, challenging Beings

169. How do the Spirits of the LORD God move? (Concept #2)

A. They do not move without the whole Being moving

B. They move at the Will of the LORD God

C. They individually choose when to move, without direction from the complete Being of the LORD God

D. They move randomly and haphazardly to surprise the enemy

170. What are the Spirits of the LORD God doing when they are not moving? (Concept #2)

A. Praising

B. Singing

C. Resting

D. Working

171. Which Spirits respond to the Will of the LORD God? (Concept #2)

A. All the Spirits of the LORD God, regardless of their resting place

B. All the Spirits of the LORD God, resting on Him

C. Only the Spirits of the LORD God which rest on Jesus Christ

D. Only the Spirits of the LORD God which rest on man

172. Where are the resting places of the Spirits of the LORD God? (Concept #2)

(Maybe more than one answer)

A. Essence of the world

B. Essence of the LORD God

C. Essence of Jesus Christ

D. Essence of a Christian

E. All of the above

173. Which seven Spirits rest in Jesus Christ? Is 11:1-2 (Concept #2)

A. Spirit of Truth

B. Spirit of Life

C. Spirit of Adoption

D. Spirit of Promise

E. Spirit of Grace

F. Spirit of the LORD

G. Spirit of Wisdom

H. Spirit of Understanding

I. Spirit of Counsel

J. Spirit of Might

K. Spirit of Fear of the LORD God

L. Spirit of Knowledge

174. What seven Spirits rest on a Christian? John 14:17; Rom 8:1-11; Rom 8:14-17; Eph 1:13-14; Heb 10:29; Phil 1:25; Rom 1:3-5 (Concept #2)

A. Spirit of Truth

B. Spirit of Life

C. Spirit of Adoption

D. Spirit of Promise

E. Spirit of Grace

F. Spirit of Holiness

G. Spirit of Christ

H. Spirit of Understanding

I. Spirit of Counsel

J. Spirit of Might

K. Spirit of Fear of the LORD God

L. Spirit of Knowledge

175. Which Spirit prepares a Christian to receive the other six Spirits? (Concept #2)

A. Spirit of Truth

B. Spirit of Life

C. Spirit of Adoption

D. Spirit of Promise

E. Spirit of Grace

F. Spirit of Holiness

G. Spirit of Christ

H. Spirit of Understanding

I. Spirit of Counsel

J. Spirit of Might

K. Spirit of Fear of the LORD God

L. Spirit of Knowledge

176. What Spirits are used to accomplish the LORD God’s Works through a Christian? (Concept #3)

A. The Spirits resting on Jesus Christ

B. The Spirits resting on the LORD God

C. The Spirits resting on a Christian

D. All Spirits of the LORD God specifically necessary to accomplish the LORD God’s Works.

177. How do the Spirits of the LORD God come to a Christian? (Concept #3 & #4)

A. Spirits of the LORD God come complete when a Christian desires them.

B. Spirits of the LORD God come complete to accomplish the LORD God’s Will and Works

C. Spirits of the LORD God come in measured amounts when a Christian desires them

D. Spirits of the LORD God come in measured amounts to accomplish the LORD God’s Will and Works

178. If Concept #1 were used to describe the Spirits of the LORD God in relation to His Being, what would exemplify the dispersing of a Spirit to a Christian? (Concept #4)

A. The seed of an orange

B. The complete orange

C. A tiny drop of juice from a section of orange

D. An apple

179. Who are the sons of God? Rom 8:14-17 (117)

A. All good people of the world

B. All things created by the LORD God

C. All Muslims, Jews and Christians

D. All that are led by the Spirit of God

180. What is the purpose for the Spirit of Adoption to be given to all Christians? Rom 8:14-17 (118)

A. To allow Christians to feel loved by the LORD God

B. To give Christians the right to call the LORD God their Father

C. To encourage adoption of orphans from foreign countries

D. To allow Christians to become Jews

181. What is the meaning of the term “Christian” as it is used in your studies? Rom 8:14-17 (118)

A. A person that practices his religion without pause

B. A person that is good and giving

C. A church going, loving person

D. A repentant, baptized believer and follower of Jesus Christ

182. Where does the Spirit of Adoption rest? Rom 8:14-17 (118)

A. In the essence of the world

B. In the essence of the LORD God

C. In the essence of Jesus Christ

D. In the essence of a Christian

183. How does the Spirit of Adoption benefit Christians? Rom 8:14-17 (119)

(May be more than one answer)

A. The Spirit of Adoption allows Christians to call out to their Father LORD God and be heard

B. The Spirit of Adoption allows Christians to be accepted as the LORD God’s own child

C. The Spirit of Adoption helps Christians bear the terrible burdens of life

D. The Spirit of Adoption purges Christians of impurities

E. The Spirit of Adoption allows Christians to adopt orphans from third world countries

F. The Spirit of Adoption is for the benefit of the LORD God only

G. The Spirit of Adoption is the power behind the LORD God

H. The Spirit of Adoption belongs to the Jews

184. How does a Christian know that He is child of God? Rom 8:14-17 (120)

A. The Spirit of Adoption gives him faithful hope

B. The Spirit of Adoption talks to the spirit inside a Christian and reassures him of his status

C. The Spirit of Adoption prepare the Christian to become a Jew and a child of God

D. The Spirit of Adoption tells a Christian in his dreams about his Father in heaven

185. What position does a Christian hold in the family of God according to the Spirit of Adoption? Rom 8:14-17 (120)

(Maybe more than one answer)

A. A brother to a Jew

B. Equal standing with a Jew as a son of God

C. Equal standing with Jesus as a son of God

D. Superior standing with a Jew as a son of God

E. Superior standing with a Jew, but a lower standing than Jesus

F. Lower standing with a Jew

G. Lower standing with both a Jew and Jesus

186. What rights to inheritance does a Christian have as a result of the Spirit of Adoption’s witness? Rom 8:14-17 (121-122)

A. Christians are able to share in the inheritance of things promised to the sons of God

B. Christians are able to share in the inheritance of things promised to the Jews by the LORD God

C. Christians are able to share and inherit jointly the things promised to Christ by the LORD God

D. All of the above

187. Why do you have the same inheritance rights as Jesus Christ? Rom 8:14-17 (122)

A. You don’t

B. As a Christian, you are also a son of God

C. Because you are as great as Jesus

D. Because Jesus was sent to this earth to serve you

188. How does a Christian receive the Spirit of Adoption to rest inside his essence? Rom 8:14-17 (123)

(May be more than one answer)

A. He doesn’t

B. The Spirit of Adoption comes to Christians from the Spirit of Christ

C. The Spirit of Adoption was placed in Christians at the moment of their conception

D. The Spirit of Adoption is given to Christians at their death

E. The Spirit of Adoption is given to a Christians at their christening

F. The Spirit of Adoption is given to Christians at their baptism in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit

189. Why do you receive the Spirit of Adoption? Rom 8:14-17 (123)

(May be more than one answer)

A. It is the LORD God’s Will

B. To receive all rights and privileges associated with that honored position

C. Because the LORD God chooses you to be His Child

D. Because the LORD God allows His Spirit of Adoption to rest in you

190. Why was Moses unable to lead the LORD God’s people from Egypt to the Promised Land and make them a God-fearing people as they journeyed? Num 11:16-17 (note 127-129)

A. He was able to lead them into the Promised Land and change their ways

B. They had a continued disobedience and lack of faith in the LORD God

C. They were sick and tired

D. Moses was not their leader

191. What did Moses do when trouble with the people came? Num 11:16-17 (note 127-129)

A. He cried out to the LORD God in frustration

B. He asked the LORD God to kill him

C. He complained that his burden was too heavy

D. All of the above

192. What did the LORD God do when Moses was unable to sustain the burden? Num 11:16-17 (note 127-129)

A. The LORD God killed Moses and made Aaron the leader

B. The LORD God took part of the Spirit of Bearing from Moses and shared it with seventy other trusted elderly members

C. The LORD God sent more of the Spirit of Bearing to seventy other trusted elderly members

D. The LORD God punished the people but rewarded the people’s leaders

193. How much Spirit of Bearing did Moses have? Num 11:16-17 (note 127-129)

A. The exact measurement needed by Moses to fulfill and complete the Works the LORD God Willed

B. Enough to sustain Moses, until the seventy men could be refreshed with more Spirit of Bearing

C. The Spirit of Bearing was not with Moses. The Spirit controlled him from heaven.

D. Not enough Spirit of Bearing was given to Moses to complete the LORD God’s Works

194. Why did Moses need seventy men to help carry his burden? Num 11:16-17 (note 127-129)

A. The Spirit of Bearing with Moses was not enough to sustain him

B. Moses had a weakness of flesh, and examined the burden to closely

C. The job was bigger than one man could do

D. All of the above

195. What can you conclude as a result of the origin of the Spirit of Bearing that was shared with the seventy men by the LORD God? Num 11:16-17 (note 127-129)

(May be more than one answer)

A. The LORD God has a limited amount of Spirit of Bearing to share with men

B. The LORD God has an unlimited amount of Spirit of Bearing to share with men

C. The LORD God will share the exact measured amount of the Spirit of Bearing to accomplish His Works

D. The LORD God will give the measured amount of Spirit to whom He chooses. If that person fails, others are appointed and given the same Spirit.

196. What should you do when the LORD God has given you a Work to do, and you find yourself frustrated, worn out, scared of failure, burned out, or weak of spirit and mind? Num 11:16-17 (note)

A. Call out to the Spirit of Bearing that has come to you

B. Have faith that the LORD God has provided the exact amount of the Spirit of Bearing necessary to complete the job

C. Know that it is only your weakness of conviction in the power of the Spirit of Bearing that will defeat you

D. All of the above

197. Who are you receiving when you receive a portion of the Spirit of Bearing? Num 11:16-17 (note)

A. The LORD God

B. Jesus Christ

C. The Holy Spirit

D. The Spirit of Christ

198. What is one way that the Spirit of Bearing assists our LORD God? Num 11:16-17 (note)

A. The Spirit of Bearing allows the LORD God to love us

B. The Spirit of Bearing allows the LORD God to punish us

C. The Spirit of Bearing allows the LORD God to endure us

D. All of the above

199. What type of Being is the LORD God? Num 11:16-17 (124)

A. Spiritual

B. Physical

C. Natural

D. Ghostly

200. How must the LORD God be worshipped? Num 11:16-17 (125)

A. From our physical beings in truth

B. From our spiritual beings in truth

C. From our physical beings in praise

D. From our spiritual being in praise

201. Bonus – Discuss the difference between physical worship and spiritual worship and gives some present day examples of each. Num 11:16-17 (125)

202. What significance is physical worship with the LORD God? Num 11:16-17 (125)

A. Physical worship is pleasing to Him

B. Physical worship has no relevance at all to Him

C. Physical worship is one part of the complete worship expected by Him

D. Physical worship helps sustain the believers as they worship Him

203. Where does the Spirit of Bearing rest? Num 11:16-17 (126)

A. In the essence of the world

B. In the essence of the Christian

C. In the essence of Jesus Christ

D. In the essence of the LORD God

204. What is the Spirit of Bearing sometimes incorrectly called? Num 11:16-17 (129)

A. Spirit of Burden

B. Spirit of Upholding

C. Spirit of Government

D. Spirit of Expectations

205. Why is the Spirit of Bearing called by this incorrect name? Num 11:16-17 (129)

A. It comes as a result of man’s ignorance

B. It is logically associated with the seventy men sharing the burden of the people with Moses

C. It is as a result of the Jesus movement of the 1970’s

D. It is the name used by the old timers to designate affiliation with a political party

206. Why is this incorrect name so wrong? Num 11:16-17 (129)

A. It takes away the confidence that a mere Christian worker for the LORD God can be sustained

B. It takes it out of the realm of works for the LORD God, and places it into works for the world

C. It gives people of government position a false belief that the LORD God always supports them

D. All of the above

207. When is the Spirit of Bearing given to a Christian? Num 11:16-17 (130)

(May be more than one answer)

A. When a burden for the LORD God must be borne by the Christian

B. To sustain a worker of the LORD God while He is doing His Will

C. The Spirit of Bearing is with a Christian always

D. The Spirit of Bearing enters a Christian at his baptism

E. A Christian has no need for the Spirit of Bearing because their faith sustains them

208. Why does a Christian fail in doing the LORD God’s Works if he has been given the Spirit of Bearing? Num 11:16-17 (131)

(May be more than one answer)

A. A lack of faith in the enduring power of the Spirit of Bearing

B. A weak Christian

C. The LORD God’s wrong measure of the Spirit of Bearing given to complete the work

D. Self focus and self pity

E. Failure to use the Spirits of the LORD God to accomplish His Will

209. How much of the Spirit of Bearing is shared with a person to accomplish the LORD God’s Will and Works? Num 11:16-17 (132)

