BEGINNINGS – Spirits of Counsel, Creation, Deep Sleep (Slumber), Deliverance, Discerning Spirits, Evil, Faith (Lesson 4)

By Kathy L McFarland

Spirit of Counsel

13 Who hath directed the Spirit of the LORD, or being his counsellor hath taught him? 14 With whom took he counsel, and who instructed him, and taught him in the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge, and shewed to him the way of understanding? (Isaiah 40:13-14 AV)

142. The Spirit of Counsel teaches the LORD God.

143. The Spirit of Counsel instructs the LORD God and teaches him the path of judgment and knowledge.

144. The Spirit of Counsel shows the LORD God the way to understanding.

1 ¶ And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: 2 And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; (Isaiah 11:1-2 AV)

145. The Spirit of Counsel rested on Jesus Christ. As a result, Jesus Christ was taught the path of judgment, given knowledge and shown the way to understanding.

146. The Spirit of Counsel determines the appropriate action and advises, guides, and purposes the solution.

The Spirit of Counsel is one of seven Spirits of the LORD God that rested on Jesus. Jesus Christ was anointed with the Spirit of the Lord to accomplish six tasks. These tasks, found in Luke 4:18-19 were…

1. Preach the gospel to the poor

2. Heal the brokenhearted

3. Preach deliverance to the captives

4. Recover the sight to the blind

5. Set at liberty them that are bruised

6. Preach the acceptable year of the Lord

The seven Spirits given to Jesus Christ from the LORD God allowed Jesus Christ to accomplish the Works his Father had Willed. The Spirit of the LORD and the Spirits of Counsel, Might, Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge and Fear of the LORD worked together through Jesus Christ to fulfill the LORD God’s Will and Works.

28 For they are a nation void of counsel, neither is there any understanding in them. 29 O that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end! (Deuteronomy 32:28-29 AV)

147. If a thing is void of counsel, there is no understanding.

148. Understanding allows wisdom to come. Because there can be no understanding, without counsel, and no wisdom without understanding, we can know that the Spirit of Council prepares the way for the Spirit of Understanding which paves the way for the Spirit of Wisdom.

Notice how the Spirits of Council, Understanding and Wisdom were three of the Spirits which rested on Jesus Christ. When the Spirit of Council is accomplishing a Work of the LORD God, the Spirits of Understanding and Wisdom are often present at the same time. The Spirit of Knowledge usually Works with this group as well. And as we learned previously, to have true knowledge of the LORD God results in the “fear” of the LORD God, thus, the Spirit of Knowledge prepares the way for the Spirit of Fear of the LORD. None of these Spirits would be present, if the Spirit of the LORD had not first come to Jesus.

The resulting Work of the Spirit of Counsel results in the Spirit of Might being able to complete His Works. Oftentimes, the Spirits of the LORD God are interconnected and rely on each other to complete the Works necessary to allow the other Spirit to complete His Works. The Work of one of the Spirits, leads to the Work of another. As your studies progress, you will start noticing and expecting to see certain Spirits to be working together to complete a Work of the LORD God.

This knowledge is important to you, personally. It allows you to ask the LORD God specifically for the help you need in completing your Works for the LORD God. For instance, if we were having difficulty preparing this lesson today because we were unable to interpret a difficult passage, a prayer requesting the Spirit of Understanding to come to us would be appropriate. If we understood the Scripture, but were unable to realize the significance of the revelation, a prayer requesting the Spirit of Wisdom would be a proper course of action. If we got into an extreme human rut, and were unable to know, understand, or wisely complete the Work the LORD God has asked us, we would seek the Spirit of Counsel. When the LORD God’s Spirit of Counsel is given to us, we would receive advice and instruction inside ourselves to help us determine the direction necessary to become spiritually connected again with the Spirits of the LORD God. If we were to ask the LORD God for the Spirit of Understanding, while in our natural life human rut, we might receive that Spirit, but be unable to do anything about it because we were traveling in the wrong direction in the first place. That is why it is so critical that a person know the Spirits of the LORD God to accomplish His Works, and so special when your relationship is personalized with Him to that degree.

