Obadiah Index

Obadiah’s prophecy was written in Hebrew poetry, and delivered with intense emotion. The authorship and the date of prophecy are unknown. The purpose for the prophesy of Obadiah is to pronounce God’s judgment on Edom (Esau) because of his actions toward his brother Judah (Jacob). This pronouncement leads to the eventual doom when Jesus Christ executes judgment of God on Edom and her allies.

Obadiah 1

1:1-9 Natural security for Edom
1:10-14 Judah’s misfortunes
1:15-16 Edom’s fate
1:17-21 Israel’s ultimate triumph

Jonah Index

Jonah was a prophet whose message was fulfilled during the reign of Jeroboam II, who reigned from 793 to 752 B.C. The prophecy was given when Assyria was becoming a great world power and imminent threat to Israel. The purpose of Jonah’s prophecy is to show the sovereignty of God at work in the life of an individual, and his concern for a heathen nation. Jonah’s struggles and mistakes made in carrying the message to an unbelieving people, exemplifies the commitment necessary to truly walk the walk of Christ as a person belonging to the LORD GOD as He leads His Words and Way to be spread where He Wills.

Jonah 1

1:1-2 Jonah commissioned
1:3 Jonah flees from God
1:4-17 The storm at sea and swallowed by the great fish

Jonah 2

2:1-10 Jonah’s prayer and God’s answer

Jonah 3

3:1-4 Jonah’s second commission
3:5-10 Nineveh repents

Jonah 4

4:1-3 Jonah’s displeasure
4:4-11 God’s lesson to Jonah

Micah Index

Micah’s prophesy dates according to the southern kings Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah. These kings of Judah reigned from about 752 to 697 B.C. One of the most wicked kings of all Judah’s history, King Ahaz, is the focus of much of Micah’s prophesy. While the dark picture presented by Micah’s prophecy reflects the reign of King Ahaz, the brighter aspects reflect the godly rule under King Hezekiah.

One of Micah’s most important prophecies concerns the preexistence and human birth of the Messiah at Bethlehem, and affords a demonstration of the accuracy and certainty of the fulfillment of prophecy through God’s Will. The purpose of Micah’s prophecy is to face the people with their sins and the word of God’s judgment that must come upon them as a result of their persistent sinning, and to speak of the future restoration after the Babylonian captivity as well as ultimately, the restoration at the Millennium.

Micah 1

1:1-16 Judgment on Samaria and Jerusalem

Micah 2

2:1-11 Woe to the oppressor of the poor
2:12-13 The promise to the remnant

Micah 3

3:1-4 Judgment on Israel’s leaders
3:5-12 Judgment on the prophets

Micah 4

4:1-13 Swords into plowshares

Micah 5

5:1-15 The deliverers from Bethlehem

Micah 6

6:1-5 The Lord’s contention with Israel
6:6-16 The requirements of the Lord

Micah 7

7:1-7 The moral sins of Israel
7:8-20 God’s concern for his people

Nahum Index

The prophecy of Nahum the Elkoshite is dominated by a single idea, the doom of Nineveh. He delivers a message of judgment and destruction against Nineveh and gives comfort to Judah to know that Assyria is doomed and constitutes a threat no longer. The prophet’s name means “Consolation” which gives an indication of the purpose of the poetic prophecy. Nahum’s mission was to comfort the kingdom of Judah following the destruction of Israel by Assyria, by announcing God’s coming judgment on Nineveh, the capital of Assyria.

Nahum was born in Galilee, but during Israel’s defection moved to Judah and in Jerusalem took up his ministry in behalf of Judah against Nineveh.

Nahum 1

1:1-15 God’s majesty in mercy and judgment

Nahum 2

2:1-12 The siege and destruction of Nineveh
2:13 The overthrow of Nineveh

Nahum 3

3:1-19 The overthrow of Nineveh (continued)

Habakkuk Index

The prophecy of Habakkuk is unique among all prophetic literature for the Hebrew poetry contained within. The first two chapters contain a dialogue between the prophet and the LORD God concerning the invasion of the Chaldeans and their destruction. Chapter 3 is a psalm with instructions given to the musicians for its rendering. In the first two chapters the prophet contends with the LORD GOD, and in the third chapter, he submits to Him.