A. The complete Spirit of Bearing is shared with a person

B. A tiny portion of the Spirit of Bearing is shared with a person

C. The largest portion of the Spirit of Bearing is shared, and a tiny portion remains with the LORD God.

D. The Spirit of Bearing is never shared. He goes where He chooses without purpose.

210. How does the Spirit of Bearing influence the LORD God? Num 11:16-17 (133)

A. The Spirit of Bearing does not influence the LORD God. He is only for the benefit of the workers for Him.

B. The Spirit of Bearing allows the LORD God to gives man chance after chance after chance to move toward Him and do His Will

C. The Spirit of Bearing encourages the LORD God to take on bigger and bigger spiritual works and prepare His people for supreme works

D. The Spirit of Bearing allows the LORD God to endure evil

E. All of the above

211. When is a Christian given the Spirit of Adoption? Rom 8:15 (124)

A. A Christian is infused with the Spirit of Adoption at his birth

B. A Christian is infused with the Spirit of Adoption at his baptism

C. A Christian is infused with the Spirit of Adoption at his death

D. A Christian is infused with the Spirit of Adoption at his conception

212. When is a Christian under the control of the Spirit of Bondage? Rom 8:15 (125)

A. Never

B. Before he is given the Spirit of Adoption

C. Following his baptism

D. Following his death

213. What does a person under the control of the Spirit of Bondage call the LORD God? Rom 8:15 (125)

A. Master

B. Father

C. Sir

D. All of the above

214. What is the role of a person controlled by the Spirit of Bondage? Rom 8:15 (126)

A. Prisoner

B. Servant

C. Child

D. Prince

215. What did the LORD God promise to Abram when he was old? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. To multiply his offspring greatly

B. To make him a father of many nations

C. To make him King and ruler over the nation of Israel

D. To allow him to see the promised Messiah at the time of his arrival

E. Both A&B

F. Both C&D

G. All of the above

216. What was the first response of Abrams barren wife Sarai when she heard the LORD God’s plan? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. She had sexual relations with Abram and conceived Ishmael

B. She had sexual relations with Abram and conceived Isaac

C. She sent her husband into her maid Hagar for sexual relations so he could have offspring

D. She prayed for her womb to be opened by the LORD God so she might conceive

217. What resulted from Sarai’s first response? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. Ishmael was conceived through Hagar and Abram having sexual relations

B. Isaac was conceived through Hagar and Abram having sexual relations

C. Ishmael was conceived through Sarai and Abram having sexual relations

D. Isaac was placed in Sarai’s womb by the LORD God

218. What status did the first child of Abram’s have? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. Isaac was Abrams first born and recipient of all inheritance rights

B. Ishmael was born into bondage as a result of his mother’s bondage

C. Ishmael was born into freedom as a result of his father’s freedom

D. Isaac was born into bondage as a result of his mother’s manipulation

219. What was the name of the child born into bondage? Gal 4:21-31(127 & notes)

A. Ishmael

B. Isaac

C. Jacob

D. Moses

220. What other characteristic did the child born into bondage have? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. He was born of the flesh

B. He was born of the spirit

C. He was born through immaculate conception

D. He was conceived in love

221. What facts can be established by the birth of Abram’s first child? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. A person born of the flesh is born into bondage

B. A person born of the spirit is born into bondage

C. A person born of the flesh is born into freedom

D. A person born of the flesh is born into spiritual inheritance

222. What were Abram’s and Sarai’s natural names changed to spiritual names by the LORD God following the birth of Ishmael? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. Abraham and Sarah

B. Abraham and Hagar

C. Abraham and Sarai

D. Abram and Sarah

223. What were Abraham and Sarah unable to physically accomplish because of their age? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. Produce children

B. Raise children

C. Have sexual relations

D. All of the above

224. How was Abraham and Sarah’s son Isaac conceived? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. Through physical sexual relations of Abraham and Sarah, and the spiritual intervention of the LORD God

B. Through physical sexual relations only

C. Through the immaculate conception between God and Sarah

D. Through the spiritual relationship between Sarah and an angel

225. What can be said of Isaac’s conception as a result of the LORD God’s involvement? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. Isaac was born of the flesh and in bondage

B. Isaac was born of the spirit and free

C. Isaac was born of immaculate conception

D. Isaac was born as a result of sin

226. What nation was formed through Isaac? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. Israel

B. Islam

C. America

D. Europe

227. What nation was formed through Ishmael? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. Israel

B. Islam

C. America

D. Europe

228. Who are the brothers of Christians? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. Jews

B. Muslims

C. Buddhists

D. Americans

229. What type of children are the Jews to the LORD God? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. Children of promise

B. Children of bondage

C. Children of love

D. Children of law

230. What type of children are the Muslims to the LORD God? Gal 4:21-31; Gen 21:9-13(notes)

A. Children of promise

B. Children of bondage

C. Children of love

D. Children of law

231. What type of children are the Christians to the LORD God? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. Children of promise

B. Children of bondage

C. Children of love

D. Children of law

232. What type of relationship do Muslims have with the LORD God? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. A true and real relationship with the LORD God

B. Different from the relationship that Jews and Christians have with the LORD God

C. Focused on their status as bonded servants

D. They serve their Master LORD God

E. All of the above

233. Bonus: Describe one religious practice that Muslims use that indicates their status as a servant to the LORD God. (Personal opinion)

234. What type of relationship do Jews have with the LORD God? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Focused on their status as being “children of the promise of the LORD God”

B. They are the LORD God’s Chosen People

C. They try to keep the laws of their LORD God

D. They serve their Master LORD God

E. Through faith and grace, they are free to stand and walk toward the LORD God

F. They are able to follow Christ to the LORD God

G. They are servants of the LORD God

H. They are adopted sons of the LORD God

235. What type of relationship do Christians have with the LORD God? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Focused on their status as being “children of the promise of the LORD God”

B. They are the LORD God’s Chosen People

C. They try to keep the laws of their LORD God

D. They serve their Master LORD God

E. Through faith and grace, they are free to stand and walk toward the LORD God

F. They are able to follow Christ to the LORD God

G. They are servants of the LORD God

H. They are adopted sons of the LORD God

236. Which Spirit of the LORD God controls all Muslims which were brought forth through Hagar through Arabia? Gal 4:21-31(129)

A. Spirit of Adoption

B. Spirit of Burning

C. Spirit of Bondage

D. Spirit of Bearing

237. What status does Jerusalem hold? Gal 4:21-31(130)

(May be more than one answer)

A. All Arabs answer to Jerusalem

B. Jerusalem is the free city of the LORD God

C. Jerusalem is above all faiths

D. Jerusalem is the mother of all faiths

E. Although Jerusalem’s children might be in bondage, the city remains free under the LORD God

238. Which Spirit of the LORD God do the Jews walk with? Gal 4:21-31(131)

A. The Spirit of Bondage

B. The Spirit of Adoption

C. The Spirit of Promise

D. The Spirit of Bearing

239. When does the Spirit of Bondage control a Jew? Gal 4:21-31(131)

A. The Spirit of Bondage always controls a Jew

B. The Spirit of Bondage controls a Jew when he walks in the flesh after natural life things

C. The Spirit of Bondage controls a Jew when he fails to keep the law

D. The Spirit of Bondage controls a Jew when he fails to keep Shabbot (Sabbath)

240. When are Christians under the direction of the Spirit of Bondage? Gal 4:21-31(132)

A. Christians are not under direction of the Spirit of Bondage as a result of their redemption through Jesus Christ

B. Christians were under the control of the Spirit of Bondage before they were baptized believers

C. Christians are born of the spirit and free, therefore never under the control of the Spirit of Bondage

D. All of the above

241. What do the LORD God’s children under bondage inherit? Gal 4:21-31(133)

A. The same things as children that are free

B. The LORD God has specific and different inheritances for his bonded and free children

C. Nothing

D. Guaranteed servitude for eternity

242. What Spirit confirms a Jew’s inheritance from the LORD God? Gal 4:21-31(133)

A. Spirit of Adoption

B. Spirit of Promise

C. Spirit of Bondage

D. Spirit of Bearing

243. What Spirit confirms a Christian’s inheritance from the LORD God? Gal 4:21-31(133)

A. Spirit of Adoption

B. Spirit of Promise

C. Spirit of Bondage

D. Spirit of Bearing

244. What Spirit does the Christian receive as a result of the Spirit of Adoption? Gal 4:21-31(133)

A. Spirit of Burning

B. Spirit of Promise

C. Spirit of Bondage

D. Spirit of Bearing

245. How is a Christian made a son of the LORD God? Gal 4:6-7 (134)

A. A Christian always was a son of the LORD God

B. By becoming a Jew

C. By receiving the Spirit of Christ into his heart

D. Through holy and righteous works for the LORD God

246. How do Christians throw off the chains of servitude and bondage from their pre-Christian days? Gal 4:6-7 (134)

A. They become sons, rather than servants, to the LORD God through Jesus Christ

B. They never completely remove their servitude to the LORD God

C. Christians are servants of the Chosen People, and nothing can change that

D. None of the above

247. Why is a Christian eligible for inheritance from the LORD God? Gal 4:6-7 (135)

A. Because he is a son of God

B. Because he receives inheritance through his Jesus Christ

C. Because he is a child of the promise of the LORD God

D. All of the above

248. What is “bondage”? (notes)

A. Oppression

B. Racism

C. External control

D. Punishment

249. Who does the Spirit of Bondage rule? (notes)

A. People of the spirit

B. People of the flesh

C. People who are unrighteous

D. People who are weak

250. Discuss: How do some people confuse the LORD God’s Spirit of Bondage as being under Satan’s control? (notes)

251. Discuss: What is the difference to serving our Lord Jesus Christ and being under the direction of the Spirit of Bondage? 1Cor 7:22 (notes)

252. What is the function of the Spirit of Burning? Is 4:2-5 (136)

A. Punish people who go against the LORD God

B. Purge impurities from the righteous and holy

C. To prepare a place of punishment for all evil

D. To mark those belonging to Satan

253. When does the Spirit of Burning perform His tasks? Is 4:2-5 (136)

A. After the Spirit of Judgment has performed His tasks

B. Before the Spirit of Judgment has performed His tasks

C. The Spirit of Burning works independently of all other Spirits

D. The Spirit of Burning will not be used until the Last Judgment of our LORD God

254. What happens to the impurities left over from sin in the Righteous and Holy that are gathered to the LORD God’s protection? Matt 3:11-12 (138)

A. Righteous and Holy people do not have impurities left over from sin

B. The Spirit of Burning removes all impurities left over from sin by burning them away

C. The Spirit of Burning is quenched by using Holy Water to sterilize the sinful body

D. Answers A & C are wrong answers to this question.

255. How do iniquities left over from sin try to hide within an individual? Matt 13:30 (139)

A. By falsely pretending to be holy

B. By sleeping deeply

C. By hiding within a person’s psyche

D. All of the above

256. Why does the Spirit of Burning remove these impurities? Matt 13:30 (139)

A. To perfect all thing of the LORD God in true holiness

B. To punish those who have fallen away from the LORD God

C. To highlight and bring attention to iniquity and sin

D. To scare and frighten those who would be disobedient to the LORD God

257. What results after the Spirit of Burning has performed His tasks? Matt 13:30 (140)

A. The evil are punished eternally in hell

B. The LORD God’s people are able to be brought into His presence

C. Angels are removed from the danger of exposure to sin

D. All of the above

258. What must happen if a thing, a person, a city, a nation, or a Kingdom is to stand in the LORD God’s presence? Mal 3:2-1 (141)

A. It must be saved

B. It must be purged of all impurities

C. It must be repentant

D. It must be fearful and in awe of the LORD God

259. Who is responsible for this cleansing? Mal 3:2-1 (141)

A. Jesus Christ

B. Holy Spirit

C. Spirit of Bearing

D. Spirit of Burning

BEGINNINGS – The Ways of the LORD God (Lesson 2)

By Kathy L McFarland

As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him. (Psalms 18:30 AV)

61. The way of our LORD God is perfect. The road He travels, the way of life that He chooses, is accomplished with integrity and truth.

62. The word of the LORD God is pure. His speech and message is tried and true. His word is refined and perfect.

63. The LORD God is a shield to all that trust in him. He protects those who flee to Him for protection.

1 ¶ <<A Prayer of David.>> Bow down thine ear, O LORD, hear me: for I am poor and needy. 2 Preserve my soul; for I am holy: O thou my God, save thy servant that trusteth in thee. 3 Be merciful unto me, O Lord: for I cry unto thee daily. 4 Rejoice the soul of thy servant: for unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul. 5 For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee. 6 Give ear, O LORD, unto my prayer; and attend to the voice of my supplications. 7 In the day of my trouble I will call upon thee: for thou wilt answer me.

