Denying Christ with a gun pointed at your head is still denying Christ

IF YOU DENY CHRIST because a gun is pointed at you or at your loved ones, or to remove yourself from a fiery death, or to gain your release from kidnappers, or to stop persecution, or to gain advantage, or to survive in order to live another day (it really doesn’t matter the excuse) you are still guilty of denying Jesus Christ!

The Palestinian kidnappers of Fox Journalists (years ago) held a gun to their heads and told them to read a prepared statement that announced to the world that they had converted to Islam. They
complied, then after their release announced that they did not mean what they read.

End Times Christians do not have that freedom! There comes a time when every Christian must stand up strongly and faithfully declare their allegiance to Jesus Christ. In these times, it is crucial to stand firm, regardless of the threats made to you.

The world considers the reading of the kidnapper’s letters as mere propaganda; to the Christians who are forced to read that trash, it is something more. It is the denial of their allegiance to their King. Certainly, many would argue that to survive is the important thing, for if they were dead, their witness to Jesus Christ could not continue. But in reality, a Christian’s witness to Jesus Christ is destroyed the first time He is denied. From that moment of denial, the word a Christian speaks is of no consequence. If a Christian cannot stand tall in conflict, then his faith is pretend. It is a Christian’s strong stance in times of danger to himself or his family that is the powerful witness of the One they serve and love.

It’s scary times, I know, and to imagine yourself or loved ones in this situation is sickening and terrifying. We can hope that each of us survives these end days intact, without being placed in the threat of death or persecution for our belief. The Word of God, and reality, tells us that most of us will in fact be placed in very difficult and scary positions in order to break our testimony for Jesus Christ.

It is the testimony of the martyrs and saints that spread Christianity throughout the world. It is the blood of those who stood strong in faith in Jesus Christ, and announced to the witnesses that He is King and Savior above all! It was the burning saints that looked to the Heaven for redemption, rather than the world for salvation, who cried out to their Lord in faith as they burned, rather than remove themselves from fiery death through denial of the One they loved.

When your time comes, and you are faced with that terrible choice of saving your life, reputation, family, possessions or freedom through the denial of your walk with Jesus Christ, or going to your death and facing persecution for your belief:

Shout loudly to your Savior so all can hear…


Then ready yourself for your glorious reward! Any day is a good day to die, when you can go with your faith in Jesus Christ being proclaimed to the world!

Preparation time is critical for God’s Works

One of the coolest things for a Christian to witness is when the forces and agents against the LORD God are moved by Him in preparation for His Works to be completed.

The righteous people of the LORD God carry out the works that the LORD God Wills, but often those works cannot be accomplished until the conditions and times are just right. The knowledge of the timing of the works of the LORD God is essential for Christians. It is this timing that allows for the preparation of all of the players and actions to come together to ensure the success of the Works for Him.

This preparation is exemplified in the story of Esther (Book of Esther). She was advised by her father that the Jews were being persecuted and threatened with death by the wicked Haman, and she was in a perfect position to stop it.

Esther was married to King Ahasuerus, and he loved her above all others, and had made her Queen. Still, there was protocol to follow, and just to enter into his presence without being summoned risk a death sentence to her. Esther had to make her husband aware of
the wicked acts of his chief Prince Haman, and his threats against the LORD God’s people, but to blurt it out in the wrong time would result in her own death, and the empowerment of the Prince.

Esther began the process of doing a great work for the LORD God and saving His People, by letting Him know of her efforts, and her relinquishment of control to His timing.

1. She asked the Jews to fast and pray. Her father, Mordecai, led the Jews to accomplish the fast and bring God’s attention to the movement to protect both himself from the gallows, and the destruction of God’s People.

2. She went to her husband and arranged a great feast for the next two days, to be attended by only her, King Ahasuerus and the wicked prince Haman.

Then the timing of God and his preparation of the players begin:

1. Ahasuerus was prepared by God to receive the distressing information and understand the deep implications by causing his sleep to be disrupted. Because he was unable to sleep, he commanded the book of records to be brought before him and read. Within those records, was the report of Mordecai’s loyalty and great actions to honor and protect the King. Ahasuerus’s heart was moved to reward Mordecai’s service.