Most commentators date Habakkuk’s prophecy during the reign of King Jehoiakim. Nothing is known about the author Habakkuk. Because he is known to us only by name indicates the relative unimportance of the prophet, and the major importance of the prophecy. The theme of prophecy is judgment on Judah and Chaldea (Babylon).

Habakkuk 1

1:1-4 Why does God permit injustice?
1:5-11 God’s use of the Chaldeans
1:12-17 Why should God use the wicked?

Habakkuk 2

2:1-4 “The just shall live by his faith”
2:5-20 Judgment of the unrighteous

Habakkuk 3

3:1-19 A prayer of Habakkuk

Zephaniah Index

The prophecy of Zephaniah was used in the providence of God to prepare Judah for the reforms and revival under King Josiah. Through the prophecy the nation of the prophet’s day was faced with it’s sin, reminded of coming judgment, and instructed concerning the ultimate glory that will one day come to Israel. Zephaniah sets what forth the day of the Lord will mean to ungodly Judah, to the world powers and to the godly remnant. His theme is the day of the Lord, which will destroy the false remnant of Baal, destroy the God-rejecting nations and purify the true remnant belonging to Him.

Zephaniah 1

1:1-18 The day of the Lord’s wrath

Zephaniah 2

2:1-15 The scope of divine judgment

Zephaniah 3

3:1-8 Jerusalem’s sin and redemption
3:9-20 Ultimate supremacy of Israel

Haggai Index

Haggai was the first prophet to speak the Word of God to Israel after they returned from Babylonian captivity. His message to the returning Israelites encouraged both the spiritual and moral reconstruction of Solomon’s Temple, which had been destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B.C. The Book of Haggai is part of “The Restoration Period” (536-420 B.C.) that is spoken about in detail in the books Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther.

In 536 B.C., Priest Zerubbabel led the remnant Israelites numbering almost fifty thousand back to Jerusalem to begin construction of the new Temple, referred to later as the Temple of Zerubbabel. Building on the same site as the first Temple, work ceased after about ten years of reconstruction because of political pressures and problems. Persian King Darius, the ruling monarch in 521 B.C., was interested in law, which led to him granting permission to the Jews to start the rebuilding project once again.

In 520 B.C., Haggai delivered the words of the LORD to stir the Israelites to start the building the Temple. Haggai spoke to the remnant about their spiritual and religious needs that were centered upon the rebuilding of the LORD God’s House. His ministry, lasting for just four short months, generated enthusiasm and motivated the Israelites to continue the rebuilding project. The Temple of Zerubbabel was finally completed in the sixth year of Darius’ rule in 516 B.C.

In the beginning of the rebuild, as the less spacious and less magnificent Temple of Zerubbabel began taking shape before the Israelites eyes, they were perplexed. To re-inspire their effort, Haggai promised them that the LORD God was with their efforts and predicted the future Temple would have more splendor than the former house of the LORD God. His prophecy would later support not only Israel’s religious restoration, but proclaim the shadow of Jesus Christ, as he restored believers through the most perfect tabernacle through his being.

The identity of “Haggai the Prophet”, author of the “Book of Haggai,” is uncertain. Nothing is known of his personal history, except for brief mention in Ezra 5:1 and 6:14. Although some suggest that Haggai 2:3 hints that Haggai was one of a group of Israelites that had seen Solomon’s Temple in its former glory (“Book of Haggai Introduction”, King James Study Bible. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1988. 1356.), there is not enough evidence to support this claim. Although his age or origin in Biblical history is unknown, Haggai’s ministry as a prophet was raised perfectly in the specific time and place to move God’s people forward, rebuild His Temple, and accomplish His Will.

Haggai 1

1:1-15 The people urged to build the temple by Haggai

Haggai 2

2:1-9 The glory of the new temple
2:10-19 Unfaithfulness reproved by Haggai
2:20-23 The Lord’s promise to Zerubbabel

Zechariah Index

Zechariah is a messianic prophet with frequent mention of both the first and second advents of Messiah. He dwells completely on the person and work of Christ, and his prophecies contain apocalyptic proclamations as well giving prominence to the Angel of the Lord. The tone of his prophecy is one of encouragement, and focuses the attention of God’s people to His Glory.

