

The meaning of the title Psalms from the Septuagint is “Sacred Songs Sung to Musical Accompaniment”; from the Hebrew title comes “praises. Moses is the Author of Psalm 90, Asaph is the author of Psalms 50, 73-83, Solomon is the author of Psalms 72, 127, Heman is the author of Psalm 88, Ethan is the author of Psalm 89, and David is the author of 73 psalms in total. In addition, 12 psalms are assigned to “The Sons of Korah”. The Book of Psalms is a record of petitions, lamentations, thanksgiving and praise to God by His people. It has brought comfort, encouragement and blessing to God’s people throughout the ages. The purpose of the psalms was well expressed by David when he appointed Levites to institute hymns in Israel to record, thank and praise the LORD GOD of Israel.

Psalm 1

1:1-6 Two ways of life contrasted

Psalm 2

2:1-12 Coronation of the Lord’s Anointed

Psalm 3

3:1-8 A prayer of confidence in God

Psalm 4

4:1-8 Evening prayer for deliverance

Psalm 5

5:1-12 A prayer for protection

Psalm 6

6:1-10 A prayer for mercy

Psalm 7

7:1-17 Wickedness justly rewarded

Psalm 8

8:1-9 God’s glory and man’s honor

Psalm 9

9:1-20 Praise for victory over enemies

Psalm 10

10:1-18 A prayer for the overthrow of the wicked

Psalm 11

11:1-7 “In the Lord put I my trust”

Psalm 12

12:1-8 A plea against the wicked

Psalm 13

13:1-6 How long, O Lord, how long?

Psalm 14

14:1-7 The characteristics of the godless

Psalm 15

15:1-5 The characteristics of the Godly

Psalm 16

16:1-11 Eternal life for one who trusts

Psalm 17

17:1-15 “Hide me under the shadow of thy wings”

Psalm 18

18:1-50 Thanksgiving for deliverance by God

Psalm 19

19:1-14 The works and words of God

Psalm 20

20:1-9 “Some trust in chariots”

Psalm 21

21:1-13 Praise for victory

Psalm 22

22:1-31 A psalm of the cross

Psalm 23

23:1-6 “The Lord is my shepherd”

Psalm 24

24:1-10 The King of Glory

Psalm 25

25:1-22 A prayer for guidance and protection

Psalm 26

26:1-12 “Examine me, O Lord, and prove me”

Psalm 27

27:1-14 “The Lord is my light and my salvation”

Psalm 28

28:1-9 Rejoice because of answered prayer

Psalm 29

29:1-11 The voice of the Lord in the storm

Psalm 30

30:1-12 A thanksgiving for deliverance from death

Psalm 31

31:1-24 “In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust”

Psalm 32

32:1-11 The blessedness of forgiveness

Psalm 33

33:1-22 Praise to the Lord for who He is and does

Psalm 34

34:1-22 The Lord hears the righteous

Psalm 35

35:1-28 A petition for God’s intervention

Psalm 36

36:1-12 The steadfast Love of God

Psalm 37

37:1-40 The true state of the wicked

Psalm 38

38:1-22 The petition of a sick man

Psalm 39

39:1-13 A prayer for self-understanding

Psalm 40

40:1-17 Delight to do God’s will

Psalm 41

41:1-13 Comfort for the forsaken

Psalm 42

42:1-11 An intense longing for God

Psalm 43

43:1-5 A prayer for deliverance from the ungodly

Psalm 44

44:1-26 A nation in distress

Psalm 45

45:1-17 A Psalm for the king’s marriage

Psalm 46

46:1-11 “God is our refuge and strength”

Psalm 47

47:1-9 “God is the King of all the earth”

Psalm 48

48:1-14 “God is our God”