Spirit of Creation

The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. (Job 33:4 AV)

149. The Spirit of Creation makes man, and the LORD God’s breath gives life.

26 ¶ And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (Genesis 1:26-27 AV)

150. The Spirit of Creation suggested to the other Spirits “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…” Together, the Spirits assisted the Spirit of Creation in forming man in the image of God.

1 ¶ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. (Genesis 1:1-2 AV)

151. The Creation Spirit of the LORD God created the heaven and the earth.

152. The Spirit of Creation moved upon the face of the waters to establish His Works of Creation.

Spirit of Deep Sleep, Slumber

7 What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded 8 (According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day. 9 And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto them: 10 Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway. 11 I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy. (Romans 11:7-11)

153. Most of Israel, except for some of the elect, were spiritually blinded and deafened by the Spirit of Slumber.

154. When the Spirit of Deep Sleep/Slumber causes a person’s eyes not to see, that person’s spiritual awareness is obscured and hazy and spiritual matters are vague, ambiguous, and unknown to him. He is unable to perceive and has no intuitive recognition.

155. When the Spirit of Deep Sleep/Slumber causes a person’s ears not to hear, that person cannot hear the Word of God, therefore, cannot have belief. A deaf man walks in a way that is not good, after his own thoughts, and is disobedient, lacking and idle.

156. The Spirit of Deep Sleep/Slumber places snares, traps, stumbling blocks and adverse moves toward those who have been spiritually blinded and deafened by Him.

157. The Spirit of Deep Sleep/Slumber takes these actions, not so the LORD God’s Chosen people will fall, but rather, so that salvation could come to the Gentiles, while at the same time provoke them to jealousy.

158. The goal of the Spirit of Deep Sleep/Slumber’s Work is to create a intense longing and desire for the LORD God by those Chosen people who have turned away from Him.

9 ¶ Stay yourselves, and wonder; cry ye out, and cry: they are drunken, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink. 10 For the LORD hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered. 11 And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed: 12 And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned. 13 Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: (Isaiah 29:9-13 AV)

159. The Spirit of Deep Sleep/Slumber prevents the blinded from learning the Word of God.

160. Although a blinded or deafened person draws toward the LORD God through their practiced speech, their heart is unable to draw close to Him.

161. If a person is unable to draw close to the LORD God, he has no understanding. If a person has no understanding, he has no true fear of the LORD God.

162. If there is no true fear of the LORD God, a blind or deaf person is taught to falsely fear the LORD God through the precepts of men. This false fear is encouraged through the implementation and enforcement of laws made by men, which leads to religious traditions and practices that are irrelevant to the LORD God.

Spirit of Deliverance

18 ¶ And he was sore athirst, and called on the LORD, and said, Thou hast given this great deliverance into the hand of thy servant: and now shall I die for thirst, and fall into the hand of the uncircumcised? 19 But God clave an hollow place that was in the jaw, and there came water thereout; and when he had drunk, his spirit came again, and he revived: wherefore he called the name thereof Enhakkore, which is in Lehi unto this day. (Judges 15:18-19 AV)

163. The Great Spirit of Deliverance is given to the LORD God’s people when they are under constraint, restraint, limit or control of a force that is causing trouble to them.

164. When a person of the LORD God receives the Spirit of Deliverance, he is given the power to free himself from the situation and become safe.

165. If the freed person requires additional things as a result of this deliverance, the LORD God provides him with the necessary things for survival. The delivered person must “call out” to the LORD God and let Him know the additional needs arising from the deliverance by His Spirit.

The Spirit of Deliverance assists the person in obtaining freedom. That is His job. He is not responsible for the needs of the person once the deliverance has been effected. That is why it is necessary to call out to the LORD God after deliverance if additional needs develop as a result.

And he said, Open the window eastward. And he opened it. Then Elisha said, Shoot. And he shot. And he said, The arrow of the LORD’S deliverance, and the arrow of deliverance from Syria: for thou shalt smite the Syrians in Aphek, till thou have consumed them. (2 Kings 13:17 AV)

166. The amount of the Spirit of Deliverance needed to give freedom is measured by the LORD God and sent in exact amount to the person. The Spirit is given specifically to accomplish and preserve the freedom for that person, and results in deliberate and planned actions to effect that freedom.