2. The wicked prince Haman was prepared by God to pronounce the reward to be given to Mordecai by allowing Haman to think that that the King was preparing to reward him instead. Haman mistakenly assumed that the King was asking what reward should be given him, when in fact Ahasuerus was preparing to reward Mordecai. Haman recommended that the man in the King’s favor be given glory and authority, and he excitedly prepared to receive those honors.

3. The faithful servant of God, Mordecai, was prepared by Him to receive the promotion to prince, and to lead and protect His people, when the timing of God caused the works of Him to be completed at the hands of Esther.

All the while, Esther waited, until the LORD God had made the preparations for His Works to be carried out in His time. She prepared the banquet, the King prepared to sleep, Haman prepared to be honored, and Mordacai prepared his people. In God’s time, Mordacai was made prince, and Haman was hung in the gallows that he had ordered to be prepared for Mordacai.

Today, I wait in anticipation of a great work of the LORD God’s to be completed, and the restoration of the integrity and honor of one of His people. I have witnessed His preparing many people, some righteous and some wicked, to bring His Work together in a platform that will eventually lead to one of His Works being done. And when I grow impatient for this holy and just act to be completed, I remind myself of the story of Esther, and how critical it is that we allow the timing of the LORD God to move at His Will. It’s a matter of time, His time, that is going to make the difference, and bring the most glory to His Ways!

Learn the Doctrine of Christ THEN MOVE ON to Perfection!

Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. And this will we do, if God permit. (Hebrews 6:1-3 AV)

1. The Foundation of Jesus Christ must be laid first. This foundation consists of receiving knowledge and understanding of six things according to Hebrews 6:1-3:

(1) Sin
(2) Faith
(3) Water Baptism
(4) Holy Spirit
(5) Resurrection
(6) Judgment

2. Once the foundation of the doctrine of Christ is laid, a student must go on to learning new things of the LORD GOD according to His Grace and Will. No student can grow to perfection, by repeatedly learning the six principles of the doctrine of Christ.
Focusing over and over and over on the six things contained within the Foundation of Jesus Christ, prevents a Christian from growing to the place that the LORD God Wills.

Many Christians become so focused on these six things, that their spiritual growth stops at that very place. I am sure you all have witnessed, and maybe even experienced this same problem:

(1) Sin Focus – When a Christian keeps dwelling on the sins of themselves and the sins of others. Usually this results in condemnation, exclusion, focus on sin, or backsliding.

(2) Faith Focus – When a Christian has a spiritual focus on his faith as an excuse to avoid the study of God’s Word. This results in a Christian that is ineffective at evangelism, makes him susceptible to becoming confused and tricked into cults and being led by false
teachers, and confuses young Christians with loose interpretations based on feelings rather than the Word of God.

(3) Water Baptism Focus – When a Christian focuses over and over on water baptism, they lose the big picture of God’s Grace that allows salvation of a sinner. This results in a Christian leading many astray by bringing people to the waters for redemption and making them feel that their act protected them from damnation. In the midst of it all, the message of free and undeserved gift of the LORD God to give us salvation through His Grace is lost, which eventually leads to confusion among Christians between the differences of faith and works.

(4) Holy Spirit Focus – When a Christian focuses on the feelings of love, joy, peace, strength and all of the other emotions felt when the Holy Spirit is moving, and rejects the day to day walk with Christ in faith. This results in a spiritual being that relies on emotion and feelings, rather than then faithful belief in Jesus Christ and the study of Word of God.

(5) Resurrection Focus – When a Christian focuses on his resurrection to heaven. This results in a Christian that becomes so caught up with his future reward, that he forgets to accomplish the Works that the LORD God has for Him to do while he is alive.

(6) Judgment Focus – When a Christian focuses excessively on the coming Judgment by Jesus Christ and the approaching Last Days. This results in apathy, fear, exclusion, separation, self focus, and a loss of credibility.