8 ¶ Among the Gods there is none like unto thee, O Lord; neither are there any works like unto thy works. 9 All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee, O Lord; and shall glorify thy name. 10 For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God alone. 11 Teach me thy way, O LORD; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name. 12 I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and I will glorify thy name for evermore. 13 For great is thy mercy toward me: and thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest hell. (Psalms 86:1-13 AV)

1 ¶ <<A Prayer of David.>> Bow down thine ear, O LORD, hear me: for I am poor and needy. 2 Preserve my soul; for I am holy: O thou my God, save thy servant that trusteth in thee. 3 Be merciful unto me, O Lord: for I cry unto thee daily. 4 Rejoice the soul of thy servant: for unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul. (Psalms 86:1-4 AV)

64. The LORD God has the ability to hear the prayers of His people who are depressed and in need.

65. The LORD God has the ability to preserve and protect the souls of His holy people.

66. The LORD God can choose to save His servants that trust Him.

67. The LORD God can choose to be merciful and bestow kindness on one of His people.

68. Calling out to the LORD daily allows the LORD God to understand and be merciful to your needs.

It is so very important to realize that the LORD God is not obligated to be merciful. He chooses to show kindness to whom He Wills. Just as a natural life father does not constantly show every kindness to his child, the LORD God assumes the same position. If every kindness is given to a person by the LORD God, eventually, that person would become a spoiled child, expecting rather than requesting mercy. The LORD God relies on the communication between a person and Himself to determine the intensity of need. Certainly a father that hears on a daily basis that their child has a deep soul need is more apt to respond, than hearing a whining demand for his father’s every kindness and attention for excessive, extravagant and inessential needs.

69. The LORD God can bring joy and cheer up the soul of a person that lifts his soul up to the LORD God. Notice how the soul is lifted to the LORD God…The LORD God does not go down to the person to bring joy, but, rather, the person lifts His soul to the LORD God to receive joy.

5 For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee. 6 Give ear, O LORD, unto my prayer; and attend to the voice of my supplications. (Psalms 86:5-6 AV)

70. The LORD God is good and wants to forgive. He does not want our relationship with Him to cease as a result of sin. He is ready to forgive, and will give the repentant sinner abundant kindness if they call upon Him for forgiveness. The LORD God does not forgive sin with plenteous mercy because He has to; He has mercy because He is good and chooses to forgive.

71. The LORD God has the ability to hear the prayers of His people and the choice to treat each prayer, according to it’s merit, in the way He Wills.

David asks the LORD God to pay special attention to his earnest prayer. He asks the LORD God to perk up His ears and to hearken to his intense entreaty. These words suggest that not all prayer is regarded by the LORD God as requiring His specific attention. It appears that David was fearful that his prayer would get lost in the midst of the mundane prayers of others. He was shouting to the LORD God that his prayer was important, his prayer did matter, his prayer was a stand out, and needed the direct attention of his LORD God.

This scripture requires a little background work to understand the LORD God’s ways completely. Remember our study in 001 Foundation with the chapter dealing with “How a sinner is spiritually restored”? We all require forgiveness of our sins by the LORD God. David required it when he wrote his Psalms, and we require it even after Jesus Christ died for our sins. Our nature is to sin, and when we sin, we must have forgiveness from the LORD God to continue in relationship with Him.

The good news for Christians is that He gave Jesus Christ the authority to forgive sins on earth. So, what Jesus does, the Father does, in a sense. When it comes to the authority and power that the LORD God gave His son Jesus Christ, they are the same, they are one.

As Christians, we are given another contact through Jesus Christ, to receive the forgiveness of the LORD God. This forgiveness we receive comes from Jesus Christ, but the ultimate forgiveness comes from the LORD God, as He honors His relationship with Jesus Christ. That is why this scripture, and the study of Psalms, is necessary and good for us to study. As we study Psalms, we are studying the writings that are mostly written by David, a time long before Jesus Christ came to earth. Study of David’s pure voice and truthful words in his cries and praise to the LORD God reveals the ways of our LORD God in depth to us. These words are as applicable to our relationship to Jesus Christ and the LORD God, as they were in David’s time and life, and are very profitable for study.

Specifically, the study of this scripture reveals to the Christian the opportunity for forgiveness through Jesus Christ, by the LORD God, for our sins. It teaches us that our prayers need to be intense, earnest, and sincere, with the ability to rise above the mundane, worldly and commonplace prayers of others, in order that our prayers can be heard, and that we can be forgiven and restored completely according to the LORD God’s grace through Jesus Christ.

In the day of my trouble I will call upon thee: for thou wilt answer me. (Psalms 86:7 AV)

72. The LORD God will pay attention and respond to your prayers when you are facing trouble, adversity, affliction, anguish, distress or tribulation.

As stated before, the LORD God responds to intense prayers, especially and always when you are in trouble. If your prayers are mundane, the LORD God’s response will be limited, at best. The popular visualization of having a direct telephone line to the LORD God, that allows a person to tell the LORD God everything on His mind and wish list, is a figment of a persons imagination. The LORD God, is all powerful and all knowing. He is not the personal genie of anyone. He responds to the important things that He chooses to respond to. One time when the LORD God will always respond, is when one of His people are facing imminent danger. We must always have faith that our LORD God will hear our prayer in times of distress, just as David did when he faithfully reminded the LORD God of his confidence that He would not fail him in times of trouble.

8 ¶ Among the Gods there is none like unto thee, O Lord; neither are there any works like unto thy works. 9 All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee, O Lord; and shall glorify thy name. 10 For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God alone. (Psalms 86:8-10 AV)

73. Our LORD God is unlike all other Gods. His Works are unique and different from the works of all other Gods.

74. All nations whom the LORD God has made shall eventually come and worship before Him. All of His created nations will glorify His name. To “glorify His name” means to love, honor, respect, praise and memorialize the uniqueness of our LORD God’s existence.

75. The LORD God does great and wonderful things.

76. The LORD God is the only real and true God.

Teach me thy way, O LORD; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name. (Psalms 86:11 AV)

77. The way of the LORD God must be taught. It is a specific way of life, a precise and particular journey that man does not grasp on his own.

78. Your walk in the way of the LORD God must be in truth. To walk in truth with the LORD God requires you to be stable and trustworthy. You must separate yourself from man’s expectations, society’s demands and church’s doctrines. You must walk with stability in the specific way the LORD God has Chosen for you to walk. Be trustworthy to the LORD God and He will teach you to walk in His way.

79. To follow the way of the LORD God requires you to join the revealed knowledge He has given you together into a cohesive understanding. This united understanding can happen within a person only through the LORD God’s allowance.

80. When a person’s understanding is allowed to become united together in revelation, a reverent fear for the LORD God is created within that person. It is a good thing to be fearful of the LORD God.

One of the ways we measure a student’s spiritual growth level is by examining the fearful reverence he has for the LORD God. If that fearful reverence is not present, then we know that the student does not have substantial spiritual understanding and is in fact a young or lazy Christian. Only when the LORD God joins the truthful revelations together in a person’s understanding, will that person have the ability to see the LORD God in truth, and be in awe of His presence.

12 I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and I will glorify thy name for evermore. 13 For great is thy mercy toward me: and thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest hell. (Psalms 86:12-13 AV)

81. The LORD God’s mercy is great toward His people.

82. The LORD God should be praised and his name glorified for eternity as a result of his loving kindness in delivering our souls from the lowest hell.

14 The LORD upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all those that be bowed down. 15 The eyes of all wait upon thee; and thou givest them their meat in due season. 16 Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing. 17 The LORD is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works. 18 The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. 19 He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them. 20 The LORD preserveth all them that love him: but all the wicked will he destroy. (Psalms 145:14-20 AV)

83. The LORD God upholds all of His people that fall. He sustains and raises up all of His people that are bowed down

84. The LORD God gives His people meat at the appropriate time. The typology for meat is the nourishing substance that is taken into the body (common), life (natural), or soul (spiritual) to sustain life, provide energy and promote growth.

85. When the LORD God opens his hand and gives nourishment to people, He is able to satisfy the desires of every living thing.

86. The LORD God is righteous in all of His Ways and holy in all of His Works.

87. The LORD God is near to all that call upon him as long as they call upon him in truth in a established, trustworthy, stable manner.

88. The LORD God will fulfill the desire of them that fear him.

Remember how we said that the LORD God was not your personal genie at the beginning of this study? The LORD God is gracious and wants to delight His people that He loves, just as any father wants to bring delight to his children. The LORD God requires, however, that to receive your desire, you must first fear Him. To fear the LORD God, requires you to first have your spiritual understandings united into revelation by the LORD God. To have spiritual understanding at all requires you to study the Word of God and learn to walk in His ways with trustworthiness and stability. To study the Word of God requires you to be one of His children. To be one of His children requires you to be a follower of Christ.

To be a follower of Christ requires you to be baptized and believing. You cannot be baptized, unless you are repentant of sin, and the LORD God has chosen you to receive faith and called you closer to Him. So if you meet each of these requirements, and if you truthfully come to Him with your request in His acceptable, trustworthy and stable way, He will be true and fulfill your desire. What a wonderful Father He Is!

89. The LORD God will hear the cry of His people when they are in trouble, and He will save them. The people that He will hear and save are the same people that fear him, and as a result have their desire fulfilled.

90. The LORD God will protect all people that love Him.

91. The LORD God will destroy all people that are wicked.

He stood, and measured the earth: he beheld, and drove asunder the nations; and the everlasting mountains were scattered, the perpetual hills did bow: his ways are everlasting. (Habakkuk 3:6 AV)

92. The ways of the LORD God are everlasting.

O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! (Romans 11:33 AV)

93. The ways of the LORD God are past finding out. His judgments and ways are contained within the depth of His wisdom and knowledge, and can never be completely known by man.

6 And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, 7 Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children, unto the third and to the fourth generation. (Exodus 34:6-7 AV)

94. The LORD God is compassionate and kind. He is patient and abounds in goodness and truth.

95. The LORD God maintains mercy and protects the status of thousands of His people.

96. The LORD God forgives iniquity, transgression and sin according to His Will. He does not forgive upon demand, but according to His rules that He has revealed to men. (See “001 Foundation” for rules)

97. He does not forgive the wicked, and He may hold up to four generations responsible for their perverse and evil sins. (See “001 Foundation” for rules)

Recently, a very young Christian who we had just met asked us to pray for a woman acquaintance of hers. We asked what type of prayer was needed. She explained that her non-Christian, non-believing, friend had suffered tremendously in recent years with the sickness of anorexia, which was kicked in beyond her control as a result of a traumatic divorce. The sick woman’s daughter had threatened to kill both her mom and herself “to put both of them out of their misery”. The young Christian then went on to list crisis after crisis this poor woman had experienced in recent past, to convince us that this woman needed our prayers. She said that she had tried to witness to the woman, but the woman would have nothing to do with the Word of God.

As gently as we could, we told our young Christian friend that we would not be praying for this woman. Our friend was aghast, and wondered aloud to her church community how people professing to be Christians could refuse to pray for somebody in such dire straights. She cried to common acquaintances that our position to not pray made a mockery of the love of Christ and bordered on wickedness. Finally, she got up the nerve and shared her disappointment with us.

As a very young Christian, our friend cannot know the ways of the LORD God. It takes concentrated study, practice, walking and grace through the LORD God to gain the mature understandings to grow in the faith. It doesn’t happen overnight, and it doesn’t happen to all Christians. These studies are the beginning to guide Christians who are hungry for that growth to a new place with new food to stimulate that maturing process. So often, new Christians think that being a Christian requires you to submit to all worldly pain and suffering in the name of Christ. Sometimes, even older Christians believe that we should attempt to change all pain and suffering in the world. This position causes the servants of Christ to become servants of worldly wickedness.

A wise believer once said that a “true man of God heals every person that he prays for.” A doubtful acquaintance looked at him in astonishment and said “that’s not possible…there has never been that many healings on the face of this earth!” The wise man answered “I didn’t say he prayed often for healings! A true man of God knows the ways of the LORD God, so knows the times to pray, and knows the times to keep quiet!”

A Christian can never do the Will of the LORD God if he does not know the Way of the LORD God. Yes, the LORD God is completely capable of healing all sickness and disease that exist today. The LORD God is able to wipe out wickedness and change the fortunes of men. The LORD God can do anything He wants. BUT, He does not do anything at a whim. All Works of the LORD God are purposeful and planned, and follow specific ways. If a mature Christian were to approach the LORD God with a request that conflicted with the LORD God’s ways, then the LORD God would think him a fool. If the LORD God has given the understanding of His ways to a person, that person is then responsible for honoring His ways in their works. The responsibility of every great child, in a very great family, is honoring the ways of the great Father, always.

19 ¶ Oh how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee; which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men! 20 Thou shalt hide them in the secret of thy presence from the pride of man: thou shalt keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues. (Psalms 31:19-20 AV)

98. The LORD God’s goodness is great. His goodness is reserved for those people that fear and trust His Ways over the ways of men.

99. The LORD God hides and protects His people from the snares of men.

100. The LORD God hides and protects His people from evil accusations and gossip of men.

Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts: we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, even of thy holy temple. (Psalms 65:4 AV)

101. The LORD God chooses who comes to Him, and causes that person to dwell in His presence, under His protection and be one of His people.