Zechariah 1

1:1-6 A call to return to the Lord
1:7-17 The vision of the horses
1:18-21 The horns and the carpenters

Zechariah 2

2:1-13 The man with the measuring line

Zechariah 3

3:1-10 Joshua vindicated

Zechariah 4

4:1-14 The candlestick and the olive trees

Zechariah 5

5:1-4 The flying roll
5:5-11 The woman in the ephah

Zechariah 6

6:1-8 The four chariots
6:9-15 Joshua – a symbol of the priest-king

Zechariah 7

7:1-7 Insincere fasts reproved
7:8-14 Disobedience the cause of captivity

Zechariah 8

8:1-23 The restoration of Jerusalem promised

Zechariah 9

9:1-8 The judgment on the neighboring nations
9:9-17 Zion’s future king

Zechariah 10

10:1-12 The Lord’s redemption of his people

Zechariah 11

11:1-3 The Lord’s redemption of his people (continued)
11:4-17 The foolish shepherds

Zechariah 12

12:1-14 The future deliverance of Jerusalem

Zechariah 13

13:1-6 The cleansing of Jerusalem
13:7-9 Smiting of the Lord’s shepherd

Zechariah 14

14:1-21 Jerusalem and the nations

Malachi Index

The prophecy of Malachi delivers stern rebukes to the people and priests to call them to repentance, and to promise future blessing. His theme is God’s love for Israel in spite of the sins of the priests and the people, and is testimony to the graciousness of the LORD God in condescending to answer man’s foolish and childish statements.

Malachi 1

1:1-5 The Lord’s love for Jacob
1:6-14 The Lord rebukes the priests

Malachi 2

2:1-17 Israel’s unfaithfulness rebuked

Malachi 3

3:1-5 The approach of the day of judgment
3:6-15 The payment of tithes
3:16-18 The final lot of the righteous and the wicked

Malachi 4

4:1-6 The coming day of the Lord

Matthew Index

Matthew is one of four Gospels that records the life of Jesus Christ. His emphasis on the Old Testament preparation for the Gospel makes it an ideal “bridge” from the Old to the New Testament. Matthew, the Hebrew tax collector, writes for the Hebrew mind. He presents a portrait of Jesus with his own characteristic focus, that gives comparison to the other three books, Mark, Luke and John, that form the Gospel of the Word of God. Although the book of Matthew is anonymous, most Faithful and tradition believe that Matthew, the disciple of Jesus, is the author. Matthew presents the Good News of our Redeemer and Savior, as well as the arrival of the Messiah of Israel, the Son of God and the Savior of the world. It was written so readers would come to believe in Jesus Christ and receive eternal life according to the perfect plan of the Will and Grace of the LORD God.

Matthew 1

1:1-17 The genealogy of Jesus Christ
1:18-25 The angel appears to Joseph

Matthew 2

2:1-12 The visit of the wise men
2:13-23 The flight into Egypt

Matthew 3

3:1-12 The preaching of John the Baptist
3:13-17 The baptism of Jesus

Matthew 4

4:1-11 The temptation of Jesus
4:12-17 Jesus begins his ministry
4:18-22 Jesus calls four fisherman
4:23-25 The fame of Jesus spreads

Matthew 5

5:1-12 The Sermon on the Mount : The Beatitudes
5:13 The salt of the earth
5:14-16 The light of the world
5:17-20 Christ on the law
5:21-26 Jesus and anger
5:27-30 Jesus’ teaching on adultery
5:31-32 On divorce
5:33-37 On oaths
5:38-48 Love for enemies

Matthew 6

6:1-4 Jesus’ teaching on almsgiving
6:5-15 Jesus’ teaching on prayer
6:16-18 Jesus’ teaching on fasting
6:19-21 Treasures in heaven
6:22-23 The light of the body
6:24-34 Trusting one master

Matthew 7

7:1-11 Judge not
7:12 The golden rule
7:13-14 The strait gate
7:15-20 False prophets
7:21-23 I never knew you
7:24-29 The two foundations

Matthew 8

8:1-4 Jesus heals a leper
8:5-13 A centurion’s servant healed
8:14-17 Peter’s mother-in-law healed
8:18-22 Some tests of discipleship
8:23-27 Jesus quiets a storm
8:28-34 The Gergesene demoniacs
Matthew 9

9:1-8 Jesus heals a paralyzed man
9:9-13 Jesus calls Matthew
9:14-17 The question about fasting
9:18-19 The ruler’s daughter
9:20-26 The woman touching his garment
9:27-31 Two blind men receive sight
9:32-35 A dumb man speaks
9:36-38 Few laborers for the task