Most faithful Christians can barely wait for the Last Days to be completed, and a New World governed by our Lord Jesus Christ to be established. It’s an exciting time to be alive. But there is so much work for the LORD God to do and so few workers to do it. A Christian doing the works of God doesn’t have time to focus on the ever afters right now!

Let’s move on into perfection! When we have established our beliefs and our spiritual beings on the Foundation of Jesus Christ, then lets get going on learning the new and wonderful revelations that the LORD God Wills for us to know. Let’s stop this focus on the things we know well about our faith, and push that envelope to a place where we can become PERFECT for our King and our God!

The Problem of Time on Judgment Day

It’s simple math:

A person that lives to be 70 years old will spend:

23 years 7 months Sleeping (8 hrs a night x 365 x 70 / 24 hrs / 30 days /12 mos)

1 year 3 months Bathing (3 hrs a week x 52 x 70 / 24 hrs / 30 days / 12 mos)

3 years 0 months Bathroom (1 hr a day x 365 x 70 / 24 hrs / 30 days / 12 mos)

4 years 4 months Eating (2 hr a day x 365 x 70 / 24 hrs / 30 days / 12 mos )

4 years 4 months Food prep or seeking (2 hr a day x 365 x 70 / 24 hrs / 30 days / 12 mos)

23 years 7 months Work or school (8 hrs a day x 365 x 70 / 24 hrs / 30 days / 12 mos)

4 years 4 months TV watching and Gaming (2 hrs a day x 365 x 70 / 24 hrs / 30 days / 12 mos )

4 years 4 months Travel (2 hrs a day x 365 x 70 / 24 hrs / 30 days / 12 mos)

A basic life, lived 70 years without vacations, family times, sports, or hobbies spends about 68 years and 7 months just surviving.

When a 70 year old Christian faces Jesus Christ on their Judgment Day, if they have not been prudent with their time of life, they will be testifying about the works of the LORD God they did in this life for only 1 year and three months.

If that 70 year old has been faithful to the LORD God’s Word, and taken one day out for Holy Sabbath every seventh day, then he has 10 years and 1 month that he can present to the Jesus Christ as evidence of focusing on the things for the Kingdom of God.

If that 70 year old Christian has allowed the Will of God to work through them and complete the works He has directed, the works are brought to the throne of Jesus Christ, and weighed for reward. It is time, and a matter of weighing the results that are created through the use of that time that matter.

Christians must dedicate every free moment of time to do the Things of the LORD God. That is His Will, and that product of our dedication is what we will be presenting before Jesus on the day He asks for an accounting on our works that bring Glory to His Father during our lifetime on earth.

Leadership needed for Christ’s arrival

As we enter into these last days, it is essential that we focus on the leadership development of those people chosen by the LORD God to assume those positions. Leaders of God are not chosen by vote nor volunteer. Leaders of God are made by Him, and given the wisdom and skill necessary to complete the tasks at His Will.

Unfortunately, most congregations today are focused on developing the fellowship and finances, and fail to recognize the critical need to uphold the leaders. If we fail to help develop their
presence and practice of our leaders chosen by God, then we are going to be in trouble in the days to come, as world forces continue their move against the Christian Faithful. It is vital that we bring our Christian leaders to their full potential, able to use the wisdom that God grants them in the spiritual things, as well as the ability to protect their position among the natural things.

I wish it “were the good old days” where there was a common separation between natural life things and spiritual things. It was pretty easy back then to realize when you were crossing the line, or wallowing too much in the pleasures of the world; you could wash
yourself up, and go into the presence of your spiritual congregation of believers, and get right back on track.

When I was just a young Christian, there was a big “Jesus Movement”. The movement brought converts closer to Jesus by speaking of Rapture and the Tribulation to come. It caused many of my age group of young people to rush to Him for comfort. And it caused just about as many to rush away even quicker when days passed, and nothing happened.

