
A historical narrative of laws to show how Israel became the nation that it did, and what it takes to become a people of the LORD GOD. Leviticus reveals the presence of the LORD GOD in Israelite worship, the attainment of holiness through sanctification, the role of sacrifice, and the establishment of Covenant worship and expected behavior of God’s people who are covered under His Sinai Covenant.

Leviticus 1

1:1-17 The law of burnt offerings

Leviticus 2

2:1-16 The law of meat offerings

Leviticus 3

3:1-17 The law of peace offerings

Leviticus 4

4:1-12 The law of sin offerings
4:13-35 Laws made for the congregation

Leviticus 5

5:1-13 Laws made for the congregation (continued)
5:14-19 The law of the trespass offerings

Leviticus 6

6:1-7 The law of the trespass offerings (continued)
6:8-30 The law of the offerings

Leviticus 7

7:1-10 The law of the offerings (continued)
7:11-27 The peace offering
7:28-38 The priests’ portion

Leviticus 8

8:1-13 Consecration of the priests
8:14-36 The priests’ offering

Leviticus 9

9:1-24 The first offering of Aaron

Leviticus 10

10:1-7 The sin of Nadab and Abihu
10:8-20 Restrictions for the priesthood

Leviticus 11

11:1-47 Clean and unclean animals

Leviticus 12

12:1-5 The purification of women
12:6-8 Offering for purification

Leviticus 13

13:1-59 Signs and treatment of leprosy

Leviticus 14

14:1-32 The cleansing of lepers
14:33-57 Signs of leprosy

Leviticus 15

15:1-33 Unclean discharges from the body

Leviticus 16

16:1-19 The day of atonement
16:20-28 The scapegoat
16:29-34 Feast of expiations

Leviticus 17

17:1-9 One place of sacrifice
17:10-16 The eating of blood forbidden

Leviticus 18

18:1-30 Acts of immorality forbidden

Leviticus 19

19:1-37 Laws of holiness and justice

Leviticus 20

20:1-27 The penalties for acts of immorality

Leviticus 21

21:1-24 The holiness of the priests

Leviticus 22

22:1-33 The holiness of the offerings

Leviticus 23

23:1-44 The appointed feasts

Leviticus 24

24:1-4 The tending of the lamps
24:5-23 The showbread

Leviticus 25

25:1-7 Sabbath years
25:8-34 The year of jubilee
25:35-46 Redeeming the poor
25:47-55 Servants redeemed

Leviticus 26

26:1-2 Idolatry
26:3-13 Blessings of obedience
26:14-46 Penalties for disobedience

Leviticus 27

27:1-34 Laws concerning dedications


This book in the Holy Bible tells the story of God’s chosen people’s struggles with slavery and the beginning of the Hebrew nation later called Israel. It follows the development of the race from Jacob’s twelve sons (Tribes of Israel) to the deliverance from bondage and the beginning of the journey to the promised land by the leading of the glory of the LORD GOD. The testimony of both the Jewish community and the Christian church is that Moses was author of the book that emphasizes God’s covenant faithfulness.

Exodus 1

1:1-7 The Israelites in Egypt
1:8-21 The oppression of Israel by a new king
1:22 Pharaoh’s cruel order

Exodus 2

2:1-4 Birth of Moses
2:5-10 Early years of Moses
2:11-25 Moses flees from Egypt

Exodus 3

3:1-8 The call of Moses by the LORD GOD through the burning bush
3:9-22 The LORD GOD commissions Moses

Exodus 4

4:1-13 The Rod of Moses
4:14-18 The appointment of Aaron
4:19-31 The return to Egypt by Moses

Exodus 5

5:1-19 Pharaoh chides Moses and Aaron
5:20-23 Israel complains and Moses prays

Exodus 6

6:1-13 The covenant renewed with Moses
6:14-30 The genealogies of Moses and Aaron

Exodus 7

7:1-6 Moses before Pharaoh
7:7-19 The rod of Moses turned into a serpent
7:20-25 The Plague of blood

Exodus 8

8:1-15 The plague of frogs
8:16-19 The plague of lice
8:20-32 The plague of flies

Exodus 9

9:1-7 The plague on the cattle
9:8-12 The plague of boils
9:13-35 The plague of hail

Exodus 10

10:1-20 The plague of locusts
10:21-29 The plague of darkness

Exodus 11

11:1-3 Israelites borrow Egyptian jewels
11:4-10 Death of the first born threatened

Exodus 12

12:1-28 The Passover instituted
12:29-36 The death of the firstborn
12:37-42 The Israelites leave Egypt
12:43-51 The ordinance of Passover

Exodus 13

13:1-16 The consecration of the firstborn
13:17-22 The pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire

Exodus 14

14:1-20 Instructions to the Israelites
14:21-31 Crossing of the red sea

Exodus 15

15:1-21 The song of Moses
15:22-26 The waters of Marah
15:27 Israel at Elim

Exodus 16

16:1-11 The wilderness of sin
16:12-31 The LORD GOD sends quails and manna
16:32-36 An omer kept