In other words, if you are being controlled, restrained or troubled by forces that prevents your freedom to do the LORD God’s Work, call on the Spirit of Deliverance. The LORD God will send the amount of His Spirit of Deliverance needed to obtain and preserve your freedom from that restraint.

And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call. (Joel 2:32 AV)

167. All the LORD God’s chosen and called people are given promise to receive the Spirit of Deliverance, and be delivered, when they call upon the name of the LORD God.

18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 19 To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. (Luke 4:18-19 AV)

168. One of the Works that Jesus Christ was anointed by the LORD God to accomplish was to proclaim that the LORD God’s Spirit of Deliverance was going to free His people from the captivity and control of unGodly forces.

Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection: (Hebrews 11:35 AV)

169. Christians can choose to not accept the Spirit of Deliverance in order to obtain a better resurrection.

Remember, works for the LORD God are measured by fire and categorized as gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay and stubble. The finer the measure, the better the reward. There are some situations that can develop where a Christian’s captivity, persecution or even bodily death, would result in the magnification of the LORD God’s Works, and glorify Him more. These situations must be measured by the Christian, and if the Christian chooses to reject deliverance with the expectations of great reward to follow, the LORD God honors and rewards that decision. Note: The LORD God does not make a “martyr”. A martyr is made by the choice and free will of a person to accept captivity, persecution and death to be a witness to the LORD God.

Please understand this: Situations requiring Christians to make life and death choices are not as common today, as they will be tomorrow. Soon, all Christians will be faced with the pressures of determining the LORD God’s Will in the most stressful, torturous, lonely, and demanding circumstances. We must respond in the way that brings the most magnification on the greatness of the LORD God and His Works, as well as representing our King and Lord Jesus Christ in a way that glorifies him and makes him proud of us.

If the LORD God has provided you with the Spirit of Deliverance, your release from captivity is provided for by Him. It’s okay to accept deliverance, and may be prudent to continue on in freedom to further spread His Works to His Glory. On the other hand, if that defining moment has come to a Christian, when all of the teachings and direction and powers of the LORD God come together at that one place in time; that one moment that defines everything that a Christian is, a situation that magnifies the LORD God in all His Power, and Might, and Glory. It is worthy and good and righteous, that the Christian may choose to reject deliverance. If the choice to continue in captivity and persecution even unto death for the glory of the LORD God is made by the Christian, that Christian will receive great reward by the LORD God.

Spirit of Discerning Spirits

Seven spirits of the LORD God are given to rest on all Christians at their baptism. The Spirit of Christ allows the other Spirits to come to a Christian. They are:

2. Spirit of Truth (John 14:17)

3. Spirit of Life (Rom 8:1-11)

4. Spirit of Adoption (Rom 8:14-17)

5. Spirit of Promise (Eph 1:13-14)

6. Spirit of Grace (Heb 10:29) (Phil 1:25)

7. Spirit of Holiness (Rom 1:3-5)

Every baptized Christian receives these Spirits of the LORD God, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. As we have learned through our current study, a Christian has the ability to request and receive other portions of different Spirits of the LORD God to complete His Will and Works.

So how does the gifts of the Holy Spirit fit in with the complex relationship already shared between the LORD God and His people?

While Jesus Christ was with his followers on earth, he spoke the Words of the LORD God. His followers had direct access to the LORD God through Jesus Christ. After Jesus Christ was crucified, buried, and then resurrected (Praise be to the LORD God!), he was seated at the right hand of His Father. Jesus Christ continues to sit at this honored position next to the LORD God in heaven presently.

While Jesus is in heaven, he is separated from his followers who are not in heaven with him. As a result, the ability to communicate with the LORD God was removed, because His messenger was removed from our immediate presence.

When Jesus Christ ascended into heaven and was glorified, he sent a helper and comforter to Christians to communicate with him and the LORD God, and allow the LORD God and him to be able to communicate with the followers. This helper is the Holy Spirit.