In the meantime, I remember thinking hard about the techniques that Satan might use against me in end times in attempt to remove my allegiance from my Jesus. I practiced in my imagination rejecting the millions of dollars, fame, and the power that he might offer me to denounce my Christian faith. At many junctures in my life, when money and power would temptingly come my way, it was easy to reject in the name of the LORD God, because I
could recognize the wickedness behind the offers. I was thankful that I had prepared early, because that was the common way Satan used to grab people.

Times have changed though, and the End is nearing. Satan is getting his armies in order, and is increasing his attempts at snaring both the young and older Christians. But, this is important: He has changed his focus. He is going after the mature and older Christians and applying tremendous pressure to them, in hopes that if they fall, many of the younger Christians will be dragged down with them.

The technique the devil is using to tempt Christian leaders is not the promises of riches or power. He’s plucking away at
family members, removing one after another after another. He’s causing Christian leaders to be put into positions that give the appearance of evil when they hold strong to their Christian beliefs. He’s not using the techniques of promises to riches and power against them. Instead, the devil is using rejection, exclusion, ridicule, anger, mistrust, and emotional blackmail to force their giving up of their commitment to the Faithful.

Yesterday, I might have encouraged each of us to focus our complete attentions on the young Christians, to offer them protection, guidance, hope and a model for spiritual life
that they can follow in these tough times. Today, I have changed my focus; young Christians are important, and we need to do
all of those things. However, we MUST FOCUS our attention on upholding the mature, the strong, the leaders, the shakers and the movers in our Christian family. If a Christian Leader falls, they potentially can take many, many, many young Christians with them, to Satan’s great delight.

The strong Christians leaders must uphold each other, joining together in strong congregation, focused on the Word of God, and upholding the principles and patterns that He has set forth. Once the strong Christians have come together and united, the
young Christians have a better place to give more of them selves to our Christ.

Times are going to get rough in the coming days. We must stand together in allegiance to Christ, and uphold the leaders that the LORD God has placed in our presence, by helping to develop the wisdom, skill, responsibilities, and character that have been given
to them by God. Leadership development works really well in the ways of the world and it will work even better with the ways of Christ’s Leadership. We just have to focus our attention and efforts with our commitment, prayers, and moving with the precious Holy Spirit together.

I stutter when I pray

It’s no secret to any of my close spiritual friends, nor even some of my distant Christian brothers and sisters. I have difficulty with prayer. Prayer to me is the most sacred of conversations with the LORD God and Jesus Christ that I can have. So when I begin my prayer, I start sharing the words on my heart, when suddenly I start canceling the words out and stopping them short, because they sound vain and unworthy for my Holy LORD God and Savior Jesus Christ’s ears.

I am a “stutterer” in prayer. It is a difficulty I have had all of my spiritual life. It is my complete reverence for my God and my King that renders me dumb. The more closely I walk the walk of Jesus, the more I draw close to the LORD God and complete the works He Wills me to do, the more difficult prayer becomes to me.

Oh, there are moments when prayer is natural and forthcoming from my lips. When I find those special moments when I am moved by the Holy Spirit to places outside of myself in worship, or when I have exceeding sorrow, or uncontrollable joy, then my soul shouts and sings the words of God that my lips would never be able to speak. It never happens in public, and it never happens when planned….those periods of soul prayer happen naturally, but not as often as my heart desires.

“Now I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days: for yet the vision [is] for [many] days. 15 And when he had spoken such words unto me, I set my face toward the ground, and I became dumb. 16 And, behold, [one] like the similitude of the sons of men touched my lips: then I opened my mouth, and spake, and said unto him that stood before me, O my lord, by the vision my sorrows are turned upon me, and I have retained no strength. 17 For how can the servant of this my lord talk with this my lord? for as for me, straightway there remained no strength in me, neither is there breath left in me. 18 Then there came again and touched me [one] like the appearance of a man, and he strengthened me, 19 And said, O man greatly beloved, fear not: peace [be] unto thee, be strong, yea, be strong. And when he had spoken unto me, I was strengthened, and said, Let my lord speak; for thou hast strengthened me. 20 Then said he, Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee? and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia: and when I am gone forth, lo, the prince of Grecia shall come. 21 But I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and [there is] none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince.” (Daniel 10:14-21 AV)

My soul focuses on three points…

(1) Daniel was rendered dumb from the experience of the vision

(2) Jesus Christ touched Daniel’s lips, which caused him to open his mouth and speak

(3) The words that Daniel wanted to speak required strength to be given to Him by Christ, before he could even utter the supernatural words. Words not normal, but words given to him by Christ to speak in His strength.