Exodus 17

17:1-7 Water miraculously supplied by the LORD GOD
17:8-16 War with Amalek

Exodus 18

18:1-12 Jethro visits Moses
18:13-27 The appointment of the judges

Exodus 19

19:1-18 Israel at Mount Sinai
19:19-25 God answers Moses from the mount

Exodus 20

20:1-17 The Ten Commandments
20:18-21 The people’s fear
20:22-26 The LORD GOD demands exclusive worship

Exodus 21

21:1-11 The treatment of the servants
21:12-25 Laws concerning acts of violence
21:26-36 Laws concerning responsibility of owners

Exodus 22

22:1-15 Laws concerning restitution
22:16-31 Laws of human relations

Exodus 23

23:1-13 Judgments concluded
23:14-19 The three appointed feasts
23:20-33 The Lord’s angel sent to lead Israel

Exodus 24

24:1-18 Moses and the elders on Mount Sinai

Exodus 25

25:1-9 Israel to bring an offering
25:10-22 The ark of the testimony
25:23-30 The table for the showbread
25:31-40 The golden candlestick

Exodus 26

26:1-37 The tabernacle

Exodus 27

27:1-8 The alter of the burnt offering
27:9-19 The court of the tabernacle
27:20-21 The tending of the lamp

Exodus 28

28:1-14 The garments for the priests
28:15-30 The breastplate of twelve precious stones
28:31-43 The sacred vestments

Exodus 29

29:1-9 The consecration of Aaron and his sons
29:10-37 The order of the sacrifices
29:38-44 The daily offerings
29:45-46 God’s promise of his presence

Exodus 30

30:1-10 The altar of incense
30:11-16 The atonement money
30:17-21 The laver
30:22-38 The anointing oil and the incense

Exodus 31

31:1-11 Craftsmen to be employed
31:12-17 The sabbath as a sign
31:18 Two tables of stone

Exodus 32

32:1-10 The golden calf
32:11-18 Moses’ intercession for Israel
32:19-24 Moses breaks the tables
32:25-35 The idolaters slain

Exodus 33

33:1-11 The tabernacle moved
33:12-23 Moses prays for God’s presence

Exodus 34

34:1-9 The tables renewed
34:10 God’s covenant
34:11-17 Israel warned of the idolatry of Canaan
34:18-26 The three feasts
34:27-35 Moses and the tables of the law

Exodus 35

35:1-3 Regulations for the Sabbath
35:4-9 Israel to bring an offering
35:10-19 The tabernacle articles
35:20-29 The people bring an offering
35:30-35 The workmen are ready

Exodus 36

36:1 The workmen are ready (continued)
36:2-7 The people restrained from bringing gifts
36:8-38 The making of the tabernacle

Exodus 37

37:1-29 The furnishings of the tabernacle

Exodus 38

38:1-8 The furnishings of the tabernacle (continued)
38:9-20 The court of the tabernacle
38:21-31 The sum of the offerings

Exodus 39

39:1-31 The priestly vestments
39:32-43 The tabernacle articles completed

Exodus 40

40:1-12 The setting up of the tabernacle
40:13-33 Consecration of Aaron and his sons
40:34-38 The glory of the LORD GOD


Genesis is the book of beginnings of all things created by the LORD GOD. It records the beginning of creation, time, life, sin, salvation and mankind, as well as the beginning of the Hebrew nation. It is the foundational book to the rest of the Bible, and it covers more time than any other book in the King James Bible. The Genesis record bears witness to the greatness, everlasting and only LORD GOD and the beginnings of His people. Genesis covers the whole plight of man, who was created in God’s image, but because of sin, became destined for the grave. Moses is believed among most of God’s people to be the author.

Genesis 1

1:1-2 The beginnings of creation
1:3-5 The creation of light and separation of darkness on the first day
1:6-8 The creation of Heavens on the second day
1:9-13 The creation of Earth, seas, herbs, and trees on the third day
1:14-19 The creation of sun, moon and stars on the fourth day
1:20-24 The evolution of life from God’s creation allowed on the fifth day
1:25 The creation of life by God from evolution pattern on sixth day
1:26-28 The creation of man by the LORD GOD in His Image on sixth day
1:29-31 The provisions of food given to God’s created life

Genesis 2

2:1-7 The establishment of holy seventh day of rest by the LORD GOD
2:8-20 The Garden of Eden
2:21-25 The making of woman Eve from Adam

Genesis 3

3:1-13 The fall of man
3:14-21 The curse
3:22-24 The expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden
Genesis 4

4:1-7 Cain and Abel
4:8-9 The murder of Abel by Cain
4:10-15 The curse of Cain
4:16-26 The Descendants of Cain

Genesis 5

5:1-5 The Descendants of Adam
5:6-32 The Descendants of Seth

Genesis 6

6:1-8 Wickedness of mankind
6:9-22 Noah makes the Ark at the direction of the LORD GOD