When a believer is baptized in the Holy Spirit, the ability to communicate with the LORD God and Jesus Christ in heaven is activated through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Christian is able to know the things that are given to him by the LORD God and Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.

Along with the communication ability, a newly baptized Christian receives a special gift from the LORD God. This gift is different for each believer, but all gifts come from the LORD God through Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit, to the newly baptized. The receiving of the gift from the Holy Spirit confirms to the believer that an connection and an ability to communicate with the LORD God and Jesus Christ exists.

The gift given to a believer is a portion of one of the Spirits of the LORD God that will rest on the newly baptized. That gift of one of the Spirits of the LORD God is given specifically to that believer and is chosen by the LORD God to assist in completing his Will and Works through that particular person.

4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. 8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; 9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; 10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: 11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will. (1 Corinthians 12:4-11 AV)

170. A portion of the Spirit of Discerning is one of the Spirits of the LORD God that is given through the Holy Spirit as a gift to particular and specific individuals.

171. The Spirit of Discerning is able to judicially estimate and discern spiritual beings. A person that has been given the gift of a small portion of the Spirit of Discernment is able to immediately recognize the different Spirits of the LORD God.

He is also able to recognize the spiritual being of other people, and discern their spirits through the Spirit of Discerning.

Note: Christians have the ability to discern good and evil through their living their spiritual lives. As a Christian matures in his spiritual life, his ability to discern good and evil increases through practice. This discernment between good and evil does not involve the Spirit of Discernment directly, but is created through a Christian continuously exercising their discernment abilities by observing differences between good and evil.

14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. 16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:14-16 AV)

172. To know the things of the Spirit of God requires the Spirit of Discernment. If the LORD God Wills you to understand the things of Him, He will send the Spirit of Discernment to reveal those things to you.

173. The Spirit of Discernment is able to judge all things spiritual.

174. No man is capable of judging the Spirit of Discernment.

175. The Spirit of Discernment knows the mind of the Lord and instructs Him.

176. The Spirit of Discernment allows the LORD God to know all other of His Spirits and their Works and Wills. It is through the Spirit of Discernment that allows the LORD God to join all His Spirits together to form his oneness and the great I AM.

177. Christians have the mind of Christ, allowing them to discern things through Christ.

Spirit of Evil

This is the hardest Spirit for me to teach, for two reasons.

The first is because I love our LORD God with all my heart, soul and mind, and to even mention the word “evil” in association with our Father causes me to be ashamed of myself.

The second reason it is so hard to teach is because I have angered the LORD God when I talked around the subject as if I were ashamed of Him. For these two reasons, I strive to be very exact in my teaching to glorify the LORD God and all of His great Spirits and Works.

14 ¶ But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him. 15 And Saul’s servants said unto him, Behold now, an evil spirit from God troubleth thee. (1 Samuel 16:14-15 AV)

178. The Spirit of Evil from the LORD God does not enter into a person while any of the other Spirits of the LORD God are present in a person.

179. The Spirit of Evil’s purpose is to cause trouble in a person’s life and soul.

180. The Spirit of Evil can also be called the Spirit of Trouble. Note how the LORD God’s Spirit of Evil in Scripture always indicates that He comes from the LORD God. In fact, Satan also has six spirits that we will discuss further in another study…..none are the spirit of “evil”.

181. When the LORD God’s Spirit of Evil “troubles” a person, He causes that person to become afraid. The purpose of the Spirit of Evil is to cause fear in order to accomplish the LORD God’s Will.

Let our lord now command thy servants, which are before thee, to seek out a man, who is a cunning player on an harp: and it shall come to pass, when the evil spirit from God is upon thee, that he shall play with his hand, and thou shalt be well. (1 Samuel 16:16 AV)

And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him. (1 Samuel 16:23 AV)

182. When Saul was filled with the Spirit of Evil from the LORD God, he sought out David to play his harp. The pure and refreshing tones from David’s music allowed Saul’s fears to be forgotten, and he was refreshed. When he was refreshed, he was made well, which resulted in the Spirit of Evil departing from him.