I suddenly saw a flicker of light pass through my understanding:


It’s not my words to be focused in prayer, but the words given to me to speak by my Jesus that creates that deep communication with the LORD God.

My destination of understanding prayer is not complete yet; the journey will be steady and challenging and progress at the pace that God Wills. But I thought that maybe there is another stutterer out there who might receive some new understanding from my journey.

So I wrote it rather than trying to say it!

Recovering from childhood sexual abuse for Christian spiritual restoration

When the first healing for Christian victims of childhood sexual abuse takes place, they understand that it was the devil that created the situation that moved the pervert to harm them, to prevent them from feeling worthy to come toward the Lord. But, there is much more healing that must be done if spiritual restoration and growth are to be accomplished. The first step gives reason to the victim. The next steps must be faced by the Christian with a real acknowledgement of the truth of the matter.

How do mature Christian adults deal with the tremendous burdens brought upon them as a direct result of childhood sexual abuse and the common lies that swirl against them when the secret is revealed? How can the attacks upon their soul be lessoned through the teachings of Christ? How can scarred Christians apply forgiveness to the perpetrators (pedophiles) and their protectors (mothers, church leadership), when attacks upon their integrity, faith, and lives are pummeled with wicked lies and hateful doings? What responses can adult Christians make when active persecution continues, to protect the monster that is guilty of horrific crimes that ultimately separate victims from mothers or siblings or congregational worship of God? What actions should be taken when the rapists are separated from their protectors (usually from the death of one or the other)? Should revenge attacks be visited upon the guilty pedophiles who have cowered behind their protectors to shield their guilt? Should the protectors be given new chances to see the truth once the control of the devil is removed if they outlive the perverted? And, after the pedophiles’ death, should the truth of their actions be told forevermore, guaranteeing tainted memories that at the least causes pause among those that might have praised the dead in their mourning?

1. The devil of lies has removed any hope of the truth being understood without the movement of God

When the past abused see small openings where truth might seep into the nest of lies that the abuser and his protectors create, it is natural to have hope. However, unless the movement of God chooses a defining moment, as He did with the recent Roman Catholic Church scandals of revealed sexual abuse, chances are slim that the truth will ever be heard. Remember, thousands of youth have been abused by the church leadership; only a few that live today and are mentally able to withstand scrutiny are judged not-guilty with their truth heard; the rest of the victims remained silent, hidden, damaged, and unknown.

The truths of the victims that have been attacked by the devil in the spreading of lies against them to shield the abusers are likely to never receive favorable judgment in this lifetime from family or church leadership. It is the experience of Becker Bible counselors that even when the pedophile dies first with the protector left alone and finally out of his wicked control, seldom is progress made in understanding the wrongs that have been visited upon the victim. The devil’s attacks have been too focused, too virulent, too condemning; if family and church members are unable to identify the wickedness in their midst when the pedophiles are standing next to them, then after their death they will honor the memory and reject the victim with even more intense hatred and false accusations.

The protectors of the sexual abusers, beloved mothers that should love back and church leaders that should reflect the love of God, are most likely to be reached if the pedophile dies before them. But, if the protector was too weak with the presence of the abuser, then the protector will likely be too weak after he dies to face the reality of the situation. There seems little hope for the situation to be resolved, and Christian adults that are scarred from this persecution must recognize this probability. The devil did his job well by placing the abuser into a marriage or into a church setting where there were inherent weaknesses in the natures of partners. Abusing men were paired with fearful and weak women who did not want to lose their husbands, or scared and weak priests who did not want to lose their status. Regardless, after the abusers die, there still remain fearful protectors that do not have the nature, wisdom, or heart to seek truth and reconcile with the victims.