102. The chosen people of the LORD God are completely filled with the goodness of the LORD God’s dwelling places.

4 For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee. 5 The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity. 6 Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing: the LORD will abhor the bloody and deceitful man. (Psalms 5:4-6 AV)

103. The LORD God hates wickedness.

104. The LORD God does not allow evil to dwell with Him.

105. The LORD God does not let the foolish stand in His sight.

106. The LORD God hates all workers of iniquity.

107. The LORD God will destroy all liars.

108. The LORD God loathes violent, cunning, sneaky men.

And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man’s work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear: (1 Peter 1:17 AV)

109. The LORD God is impartial, and judges every man’s work with the same criteria.

Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face. (Psalms 89:14 AV)

110. The LORD God is always right in His decisions, discernments, reproofs and truth. This very quality of always being right in His Ways, identifies Him as always “Righteous”.

7 ¶ Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. 8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. (1 John 4:7-8 AV)

111. Love comes from the LORD God. If a person loves then He is born of God. (To be born of God is different from being evolved from His Creation. We will examine this concept in this study. You should also understand that to be “born of God” and “chosen of God” are two different concepts, which will be explained further on in this study.)

112. If a person does not love, He does not know the LORD God. If He does not know the LORD God He is not born of God.

113. The LORD God is love.

To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste. (Deuteronomy 32:35 AV)

114. The LORD God seeks revenge for those against Him and His People, and He will make them pay in due time.

21 They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God; they have provoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation. 22 For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell, and shall consume the earth with her increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains. (Deuteronomy 32:21-22 AV)

115. The LORD God is a jealous God. When people worship other Gods of nothingness, the LORD God becomes very angry.

116. The LORD God is wrathful towards those who turn their back on him, and as a result, He will turn His back on them, and make them feel the jealousy and anger that they caused Him.

If you do not understand the Ways of the LORD God, then you will never be able to serve Him as He Wills. If you do not serve your LORD God as He Wills, you may face His disappointment, anger, punishment, or disdain. It’s not a fairy tale that we live…

Our LORD God is an awesome and powerful Father who has distinct Ways. He demands His children to know His Ways, and the closer you are called to Him, the more He expects from you. The closer you get to the LORD God, the more you must know to accomplish His Will, and the more He holds you accountable to His standards.

In natural life, a person demands and expects more from those people he loves and who are closer to him. Grown children that come close and remain with their fathers are expected to conform to his ways more than grown children who are far from him and distant. These expectations are the true nature of love, and it is the true nature of our LORD God. The LORD God is a loving Father who expects those who love him most to do His Will completely, effectively and joyfully, and He weighs your relationship with Him accordingly.


way – 01870. Krd derek deh’-rek; from 01869; a road (as trodden); figuratively, a course of life or mode of action, often adverb:—along, away, because of, + by, conversation, custom, east-ward, journey, manner, passenger,through, toward, high- path-way-side, whither-soever. (Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon)

tried – 06884. Pru tsaraph tsaw-raf’; a primitive root; to fuse (metal), i.e. refine (literally or figuratively):—cast, (re-)fine(-er), founder, goldsmith, melt, pure, purge away, try. (Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon)

poor – 06041. yne æaniy aw-nee’; from 06031; depressed, in mind or circumstances practically the same as 06035, although the margin constantly disputes this, making 06035 subjective and 6041 objective:—afflicted, humble, lowly, needy, poor. (Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon)

merciful – 02603. Nnx chanan khaw-nan’; a primitive root compare 02583; properly, to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior; to favor, bestow; causatively to implore (i.e. move to favor by petition):—beseech, X fair, (be, find, shew) favour(-able), be (deal, give, grant (gracious(-ly), intreat, (be) merciful, have (shew) mercy (on, upon), have pity upon, pray, make supplication, X very. (Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon)

attend – 07181. bvq qashab kaw-shab’; a primitive root; to prick up the ears, i.e. hearken:—attend, (cause to) hear(-ken), give heed, incline, mark (well), regard. (Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon)

answer – 06030. hne æanah aw-naw’; a primitive root; properly, to eye or (generally) to heed, i.e. pay attention; by implication, to respond; by extens. to begin to speak; specifically to sing, shout, testify, announce:—give account, afflict by mistake for 06031, (cause to, give) answer, bring low by mistake for 06031, cry, hear, Leannoth, lift up, say, X scholar, (give a) shout, sing (together by course), speak, testify, utter, (bear) witness. See also 01042, 01043. Greek 611. (Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon)

trouble – 06869. hru tsarah tsaw-raw’; feminine of 06862; tightness (i.e. figuratively, trouble); transitively, a female rival:—adversary, adversity, affliction, anguish, distress, tribulation, trouble. (Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon)

truth – 0571. tma Æemeth eh’-meth; contracted from 0539; stability; (figuratively) certainty, truth, trustworthiness:—assured(-ly), establishment, faithful, right, sure, true (-ly, -th), verity. (Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon)

heart – 03824. bbl lebab lay-bawb’; from 03823; the heart (as the most interior organ); used also like 03820:— + bethink themselves, breast, comfortably, courage, (faint, tender-heart(-ed), midst, mind, X unawares, understanding.(Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon)

fear – 03372. ary yareÆ yaw-ray’; a primitive root; to fear; morally, to revere; caus. to frighten:—affright, be (make) afraid, dread(-ful), (put in) fear(-ful, —fully, —ing), (be had in) reverence(-end), X see, terrible (act, —ness, thing). (Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon)

near – 07138. bwrq qarowb kaw-robe’; or brq qarob kaw-robe’; from 07126; near (in place, kindred or time):—allied, approach, at hand, + any of kin, kinsfold(-sman), (that is) near (of kin), neighbour, (that is) next, (them that come) nigh (at hand), more ready, short(-ly). (Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon)

pride – 07407. okr rokec ro’-kes; from 07405; a snare (as of tied meshes):—pride. (Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon)

tongues – 03956. Nwvl lashown law-shone’; or Nvl lashon law-shone’; also (in plural) feminine hnvl l@shonah lesh-o-naw’; from 03960; the tongue (of man or animals), used literally (as the instrument of licking, eating, or speech), and figuratively (speech, an ingot, a fork of flame, a cove of water):— + babbler, bay, + evil speaker, language, talker, tongue, wedge. (Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon)

leasing – 03577. bzk kazab kaw-zawb’; from 03576; falsehood; literally (untruth) or figuratively (idol):—deceitful, false, leasing, + liar, lie, lying. (Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon)

Chapter 2 – The Ways of the LORD God TEST

80. How does the LORD God choose which way to go? Ps 18:30 (61)

A. Chooses as a result of trial and error

B. Chooses direction according to events

C. Chooses way that is true

D. All of the above

81. What does it mean to describe the LORD God’s Word as “pure”? Ps 18:30 (62)

A. Innocent and youthful

B. Light and limited

C. Refined and perfect

D. All of the above

82. Who is the LORD God a shield to? Ps 18:30 (63)

A. A person that trusts in Him

B. A Christian

C. A Jew

D. A Muslim

E. A believer that needs help

F. The world

G. All things good

83. Who does the LORD God protect? Ps 18:30 (63)

A. The innocent who is accused falsely

B. The Christian who is faced with persecution

C. The person who trusts in Him

D. The Jew who performs in accordance with all edicts of the LORD God

84. If a person is depressed and in need, how should he pray to his LORD God? Ps 86:1-4 (64)

A. He should not pray until He once again has the peace of the LORD God

B. He should ask the LORD God to bow down his ear to hear his plea for help

C. He should elevate His prayers with thanksgiving and praise

D. He should pray for those worse off than him and in need

85. How are the souls of holy people preserved? Ps 86:1-4 (65)

A. Through their prayers to the LORD God

B. Through the LORD God’s protection

C. Through their very state of righteousness

D. Through their careful attention to spiritual life details

86. What purpose is served by praying daily to the LORD God? Ps 86:1-4 (68)

A. It interrupts the LORD God’s time and is vanity

B. Daily prayers allow the LORD God to understand you

C. Praying every day causes a person to live in the spiritual life daily

D. Praying hands prevent wandering minds

87. How does the LORD God answer a prayer for mercy from one of His children? Ps 86:1-4 (68)

A. He responds immediately and shows every kindness

B. He determines the intensity of need, and responds accordingly

C. He gives in to frequent requests from persistent prayers, regardless of need

D. He grants kindnesses to children making “deals” with Him

E. The righteousness of a person determines the kindness extended by the LORD God

88. How does the LORD God bring joy and cheer to the soul of a person? Ps 86:1-4 (69)

A. A person must lift his soul up to the LORD God

B. The LORD God comes to the person to bring joy and cheer

C. The LORD God is always present in the person’s heart, and joy spreads throughout the soul

D. A person shines joy and cheer down on a person that has intense worship in church

89. What type of relationship does the LORD God want with a sinner? Ps 86:5-6 (70)

A. The LORD God wants to forgive the sinner

B. The LORD God wants the sinner removed from His presence

C. The LORD God wants to punish the sinner

D. The LORD God wants to ignore the sins of a sinner

90. Why does the LORD God forgive? Ps 86:5-6 (70)

A. If He did not forgive, He would have no people

B. He is good

C. He is obligated to forgive because of Jesus Christ

D. It is a natural response to a spiritual problem

91. Why would a person ask the LORD God to pay special attention to their prayer? Ps 86:5-6 (70 and note)

A. It is redundant and not necessary. The LORD God hears all prayers

B. To prevent an urgent prayer of getting lost among the mundane prayers of others

C. If that person were more special than others to the LORD God.

D. To make his relationship with the LORD God stand out above others.

92. Who should a repentant Christian pray to for forgiveness? Ps 86:5-6 (70 and note)


B. Jesus Christ

C. Holy Spirit

D. Priest

93. What happens if Jesus Christ, rather than the LORD God, is asked to forgive sins? Ps 86:5-6 (70 and note)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Forgiveness cannot be granted

B. Jesus Christ has the LORD God’s authority to forgive sin

C. Forgiveness comes from Jesus Christ, and not the LORD God

D. Forgiveness given by Jesus Christ ultimately comes from the LORD God

E. If you are praying to Jesus Christ, you are praying to the LORD God

94. How do should a Christian’s prayers be to be heard? Ps 86:5-6 (70 and note)

A. Intense, earnest and sincere

B. Mundane, worldly and commonplace

C. Repetitious, practices and traditional

D. It really doesn’t matter. It’s the words, not the emotion that matters.

95. Why should a Christian ask for forgiveness? Ps 86:5-6 (71 and note)

A. To go to heaven

B. To be holy

C. To make God happy

D. To have a relationship with the LORD God

96. How does the LORD God respond to a Christian when he prays in times of trouble, adversity, distress, affliction, anguish or tribulation? Ps 86:7 (72)

A. The LORD God always responds to intense prayers of Christians in trouble

B. Each prayer is judged on its merit, and the LORD God responds accordingly

C. The LORD God has given Jesus Christ the authority to handle all emergency situations

D. The Christian should not bother the LORD God, and rely on the power of Jesus Christ to remove the danger

97. What Gods are like our LORD God? Ps 86:8-10 (73)

A. None

B. Greek

C. Hebrew

D. World

98. Who will eventually come and worship the LORD God? Ps 86:8-10 (74)

A. Christians only.

B. Christians, Jews, Muslims and Buddhists

C. All nations whom the LORD God has made

D. Wicked and evil people of this world

99. How will the LORD God’s creations eventually “glorify His name”? Ps 86:8-10 (74)

A. His creations will grow and bring favor upon Him

B. His creations will love, honor, respect, praise and memorialize His uniqueness

C. His creations will become Gods themselves and bring honor to Him

D. All of the above

100. What type of things does the LORD God do? Ps 86:8-10 (75)

A. popular and powerful

B. sensual and lusting

C. great and wonderful

D. All of the above

101. What distinguishes our LORD God from all other Gods? Ps 86:8-10 (76)

A. He is the only real and true God

B. He is able to captivate the souls of many through lust and sensuality

C. He is able to gain power over people through popular entertainments

D. He is able to entice souls through the use of ego and greed

E. He is able to achieve adherence through the use of oppressive blackmail and force

102. How is the Way of the LORD God known? Ps 86:11 (77)

A. Through faith, a believer understands the Way of the LORD God

B. Through study, a believer is taught the Way of the LORD God

C. Through miracles, a believer is blessed with the Way of the LORD God

D. Through worship, a believer is surrounded by the Way of the LORD God

E. Through natural life experiences, man can grasp the Way of the LORD God on his own

103. What does the “way” of the LORD God mean? Ps 86:11 (77)

A. The common and traditional doctrines taught by churches

B. A precise and particular journey

C. A pattern of life that is constantly changing and adapting to spiritual standards

D. The behavior taught by the Catholic Church

104. How must the way of the LORD God be walked? Ps 86:11 (78)

A. With truth

B. With fear

C. With hope

D. With promise

105. What qualities are necessary for a believer to walk in the LORD God’s Way? Ps 86:11 (78)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Holiness

B. Stability

C. Trustworthiness

D. Purity

E. Power

F. Courage

G. Promise

H. Righteousness

I. Fear

106. What must a believer separate himself from in order to walk in the LORD God’s Way? Ps 86:11(78)

A. Man’s expectations

B. Society’s demands

C. Church’s doctrines

D. All of the above

107. (Bonus) What are some examples of common barriers that come between a person’s walk in the LORD God’s Ways? Ps 86:11(78)

108. How do you learn the Way of the LORD God? Ps 86:11 (79)

A. The LORD God feeds the knowledge without any effort or allowance for the believer

B. The LORD God feeds the knowledge, then unites the new information into a person’s understanding that is already established and founded.