To cause the Spirit of Evil to depart from Saul through the use of holy music might be confusing to you until you consider the results. As long as Saul stayed in the spiritual life, and allowed David in his presence, with the holy music playing and Saul concentrating on the LORD God, all was well. When Saul left the spiritual life for the worldly natural life, the Spirits of the LORD God who refreshed Saul and made him well, departed. These spirits were replaced by the Spirit of Evil which caused him trouble, which in turn, caused him to once again seek psalms from David to make him spiritually well. This cycle controlled Saul, and allowed the LORD God’s Will to be accomplished.

Once you have an understanding of how the LORD God uses His Spirit of Evil, a familiar recognition of this Spirit should be more apparent to you. How many times have you seen faithful church goers enter into their congregation with heavy and troubled hearts and leave a couple hours later refreshed, reinvigorated and well after listening to and participating in the songs of hope and praise with fellow believers? Oftentimes, this refreshed filling is confused with worship, but it is not. It is the removal of fear from a person’s spiritual soul.

When the Spirit of Evil troubles a soul so much, that the person seeks refuge into the spiritual world, filled with praise songs for the LORD God, the person is made whole and filled once again with the Spirits of the LORD God.

Imagine how potent and powerful the congregations could be if all of their members had no need for the Spirit of Evil to trouble them, and they were able to maintain the Spirits of the LORD God continuously. True worship of the LORD God would have to occur when they gathered, because there would be no need to attend to them; the focus would, instead, be on the LORD God!

Spirit of Faith

7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. 8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; 9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; 10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: (1 Corinthians 12:7-10 AV)

183. The Spirit of Faith is one of the Spirits given as a gift of the Holy Spirit to some Christians after baptism. This is a gift from the LORD God through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. (Galatians 5:21-23 AV)

184. Faith is also a fruit from the Holy Spirit. Fruits are the results of Works, in this case, of the Holy Spirit.

Faith is a gift to all Christians by the LORD God to allow them to believe in Jesus Christ, and this faith comes from Him. Additionally, when Christians receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, they receive additional faith from the Holy Spirit’s fruit. Some Christians receive an additional portion of the Spirit of Faith as one of their gifts from the baptism of the Holy Spirit. All of these “faiths” are the same “faith”, but differ in purpose for the Will of the LORD God.

13 We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak; 14 Knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus, and shall present us with you. (2 Corinthians 4:13-14 AV)

185. Christians all have a portion of the Spirit of Faith which allows them to know that they will be resurrected from death and stand with Jesus. Through the Spirit of Faith, a Christian does not fear death.

The Spirits of the LORD God could each have individual books written about them. Their Works, their Will, their Ways, their Nature, and their complex interrelationship that forms our LORD God can never be known completely by man, although, as a man walks closer and closer to the LORD God, more is revealed. In 002 Beginnings, we are trying to introduce you to the basic makeup of your LORD God. We are not covering any Spirit in detail, but focus on revealing enough of each Spirit that you are able to form a concept about who the individual Spirits are. We are laying a basic foundation, so as you continue in Becker Bible Studies, this knowledge of your LORD God can be added as it is revealed to you.

Chapter 4 – Spirits of Counsel, Creation, Deep Sleep (Slumber), Deliverance, Discerning Spirits, Evil, Faith (Worksheet)

260. What responsibility does the Spirit of Counsel have to the LORD God? Is 40:13-14(142-144)

(May be more than one answer)