Quite frankly, the citizens of the world are not as prone to facing these soul issues, especially with regards for truth-seeking, forgiveness or reconciliation. These ideas belong to Christian folk with regards to this matter; regular worldly attitudes are much different in separating from anything that brings distress with blame against others unquestioned. It is the Christian faith that leads the falsely accused victims to think upon these things that elevate choices beyond simple revenge-taking measures that are often available to the carnal unsaved.

By the very nature of secretive child abuse, it is highly unlikely that it occurs in a household that is filled with Christian believers that walk the way of Christ or in a dedicated Church that reflects His light continuously. Therein lies the glimmer of hope that Christian abused sometimes hold onto, and that gives them a possible reconciliation. If the pedophile or protector accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, and if the Holy Spirit guides the newly born to the place of understanding, then there is a small chance of reconciliation with the Christian victim; however, in our experience, that has never happened. But, we have heard of a few cases where it might have happened. Remember, all things are possible with God; but, it will take God to make that reconciliation happen. Reconciliation will not happen, however, through the falsely accused victims efforts, but rather through the pedophiles or the protectors when they have bent a knee to Christ, confessed their sins and vowed to sin no more. Until that happens, reconciliation with a Christian will not come.

2. The Lord does not heal child abuse victims with strength to seek revenge upon abusers or protectors

Quite the opposite actually; the Lord offers Christian victims the chance to heal so they can come closer to Him. It is that relationship that the devil was trying to stop in the first place. The Lord claims His own, and Christians come toward Him, without restraint of the devil. That is the most real victory over the devil, and it is evident of the Lord’s love for His followers. The Lord does not want you wasting that righteous healing on scum that matters nothing in the Kingdom of God.

When Christian victims begin the healing process at some point healthy anger takes over. For years, the victims might have blamed themselves for the abuse that was forced upon them, so the time when anger comes is always hopeful times for the counselors. But, great care must be taken that the anger is not directed to revenge against the abuser or the protector. In the big picture, once spiritual restoration begins, the abuser and the protector needs to be placed further and further in the background of the victims mind; in reality, they no longer matter.

Violence and revenge can never be the solution to spiritual and physical recovery. BUT, these thoughts are going to creep into every survivor that has faced such tremendous wickedness; remove shame for thinking them, but gain strength in rejecting those thoughts through confidence that the Lord will take care of those things. Thankfully, the Lord Jesus Christ, in His example, taught His followers how to endure to the end, to walk in faith with hope and expectation that one day all wickedness will be punished for the persecution brought against His people.

Persecuted Christians must remove themselves from persecution if they are able, and never walk back into the mess. Christ gives most victims the ability to move away from the wickedness and rejection. Going toward it once again after safety has been given by Christ is sure to create both spiritual and physical loss in those not heeding this warning.

3. Forgiveness does not mean reconciliation

Christians must forgive those that do injustice against them. It is non-negotiable. When victims become strong enough to deal with these issues, AND NOT A MOMENT BEFORE, they must also contemplate how to forgive such horrible acts, especially when persecution through false witness against them continues. It is not easy. Every time another hurt comes as a result of false witness, human nature and even instinct wishes to respond with a hurt right back.

But, let’s face it; Christians can never do the wickedness that their attackers do to them. At the most, retaliation is so diluted that it makes the enemies mock, and come back stronger against them. Yet, somehow, the soul, the mind of the Christian, must figure out a way to forgive them, but keep them far, far, far, away in order that wickedness does not come close to the righteous.

It will not be done with the Christian victims talking face-to-face with the monsters or their protectors. They no longer matter; they have done all the damage that can be done and the devil has rewards or punishments for them depending on how well they followed his plan.

Now the Christians must recognize that if they hold hatred in their heart, they will suffer loss when their works are measured by Christ. Christians must realize that forgiveness comes to them in the same manner as they are able to forgive others. The heaping of coals upon the wicked heads takes place when forgiveness is given in the heart and mind of the believer and the abuser is thought of no more.