Matthew 10

10:1-4 Jesus chooses the twelve
10:5-15 The mission of the twelve
10:16-23 Warning of persecutions
10:24-33 More instructions for the disciples
10:34-39 Not peace, but a sword
10:40-42 Rewards

Matthew 11

11:1-19 John the Baptist asks about Jesus
11:20-24 Jesus foretells judgment
11:25-27 Who is wise?
11:28-30 The great invitation

Matthew 12

12:1-8 Jesus on the Sabbath
12:9-14 The man with the withered hand
12:15-21 The chosen servant
12:22-32 A house divided cannot stand
12:33-37 Good and corrupt fruit
12:38-45 The sign of Jonah
12:46-50 Jesus ‘ true kin

Matthew 13

13:1-9 The parable of the sower
13:10-17 Jesus explains the purpose of the parables
13:18-23 Jesus explains the parable of the sower
13:24-30 The parable of the wheat and the tares
13:31-32 The parable of the mustard seed
13:33 The parable of the leaven
13:34-35 Jesus’ use of parables
13:36-43 The parable of the wheat and tares explained
13:44 The parable of the hidden treasure
13:45-46 The parable of the pearl of great price
13:47-50 The parable of the net
13:51-52 Treasures new and old
13:53-58 Christ rejected at Nazareth
Matthew 14

14:1-14 John the Baptist beheaded
14:15-21 Christ feeds five thousand
14:22-33 Christ walks on the water
14:34-36 The sick in Gennesaret

Matthew 15

15:1-20 The things that defile
15:21-28 The Canaanite woman’s faith
15:29-31 Many people are healed
15:32-39 Christ feeds four thousand

Matthew 16

16:1-20 The leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees
16:21-28 Christ foretells his passion

Matthew 17

17:1-13 The transfiguration
17:14-23 The disciples’ unbelief
17:24-27 The question of the tribute money

Matthew 18

18:1-5 Jesus explains greatness
18:6-10 Temptations to sin
18:11-20 The lost sheep
18:21-35 Christ speaks of forgiveness

Matthew 19

19:1-12 Christ on divorce
19:13-15 Christ and children
19:16-30 The rich young ruler

Matthew 20

20:1-16 Workers in the vineyard
20:17-19 Jesus again foretells his passion
20:20-29 A mother asks greatness for her sons
20:30-34 Christ heals two blind men

Matthew 21

21:1-11 The triumphal entry into Jerusalem
21:12-16 The cleansing of the temple
21:17-22 The cursing of the fig tree
21:23-27 Christ establishes his authority
21:28-32 The parable of the two sons
21:33-46 The wicked husbandmen

Matthew 22

22:1-14 The parable of the marriage feast
22:15-22 God and Caesar
22:23-33 The question about the resurrection
22:34-40 The great commandment
22:41-46 The question about David’s son

Matthew 23

23:1-36 Jesus denounces the scribes and the Pharisees
23:37-39 Christ mourns over Jerusalem

Matthew 24

24:1-28 The destruction of temple and signs before end
24:29-31 The coming of the son of man
24:32-35 The parable of the fig tree
24:36-44 No man knows the day
24:45-51 The unfaithful servant

Matthew 25

25:1-13 The parable of the ten virgins
25:14-46 The parable of the talents

Matthew 26

26:1-5 The plot to kill Christ
26:6-13 Christ anointed at Bethany
26:14-16 Judas Iscariot betrays Christ
26:17-30 The last supper
26:31-35 The denial of Peter foretold
26:36-46 Christ in the garden of Gethsemane
26:47-56 The betrayal and arrest of Jesus
26:57-68 Christ before the high priest
26:69-75 Peter denies Christ

Matthew 27

27:1-2 The chief priests take Jesus to Pilate
27:3-10 Judas kills himself
27:11-14 Christ stands before Pilate
27:15-21 Barabbas’ release
27:22-31 Jesus sentenced to be crucified
27:32-56 The crucifixion
27:57-61 The burial of Jesus
27:62-66 Sepulcher made sure

Matthew 28

28:1-10 The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
28:11-15 Tomb guards bribed
28:16-17 Eleven disciples witness Resurrected Christ
28:18-20 Christ commissions His disciples