A. The Spirit of Counsel teaches the LORD God the ways of the Spirits

B. The Spirit of Counsel teaches the LORD God the path of judgment

C. The LORD God instructs the LORD God in knowledge

D. The Spirit of Counsel shows the LORD God the way to understanding

E. The Spirit of Counsel teaches the LORD God discernment

F. The Spirit of Counsel teaches the LORD God all things

261. Who does the Spirit of Counsel rest on? Is 11:1-2 (145)


B. Jesus Christ

C. Christian

D. Mankind

262. How did Jesus Christ benefit from the Spirit of Counsel while on earth? Is 11:1-2 (145)

A. The Spirit of Counsel represented Jesus before the Pharisees

B. The Spirit of Counsel defended Jesus at his trial

C. The Spirit of Counsel taught judgment, gave knowledge and showed him understanding

D. All of the above

263. What does the Spirit of Counsel do after determining the appropriate action? Is 11:1-2 (146)

A. Advises

B. Guides

C. Purposes the solution

D. All of the above

264. How many Spirits of the LORD God rested on Jesus Christ while he was on earth? Is 11:1-2 (notes)

A. One

B. Three

C. Six

D. Seven

265. What Spirit came first to Jesus to allow the other six Spirits to come? Is 11:1-2 (notes)

A. The Holy Spirit

B. The Spirit of the Lord

C. The Spirit of the son of man

D. The Spirits of the LORD God

266. Why did some of the LORD God’s Spirits rest on Jesus Christ? Luke 4:18-19 (notes)

A. Because he is God also

B. To do the Will and Works of the LORD God

C. To establish his rule among all the nations

D. All of the above

267. How many tasks was Jesus Christ expected to accomplish through the anointing of the Spirit of the Lord? Luke 4:18-19 (notes)

A. 6

B. 7

C. 8

D. 9

268. (Bonus) What were the tasks that Jesus Christ accomplished through the anointing of the Spirit of the Lord? Luke 4:18-19 (notes)

269. What results if a thing is void of counsel? Deu 32:28-29 (147)

A. There is no righteousness

B. There is no understanding

C. There is no sacrifice

D. There is no acquittal

270. What does understanding allow? Deu 32:28-29 (147)

A. Righteousness

B. Counsel

C. Wisdom

D. Intelligence

271. Who does the Spirit of Council prepare the way for? Deu 32:28-29 (148)

A. Spirit of Understanding

B. Spirit of Wisdom

C. Spirit of Discernment

D. Spirit of Creation

272. Who does the Spirit of Understanding pave the way for? Deu 32:28-29 (148)

A. Spirit of Council

B. Spirit of Wisdom

C. Spirit of Discernment

D. Spirit of Deliverance

273. What do the Spirits of Council, Understanding and Wisdom have in common besides their interrelationship? Deu 32:28-29 (notes)

A. They are three Spirits that rested on Jesus Christ

B. They are the three Spirits of the Holy Spirit

C. They are the Trinity

D. They are three Spirits that rests on Christians

274. What other Spirit works with the Spirits of Council, Understanding and Wisdom? Deu 32:28-29 (notes)

A. Spirit of Discernment

B. Spirit of Creation

C. Spirit of Deep Sleep

D. Spirit of Knowledge

275. What Spirit prepares the way for the Spirit of Fear of the LORD God? Deu 32:28-29 (notes)

A. Spirit of Discernment

B. Spirit of Creation

C. Spirit of Deep Sleep

D. Spirit of Knowledge

276. What is the resulting work of the Spirit of Counsel? Deu 32:28-29 (Notes)

A. It allows the Spirit of Might to complete His Works

B. It allows the Spirit of Creation to complete His Works

C. It allows the Spirit of Deep Sleep to complete His Works

D. It allows the Spirit of Knowledge to complete His Works

277. What word bests describes the process of one Spirit’s Works leading to another Spirit’s Works? Deu 32:28-29 (Notes)

A. Interconnected

B. Intercontinental

C. Interesting

D. Intriguing

278. Why is the knowledge of the way the Spirits of the LORD God work together important to you? (personal opinion)

279. What Spirit should be requested in prayer if you have difficulty interpreting a difficult passage in the Word of God? Deu 32:28-29 (Notes)

A. Spirit of Understanding

B. Spirit of Wisdom

C. Spirits of the LORD

D. The LORD God

280. What Spirit should be requested in prayer if you understood the Scripture reading, but were unable to realize the significance of the passage? Deu 32:28-29 (Notes)

A. Spirit of Understanding

B. Spirit of Wisdom

C. Spirit of Counsel

D. The LORD God

281. What Spirit should be requested in prayer if you get into a human rut, and are unable to know, understand or wisely complete the Work the LORD God has Willed? Deu 32:28-29 (Notes)