C. The believer obtains the knowledge through self-study, then the LORD God unites the new information into understanding

D. The believer obtains the knowledge, and that knowledge becomes understanding without effort

109. How does understanding of the Way of the LORD God happen? Ps 86:11 (79)

A. Only through the efforts of the LORD God and a believer

B. Only through the allowance by the LORD God

C. Only through the diligent study by the believer

D. Only through the special instruction by the Holy Spirit

110. What results when a person’s understanding is allowed to become united together in a new revelation? Ps 86:11 (80)

A. Pure holiness

B. Promised reward

C. Reverent fear

D. Elevated status

111. What is one of the ways that we can measure the spiritual growth of someone? Ps 86:11 (80)

A. By watching a person’s righteous appearance and holy actions

B. By witnessing the abundant blessings of wealth bestowed on a person

C. By examining the person’s reverent fear for the LORD God

D. By measuring the amount of power, prestige and followers the person has accumulated

112. What is the lack of reverence for the LORD God evidence of in a believer? Ps 86:11 (80)

A. False teaching

B. Church doctrine

C. Lazy Christian

D. Evil practice

113. What happens when the LORD God joins the truthful revelations together in a person’s understanding? Ps 86:11 (80 & notes)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Able to see the LORD God in truth

B. Able to learn quicker and better

C. Able to be in awe of the LORD God’s presence

D. Able to change behavior and bad habits

E. Able to preach the LORD God’s Word

F. Able to fight with the power of the LORD God

G. Able to prophesize and lead people to the LORD God

114. What type of mercy does the LORD God have toward His people? Ps 86:12-13 (81)

A. Great

B. Measured

C. None

D. Limited

115. Why should the LORD God be praised and His name glorified for eternity? Ps 86:12-13 (82)

A. As a result of His loving kindness in delivering our souls from the lowest hell

B. As a result of His loving kindness in delivering our souls from persecution

C. As a result of His loving kindness in delivering our souls from pain

D. As a result of His loving kindness in giving us our natural lives

116. What does the LORD God do with His people when they fall? Ps 145:14-20 (83)

A. Upholds them

B. Punishes them

C. Rewards them

D. Instructs them

117. What does the LORD God do with His people when they become bowed down? Ps 145:14-20 (83)

A. Raises them

B. Punishes them

C. Removes them

D. Instructs them

118. When does the LORD God give His people meat? Ps 145:14-20 (84)

A. Never

B. At the appropriate time

C. Always

D. When they request it in prayer

119. What is meat used for in the common and natural lives of men? Ps 145:14-20 (84 and notes)

A. To sustain life

B. To provide energy

C. To promote growth

D. All of the above

120. What is meat used for in the spiritual lives of men? Ps 145:14-20 (84 and notes)

A. To sustain life

B. To provide energy

C. To promote growth

D. All of the above

121. (Bonus) What is the difference between common life, natural life and spiritual life? Ps 145:14-20 (84 and notes)

122. What happens when the LORD God opens his hand and gives nourishment to people? Ps 145:14-20 (85)

A. He is able to satisfy the desires of His people only

B. He is able to satisfy the desires of Christians only

C. He is able to satisfy the desires of every living thing

D. He cannot provide nourishment to every person

123. What characteristic does the LORD God use in all His ways? Ps 145:14-20 (86)

A. Righteousness

B. Holiness

C. Power

D. Might

124. What characteristic does the LORD God use in all His works? Ps 145:14-20 (86)

A. Righteousness

B. Holiness

C. Power

D. Might

125. How must a believer call upon the LORD God to be near Him? Ps 145:14-20 (87)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Rapidly

B. Sorrowfully

C. Trustworthy

D. In an established manner

E. Stable

F. Publicly

G. Loudly

126. What will the LORD God do to those who fear Him? Ps 145:14-20 (88)

A. Fulfill their desire

B. Elevate their stature among men

C. Establish a church around them

D. Treat them as servants

E. Look at them with disdain

127. What is required to be able to fear the LORD God? Ps 145:14-20 (88 and notes)

A. Spiritual understandings united into revelation

B. Spiritual understandings united into miracles

C. Spiritual understandings united into love

D. Spiritual understandings united into warfare

E. Spiritual understandings united into worship

128. What is required to gain spiritual understandings? Ps 145:14-20 (88 and notes)

A. Study of the Word of God and learn through His grace

B. Study the Word of God, attend a true Church and worship His omnipotence

C. Study the Word of God, give to the poor and walk as Christ

D. Study the Word of God, defend the oppressed and fight spiritual battles

E. Climb a mountain and meditate as you study the Word of God

129. What is required to study the Word of God? Ps 145:14-20 (88 and notes)

A. Anyone can study the Word of God

B. You must be one of the LORD God’s children

C. There are no requirements for studying the Word of God

D. Attendance in a church is necessary to study the Word of God

130. How do you become a child of the LORD God? Ps 145:14-20 (88 and notes)

A. All good people are children of the LORD God

B. Only Jews can be children of the LORD God

C. You must be a follower of Christ

D. You must act righteous and holy to the world

131. How do you become a follower of Christ? Ps 145:14-20 (88 and notes)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Attend Church

B. Believe in Jesus Christ

C. Be baptized

D. Be Good

E. Be Happy

132. How can you believe in Jesus Christ? Ps 145:14-20 (88 and notes)

A. Everybody believes in Jesus Christ

B. The LORD God must have chosen you to receive faith

C. The LORD God must have called you closer to Him

D. Go to Church

E. Do charitable works

F. Lead a good life

G. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

133. (Contemplative Essay) If a person comes to you and asks why God has not granted his desires after praying for them vigorously and constantly, what will your answer be? Ps 145:14-20 (88 and notes)

134. When will the LORD God hear the cry of His people? Ps 145:14-20 (89)

A. Late at night

B. When they are in trouble

C. He does not hear their cry

D. For spiritual troubles only

135. Who will the LORD God protect? Ps 145:14-20 (90)

A. All people that love Him

B. All people of the world

C. All people that are good

D. All people that are wicked

136. Who will the LORD God destroy? Ps 145:14-20 (91)

A. All people that love Him

B. All people of the world

C. All people that are good

D. All people that are wicked

137. How long will the Ways of the LORD God exist? Hab 3:6 (92)

A. His ways are everlasting

B. His ways will live until the New Kingdom is established

C. His ways will change over the course of time

D. His ways will last until Judgment Day

138. How can we find out all of the Ways of the LORD God? Rom 11:33 (93)

(May be more than one answer)

A. We never can find out all of the Ways of the LORD God

B. Through dedicated and faith study of the Word of God

C. Through participation in worship and praise of the LORD God

D. Through drawing closer to His presence through our relationship with Jesus Christ

E. Through personal examination and changing of our ways

139. Where are the LORD God’s judgments and ways contained? Rom 11:33 (93)

A. Within His creation

B. Within Man

C. Within Heaven

D. Within His wisdom and knowledge

E. Within the Word of God

140. What characteristics does the LORD God proclaim about Himself? Ex 34:6-7 (94-97)

(Fill in the blanks)

1. Mer——

2. Gra——

3. lon———-

4. Abundant in goo—– and tr—

5. Keeping m—- for thousands

6. Forgiving in—— and tra——— and s–

7. Visiting the in—— of the fathers

141. How many people does the LORD God’s mercy protect? Exodus 34:6-7 (95)

A. Thousands

B. Hundred Thousands

C. Millions

D. Everyone

142. How does the LORD God forgive? Exodus 34:6-7 (96)

(May be more than one answer)

A. According to His rules

B. According to a believer’s request

C. According to His Will

D. According to a believer’s demands

E. According to things promised

143. When does the LORD God forgive the wicked? Exodus 34:6-7 (97)

A. Never

B. When they behave good

C. When they are nice to Christians

D. When they give money to the poor

E. When they tithe and establish churches

F. When they say they are sorry on their death bed

144. How many generations will the LORD God hold accountable for the iniquities of their father? Exodus 34:6-7 (97)

A. 1-2

B. 3-4

C. 5-6

D. 1-6

145. Who is the LORD God’s great goodness reserved for? Ps 31:19 (98)

A. People who trust their spiritual strength in times of trouble

B. People who trust men’s ways to effect good change in their spiritual lives

C. People who trust the LORD God’s Ways over the ways of men

D. People who ask for His goodness to be bestowed upon them

146. What does the LORD God hide and protect His people from? Ps 31:19 (98-100)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Snares of men

B. Pride of man

C. Evil Accusations

D. Gossip

E. Sickness

F. Disease

G. Life problems

147. When is a person truly blessed? Ps 65:4 (101)

A. When the LORD God chooses Him to come close

B. When the LORD God causes a person to dwell in His presence

C. When the LORD God keeps a person under His protection

D. When the LORD God chooses a person to be one of His people

E. All of the above

148. What are the chosen people of the LORD God filled with? Ps 65:4 (102)

A. The goodness of the LORD God and His dwelling places

B. Hope and Health

C. Riches, glory and power

D. Prestige, glory and miracles

149. What does the LORD God hate? Ps 5:4-6 (102-108)

(May be more than one answer)

A. The world

B. Sinners

C. Terrorists

D. Wickedness

E. Murderers

F. Homosexuals

G. Evil

H. Foolish

I. Workers of iniquity

J. Cowards

K. Liars

L. Violent men

M. Cunning men

N. Sneaky men

O. Weak men

P. Faithless men

Q. Secular men

R. Non-Christians

S. Palestinians

T. Jews

U. Muslims

V. Prostitutes

150. (Discuss) Why are soldiers not hated by the LORD God? Ps 5:4-6 (102-108)

151. How are every man’s work judged by the LORD God? 1Pet 1:17 (109)

A. Every man’s works is judged by the LORD God with the same criteria and impartiality

B. The LORD God is partial to the works His people with His Judgment

C. The LORD God uses different standards for judging works of different people

D. The LORD God judges the work of different nations, and different faiths differently

152. Why is the LORD God called “Righteous”? (Ps 89:14 note)

A. Because He is always right

B. Because He is holy

C. Because he is without sin

D. Because he is worthy

153. Where does love come from? 1 John 4:7-8 (111-113)

A. Within a person

B. From worship

C. From the Holy Spirit

D. From the LORD God

154. What is signified if a person loves? 1 John 4:7-8 (111-113)

A. He is good

B. He is spiritual

C. He is born of God

D. He is saved

155. What is signified if a person does not love? 1 John 4:7-8 (111-113)

(May be more than one answer)

A. He is bad

B. He does not know the LORD God

C. He is not born of God

D. He is damned

E. He has not received love from others, thus does not know how to give it

156. What does the LORD God seek for those who go against Him and His People? Deut 32:35 (114)

A. Revenge

B. Apologies

C. Forgiveness

D. Prayers

E. Amends

157. When will the LORD God recompense those who are against Him and His People? Deut 32:35 (114)

A. Never

B. Immediately

C. In due time

D. At Judgment Day

158. What does the LORD God experience when people worship other Gods of nothingness? Deu 32:21-22 (115)

A. Anger

B. Jealousy

C. Apathy

D. Disappointment

E. Both A & B

F. Both C & D

G. All of the above

159. What results if a believer turns his back on the LORD God? Deu 32:21-22 (115)

A. He will experience the LORD God’s wrath

B. The LORD God will turn His back on Him

C. The LORD God will make him feel the jealousy and anger that he caused Him

D. All of the above

160. (Essay) What results if a believer does not understand the Ways of the LORD God? (Study)

BEGINNINGS – Table of Lessons – Introduction

By Kathy L McFarland

Introduction to The Beginnings of All Things Created

Lesson 1 – The Nature of the LORD GOD

Lesson 2 – The Ways of the LORD GOD

Lesson – Spirits Adoption, Bearing, Bondage, Burning

Lesson 4 – Spirits Counsel, Creation, Deep Sleep, Deliverance, Discerning Spirits, Evil Faith

Lesson 5 – Spirits Fear, Fear of LORD, Grace, Goodness, Hardening, Healing, Holiness, Judgment

Lesson 6 – Spirits Knowledge, Life in Christ Jesus, Love, Might

Lesson 7 – Spirits Ministry & Miracles, Persuasion, Power, Promise

Lesson 8 – Spirits Prophesy, Raising, Sanctification, Supplication

Lesson 9 – Spirits Sword, Tongues, Interpretation, Truth

Lesson 10 – Spirits Understanding, Wisdom

Lesson 11- Some of the Revealed Spirits of the LORD GOD (Review)

Lesson 12 – The Creation of Light, Heavens and Earth, Seas, Sun, Moon and Stars

Lesson 13 – The Evolution of Common Man and the Creation of Spirit Filled Man

Lesson 14 – The Institution of the Seventh Holy Day of Rest

2 Timothy 3:16-17

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” (2Tim 3:16-17 )

Praise God from whom all blessings flow…Praise Him all ye creatures here below…Praise Him above ye heavenly host…Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.