Psalm 49

49:1-20 Trust in God, not wealth

Psalm 50

50:1-23 The Lord shall judge all people

Psalm 51

51:1-19 Confession and forgiveness of sin

Psalm 52

52:1-9 Caution to the prideful wicked

Psalm 53

53:1-6 The foolishness of men

Psalm 54

54:1-7 A prayer for protection

Psalm 55

55:1-23 A cry against deceitful friends

Psalm 56

56:1-13 A confident prayer for help

Psalm 57

57:1-11 Prayers in the midst of perils

Psalm 58

58:1-11 Wicked judges will be judged

Psalm 59

59:1-17 A prayer for deliverance

Psalm 60

60:1-12 A prayer for deliverance of a nation

Psalm 61

61:1-8 A prayer when overwhelmed

Psalm 62

62:1-12 God only is my rock and my salvation

Psalm 63

63:1-11 Thirst for God

Psalm 64

64:1-10 A prayer for God’s protection

Psalm 65

65:1-13 God’s provision through nature

Psalm 66

66:1-20 The great works of God

Psalm 67

67:1-7 God shall govern the earth

Psalm 68

68:1-35 Israel’s triumphant God

Psalm 69

69:1-36 A petition in time of distress

Psalm 70

70:1-5 A prayer for speedy deliverance

Psalm 71

71:1-24 A prayer for help in old age

Psalm 72

72:1-20 The reign of the Messiah

Psalm 73

73:1-28 The perspective of eternity

Psalm 74

74:1-23 A complaint born of faith

Psalm 75

75:1-10 A warning to the wicked

Psalm 76

76:1-12 The glorious might of God

Psalm 77

77:1-20 When overwhelmed, remember God’s greatness

Psalm 78

78:1-72 God’s goodness to Israel in spite of unbelief

Psalm 79

79:1-13 A prayer for destruction of heathen enemies

Psalm 80

80:1-19 A prayer for restoration

Psalm 81

81:1-16 God’s plea for Israel’s obedience

Psalm 82

82:1-8 A prayer for righteous Judgment

Psalm 83

83:1-18 A prayer for destruction of Israel’s enemies

Psalm 84

84:1-12 The Joy of dwelling with God

Psalm 85

85:1-13 A prayer for revival

Psalm 86

86:1-17 “Teach me thy way, O Lord”

Psalm 87

87:1-7 The glories of Zion

Psalm 88

88:1-18 A cry for deliverance from death

Psalm 89

89:1-52 Claiming God’s promises to David

Psalm 90

90:1-17 “Teach us to number our days”

Psalm 91

91:1-16 God is a refuge and a fortress

Psalm 92

92:1-15 Praises for the Lord’s goodness

Psalm 93

93:1-5 The majesty of God

Psalm 94

94:1-23 Vengeance belongs only to God

Psalm 95

95:1-11 A psalm of praise to the great God

Psalm 96

96:1-13 A call to praise God

Psalm 97

97:1-12 The Lord is far above all gods

Psalm 98

98:1-9 Praise to God for his salvation

Psalm 99

99:1-9 God has been faithful

Psalm 100

100:1-5 A call to praise the Lord

Psalm 101

101:1-8 A commitment to holy living

Psalm 102

102:1-28 The prayer of an overwhelmed Saint

Psalm 103

103:1-22 Bless the Lord, all you people

Psalm 104

104:1-35 God’s preservation of nature

Psalm 105

105:1-45 God’s wondrous works in behalf of Israel

Psalm 106

106:1-48 Israel sins against God’s love

Psalm 107

107:1-43 God’s wonderful works to the children of men

Psalm 108

108:1-13 Israel looks to God for help

Psalm 109

109:1-31 A prayer for punishment of the wicked

Psalm 110

110:1-7 The coming of the Priest-King-Judge

Psalm 111

111:1-10 Praise for God’s tender care

Psalm 112

112:1-10 The blessings of those that fear God

Psalm 113

113:1-9 God’s mercies are many

Psalm 114

114:1-8 God’s power demonstrated in the Exodus

Psalm 115

115:1-18 Trust in God, not in idols

Psalm 116

116:1-19 Praise for deliverance from death

Psalm 117

117:1-2 The praise of all nations

Psalm 118

118:1-29 Thanksgiving for the Lord’s salvation

Psalm 119

119:1-176 An acrostic in praise of the Scriptures

Psalm 120

120:1-7 Prayer for deliverance from lying lips

Psalm 121

121:1-8 God’s sustaining power

Psalm 122

122:1-9 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem”