That step in the recovery process elevates the Christian above the problems associated with these horrible attacks. The minute that forgiveness comes inside the Christian, the abusers lose all power, the devil loses his grip completely, and the Christians become empowered with the capability of receiving more Holy Spirit. This is because the clutch of the enemy is released from the folds of the mind, making more real estate available for the righteousness of God to dwell within.

What a victory it is for Jesus when the Christian victims are able to forgive and move on with their spiritual restoration!

BIBLE TEACHERS: I have written this as one of several pieces that I try to write every year on the week of March 15. Some of my writings contain Bible Lessons to help guide Christian victims back to spiritual restoration and healing. But in this piece there are no Scriptures referenced for a very important reason:

There are many, many, many Scriptural references that can guide the Christian victims back to spiritual restoration and connect intimately with their spirits. But, healing cannot be done unless the Holy Spirit is moving through that healing. I encourage Bible Teachers to read this paper to understand the likely emotions and problems that Christian victims start to have as their healing begins. It all matters. And once Bible Teachers understand, I pray they pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit so He might guide Scripture references perfectly, depending upon the needs of the victim. It is in that controlled and comfortable situation, where trusted teacher and broken student, guided by God, as they search Scripture together, that full healing can begin.

As always, Christian victims of child sexual abuse should be referred to professional counselors to deal with the myriad of problems associated with these things. That’s the legal way to say it.

But the spiritual reality is this: One day, or many days, in an innocent child’s life, the devil moved perverse attacks to come against them, in order that as they grow up, they feel so dirty that they would be unworthy of accepting Christ. Counselors can partially heal the mind, but it takes the Holy Spirit to bring full restoration to the person; in most cases, it is the presence of a righteous Bible Teacher that shares His movement as that healing process begins.

Together, you and the recovering victim, with the Holy Spirit’s movement and Scripture referenced liberally, can begin that healing process perfectly. But, know it is the most difficult tasks that you will ever encounter, as you help victims stand and walk with Christ that is sufficient enough to cast their hopes upon Him for their healing. My prayers are constantly raised to the Lord for those Bible teachers and Christian leaders appointed by God for such important and critical restorative work upon the broken spirit of a Christian soon to be healed.

Standards for Teachers of the Word of God

Teachers of the Word of God know the things to be avoided through the study of His Word, and the many warnings to false teachers contained within it. We even prepared a worksheet for all our teachers in training so they would easily identify the characteristics of false teachers and consciously avoid their ways. Of course, when the LORD God chooses a person to become a Teacher of His Word, then that person’s character, ways and will are toward Him, and not inclined to be a false teacher. However, care must always be taken not to emulate even in the smallest way any characteristic known to be possessed by a false teacher.

There is more to being a teacher of the Word of God, than just avoiding these false characteristics. There is a practical approach to the systematic teaching of His Word, and their is a proven way that most spiritual teachers embrace as the pattern of their elders. The old, experienced and successful teachers of God’s Word follow these things:

1. Speak the things that God has led you to teach and always from His Word. Avoid talking about familiar, popular, hip things, unless you are led to use them as an example to make His Word understood by the student. Do not speak as a friend or a peer. A teacher of God’s Word must be respected. Remember, honor is never shown among friends who are equal.

2. Lead the study always. Do not lose control of the places or things that the LORD God has moved you to teach that day. Be alert to conversations straying from the points, and guide them back to the main topics as soon as you can. A teacher of God’s Word is not concerned with a students self improvement ideas, nor a students desires for the lessons to go in a place other than where it is it is being led by God.

3. Stay consistent in your presentation of materials. When the students sit down for the purpose of learning, they should automatically know how the class will proceed. No learning can take place in a free for all, fun times setting. Classes must be structured and predictable, leaving no doubt in the students mind what is expected of him.

4. Know your material. The basic foundation of study that God has placed in your hands should be completely familiar to you. That basic foundation will always be the starting point for the Holy Spirit to guide you deeper to the places and things He wants taught on that day, to that student.