Genesis 7

7:1-16 Noah, his family, the beasts and fowls enter the Ark
7:17-24 The flood

Genesis 8

8:1-5 The waters recede
8:6-14 The raven and the dove are sent out
8:15-19 Noah and his family leave the Ark
8:20-22 Noah sacrifices

Genesis 9

9:1-7 The Blood of Life is Sacrificed
9:8-19 God’s covenant with Noah
9:20-24 Noah’s drunkenness
9:25-29 Curse of Canaan

Genesis 10

10:1 The descendants of the sons of Noah
10:2-5 Sons of Japheth
10:6-20 Sons of Ham
10:21-32 Sons of Shem

Genesis 11

11:1-6 The building of the Tower of Babel
11:7-9 People of the world are given confusion of language
11:10-26 The descendents of Shem
11:27-30 The descendants of Terah
11:31-32 Terah moves from Ur to Haran

Genesis 12

12:1-9 The LORD GOD’s call to Abram
12:10-13 Abram Driven to Egypt by a famine
12:14-20 Abram deceives Pharaoh

Genesis 13

13:1-4 Abram returns to Canaan
13:5-9 Abram and Lot separate
13:10-13 Lot goes to the wickedness of Sodom
13:14-18 The promise to Abram renewed

Genesis 14

14:1-12 Battle of the kings
14:13-16 Abram rescues Lot
14:17-20 Melchizedek blesses Abram
14:21-24 Abram’s unselfishness

Genesis 15

15:1-6 The Lord’s promise to Abram
15:7-17 Prophecy of Israel’s bondage
15:18-21 The Lord’s covenant with Abram

Genesis 16

16:1-6 Sarai and Hagar
16:7-14 An angel speaks to Hagar
16:15-16 Ishmael is born to Hagar
Genesis 17

17:1-14 Circumcision the sign of the covenant
17:15-19 Sarai’s name changed to Sarah; Isaac is promised
17:20-27 Ishmael to be a nation

Genesis 18

18:1-8 Three angels visit Abraham
18:9-15 Sarah promised a son
18:16-21 The doom of Sodom
18:22-33 Abraham intercedes for Sodom

Genesis 19

19:1-3 Two angels visit Lot
19:4-14 The wickedness of the men of Sodom
19:15-23 Lot delivered from Sodom’s destruction
19:24-29 Cities of the plain destroyed
19:30-38 Birth of Moab and Ben-ammi
Genesis 20

20:1-18 Abraham and Abimelech

Genesis 21

21:1-8 The birth of Isaac
21:9-21 Hagar and Ishmael sent away
21:22-34 The covenant at Beer-sheba

Genesis 22

22:1-14 Abraham commanded to offer Isaac
22:15-19 The Abrahamic covenant
22:20-24 Abraham’s relatives

Genesis 23

1-20 Death and burial of Sarah

Genesis 24

24:1-49 Rebekah chosen as a wife for Isaac
24:50-61 Laban and Bethuel give their approval
24:62-67 Isaac meets Rebekah
Genesis 25

25:1-6 Abraham’s sons by Keturah
25:7-11 Death and burial of Abraham
25:12-18 Descendants of Ishmael
25:19-28 Birth of Esau and Jacob
25:29-34 Esau sells his birthright
Genesis 26

26:1-5 God’s covenant with Isaac confirmed
26:6-16 Dispute with Abimelech
26:17-25 Dispute about wells
26:26-33 Covenant between Isaac and Abimelech
26:34-35 The wives of Esau

Genesis 27

27:1-29 Isaac’s blessing to Jacob
27:30-40 Disappointment and enmity of Esau
27:41-46 Jacob flees from Esau
Genesis 28

28:1-9 Jacob sent to Padanaram
28:10-15 God appears to Jacob at Bethel
28:16-22 Jacob’s vow

Genesis 29

29:1-14 Jacob meets Rachel
29:15-20 Jacob serves Laban for Rachel
29:21-27 Jacob marries Leah instead
29:28-30 Jacob marries Rachel also
29:31-35 Leah’s children

Genesis 30

30:1-4 Rachel gives Bilhah to Jacob
30:5-21 Jacob’s children
30:22-24 Rachel gives birth to Joseph
30:25-36 Trickery of Laban and Jacob
30:37-43 Jacob’s increasing prosperity

Genesis 31

31:1-16 Jacob leaves Laban
31:17-21 Flight of Jacob
31:22-42 Laban overtakes Jacob
31:43-55 The covenant between Jacob and Laban

Genesis 32

32:1-23 Jacob prepares to meet Esau
32:24-32 Jacob wrestles with an angel

Genesis 33

33: 1-20 Jacob and Esau reconciled

Genesis 34

34:1-31 Dinah’s defilement avenged

Genesis 35

35:1-15 God blesses Jacob at Bethel
35:16-26 Rachel gives birth to Benjamin and dies
35:27-29 The death of Isaac

Genesis 36

36:1-30 The descendants of Esau
36:31-43 The kings of Edom

Genesis 37

37:1-11 Joseph’s dreams
37:12-25 The plot against Joseph
37:26-36 Joseph sold to Ishmaelites
Genesis 38