Psalm 123

123:1-4 Prayer for mercy

Psalm 124

124:1-8 The LORD is on our side

Psalm 125

125:1-5 God surrounds his people

Psalm 126

126:1-6 “Sow in tears…reap in joy”

Psalm 127

127:1-5 Children are God’s heritage

Psalm 128

128:1-6 The rewards of faithfulness

Psalm 129

129:1-8 Plea of the persecuted

Psalm 130

130:1-8 “My soul waiteth for the Lord”

Psalm 131

131:1-3 A psalm of humility

Psalm 132

132:1-18 A prayer for blessing on the sanctuary

Psalm 133

133:1-3 The joy of brotherhood

Psalm 134

134:1-3 An exhortation to praise

Psalm 135

135:1-21 The greatness of the Lord and vanity of idols

Psalm 136

136:1-26 Praise for Lord’s past and present blessings

Psalm 137

137:1-9 The mourning of the exiles in Babylon

Psalm 138

138:1-8 Praising the ways of the Lord

Psalm 139

139:1-24 Living with God

Psalm 140

140:1-13 Prayer for deliverance from evil men

Psalm 141

141:1-10 Deliverance from temptation

Psalm 142

142:1-7 “Thou art my refuge”

Psalm 143

143:1-12 “Teach me to do thy will”

Psalm 144

144:1-15 “I will sing a new song”

Psalm 145

145:1-21 A song of praise

Psalm 146

146:1-10 The blessedness of trusting God

Psalm 147

147:1-20 Praising the God of provision and protection

Psalm 148

148:1-14 All creation to praise the Lord

Psalm 149

149:1-9 A psalm of the Kingdom

Psalm 150

150:1-6 “Praise ye the LORD”

Becker Professional Theology Academy and Becker Bible Ministries, Inc.

Becker Bible Ministries, Inc. is an American NON-PROFIT 501(c) (3) legally formed, in good standing Institution. Becker Professional Theology Academy is our present school which we use to train up and ordain those qualified students to represent our ministries.

There has been a terrible law change. Though we are in very good standing with all governments that we operate within, our state government for which we are registered has decided to charge us $5000.00 per student to offer them a diploma. We believe it is to give them government control over what we teach, how we teach it, and who we teach it to. Further, we suspect that the State likes to have money coming in for all kinds of licensing’s, and they have found a new way to make money.

This is not acceptable to Becker Bible Ministries. We have taken the following steps:

1. I have moved my business and declared a new state as residency.

2. I have dissolved the Non-Profit part of our organization, which removes most government control off of us.

3. I stay committed to offering Bible Studies to Christian leaders and others that are brought to me by the LORD God.

4. If you are one of the thousands that have enrolled in some of our classes, your transcripts are preserved.

5. My prayers to the Lord have been reassuring. However, I am not certain what form these teachings will take, and maybe not even where they will be. Wherever we go, it will have to be FREE of CONTROL and allow me to teach the Word of God FREE of CHARGE.

6. Though this transition will be difficult, I recommend you follow me here on Facebook. The things I put on here, are some of the things you should learn anyway.

7. And please give me your spiritual support as much as you can. 2023 was a terrible year!

I recommend you participate as fully as you can in discussions on Facebook and stay present in these postings. Let me see you adding significant discussion and supporting the ideas of Becker Bible Ministries.