5. Have a spiritual partner assist you. When the Teacher of the LORD God is being moved by the Holy Spirit and delivering His deep mysteries, then all disruptions and interruptions must be avoided. It is vital that a spiritual partner help maintain the quiet learning essential when the soul of the person is receiving knowledge. Partners also help guide the students back to topic and bring questions and comments to the attention of the teacher when they go unnoticed. Most importantly, a spiritual partner keeps the Teacher correct. The partner listens closely for any straying from point or doctrine, and immediately speaks up in a respectful way if the Teacher loses the way.

6. Never take things personally. When a student has an emotional outburst of anger, sadness or even joy, then those emotions belong to the LORD God. If a teacher has properly presented the Word of God, then it is God who the student is having emotions with, and it is God who will deal with those emotions, using the teacher to comfort as He Wills.

7. Never reveal the personal things of your students to others. The very nature of the work of teacher requires example to be given, and most usually, that example come from earlier students actions and interactions. Develop a way of teaching examples without revealing personal information that is identifiable to any student that you have ever had in the past. Keep the secrets and deeply personal things of your students, secrets forever. Hold close the things of soul that are revealed in your presence, and never reveal them to another.

8. Recognize the total and complete responsibility that a Teacher of the Word of God assumes. It is a tough job being a Teacher of the Word of God. The Teacher exposes himself to a heavier judgment in the case he commits transgression in his teachings. A person should not even consider being a Teacher of the Word of God if he is not able to handle the Word perfectly, and able to control and restrain his natural and spiritual life. A Teacher of the Word of God is a dangerous profession and one that puts the Teacher at great risk of severe judgment if he does his job improperly. His focus of ministry must always be to turn a student’s life around when his steering is being violently shaken by the conflicts of the spiritual nature of righteousness and the natural nature of sin. A Bible Teacher must encourage a strong and steady walk with Jesus Christ, as the Truth of the Word of God is handled perfectly in accordance with His Will.

9. Most importantly, pray, study, and walk the walk of Jesus Christ perfectly. A Teacher of the Word of God must be spiritually strong and keen to the Things of the LORD GOD, and ready to teach them as He Wills.

Nov 04, 2023 8:59:41am

The Development of Christian Leadership

We teach it to our students daily, and preach it to any Christian that will listen. Moral and courageous leadership is crucial for the movement of the Word of God in these perilous times, and vital for the eventual establishment of the New Earth. The trouble is, how do we develop Christian leadership in an atmosphere of practiced religions that meet expectations of man, but ignore expectations of the LORD God?

Our Christian men are not often learning leadership through example. Most known Christian leaders today have long ago forgotten who they serve, and prosper with the money and power that come with their position. They change the messages they deliver in the name of God to fit their opulent lifestyles, and remind people that they too can have things if they do as they do.

So how do teachers encourage the leadership potential of young Christians when they show leanings toward that calling?

It’s all in the details. the little troubles in life that barely make a ripple to most, but create opportunities for a young Christian to start building that foundation. It is the choosing the most righteous answer, and taking a stand by himself to execute his solution, that creates the foundation of leadership.

It’s too easy in these days to rely on others to solve problems. We have laws and rules and societies and authorities to fix anything that goes wrong in our life. If we have a problem, pick that phone up and find the biggest authority with the quickest response.

I just finished talking with a good and growing Christian man who struggled with how to approach his neighbors about a dangerous and immoral situation that had developed. He is a righteous man, and he recognized the wickedness of the situation immediately. But how does he respond after his Christian soul moves him to act to right the wrong? The easy answer to call the authorities that might be a choice of most followers of Christ, is not the correct response by him. The leadership training of this young Christian has begun, as he confronts the first of many, many stressful and sometimes dangerous situations, and learns to bring righteousness to bear in the midst of the wicked things in life. It all in the little details, in the tiny movements of response, that begin building the character of a great leader in the Kingdom of God

The leaders that teachers of the LORD God guide today, will be some of the same Christian leaders that help establish our new lives on the New Earth. Our work today, will have consequences and enduring results to all Christians; it is vitally important that we apply our focused efforts to the development of leadership skills among those God Wills right now!


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