Becker Bible Studies

Guided Bible Studies for Hungry Christians

002 Beginnings

Special Note: This Deeper Bible Study is written at the level that growing Christians should be able to understand after they have received the Foundation of Christ. It is too difficult for “milk” eaters that are brand new Christians. It is too simple for “meat” eaters that are mature Christians. HOWEVER, it is at just the RIGHT LEVEL for “bread” eaters that are growing Christians! Thanks be to God!

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have not completed the Becker Bible Studies “001 Foundation” then do it now. There is no sense in trying to complete this study if you have not had a solid foundation laid previously. This study, “002 Beginnings” is given by the Holy Spirit to Christians belonging to the Kingdom of God. It is the second step to new and wonderful revelations by our LORD GOD, and cannot be understood in it’s entirety unless a good foundation has been established. No matter how hard a person desires this information, or works to achieve understanding of this study, the effort will be in vain if you are not at the level designated by the LORD God to receive these new mysteries. To be at that level, requires you to be a Christian, with a good foundation, and baptized in both Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. If you are presently at that designated level to receive the new mysteries of our LORD God, welcome to one of the greatest studies you will ever receive!

THE LORD God is bigger than a television, bigger than a church, bigger than a city and bigger than the earth. People of this world try to encapsulate Him as a tiny being, ready to fulfill their every desire as long as they rub His bottle the right way through promises of being good. Contrary to popular belief, He does not help you cross a busy street, he does not reward good behavior with lotto tickets, he does not make the football fly over the goalposts in the last seconds of a game.

The LORD God does not sit in the heavens like some fabled Greek gods, and manipulate human lives in some sort of controlling game. He is not an old grandpa ready to give you hugs when you need them, and He is not the agent of death that sucks the life out of innocent people.

What a confusing picture our world, our churches, and our humanness has created concerning the nature of our LORD God! It’s no wonder that Satan is so effective in tricking people, when even the LORD God’s most faithful, often become confused when questioned about the LORD God’s ways.

It is sometimes difficult to grasp an understanding of the nature of our LORD God. The LORD God is not Jesus Christ, but Jesus Christ is the LORD God. He loves His Creation but He wants His Creation to fear Him. He expects His people to love him with their complete heart, soul and mind, to forsake all others and come to Him. He expects His people to glorify Him to all men, yet He expects His people to remain humble in that process. He knows His people will suffer persecution, tribulation, and martyrdom as a result of loving Him, yet He calls those He loves most, closer to Him, and as a result, closer to the pain caused by the wickedness in this life. The One He loves the most, His Son Jesus Christ, was given by Him as sacrifice for sins of this world.

The study of Beginnings 002 must start at the beginning. That beginning is the LORD God. A Christian must know the LORD God before he can love the LORD God. As a Christian, you must love the LORD God with your complete soul, heart and mind. This cannot happen in truth, unless you know the LORD God completely. And you cannot know the nature of the LORD God completely, unless you reject and remove all doctrines of man, church and hopes, from your mind, and fill it with the truth from the Word of God. Only then, when you have met the LORD God in truth, can you love Him with all your being.

Chapter 1 – The Nature of the LORD God

Wherefore thou art great, O LORD God: for there is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears. (2 Samuel 7:22 AV)

1. The LORD GOD is great. There is NO other God like our LORD God.

2. There is no other God that can even stand beside our LORD God.

No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. (John 1:18 AV)

3. Man has never seen our LORD God.

4. The LORD God’s only begotten son, Jesus Christ, is in the bosom of his Father. To be “in the bosom” means “to be enveloped in love”.

5. Jesus Christ tells man about the LORD God, drawing from his unique closeness to his Father.

28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. 29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. (Isaiah 40:28-29 AV)

6. The LORD God is everlasting. He will exist through eternity. After the earth ends, according to His Plans, He will continue to exist.

7. The LORD God does not faint and is not weary.

8. No man can understand the complete knowledge of the LORD God.

9. The LORD God shares His power to give power and strength to His weakened people.

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? (Numbers 23:19 AV)

10. The LORD God does not lie about his intentions. When He has spoken His Will, He makes good on His Promise.

11. The LORD God does not repent from any Will that He has spoken. When He speaks, He means what He says.

10 Behold, the Lord GOD will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him. 11 He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young. 12 ¶ Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance? 13 Who hath directed the Spirit of the LORD, or being his counsellor hath taught him? 14 With whom took he counsel, and who instructed him, and taught him in the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge, and shewed to him the way of understanding? 15 Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing. 16 And Lebanon is not sufficient to burn, nor the beasts thereof sufficient for a burnt offering. 17 All nations before him are as nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity.

18 ¶ To whom then will ye liken God? or what likeness will ye compare unto him? 19 The workman melteth a graven image, and the goldsmith spreadeth it over with gold, and casteth silver chains. 20 He that is so impoverished that he hath no oblation chooseth a tree that will not rot; he seeketh unto him a cunning workman to prepare a graven image, that shall not be moved. 21 Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth? 22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: 23 That bringeth the princes to nothing; he maketh the judges of the earth as vanity. 24 Yea, they shall not be planted; yea, they shall not be sown: yea, their stock shall not take root in the earth: and he shall also blow upon them, and they shall wither, and the whirlwind shall take them away as stubble. 25 To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One. 26 Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth.

27 ¶ Why sayest thou, O Jacob, and speakest, O Israel, My way is hid from the LORD, and my judgment is passed over from my God? 28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. 29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. 30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: 31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. (Isaiah 40:10-31 AV)

Behold, the Lord GOD will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him. (Isaiah 40:10 AV)

12. The LORD God rules with a strong hand.

13. Jesus Christ is the arm of the LORD God.

14. Jesus Christ rules on the LORD God’s behalf. Christ is given the sufficient power and means to bring the LORD GOD’s Will to completion.

He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young. (Isaiah 40:11 AV)

15. Jesus Christ was given four tasks to accomplish for the LORD GOD.

1) Feed his flock like a shepherd

2) Gather the lambs with his arm

3) Carry them in his bosom

4) Gently lead those that are with young. Note: Jesus feeds his flock through the Word of the LORD God.

16. The people of the LORD God will be gathered and brought to His Bosom by Jesus, where they will be enveloped with the LORD God’s love. Note that not all people are brought to the LORD God’s bosom, but only those brought by the arm of Jesus Christ.

17. Jesus Christ, the arm of the LORD God, will not only bring the devout to the LORD God’s bosom, but also gently lead those who are just beginning to experience their calling toward God.

Two different groups of faithful are mentioned in this Scripture. As a result, we can learn several things:

1) Not all Christians are brought immediately to the LORD God’s bosom to experience the complete envelopment of the LORD God’s love.

2) Some Christians who are new in the faith and young believers are not brought close to the LORD God quickly, but gently led in His direction by Jesus.

3) There is no allowance, encouragement or promise given to the non-Christian that they will be held in the bosom of the LORD God.

Why is this important? If you are to love the LORD God completely, you must understand who He is. You cannot form your opinion based on popular belief, personal desire or worldly tales. You must examine His Word to know the LORD God deeply. This powerful scripture in Isaiah 40:11-12 is a good example of truth vs. a worldly, hopeful, fairy tale.

Many people in the world want a God who is all loving, all forgiving and all giving to them. They want a God who punishes those who hurt them, and a God who rewards them for all the good they have done in life. They want a God who overlooks their sins, and sees all the wickedness and all the sin in those that are out of favor with them. They want a God that has made a beautiful place for them to go when they die, that will provide them with all of their unrealized wishes and dreams. They want to believe that living a mostly good and honest life will qualify them to receive the love of God in the afterlife, and they base their whole life on this hopeful, but misguided, belief.

What’s the truth? There is only one way that a person can receive the fatherly love of the LORD God. Only Jesus Christ can bring His people to the LORD God’s bosom to be enveloped in His love. To be in the bosom of the LORD God is not an automatic right gained by the whole world, nor is it an entitlement for those people who live “good lives.” The bosom of the LORD God is reserved for the people that Jesus Christ presents to Him. Period.

Therefore, the deep fatherly love of the LORD God is reserved for Christians. Throughout your studies, you will learn that there are many different types and degrees of love. You will find that our LORD God experiences all types of love, and gives many different expressions of that love to Christians, Jews, Muslims, mankind and His creations.

But you must know, with certainty that the LORD God’s Fatherly love is promised to you!


As a faithful Christian, you have the reserved and special place in your Father’s arms, to be enveloped in His love for eternity. Your Father’s warm embrace will hold you close to Him in love forever. Surely this knowledge alone, can give each of us strength to accomplish our Christian walk in spite of the wickedness surrounding these last days.

Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance? (Isaiah 40:12 AV)

18. The LORD God measured His beloved waters in His hand to begin the process of creation. (Lesson 12 – The Creation of Light, Heavens and Earth, Seas, Sun, Moon and Stars)

19. The LORD God pondered, arranged and formed heaven with purpose. (Lesson 12 – The Creation of Light, Heavens and Earth, Seas, Sun, Moon and Stars)

20. The LORD God comprehended and provided the exact amount of dust of the earth to allow for His creation of life. (Lesson 13: The Evolution and Making of Natural Life Common Man and the Creation of Spirit Filled Man in the Likeness of the LORD God)

21. The LORD God perfectly balanced the hills and the mountains in His creation. (Lesson 12 – The Creation of Light, Heavens and Earth, Seas, Sun, Moon and Stars)

13 Who hath directed the Spirit of the LORD, or being his counsellor hath taught him? 14 With whom took he counsel, and who instructed him, and taught him in the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge, and shewed to him the way of understanding? (Isaiah 40:13-14 AV)

22. The LORD God is exalted above all that exists. His wisdom come from within Him, and is not a result of the teachings of another god.

23. The LORD God’s wisdom taught Him judgment, which allowed Him to form His divine laws.

24. The LORD God’s wisdom taught Him knowledge, which allowed Him to devise His creation through ingenuity, cleverness, imagination and originality.

25. The LORD God’s wisdom showed Him the way of understanding, which allowed Him to skillfully reason and gain new intelligence through that process.

15 Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing. 16 And Lebanon is not sufficient to burn, nor the beasts thereof sufficient for a burnt offering. 17 All nations before him are as nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity. (Isaiah 40:15-17 AV)

26. All foreign nations that are not part of the LORD God’s realm are of minimal concern to him. They figure very little in the overall Plan of the LORD God, and are insignificant and less than nothing to Him. Foreign nations are another name for a group of Gentiles massing together. A Gentile is another name for heathen. A heathen is an offensive term that deliberately insults somebody who does not acknowledge the God of the Bible or Torah.

18 ¶ To whom then will ye liken God? or what likeness will ye compare unto him? 19 The workman melteth a graven image, and the goldsmith spreadeth it over with gold, and casteth silver chains. 20 He that is so impoverished that he hath no oblation chooseth a tree that will not rot; he seeketh unto him a cunning workman to prepare a graven image, that shall not be moved. (Isaiah 40:18-20 AV)

27. The likeness of the LORD God cannot be compared to any other likeness. The heathens massive graven images of their gods made with gold, silver or wood are less than nothing compared to the likeness of the LORD God.

21 Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth? 22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: 23 That bringeth the princes to nothing; he maketh the judges of the earth as vanity. 24 Yea, they shall not be planted; yea, they shall not be sown: yea, their stock shall not take root in the earth: and he shall also blow upon them, and they shall wither, and the whirlwind shall take them away as stubble. (Isaiah 40:21-24 AV)

28. The LORD God’s Works have been known.

29. The LORD God’s Works have been heard.

30. The LORD God’s Works have been told from the beginning

31. The LORD God’s Works have been explained since establishment earth’s foundation.

32. The earth is the central focus of the LORD God.

33. The inhabitants of earth are like grasshoppers. Grasshoppers are another name for locusts. Locusts are another name for Gentiles. Gentiles are another name for Heathens. Heathens are people who do not belong to the LORD God. These people of the earth that do not belong to the LORD God are insignificant and less than nothing to Him.

34. The LORD God stretched out the heavens in a fine layer. (This process, known as “expansion”, is covered in Lesson 12 – The Creation of Light, Heavens and Earth, Seas, Sun, Moon and Stars)

35. The LORD God created the heavens for a place to dwell.

36. The power of the LORD God makes the power of princes and judges of the world nothing.

37. The power of the LORD God prevents the powerful princes and judges the ability to establish permanent rule.

38. The power of the LORD God can and will choose when to blow the worldly princes and judges and their works away without effort.