We all know the things that are indicative of these approaching Last Days. This dissolution of our Non-Profit is just one of many attacks that will be coming towards Christians and trying to disrupt the teaching of the Word of God. While we have Facebook, we will use it, and look to God to help us establish a FREE place that is not in the hands of Government Control.

Words Worth Reading!

Keyword: Scripture


“Unless I am convicted of error … by the Scriptures to which I have appealed, and my conscience is taken captive by God’s Word, I cannot and will not recant of anything, for to act against our conscience is neither safe for us, nor open to us. Here I stand. I can do no other. May God help me! Amen.”

Voice: Martin Luther

Circumstance: Spoken by Martin Luther to defend his stance at the Diet of Worms in 1521 according to unconfirmed traditional account

Citation: James P. Eckman, “Exploring Church History” (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2002), 48-49.

Read More:

“Exploring Church History”

“Here I Stand – A Life Of Martin Luther”



The Book of Job is named from its central character. The author is uncertain. The date of composition is widely disputed. The purpose of the Book of Job shows the inadequacy of human reason to account for the suffering of the innocent. There is a mystery of divine freedom which does not contradict God’s goodness or sovereignty but remains elusive to man, and resigns to an attitude of trust and dependence on a good God whose working man cannot fathom.

Job 1

1:1-5 The riches and piety of Job
1:6-12 Satan obtains permission to tempt Job
1:13-22 Job is afflicted

Job 2

2:1-8 Satan obtains permission to tempt Job
2:9-10 Job and his wife
2:11-13 Job and his friends

Job 3

3:1-26 Job bewails his birth

Job 4

4:1-21 Eliphaz rebukes Job

Job 5

5:1-27 Eliphaz rebukes Job (continued)

Job 6

6:1-13 Job justifies his complaints
6:14-30 Job reproaches his friends

Job 7

7:1-21 Job remonstrates with God

Job 8

8:1-22 Bildad affirms God’s justice

Job 9

9:1-35 Job acknowledges God’s justice

Job 10

10:1-22 Job bewails his condition

Job 11

11:1-20 Zophar reproves Job

Job 12

12:1-6 Job answers his friends
12:7-25 Job acknowledges God’s omnipotence

Job 13

13:1-28 Job defends his integrity

Job 14

14:1-22 Job speaks of life’s woes

Job 15

15:1-35 Eliphaz reproves Job

Job 16

16:1-22 Job complains of God’s dealings

Job 17

17:1-16 Job appeals to God

Job 18

18:1-21 Bildad speaks of the plight of the wicked

Job 19

19:1-20 Job speaks of his friends’ cruelty
19:21-24 Job seeks pity
19:25-29 Job states his faith

Job 20

20:1-29 Zophar speaks of the wicked

Job 21

21:1-34 Job bemoans the prosperity of the wicked
Job 22

22:1-20 Eliphaz accuses Job of sin
22:21-30 Job implored to repent

Job 23

23:1-7 Job desires to plead before God
23:8-17 God knows men’s ways

Job 24

24:1-16 Job complains of God’s indifference to wicked
24:17-25 Secret judgment for the wicked

Job 25

25:1-6 How can man be justified with God?

Job 26

26:1-14 Job reproves Bildad, praises God

Job 27

27:1-7 Job’s truthfulness
27:8-23 The hypocrite’s hopelessness

Job 28

28:1-28 Wisdom is God’s gift

Job 29

29:1-25 Job speaks of past wealth

Job 30

30:1-31 Job is diseased and abhorred

Job 31

31:1-40 Job speaks of his integrity

Job 32

32:1-5 Elihu appears
32:6-10 Wisdom comes not from age
32:11-22 Elihu reproves the “comforters”

Job 33

33:1-13 Elihu reasons with Job
33:14-33 God calls men to repent

Job 34

34:1-9 Elihu speaks of Job’s logic
34:10-30 God cannot be unjust
34:31-37 Man must give up pride

Job 35

35:1-16 Man is not God

Job 36

36:1-15 God is just
36:16-33 Results of Job’s sins

Job 37

37:1-24 God’s works and wisdom

Job 38

38:1-3 God challenges Job
38:4-41 God shows Job’s ignorance

Job 39

39:1-30 God continues his challenge

Job 40

40:1-5 Job is humbled
40:6-24 God’s power and wisdom

Job 41

41:1-34 God’s power shown in the leviathan

Job 42

42:1-6 Job submits to God
42:7-17 God blesses Job

Stay in your lane if God is in it!