38:1-12 Sons of Judah
38:13-26 Tamar deceives Judah
38:27-30 The birth of twins

Genesis 39

39:1-6 Joseph’s advancement
39:7-19 Joseph and Potiphar’s wife
39:20-23 Joseph is cast into prison

Genesis 40

40:1-4 Joseph is cast into prison (continued)
40:5-19 Joseph interprets dreams
40:20-23 Joseph’s word comes to pass
Genesis 41

41:1-13 Pharaoh’s dreams
41:14-36 Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dreams
41:37-53 Joseph made ruler over Egypt
41:54-57 The famine

Genesis 42

42:1-15 Joseph’s brothers come to Egypt for corn
42:16-17 Brothers imprisoned as spies
42:18-23 Joseph’s treatment of his brothers
42:24-38 Simeon kept for a pledge
Genesis 43

43:1-30 Joseph’s brothers return with Benjamin
43:31-34 Joseph gives a feast for his brothers

Genesis 44

44:1-13 Joseph gives a final test to his brothers
44:14-34 Judah’s plea for Benjamin

Genesis 45

45:1-8 Joseph makes himself known
45:9-20 Joseph sends for Jacob
45:21-28 Joseph provides for their journey

Genesis 46

46:1-7 Jacob moves to Egypt
46:8-28 Jacob journeys with his family
46:29-34 Joseph meets his father

Genesis 47

47:1-10 Jacob presented to Pharaoh
47:11-12 Joseph provides for his father and his brothers
47:13-31 Joseph’s administration in Egypt

Genesis 48

48:1-7 Joseph visits Jacob
48:8-22 Israel blesses Ephraim and Manasseh

Genesis 49

49:1-33 Israel’s prophecy concerning his sons

Genesis 50

50:1-13 Burial of Jacob
50:14-26 Joseph comforts his brothers

Sexual scandal with Christian leadership

I’m not taking a stance yet about the popular gossip going on against one of the popular Christian leaders. The Lord hasn’t given me understanding or words yet, and I will await His direction. However, I do have my personal thoughts concerning the dangerous position of Christian Leadership with regards to the devil’s lust that is constantly thrown upon them.

Please let me be blunt. Christian leadership in modern history has tried all sorts of techniques to avoid exposure to the tempting lusts of this world, especially when it comes to sexual lusts and perversities. It is a real problem, that is destroying many churches of all denominations, and ruining many victims lives and destroying faith opportunities and works.

Becker Bible Ministries, Inc. loves that their employees, contractors, and representatives take their spouses with them to do our works for the Lord. We believe that an important ministry needs all sorts of support, and a spouse is that best support to help ground the ministries and help raise the arms of leadership. However, as a guard against drifting toward lust, we are not convinced that anything will hinder it, should the Christian leader choose to be tempted.

We believe submitting to temptation is a choice, not a slip-up, of Godly men and women. Recent news in America showed an advanced Christian College leader, who refused to be alone with any female in the most arrogant and attention-seeking ways but used his wife for his sexual perversities to have sex with others as he watched.

Leadership can be as publicly careful as they can and give all kinds of signals that they are following the “Billy Graham” way and refusing to be in the company of the opposite sex alone. But, when you examine it closely, you find that there are many straying leaderships out there of both sexes, tempted by the devil to lust in their heart, and complete the sexual acts soon after.

Quite frankly, I have been at the other side of the “Billy Graham” approach, where religious leaders and political leaders fail to meet with me because of my “female” status, and their wives being unavailable. It is insulting and humiliating; the jobs I do for the Lord Jesus Christ are timely and very important. I have no interest in their sexual proclivities, and one look at me, with consideration of my professional attitude, will shout that out. To not meet with females’ leaders because the wifey is not available is ridiculous!

On the other hand, spouses, if your Christian leader has strayed in the past, don’t let him or her out of your sight as they do the works of the Lord. The ministry can come crashing down quicker than a tornado hitting an old shack should the leader stray toward the lusts when he or she is tempted.

Sadly, with the ways of the world, it is the most difficult sin that leadership confronts. We need to watch each other’s backs, counsel quickly if we see temptation or straying, involve spouses when
apparent harlotry is present or sensual dress, dances, and actions are in your face. But most importantly…

Christian Leadership! Walk the standards of Christ! Quit looking and considering each of the temptations that come your way. You are a Holy Vessel of the LORD God who dwells within your heart. Please do not share that heart with pornography, perversions, and lust. Avoid the world! We have a strong task given us by the Lord Jesus Christ to go out and teach and preach to those that He chooses to bring our way. Your heart cannot be big enough to share both the ministry and the “feel goods” of improper sexual release.

If you are unable to control sexual lusts for the same sex, opposite sex, or God forbid, children, or animals, please let the Lord know now and get it fixed before His works are destroyed. Your status as a sinning lustful Christian leader is not viable. One slip-up can destroy every good work you have done in His name.

Please, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, commit to a heart of God that is free from the lusts of this world.

In Jesus Christ’s Name I Pray! Amen.