25 To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One. 26 Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth. (Isaiah 40:25-26 AV)

39. The LORD God is not equal to anyone. He is superior to all.

40. The armies of the LORD God are unbeatable. They are sustained through the power of the LORD God, and not one fails.

41. The armies of the LORD God are called by names, allowing them the right to exist. The LORD God is able to allow them to exist because He is great in His might.

In the world, a leader is only as strong as his army. If the army is great, the leader achieves greatness in war. If the army is weak, the leader achieves loss of power. The worldly leader must develop his army with enough confidence, fortitude, bravery and talent to succeed in any campaign of war. The leader’s position rests on victory. At the same time, the powerful leader must always maintain complete control of the army through the use of power, laws, terror and rewards. If the leader does not keep the upper hand, an army will topple the leader quickly and assume his position of rule. As a result, world leaders walk a fine line of developing power but risking overthrow in the development of their army. Most leaders learn to get as close to the line as possible, giving the power to the armies, but maintaining a little degree of control, should his army choose to turn on him. No leader in the world has the power to survive if his powerful army turns on him. This results in an army that is not allowed to reach a complete powerful level, and is reined, subdued and controlled by a cunning leader.

The LORD God has armies. His armies are unbeatable. He allows them to have His power to fight wars, and as a result, not one army campaign, not one soldier, fails in completing his duty. The LORD God has the most powerful armies in existence for eternity, yet, the LORD God does not fear His armies. He has the power, the greatness of might, to truly be the leader of great armies, without fearing overthrow. He is the ultimate commander in chief, the most powerful and supreme leader of the most awesome and powerful fighting forces ever.

Why is this important? There is going to be a very great battle someday. That battle is going to involve the forces of Satan against the forces of our LORD God. As confident as we are of victory through our LORD God, Satan is developing forces that are also confident in their ability to win. It is going to be a great and terrible battle, where in the end, somebody is going to win, and somebody is going to lose.

There is a long list of reasons of why we can be confident that our side, the side of righteousness fought by the LORD God’s armies will win. Isaiah 40:25-26 is on that list. The LORD God’s armies cannot fail because they have His complete power to win. We must never faint from fear, we must never turn to run, and we must never forget the awesome power of our LORD God.

27 ¶ Why sayest thou, O Jacob, and speakest, O Israel, My way is hid from the LORD, and my judgment is passed over from my God? 28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. 29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. 30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: 31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. (Isaiah 40:27-31 AV)

42. Chosen and called people of the LORD God must have patience. Everything that is accomplished, is done in the LORD God’s time.

43. If we become weak or weary while waiting for the LORD GOD, He will renew our strength which will enable us to continue our walk without fainting.” (Another book in this Guided Bible Studies series is entitled “The Walk”. It covers the requirements, responsibilities and rewards of your spiritual walk with Christ, and is an important study for every serious Christian.)

44. Times are coming when even the youth and young men will be faint, weary and shall fall. Even then, our LORD God will give us strength to carry out His Will.

45. There is no man that can search the understanding of the LORD God. He has complete knowledge of everything, and everything is done in His Way, with His Will, in His Time.

33 ¶ O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! 34 For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor? 35 Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again? 36 For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen. (Romans 11:33-36 AV)

46. The LORD God’s wisdom and knowledge are very deep. His thoughts have level upon level upon level of knowledge, built upon each other to a degree that can never be understood by man. This wisdom that He has gained through this growing and ever expanding knowledge cannot be duplicated by any other being. As a result, His judgments, His decisions, His Ways and His Will cannot be understood by mere man, mere devil, mere angel, mere being, mere creature or mere little gods. He knows everything, and his thoughts are unsearchable by all beings.

47. Every thought, every knowledge, every wisdom, every understanding that exists or ever will exist has come from the LORD God. If man has a thought, if man has a piece of knowledge, it was put there by the LORD God. A man’s brain is not filled with his doings, but with the knowledge the LORD God allows that man to have.

48. All things are of the LORD God, come through the LORD God, and return back to the LORD God. All things return to the LORD God as He Wills to bring glory to Him forever. Amen.

15 For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. 16 For I will not contend for ever, neither will I be always wroth: for the spirit should fail before me, and the souls which I have made. (Isaiah 57:15-16 AV)

49. The LORD God will live through eternity.

50. The LORD God’s name is Holy.

51. The LORD God is active in the highest place.

52. The LORD God revives the spirit of the humble spirits which He has made through His rebukes and anger. To be humble means to be depressed and feel low.

53. The LORD God revives the heart of the contrite spirits which He has made through His rebukes and anger. To be contrite means to have bruised, a broken and beaten spirit.

54. These humble and contrite souls dwell in the highest and holiest places with the LORD God so He might restore their spirit. Therefore, if you have not been laid humble and contrite, you will not be in the highest and holiest places with the LORD God. This promise is to the rebellious and hardhearted who have become meek and lowly through the effective parenting techniques of the LORD God.

An earthly parent becomes angry with a disobedient child, and disciplines that child to do the parent’s will rather than the child’s will. When a child is very hardheaded, the discipline and punishment requires an increase in intensity, until that child is laid low, or broken in spirit. It is only when the child is contrite or humble that bad behavior stops, and good discipline can be put in it’s place. Once a bad behavior has been broken, a responsible parent reassures their child that he is still loved by holding him near. This results in a reviving of the sorrowful heart, and the elimination of the bad behavior . So it is with the LORD God, who truly is our loving Father who corrects us in anger, and loves us in glory.

55. The LORD God will not always be filled with contention. Our Father has no intentions to destroy our spirits, only to form them to His Will. If His contention is destructive to us, He will cease the rebuke, and restore our soul. Every action taken by the LORD God Father to His children is purposeful and loving, even in His anger and His rebuke.

Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee: (Jeremiah 32:17 AV)

56. The LORD God is omnipotent. Omnipotent means He is all-powerful, in possession of complete, unlimited, universal power and authority.

For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. (1John 3:20 AV)

57. The LORD God is omniscient. Omniscient means that He is all-knowing.

3 I have declared the former things from the beginning; and they went forth out of my mouth, and I shewed them; I did them suddenly, and they came to pass. 4 Because I knew that thou art obstinate, and thy neck is an iron sinew, and thy brow brass; 5 I have even from the beginning declared it to thee; before it came to pass I shewed it thee: lest thou shouldest say, Mine idol hath done them, and my graven image, and my molten image, hath commanded them. (Isaiah 48:3-5 AV)

58. The LORD God has foreknowledge of things, and has proven this by declaring future events specifically and intelligently, before they come to pass.

59. The LORD God declares future events to His people so there can be no doubt as to who orchestrated the events and what the purpose was for the events to happen.

Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world. (Acts 15:18 AV)

60. The LORD God has known everything about the future since the beginning of the world. All things that have happened have been planned. He sees all things intelligently, wisely, distinctly and clearly. He knows what He will accomplish, and has arranged all things accordingly.

Hopefully by this point in your study, you have realized some of the terrible misconceptions about the LORD God that have been forced inside your head by worldly, selfish and sometimes wicked interests.

The LORD God’s Nature is slandered every time a movie or television show tries to make the LORD GOD fit into the screen or story line.

The LORD God’s Will is misinterpreted every time importance is placed on secular events in the name of God.

The LORD God’s Word is diluted to the world every time a scripture is half quoted, every time a prayer is said for show, every time a false teacher takes the podium.

The LORD God’s Love is sabotaged each time He is blamed for the tragedies caused by the evil doings of man.

The LORD God’s Credibility is smeared when religious fakes continuously profess they speak for Him.

The LORD God’s Holiness is dirtied every time a worship service is conducted to entertain man.

The LORD God’s Power is made out to be a slave to any person wishing to demand His performance for their interests.

The LORD God’s Glory is dulled every time a person suggests that He helps them to cross a street, win a lotto, recover from a rash, get an A on a test, or cure the hiccups.

It is time for the people of the LORD God, the called and chosen followers of Jesus Christ, to defend the LORD God’s Nature.

Enough is enough! Study hard, study quickly; the time is fast approaching when the lines will be drawn, and sides will be chosen. You can not afford to rely on your past knowledge of the LORD God, because, with certainty, it has been contaminated by the world. Remember, there is a big difference between the “Things of the LORD GOD” and the “vanities of men”. Throw the old out and put the true Nature of your LORD GOD inside your head, and never let the world touch that Truth again!

Chapter 1 – The Nature of the LORD GOD Worksheet

1. Why is the LORD GOD great? 2 Sam 7:22 (1,2)

A. He gives the world food.

B. There is NO other God like our LORD GOD.

C. He brings us comfort in time of sorrow.

D. There is no other God that can even stand beside our LORD GOD.

E. Both A & B

F. Both B & D

G. Both C &D

2. What does the LORD GOD look like to man? John 1:18 (3)

A. A bright and beautiful light

B. A glorious and holy angel

C. Man has never seen the LORD GOD

D. A loving but powerful grandfather

E. He changes appearances according to the situation

3. Who is in the bosom of the LORD GOD? John 1:18 (4)

A. Jesus Christ

B. Jews

C. His Creation

D. The World

4. What does it mean to be in the bosom of the LORD GOD? John 1:18 (4)

A. Enveloped in His love

B. Under His Power

C. Above in His Glory

D. Beside Him in judgment

5. How is Jesus Christ able to tell us so much more about the LORD GOD? John 1:18 (5)

A. Jesus Christ is the LORD GOD in disguise

B. Jesus Christ is the LORD GOD in a man’s body

C. Jesus Christ is uniquely close to His Father and embraced in His bosom

D. Jesus Christ is all knowing and shares this knowledge with us

6. How long will the LORD GOD live? Is 40:28-29 (6)

A. Through eternity

B. Until the earth ends

C. Until His natural life cycle is finished

D. Until a more powerful god defeats Him

7. What happens to the LORD GOD after the earth ends? Is 40:28-29 (6)

A. He will become less powerful

B. He will become more powerful

C. He will start to die

D. He will continue to exist

8. How does the LORD GOD renew His strength when He becomes weary? Is 40:28-29 (7)

A. He is renewed through worship and praise

B. He is renewed through prayer and promise

C. He never becomes faint or weary

D. He is renewed through the songs of the angels

E. He is renewed through the love of Jesus Christ

9. How do we understand the complete knowledge of the LORD GOD? Is 40:28-29 (😎

(Maybe more than one answer)

A. Through diligent study

B. Through careful attention to detail

C. Through the following of Jesus Christ

D. Through church association

E. No man can understand the complete knowledge

F. Through the Grace of the LORD GOD

10. Why does the LORD GOD share His power? Is 40:28-29 (9)

A. The LORD GOD never shares His power

B. The LORD GOD only shares His power with Jesus Christ

C. The LORD GOD shares His power to give strength to His weakened people

D. The LORD GOD shares His power with all men

E. The LORD GOD shares His power with the angels, who in turn help mankind

11. How good is the spoken Will of the LORD GOD? Num 23:19 (10, 11)

(Maybe more than one answer)

A. The LORD GOD does not lie about his intentions

B. The LORD GOD’s spoken Will is fluid enough to change with specific circumstances

C. The LORD GOD makes good on His promise

D. The LORD GOD is only accountable for the Holy Oaths that He makes

E. The LORD GOD does not repent from any Will that He has spoken

F. When the LORD GOD speaks, He means what He says

12. How does the LORD GOD come to establish rule? Isaiah 40:10 (12)

A. With a strong hand

B. With a democratic hand

C. With a loving hand

D. With a forgiving hand

13. Who rules as the arm of the LORD GOD? Is 40:10 (13)

A. Jesus Christ

B. Holy Spirit

C. True Church

D. Ranking angels

14. Who does Christ rule for? Is 40:10 (14)

A. Himself


C. Holy Spirit

D. The Church

15. How does Christ accomplish this rule? Is 40:10 (14)

A. He is promised his reward at the completion of ruling

B. He is given sufficient power and means to complete his task

C. He relies on the faithful to get the job done

D. He uses The Church to accomplish his works

16. What tasks are Christ assigned by the LORD GOD? Is 40:11 (14)

A. Feed his flock

B. Gather the lambs with his arm

C. Carry the lambs in his bosom

D. Lead those that are with young

E. A&B

F. C&D

G. All of the above

17. Who are the lambs? Is 40:11 (15)

A. Followers of the LORD GOD

B. Followers of Jesus Christ

C. Church goers

D. People of the world

18. How does Jesus feed his flock? Is 40:11 (15)

A. Charity

B. Miracles

C. Word of God

D. Works

19. A little bit deep – How do we know that Christians gathered into Christ’s bosom are embraced in the LORD GOD’s bosom? Is 40:11 (16 and contemplation)