Recently, I’ve been trying to get various Christian leaders on Facebook to realize how invaluable their ministry is going! Many of them are starting to get known on Facebook and are being asked to expand their ministry on Facebook and move to preaching and teaching in a virtual or real brick and mortar.

Facebook ministries that I am seeing in these Last Days are reaching more people with the Word of God, Encouragement, Testimony, Warnings, Praise, Guidance, and Love, with much more hidden contact than we will ever know. Though it seems safer to move on up to the brick and mortar churches, and certainly more profitable and popular reputation builder, it seems counterintuitive to the things God is moving in these times.

Staying in our lane that God has placed us in our ministry using Facebook seems like the wisest and easiest choice to reach everyone God chooses us to reach. In-country missionaries of the past should be applauded and upheld for their tremendous works done for the Lord in scary and destitute places. But now, God’s ministry is speeding up to reach everyone that can be reached by His choice.

I believe that Facebook, at this moment, is developing into becoming one of the furthest reaching vehicles we have. Christian Leaders! Stay in your lane, and don’t leave us alone. Every ministry that is based on the Word of God fully is needed in these tough times!



The Book of Esther is about the marriage of its Jewish heroine with a Gentile King. The account is set in Shushan, the winter capital of Persia, not Israel. The book never mentions the word God or His Name, however, His sovereignty and providence are evident throughout. The origins of the Feast of Purim (2 Maccabees 15:36) when Jews celebrate the deliverance from Haman are revealed in this account. Many ancient commentators attribute the author of the book as Mordecai. Some have even suggested that Ezra or Nehemiah wrote the account, however there is no evidence to support this. Most scholars generally agree that the author is anonymous.

Esther 1

1:1-9 Ahasuerus makes a royal feast
1:10-12 Vashti refuses to obey the king
1:13-22 Queen Vashti’s punishment

Esther 2

2:1-18 Esther made queen
2:19-23 Mordecai saves the king’s life

Esther 3

3:1-15 Haman’s plot to destroy the Jews

Esther 4

4:1-14 Fasting among the Jews
4:15-17 Esther promises to intercede for her people

Esther 5

5:1-8 The courage of Esther
5:9-14 Haman boasts of his advancement

Esther 6

6:1-3 The king reminded of Mordecai’s service
6:4-14 Haman forced to honor Mordecai

Esther 7

7:1-6 Esther’s banquet and plea
7:7-10 The king orders Haman to be hanged

Esther 8

8:1-2 Mordecai advanced and honored
8:3-8 Esther’s plea to reverse Haman’s letters
8:9-17 The Jews authorized to resist

Esther 9

9:1-19 The Jews destroy their enemies
9:20-32 The feast of Purim instituted

Esther 10

10:1-3 Mordecai’s greatness

Words Worth Reading! (Studying the Word of God)