She was fourteen-years-old and already had a tiny life growing inside her womb. It was a different time and a different place, and she was not a bad girl. She was in love with her classmate, and they would be married by the time the summer was ended, before the swell of her tummy was seen, before the talk among the magpies scattered dirt along her path. She promised her mother to keep the secret, to move through the small town with the innocence she possessed just two months earlier.

Church Camp was awkward, but her secret remained safe among the giggling girls that gathered to play. The hot days of Bible Study turned into a life changing call to accept Jesus Christ as Savior on the last night, and many girls rushed forward to be counted as His.

She held back, feeling the unworthiness of her soul as a result of her careless sin. The leader of worship saw her watching from the shadows with a look of longing, and he went to her with a personal invitation to come as she was to the Lord.

That Holy Night, she accepted Jesus into her life, and the angels in Heaven rejoiced that another one of His had surrendered her life to Him.

Just as they had planned, as the end of summer drew near, vows of promise and hope were exchanged by the ones that loved. There was some talk heard amongst the embittered that maybe the wedding was necessary for reasons other than love; but, most that witnessed the ceremony saw that the union was meant to be.

As the witnesses gathered together in the church reception hall just next door, to receive the marriage in celebration, the still and quiet voice began singing at the altar, sharing of devotion to God and her new husband.

The crowd hushed and peered through the cracked door as she sang with the truth of her soul of how He had joined them together, and “There is Love.” Not a dry eye of the hidden spectators remained as they quickly closed the doors to their privacy, and prepared for the reception. The witnesses were a little wiser to the real marriage that had taken place.

Some of the words to the wedding song of “There is Love” written by Noel Paul Stookey (Peter, Paul, and Mary)

“…Now to be among you at the calling of your hearts
Rest assured this troubadour is acting on His part.
The union of your spirits, here, has caused Him to remain
For what whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name…

There is Love.

A man shall leave his mother and a woman leave her home
And they shall travel on to where the two shall be as one.
As it was in the beginning is now and till the end.
Woman draws her life from man and gives it back again.

And there is Love.
There is Love.

Well then what’s to be the reason for becoming man and wife?
Is it love that brings you here or love that brings you life?
And if loving is the answer, then who’s the giving for?
Do you believe in something that you’ve never seen before?

Oh there’s Love.
There is Love.

The union of your spirits here has caused Him to remain
For whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name
There is love…oh, there is love.”

The next week the newlyweds prepared together to enter into their new life as husband and wife at their High School. They hugged tightly with their new school clothes crinkling underneath their nervousness of the moment. First days of school were always tough, and the awkwardness of their reality made it even tougher.

He had cleaned their car and buffed it to a shiny glistening the day before, and they bravely jumped into the carriage that would carry them to their tomorrows…

They say that they had only a moment of pain. The drunk ran through the stop sign and plowed into their car head on. They were thrown almost 100 feet into a barbed wired wheat field, and when they found their bodies, they were together, hand in hand.

The funeral was held in the gymnasium as mourners came from miles around. There was the leader of worship who joyfully announced that she was in Heaven that same day she died as a result of her walking in faith toward her Savior that past summer. And her husband was in Heaven that day as a direct result of her sharing her faith. And the precious baby that was was in their arms in Heaven as a result of them allowing him life.

As they closed the lid on the white gowned wife and mother, a still and quiet voice in the midst of the gathered crowd started to sing the song of devotion, that had been sung by her with such tenderness, just the week before…

“There is Love”

Matthew 18:18–20 (KJV 1900)
18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Baptism – Bringing Death to a Christian

Salvation comes to Believers through the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Salvation is a two-step process. The first step is one of belief, and the second step is one of action. If the Unsaved believe, but do nothing, they remain unsaved. If the Unsaved do not believe, but go through the action of a repentant sinner, they too remain unsaved.

Romans 10:9-10
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9-10 KJV)

1. Know that you are a sinner, and cannot save yourself.
2. Confess the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior
3. Believe that Jesus Christ’s sacrifice was sufficient to atone for your sins.
4. Be confident that Jesus Christ physically rose from the dead.
Salvation comes by faith in Jesus Christ.

Galatians 2:20
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20 KJV)

The confessor of Jesus Christ as Savior is crucified with him. A Believer is joined to the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ through faith. When Christ is confessed and accepted as a Believer’s Savior, Christ shares both His crucifixion and Resurrection. This makes the Believer eligible to receive the Baptism of Jesus Christ. However, it is vitally important to note that this Baptism does NOT bring salvation to the soul; it is only faith in Christ as Savior, developed during a physical lifetime, that offers eternal salvation. The dead are not given an opportunity to develop faith in Christ after their demise.