20. What does it mean to be in the LORD GOD’s bosom? Is 40:11 (16 and contemplation)

A. Embraced in power

B. Embraced in love

C. Embraced in forgiveness

D. All of the above

21. What role does the LORD GOD have when bringing Christ and his followers to His bosom? Is 40:11 (17 and note)

A. God

B. Savior

C. Teacher

D. Father

22. What ways can a person arrive in the LORD GOD’s bosom? Is 40:11 (17 and note)

A. By following all of the LORD GOD’s laws

B. By attending church regularly, and tithing often

C. By following Jesus Christ

D. All of the above

23. How can people of the world receive the loving embrace of the LORD GOD? Is 40:11 (17 and note)

A. They cannot receive the loving embrace

B. They must lead good and honest lives

C. They must do unto others as they would want them to do unto them

D. Both B & C

24. How can Jews and Muslims be embraced in the LORD GOD’s bosom? Is 40:11 (17 and note)

A. They cannot receive the loving embrace in the LORD GOD’s bosom

B. They must follow the precepts of their faith truthfully and devoutly

C. They must lead others to the LORD GOD

D. Both B & C

25. What it will feel like to be held in the LORD GOD’s bosom? (Personal Essay)

26. What does it mean if the LORD GOD does not embrace someone in His bosom? (17 and note)

(Maybe more than one answer)

A. The LORD GOD does not love them

B. The LORD GOD does not have a close relationship with them as their Father

C. They are not followers of Jesus Christ

D. He is angry with them

E. They are strong in their faith, and have no need for the embrace

27. How are young Christians brought to the bosom of the LORD GOD? (17 and note)

A. Gently lead

B. Quickly embraced

C. Tenderly cuddled

D. Powerfully subdued

28. Who does the LORD GOD love? (17 & Note)

(Maybe more than one answer)

A. Christians

B. Jews

C. Muslims

D. Mankind

E. Creations

29. Who is the deep fatherly love of the LORD GOD reserved for? (17 & Note)

(Maybe more than one answer)

A. Christians

B. Jews

C. Muslims

D. Mankind

E. Creations

30. What did the LORD GOD measure in His hand to begin the process of creation? Is 40:12 (18)

A. Earth

B. Wind

C. Fire

D. Water

31. How did the LORD GOD create the heavens? Is 40:12 (19)

A. Pondered

B. Arranged

C. Formed

D. All of the above

32. How did the LORD GOD measure the dust of the earth for His creation of life? Is 40:12 (20)

A. Estimated the needed amount

B. Considered the probabilities and allowed for new life

C. Comprehended the exact amount

D. Underestimated the required amount

33. How did the LORD GOD choose where to put hills and mountains in His creation? Is 40:12 (21)

A. He used trial and error

B. He perfectly balanced them

C. He chose the most beautiful locations

D. He separated nations with them

34. Where does the LORD GOD’s wisdom come from? Is 40:13-14 (22)

A. Teachings of another god

B. From within Him

C. From His Creation

D. All of the above

35. What did the LORD GOD’s wisdom teach Him? Is 40:13-14 (22)

(Maybe more than one answer)

A. Love

B. Salvation

C. Judgment

D. Power

E. Knowledge

F. Understanding

36. What learned attribute allowed the LORD GOD to form His divine laws? Is 40:13-14 (23)

A. Love

B. Salvation

C. Judgment

D. Power

37. What learned attribute allowed the LORD GOD to devise His creation with originality and imagination? Is 40:13-14 (24)

A. Judgment

B. Knowledge

C. Understanding

D. Love

38. What learned attribute allowed the LORD GOD to gain new intelligence and new ability to skillfully reason? Is 40:13-14 (25)

A. Judgment

B. Knowledge

C. Understanding

D. Love

39. How does the LORD GOD feel about foreign nations not part of His realm? Is 40:15-17 (26)

(Maybe more than one answer)

A. He loves all of the world equally

B. Those nations not part of the LORD GOD’s realm are of minimal concern to him.

C. Nations not in the LORD GOD’s realm are less than nothing

D. Nations not part of the LORD GOD’s realm are vanity

E. Nations not part of the LORD GOD’s realm are opportunities for witness and salvation

F. Nations not part of the LORD GOD’s realm are new converts waiting to happen

40. What is another name (typology) for “foreign nations”? Is 40:15-17 (26)

A. Evil realms

B. Gentiles

C. World governments

D. Buddhist countries

41. What is a heathen? Is 40:15-17 (26)

(Maybe more than one answer)

A. Another name for Gentile

B. An offensive term that deliberately insults somebody who does not acknowledge the God of the Bible or Torah

C. An offensive term that deliberately insults somebody who does not acknowledge the God of the Bible

D. Another name for Satan

42. What can the likeness of the LORD GOD be compared to? Is 40:18-20 (27)

A. A graven image

B. Gold, silver and wood

C. It cannot be compared to any other likeness

D. Greek God

E. Kindly grandfather

43. What is some ways you know that the LORD GOD’s works are not some story made up to make life easier for society in these hard times? Is 40:21-24 (28-31)

A. The LORD GOD’s Works have been known

B. The LORD GOD’s Works have been heard

C. The LORD GOD’s Works have been told from the beginning

D. The LORD GOD’s Works have been explained from the establishment of the foundation of earth

E. All of the above

44. What is the central focus of the LORD GOD? Is 40:21-24 (32)

A. Heavens

B. Earth

C. All planets

D. Universe

45. What is another name for locusts? Is 40:21-24 (33)

(Maybe more than one answer)

A. Grasshoppers

B. Gentiles

C. Heathens

D. Foreign nations

46. How critical is it that America maintain it’s status as a “nation under God”? Is 40:21-24 (26-33) (Personal opinion)

47. How did the LORD GOD make the heavens? Is 40:21-24 (34)

A. Created them from dust

B. Through a big bang

C. Stretched them out in a fine layer

D. Formed them with comet dust

48. Why did the LORD GOD create the heavens? Is 40:21-24 (35)

A. For a place to dwell

B. For a place to rule

C. For a place to create

D. For a place to observe

49. How does the power of the LORD GOD compare to the power of princes and judges? Is 40:21-24 (36-38)

A. The LORD GOD’s power makes their power nothing.

B. The power of the LORD GOD prevents powerful leaders the ability to establish permanent rule

C. The power of the LORD GOD chooses when to blow powerful leaders and their works away

D. All of the above

50. Who is the LORD GOD equal to? Is 40:25-26 (39)

A. Jesus Christ

B. The Holy Spirit

C. The Holy Trinity

D. He is superior to all

51. What is the status of the LORD GOD’s armies? Is 40:21-24 (40)

A. They are unbeatable

B. They are vulnerable to evil armies

C. They choose diplomacy over fighting

D. They are peaceable, meek and passive

E. The LORD GOD has no need for armies

52. How are the armies of the LORD GOD sustained? Is 40:21-24 (40)

A. Through the love of the LORD GOD

B. Through the righteousness of the LORD GOD

C. Through the judgment of the LORD GOD

D. Through the power of the LORD GOD

53. How has the LORD GOD endorsed His armies right to exist? Is 40:21-24 (41)

A. He holds a parade in heaven once a year

B. His has named His armies

C. He has made them angels and superior to man

D. He has substantially rewarded each of His soldiers

54. Why does the LORD GOD allow His armies to exist? Is 40:21-24 (41)

A. Because it makes a leader strong

B. Because He must match worldly leaders to gain respect and honor

C. Because He is great in His might

D. All of the above

55. What check and balances does the LORD GOD’s army have to prevent His overthrow? Is 40:21-24 (41 and notes)

A. The LORD GOD’s greatness of might prevents overthrow

B. The soldier’s love for the LORD GOD negates the possibility of overthrow

C. The LORD GOD is susceptible to the same disruptions of power that all leaders share

D. The soldier’s blind following of orders of the LORD GOD prevents overthrow

56. Who will Satan and his armies think is going to be victorious in the great battle with the LORD GOD’s armies? Is 40:21-24 (41 and notes)

A. Satan knows he will lose, his armies will think they will win

B. Satan and his armies will think they will win

C. Satan is not certain what the outcome will be

D. Satan knows he will win, but his armies will be doubtful

57. (A no-brainer) Who will be victorious in the great battle between the LORD GOD’s armies and Satan’s armies? Is 40:21-24 (41 and notes)

58. Why must the LORD GOD’s chosen and called people have patience? Isaiah 40:27-31 (42)

A. Everything is done according to the LORD GOD’s time

B. Everything is dependent on other things happening

C. Things happen for a reason, and He hasn’t been given a reason yet

D. All of the above

59. What will happen if we become weak or weary while waiting for the LORD GOD? Isaiah 40:27-31 (43)

A. The LORD GOD will be disappointed in us

B. A good Christian never gets weak

C. The LORD GOD will renew our strength

D. The angels of the LORD GOD will uplift us

60. What will happen to the youth and young men in end times? Isaiah 40:27-31 (44)

A. They will become strong and fierce fighters

B. They will become faint and weary and shall fall

C. They will be unaffected by the times

D. They will become tame and meek

61. Who can search the understanding of the LORD GOD? Isaiah 40:27-31 (45)

A. Jesus Christ

B. Holy Spirit

C. Christians

D. Nobody

62. Why are the judgments and ways of our LORD GOD unsearchable? Rom 11:33-36 (46)

A. He has great depth of wisdom and knowledge

B. He has specific focus on all that is good

C. He is able to separate His emotions from His responses

D. The LORD GOD’s laws are always on the cutting edge of judgment

63. Where does a man’s thoughts and knowledge come from? Rom 11:33-36 (47)

(Maybe more than one answer)


B. Jesus Christ

C. Holy Spirit

D. Mind

E. Soul

F. Natural progression

64. All things are of ? , come through ? , and return back to ? . Rom 11:33-36 (48)

A. LORD GOD, Jesus Christ, LORD GOD

B. LORD GOD, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit


D. Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, LORD GOD

65. How long will the LORD GOD live? Is 57:15-16 (49)

A. To the ends of the world

B. To the ends of the Heaven

C. For eternity

D. Until Jesus Christ assumes His place

66. What character is the LORD GOD’s name? Is 57:15-16 (50)

A. Powerful

B. Fear invoking

C. Holy

D. Loving

67. What is the LORD GOD’s movement in Heaven? Is 57:15-16 (51)

A. He is at rest

B. He is active

C. He is judging

D. He is watching

68. How does the LORD GOD cause a spirit to be humble or contrite? Is 57:15-16 (52-53)

A. He does not cause a soul to be humble or contrite

B. Through His rebukes and anger

C. Through loving discipline

D. Through death and destruction

69. What does the LORD GOD do with a spirit which has been made humble or contrite? Is 57:15-16 (52-53)

A. Punish

B. Bless

C. Revive

D. Correct

70. How does the LORD GOD restore the humble and contrite spirits? Is 57:15-16 (54)

A. Blessings and praise

B. Promises and reward

C. Allow the humble and contrite spirits to dwell in the highest and holiest places with Him

D. Send them to hell to see how well they had it

71. If you find yourself in the highest and holiest places with the LORD GOD, what can definitely be said about your spirit? Is 57:15-16 (54)

A. You are happy, alive and confident

B. You are contrite, humble and broken

C. You are high, lofty, and holy

D. you are rebellious, hardhearted and proud

72. What does the LORD GOD promise about His anger? Is 57:15-16 (55)

A. He will not always be filled with contention

B. He will only unleash the amount of anger that we can endure

C. He will never be angry with His chosen and called people

D. The more He loves is expressed in the angrier He is

E. He only gets angry with wickedness and evil

73. What results if the Our Father’s anger does not cease? Is 57:15-16 (55)

A. We will always be on our best behavior

B. Our spirits would be destroyed

C. No harm would come from a Father that loves us

D. He will not forgive us

74. What does “omnipotent” mean when describing our LORD GOD? Jer 32:17 (56)

A. All-powerful

B. All-knowing

C. All-loving

D. All-consuming

75. What does “omniscient” mean when describing our LORD GOD? 1John 3:20 (57)

A. All-powerful

B. All-knowing

C. All-loving

D. All-consuming

76. How do we know the LORD GOD has foreknowledge of future things? Is 48:3-5 (58)

A. He declares future events before they come to pass

B. He says He knew after they have happened

C. We can never know for certain

D. The things He predicts sometimes comes true

77. What are the reasons the LORD GOD declares future events to His people? Is 48:3-5 (59)

(Maybe more than one answer)

A. So He can remain our unequaled and All-knowing God

B. To remove any doubt as to who orchestrated the events

C. To explain the purpose for the events to happen

D. To challenge the star watchers to make better predictions

E. To provide authoritative leadership in trying times

78. When did the LORD GOD know everything that was to come? Acts 15:18(60)

A. Since the beginning of the world

B. Since the arrival of Jesus Christ

C. Since the resurrection of Jesus Christ

D. Since the establishment of the church

79. How is the LORD GOD slandered, misinterpreted, diluted, sabotaged, smeared or dirtied in the world today? (Personal thoughts)


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