“And why this strange contradiction? It is because of the difficulties which studying the Bible presents. We must agree that on beginning it, there are many difficulties and obscurities; and, as much labour is required to clear them up, and the mind of man is naturally idle and lazy, we lose courage little by little and limit ourselves to reading the same scriptures over and over again. This unvaried sort of study hardly penetrates beneath the surface, nor does it learn new things; but always going over the same things repeatedly, inspires in us a kind of weariness, as if the Word of God was not interesting-as if it was not as inexhaustible as God Himself! Beware of thinking, however, that these difficulties are insuperable. No, my friends; but we must be prepared to take trouble; and there, as in prayer and in all parts of the Christian life, God wants man to be co-worker with Him. Knowledge of the Bible, taste for the Bible is the fruit and reward of this humble, sincere and persevering labour…If anyone, using by faith the resources which God puts at his disposal, and relying on God to guide him, follows out these thoughts of mine, which I can at this moment do little more than sketch, he will discover in the Word of God treasures which he never even suspected were there. Then it will become for him as firm a support as it was for Jesus, when He was tempted in the wilderness. And it will become for him what it was for the saints, in both the New Testament and in the Old Testament; what it was for David, and for Daniel, for Paul and all the saints of God.”

Voice: Adolphe Monod

Circumstance: Teaching

Citation: Monod, Adolphe. “A Dying Man’s Regrets 2”. The Study of the Word of God. 20 January 1856, 67.

Read More:
Living in the Hope of Glory: A New Translation of a Spiritual Classic

Adolphe Monod’s Farewell To His Friends And To The Church

Life And Letters Of Adolphe Monod, By One Of His Daughters (s.m.).


Nehemiah was in the high position of cupbearer to the king when he learned that Jerusalem was in great affliction and reproach. He was successful in having himself appointed as governor in Judah with authority and resources to rebuild the city walls. He was a man of skill and daring, as he surveyed the walls at night to avoid detection, then assembled labor forces and supervised the building process. After the wall was completed, he took measures to increase the population of Jerusalem and to correct social, economic and religious abuses. Nehemiah was a wise and courageous man with deep piety and strong convictions, with an invincible determination to complete the tasks for which the LORD God had called him to do. The book of Nehemiah is believed to be authored by him, and most probably taken from a personal diary that he kept.

Nehemiah 1

1:1-3 Nehemiah learns the misery of Jerusalem
1:4-11 Nehemiah’s prayer for Jerusalem

Nehemiah 2

2:1-10 Nehemiah sent to Jerusalem
2:11-20 Nehemiah encourages people to rebuild walls

Nehemiah 3

3:1-32 The builders of the wall

Nehemiah 4

4:1-3 Nehemiah opposed and ridiculed
4:4-12 Nehemiah answers by prayers
4:13-23 Nehemiah arms the laborers

Nehemiah 5

5:1-5 Complaints of debt, interest, and bondage
5:6-13 The payment of interest abolished
5:14-19 Nehemiah’s example of unselfishness

Nehemiah 6

6:1-14 The plots of the adversaries
6:15-19 The wall is finished

Nehemiah 7

7:1-4 Nehemiah appoints rulers for Jerusalem
7:5-73 List of returning exiles

Nehemiah 8

8:1-12 Ezra reads and explains the Law
8:13-18 Feast of tabernacles restored

Nehemiah 9

9:1-3 The people fast and repent
9:4-38 Confession of priests and Levites

Nehemiah 10

10:1-39 Those who sealed the covenant

Nehemiah 11

11:1-36 The residents of Jerusalem

Nehemiah 12

12:1-26 Priests and Levites who went up with Zerubbabel
12:27-43 The dedication of the walls
12:44-47 The temple offices restored

Nehemiah 13

13:1-31 Nehemiah’s reforms



Ezra, had a royal commission that authorized him to “inquire concerning Judah and Jerusalem, according to the law of thy God” (v. 14). As a result, he and Nehemiah focused Israel’s new identity on the LORD GOD’s law brought forward from Moses. Israel was forced to focus on the form and content of religious life and practice, as the Babylon exiles returned as faithful Israelites, and reestablished their temple worship.

There were three groups of returns from Babylon to Judah. The first led to the rebuilding of the Temple of the LORD, the second was under Ezra, and was focused on reformation and returning to their covenant obligations, and the third was led by Nehemiah. The identity of the author of this book cannot be established with certainty, however, Jewish tradition names Ezra as the original author, with Nehemiah completing his work. Most modern scholars agree with this attribute to Ezra, “the chronicler”.