Revelations 20:4–5
What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also [in the likeness] of [his] resurrection: Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with [him], that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin. Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him: Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him. For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. Neither yield ye your members [as] instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members [as] instruments of righteousness unto God. For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid. Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.” (Romans 6:1-18 KJV)

Followers of Christ are crucified with his Crucifixion by their faith, and that faith alone, gives promised salvation. (Galatians 2:20) The Baptism of Jesus Christ allows them to immediately ascend to Heaven upon their physical death. This is called the “First Resurrection.” (Revelation 20:4–5)

If people die without the Baptism of Jesus Christ, but were believers in faith that Christ is their Savior, then they will be resurrected on the great Judgment Day into the Resurrection of Life. (John 5:28–29) Even they only experience one death. Sadly, they cannot go to Heaven immediately because they did not experience death through baptism. They must sleep in their graves in their first death. However, when Christ resurrects them from the grave, faithful believers will ascend to Heaven and join those faithful Baptized Christian that have gathered around His throne.

If people die without the Baptism of Jesus Christ, and did NOT believe in Christ’s salvation, they are resurrected from their grave on the great Judgment Day into the Resurrection of damnation. (John 5:28–29) They, as well as death and Hell, will be cast into the lake of fire. This is called the “second death.” (Revelation 20:11–15)
Those Unbelievers who reject Christ’s salvation in their lifetime, sleep in their graves until Christ raises them to His Judgment Seat to finalize His verdict. (Revelations 20:11–15)

All of the benefits of Salvation are given to a Faithful Believer the moment he accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. (Romans 10:9-10)

But there is one more step a believer must fulfill to see Heaven immediately upon physical death. A faithful Christian must also be baptized into the death of Jesus Christ, and be buried with Him also. Faith allows Believers to share His Crucifixion, and their Baptism allows them to experience His Burial and His Resurrection. This death releases the hold of original sin and the devil.

Those experiencing the death of Jesus Christ and His burial through the experience of Baptism, will not die a second death. When Baptized Christians experience physical death, they immediately ascend to Heaven. Those baptized with the Baptism of Jesus Christ go to their ONLY grave within the baptismal waters. When they rise up from their baptismal water graves, they resurrect into the NEW LIFE, with a NEW BIRTH. Baptized Believer’s souls will never go to the grave again! (1 Corinthians 15:54-57)


Revelation 21:1-7
“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God [is] with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, [and be] their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.” (Revelation 21:1-7 av)

Heaven is a temporary dwelling place, until His chosen Time, when a new Heaven and a New Earth will be established according to His Will.

The unbaptized Believers, who were faithful in the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, but failed to complete the process of going to the grave in Baptism, will go to an earthly grave to sleep for a period (Daniel 12:1-4). The Unbaptized but Saved Believers will be resurrected from their graves, in His time, and given Eternal Life through His Grace of Salvation (Revelation 20:13).

Through their belief and confession of Jesus Christ, the UNBAPTIZED, BUT SAVED BELIEVERS will go on to Eternal Life after their resurrection from their graves and their soul journey to Heaven.

Through their belief and confession of Jesus Christ, the BAPTIZED, SAVED BELIEVERS will go to Heaven for a while, and then on to Eternal Life on the New Earth, where all Believers will begin a new and blessed life under the rule of their King Jesus Christ.

The Baptism of Christ causes death to come one time to a Believer, and Resurrect in Christ’s example, granting eternal life when rising out of the baptismal waters. Those that are already dead are not going to be made alive again through the rising out of the baptismal waters in the likeness of the Resurrection of Christ. They will merely be wet dead people, asleep in death until resurrected by Christ on Judgment Day.

The most valid interpretation to Paul’s reference in 1 Corinthians is the understanding that the grace the LORD God gives followers of Christ must come through faith, and faith can only come through a personal response of a living person.

Change my mind and perspective if you are able!

After posting my rules, about not accepting friendships with orphanages, I was deluged with all kinds of contacts.

So lets talk about it.

I will tell you my current mindset and perspective. Can you change my mind?

Since I am almost 70-years-old, share my Bible Teachings and writings freely, and I have never become rich with monetary value, it is doubtful I will have spare money. If I do, and God designates it for the orphans, I will select orphanages that have a clear mission; a good example is Abba Home Orphanage for Girls This is my reasoning. If the Lord is moving a ministry for orphanages then it is not just food that God will provide, but spiritual and natural enrichment as well. Posing orphans eating scant amounts of food and getting dirtier and skinnier is not how my Lord would care for orphans. It has been my experience on Facebook, that there are many orphanages that are making the caretakers rich enough to pose well with their nice clothes, while the children suffer. I don’t want to be a part of that. So IF I ever have money that God earmarks for orphans, I would NOT be giving that money haphazardly; rather, I would give that money to ministries I know that have the best interest in the children’s welfare. That’s my take on things at this point in my life.

(Important note to the distraught caretaker threatening to kill himself) – Threatening suicide or death to the children does not help feed your chosen children. You need to pray to God to relieve you of your post in your care of the children, and place another in your position. Then you need to get a close relationship with the Lord and get on with your life. You are not doing anyone, the orphans or yourself, any good in trying to make it work when God is NOT in it. If God was in it, your children would not be starving. Get those poor kids some real help now by moving them to a place with food in the presence of God’s works. Contact missionaries and churches in your area and tell them of your extreme troubles; there are many churches in your area that will NOT let your children starve! Get those children HELP!!! and give up the little bits of money you are trying to make.

Caretakers of orphans – Can you change my mind? (Please limit pictures to two)

How do I choose friends when requested?

Just a quick note:

If there are orphans or needy children without a full-fledged ministry, I do NOT accept. I am poor, and unable to contribute anything except for prayers. Every picture I see breaks my heart that I can NOT help. It is NOT productive for me to be friends with ministries that cause such despair, and it takes an enormous amount of effort to deal with all the requests for money.

I also reject all requests for friends that have sexual content. I want friends that can control the lusts that are placed on their pages.

I reject most requests for friends by the “posers.” Thats the requesters that pose with many “fine” clothing outfits and try to look the part of rich or cool or suave. Just not interested.

I reject all requests for those that tell me I am beautiful or offer marriage proposals. I am taken, happy, and NOT interested!

I reject all spammers that I can figure out.

And I HATE those “fatty” advertisements of poor women advertising diet stuff so money can be made at their expense. Reject them almost immediately.

The ones I accept are those that have obvious reference to Christ, and an active Facebook account with words of encouragement, teachings, praise, or goodness that can help elevate me as I write the things of God on my pages.

Everyone can follow me! But, I’m becoming more and more selective of who can be my friends. If I reject your offer of friendship, please don’t take it personally. I get thousands of requests, and I want to make certain I choose those that will help me and others best in this journey together.

The Beatitudes are the Blessings that are Given to Believers

I might have been naive when I was first a Christian. When I read the Beatitudes in Matthew 5, at the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount, I thought that the Lord Jesus Christ was teaching about individuals. I also wrongly thought that you could just be in one category. Has any of my readers got confused that way?

So, now that I am a mature Christian and digging for every piece of wisdom I can receive from the Lord, I took a look again. WOW! I recognized that the Beatitudes were blessings that are given to all Believers! Here is my journey:

Matthew 5:6 (KJV 1900)
6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

Hunger – 4277 πεινάω (peinaō): vb.; ≡ Str 3983; TDNT 6.12—1. LN 23.29 be hungry, be in a state of hunger (Mt 25:35); 2. LN 25.17 desire strongly (Mt 5:6; Lk 6:21+)

Thirst – 1498 διψάω (dipsaō): vb.; ≡ Str 1372; TDNT 2.226—1. LN 23.39 be thirsty, a basic bodily desire for liquid (Mt 25:35; Jn 4:13), also a figurative extension of a spiritual need that God can satisfy (Jn 4:14; 7:37; Rev 7:16; 21:6); 2. LN 25.17 desire strongly (Mt 5:6)

(James Swanson, Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Greek (New Testament) (Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 1997).

1. Christ says that those that desire his teachings strongly, that have spiritual needs that cause a frantic searching for answers or a deep desire to know God, will be blessed.

2. He saw that you were hungry and thirsty for the real Word of God and righteousness, and He provides bread for you to learn deeper things! You are blessed! You are being FILLED with new understanding and new learning of the Word of God which leads to righteousness.

3. Note how both the Greek words for hunger and thirst mean to “desire strongly.” This desire speaks of the spiritual needs that God can satisfy in Christians. Praise be to God!

Matthew 5:7 (KJV 1900)
7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

Merciful – 1798 ἐλεήμων (eleēmōn), ον (on): adj.; ≡ Str 1655; TDNT 2.485—LN 88.77 merciful, pertaining to those who show compassion on the lowly (Mt 5:7; Heb 2:17+) (Ibid)

4. That that show compassion on the lowly, shall receive compassion from the Lord. It is what Christians do.

Hebrews 2:17–18 (KJV 1900)
17 Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. 18 For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted.

5. The Lord Jesus Christ knows how to be merciful in all things pertaining to the LORD God.

6. It is the attribute of mercy and faithfulness of a high priest that makes reconciliation for the sins of the people.

7. Jesus will give mercy to us if He sees us giving mercy to those lower than us.

8. And let us not forget the most famous standards of mercy for the LORD God in the Lord’s Prayer!

Matthew 6:9–15 (KJV 1900)
9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. 14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

9. Before forgiveness can be offered, mercy must be bestowed. The LORD God and the Lord Jesus Christ are watching to see that Christ’s followers are compassionate, even when they don’t
have to be! That is the basis for which their mercy is applied to each of us, and the extent that forgiveness of debts is given.

Matthew 5:8 (KJV 1900)
8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

Pure in heart – 2754 καθαρός (katharos), ά (a), όν (on): adj.; ≡ DBLHebr 3196, 3197; Str 2513; TDNT 3.413—1. LN 79.48 clean, physically clean (Mt 23:26; 27:59; Jn 13:10a); 2. LN 53.29 pure,
ritually clear of responsibility, innocent Mt 5:8; Lk 11:41; Jn 13:11; Jas 1:2710 (Ibid)

10. Another standard of Christ is to be “pure in heart.”

11. He declares them that have purity of heart as blessed because “they shall see God.”

12. Pure in heart means to be clean, ritually clear of responsibility, and innocent.

13. It is easy for baptized Christians to be clean and innocent of sin, because they are washed in the blood of the lamb, our Lord Jesus Christ.