Ezra 1

1:1-4 Proclamation of Cyrus
1:5-11 The return of the exiles to Jerusalem

Ezra 2

2:1-70 Those who returned from captivity

Ezra 3

3:1-7 The restoration of worship
3:8-13 The rebuilding of the temple begun

Ezra 4

4:1-16 Adversaries seek to stop the work
4:17-24 The work suspended

Ezra 5

5:1-17 The temple rebuilt

Ezra 6

6:1-12 Darius confirms the decree of Cyrus
6:13-15 The temple finished
6:16-22 The passover restored

Ezra 7

7:1-10 Ezra goes to Jerusalem
7:11-26 Commission of Artaxerxes
7:27-28 Ezra’s Thanksgiving

Ezra 8

8:1-14 List of Ezra’s companions
8:15-20 Ezra sends for the Levites
8:21-23 Ezra Proclaims a fast
8:24-30 The treasure committed for the priests
8:31-36 Ezra’s arrival in Jerusalem

Ezra 9

9:1-15 Ezra’s prayer of confession

Ezra 10

10:1-17 Foreign wives and children put away
10:18-44 Those who put away foreign wives

2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles

The Book of 2 Chronicles was originally one book with 1 Chronicles in the Hebrew text. The one “Things Left Behind” text was divided by translators of the Septuagint. The book of Chronicles was written by the priests of Israel (often attributed specifically to Ezra in Jewish Tradition), and places focus on the religious institutions of Israel – the temple, priesthood, offerings and feasts. The individual reigns of the descendants of David are covered, from Solomon until the fall of Jerusalem under Zedekiah.

2 Chronicles 1

1:1-13 Solomon’s prayer for wisdom
1:14-17 Solomon’s wealth and might

2 Chronicles 2

2:1-10 Solomon prepares to build the temple
2:11-18 Huram agrees to help Solomon

2 Chronicles 3

3:1-2 Solomon begins the temple
3:3-14 Dimensions and materials of the temple
3:15-17 The two pillars

2 Chronicles 4

4:1-22 The furnishings of the temple

2 Chronicles 5

5:1-14 The ark brought into the temple

2 Chronicles 6

6:1-11 Solomon blesses God and the people
6:12-42 Solomon’s prayer of dedication

2 Chronicles 7

7:1-3 The Glory of the LORD fills the temple

7:4-11 The sacrifice and rejoicing
7:12-22 The Lord’s covenant with Solomon

2 Chronicles 8

8:1-18 Solomon’s activities and fame

2 Chronicles 9

9:1-12 The queen of Sheba visits Solomon
9:13-28 Solomon’s riches and fame
9:29-31 The death of Solomon

2 Chronicles 10

10:1-11 Rehoboam succeeds Solomon
10:12-15 Rehoboam’s foolish decision
10:16-19 Israel’s revolt

2 Chronicles 11

11:1-4 Rehoboam dissuaded from fighting Israel
11:5-13 Rehoboam fortifies his kingdom
11:14-17 Jeroboam rejects the worship of the Lord
11:18-23 Rehoboam’s family

2 Chronicles 12

12:1 Apostasy of Rehoboam
12:2-12 Shishak’s invasion of Judah
12:13-16 The death of Rehoboam

2 Chronicles 13

13:1-2 Abijah reigns over Judah
13:3-20 The war between Abijah and Jeroboam
13:21-22 The family of Abijah

2 Chronicles 14

14:1-8 Asa reigns over Judah
14:9-15 Asa’s victory over Zerah

2 Chronicles 15

15:1-7 Warning of the prophet Azariah
15:8-19 The reforms under Asa

2 Chronicles 16

16:1-6 Asa’s league with Benhadad
16:7-12 Asa rebuked by Hanani
16:13-14 Asa’s illness and death