14. But, consider the “ritually clear of responsibility.” That means that Christians no longer must sacrifice a lamb for their sins. Once they are clean, they are clean forever. Christ’s blood washes them completely, once and for all.

15. Christians that have pure heart, and they would not be Christians if they did not, WILL SEE GOD!

Matthew 5:9 (KJV 1900)
9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

16. Christians make peace and reconcile differences when possible. They are never war-mongers, gossipers, trouble-makers, fighters, hypocrites or worldly rioters.

17. Children of the LORD God do not fight to force their belief or standards upon anyone on their own. If the LORD God is not directing the fight and sharing His mighty power with you to be
victorious, then you must be at peace with everyone in your life.

18. Christians may have to separate from those of the world that seek to create harm through fighting if peace cannot be obtained. Jesus teaches us the rules of confrontation later in His Word which we will study soon.

Matthew 5:10–12 (KJV 1900)
10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. 12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

19. Christians ARE ALWAYS persecuted for righteousness’ sake!

20. If you find a Christian in this world that have not been persecuted, then you have NOT found a Christian. It is a fact of life for Christians in this fallen, sinful world.

21. Jesus promises blessings to come to those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake.

22. Those persecuted get to dwell in the Kingdom of Heaven

23. Even simple persecution, like when men revile you and say all manner of evil against you falsely because Jesus is in your life; that type of persecution also brings blessings.

24. When even simple persecution comes to you, Rejoice! And be exceedingly glad! You will receive great reward in Heaven.

25. The Prophets of old were persecuted, and you will be persecuted also. This is the reality of following Christ.

Check these Beatitudes out as a group! They all are about being a CHRISTIAN, a follower of Jesus Christ! So many times, Christian leaders teach the Beatitudes as very individual specific blessings for certain people that have hardships in life. But it is not that at all! Jesus begins his teachings by talking of all the blessings EVERY Christian has by following Him! Thanks be to God!

We are all the poor in spirit, mournful, and meek. All Christians hunger and thirst after righteousness, are merciful, and stay pure in heart. Christians are peacemakers. They experience persecution for righteousness’ sake! Do you understand?

The Beatitudes are the blessings that come to Christians and explain exactly the basic standards of following Jesus Christ. Every Christian reading the beatitudes is experiencing the conditions that bring the blessings forward!

No instruction of these standards of basic Christian blessings are needed. They come to the Christians as they accept their Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior and are baptized with His Holy Spirit. These blessings are what Christians carry with them as a direct result of following the teachings of Christ.

The importance of the Promises of the LORD God to Christians

Romans 4:21–5:2 (KJV 1900)
21 And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform. 22 And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. 23 Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him; 24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; 25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification. 5 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: 2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

When we teach young Christians who are beginning their faith walk with Christ, we talk most often about our beloved Lord Jesus Christ. After all, it is His blood that brings salvation to all of us, and is the most important doctrine that becomes a part of all the other doctrines that help contribute to us becoming righteous.

But, as we mature, we must understand deeper, the things of God through His Word. The Lord Jesus Christ shed His blood for the remission of sin in those that follow Him. Jesus Christ was given the power by the LORD God to forgive sins on this earth. The Lord Jesus Christ is our teacher, our mentor, our Lord, and our King. He is the risen Lord from His crucifixion, and that contributes to our hope of one day following Him in Resurrection into Eternal Life. His teachings and examples contributed to us becoming righteous, a condition necessary for us to serve our LORD God.

But the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT the LORD God. He is separate. He has His purposes, goals, and ways that enforce the things of the LORD God and contribute to God’s program.

The Trinity members (the LORD God, Lord Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit) are equal in nature, distinct in Person, and submissive in duties. They are ONE GOD with THREE PERSONS.

That distinct “in Person” is the knowledge that mature Christians must understand before they can achieve full enlightenment of the Word of God. So let me make it a bit easier.

The important promises of our Christian faith come from the LORD God. Not Jesus Christ. Not the Holy Spirit. Those promises come from the LORD God of Omniscience (Holy), Omnipresence (Everywhere), and Omnipotence (Powerful).

If we BELIEVE those promises, if we have HOPE of those promises then that is called FAITH. When we have faith, we are saying that we believe all the promises that the LORD God has made to us in the Word of God.

The forgiveness of sin on this earth by the Lord Jesus Christ has happened to us as Christians. And the going to our Baptismal grave and resurrection in eternal life has been promised when our
physical bodies die.

We have faith that it all works because the LORD God promised it. He promised that His only begotten Son would lead us to Him. So, though faith as a young Christian is expressed in the surety of forgiveness of sin and eternal life through Jesus Christ, as mature Christians, we must understand it more deeply. When we say we have faith, we are saying that we believe without doubt that the LORD God will keep His promises. Then as mature Christians, we start exploring the Word of God, to sort out exactly what those promises are, and what they mean to us as we seek after righteousness.


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