2 Chronicles 17

17:1-5 Jehoshaphat succeeds Asa
17:6-9 Revival under Jehoshaphat
17:10-19 Jehoshaphat’s power increased

2 Chronicles 18

18:1-3 Jehoshaphat’s alliance with Ahab
18:4-11 Ahab’s false prophets
18:12-27 Micaiah’s true prophecy
18:28-34 Defeat of Jehoshaphat and death of Ahab

2 Chronicles 19

19:1-3 Jehu rebukes Jehoshaphat
19:4-11 Jehoshaphat’s additional reforms

2 Chronicles 20

20:1-2 Moab invades Judah
20:3-12 Jehoshphat prays for deliverance
20:13-19 Jehaziel promises a great deliverance
20:20-25 The invading armies stricken with death
20:26-30 The triumphant return to Jerusalem
20:31-37 Jehoshaphat reigns over Judah

2 Chronicles 21

21:1-7 Jehoram reigns over Judah
21:8-10 Edom and Libnah revolt
21:11-15 Elijah’s prophecy against Jehoram
21:16-17 The Philistines and the Arabians invade Judah
21:18-20 Jehoram’s illness and death

2 Chronicles 22

22:1-6 Ahaziah reigns wickedly over Judah
22:7-9 Jehu kills Ahaziah
22:10-12 Athaliah unsurps the throne

2 Chronicles 23

23:1-11 Joash become king over Judah
23:12-15 Athaliah is slain
23:16-21 The revival through Jehoiada

2 Chronicles 24

24:1-3 Joash reigns well in Judah
24:4-14 Joash repairs the temple
24:15-16 Jehoiada the good priest dies
24:17-19 Joash turns to idolatry
24:20-22 Son of Jehoiada slain
24:23-27 The Syrians invade and defeat Judah

2 Chronicles 25

25:1-4 Amaziah reigns over Judah
25:5-16 Amaziah defeats Edom
25:17-28 War between Judah and Israel

2 Chronicles 26

26:1-5 Uzziah succeeds Amaziah
26:6-15 Uzziah prospers in war and fame
26:16-23 Uzziah unsurps the priest’s office

2 Chronicles 27

27:1-9 Jotham reigns over Judah

2 Chronicles 28

28:1-4 Ahaz reigns over Judah
28:5-15 War between Ahaz and Pekah
28:16-27 Edomites and Philistines invade Judah

2 Chronicles 29

29:1-2 Hezekiah reigns over Judah
29:3-19 The revival under Hezekiah
29:20-36 The temple worship restored

2 Chronicles 30

30:1-14 Preparation for the Passover
30:15-27 The celebration of the Passover

2 Chronicles 31

31:1 The idols destroyed
31:2-21 Hezekiah’s provision for priests and Levites

2 Chronicles 32

32:1-19 Sennacherib invades Judah
32:20-23 The Lord delivers Hezekiah
32:24-26 Hezekiah’s illness and recovery
32:27-31 Hezekiah receives envoys from Babylon
32:32-33 The death of Hezekiah

2 Chronicles 33

33:1-10 Manasseh reigns over Judah
33:11-20 Manasseh’s captivity and restoration
33:21-25 Amon reigns over Judah

2 Chronicles 34

34:1-2 Josiah reigns over Judah
34:3-7 Josiah’s reforms
34:8-13 Josiah repairs the temple
34:14-21 The Book of the Law discovered
34:22-28 Huldah’s prophecy
34:29-33 Josiah’s covenant

2 Chronicles 35

35:1-19 Josiah keeps the Passover
35:20-27 The death of Josiah

2 Chronicles 36

36:1-4 The reign and dethronement of Jehoahaz
36:5-8 Jehoiakim reigns over Judah
36:9-10 Jehoiachin taken captive to Babylon
36:11-16 Zedekiah reigns over Judah
36:17-21 The captivity of Judah
36:22-23 Decree of Cyrus to build the temple


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