A. Spirit of Understanding

B. Spirit of Wisdom

C. Spirit of Counsel

D. The LORD God

282. How would this Spirit lead you out of the rut (see above question)? Deu 32:28-29 (Notes)

A. Give you direction to become spiritually connected again with the Spirits of the LORD God

B. Give you understanding as to why you were in the rut in the first place

C. Give you awareness of the forces surrounding you while you are in the rut

D. Give you reprimand and punishment for falling into the rut

283. What problem could you encounter if you asked for the wrong Spirit to help you out of the rut? (Personal contemplation)

284. Which Spirit of the LORD God was in charge of creating the Heavens and the Earth and Man? Job 33:4 (149)

A. Spirit of Creation

B. Spirit of Evolution

C. Spirit of Natural Life

D. Spirit of Mother Nature

285. How does the LORD God give life? Job 33:4 (149)

A. Through His Power

B. Through His Breath

C. Through His Love

D. Through His Essence

286. What did the Spirit of Creation suggest to the other Spirits in the beginning? Gen 1:26-27 (150)

A. “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…”

B. “Let us make man from dust to eat of the tree of life…”

C. “Let us make man from a monkey, and let us allow him to evolve into a God…”

D. “Let us make man in love, and give him all the good things that we are…”

287. How did the Spirit of Creation make the heavens and earth? Gen 1:1-2 (151-152)

A. Through a big bang that exploded in time

B. Through the stirring up of dust

C. Through moving upon the face of water

D. Through magic and sorcery

288. What did the Spirit of Deep Sleep/Slumber do with most of Israel? Rom 11:7-11 (153)

A. Caused them to fall asleep and lose the war

B. Caused them to die and go to their graves

C. Caused them to be spiritually blinded and deafened

D. Caused them to become uncaring and apathetic

289. What are the characteristics of spiritual blindness? Rom 11:7-11 (154)

290. What are the characteristics of spiritual deafness? Rom 11:7-11 (155)

291. What does the Spirit of Deep Sleep/Slumber do with persons that He has first spiritually blinded and deafened? Rom 11:7-11 (156)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Places snares and traps in front of them

B. Places stumbling blocks in front of them

C. Sends Christians to guide them around worldly obstacles

D. Sends their guardian angel to protect them

E. Makes adverse moves towards them

F. Prays for their protection to the LORD God

G. Causes them to worship the LORD God by force

H. Involves the Christian community to rescue them from evil’s grasp

292. Why does the Spirit of Deep Sleep/Slumber take adverse actions toward the LORD God’s Chosen people? Rom 11:7-11 (157)

(May be more than one answer)

A. So they will fall

B. So salvation could come to the Gentiles

C. To provoke them to jealousy

D. To disown them forever

E. To destroy their spirits

293. What is the Goal of the Spirit of Slumber’s Work? Rom 11:7-11 (157)

A. To punish those that have turned away from the LORD God

B. To create an intense desire for the LORD God by those who have turned away from Him

C. To disown those Chosen people who have turned away from the LORD God and embraced evil

D. All of the above

294. What are the blinded prevented from doing by the Spirit of Deep Sleep/Slumber? Is 29:9-13 (159)

A. Dying

B. Learning the Word of God

C. Obtaining their freedom

D. Good works of charity

295. What results when a spiritually blinded or deafened person draws toward the LORD God through practiced speech? Is 29:9-13 (160)

A. The mind is able to draw close to the LORD God

B. The heart is unable to draw close to the LORD God

C. The soul is able to talk to the LORD God

D. The spiritually blinded or deafened person is healed of the affliction

296. What results if a person is unable to draw close to the LORD God? Is 29:9-13 (161)

A. He has detailed understanding

B. He has complete understanding

C. He has no understanding

D. He has some understanding

297. What results if a person has no understanding? Is 29:9-13 (161)

A. He fears the LORD God

B. He fears death

C. He has no true fear of the LORD God

D. He does not fear any man

298. What are spiritually blind and death persons taught through the precepts of men? Is 29:9-13 (161)

A. False fear of the LORD God

B. False religious traditions

C. False religious practices that are irrelevant to the LORD God

D. All of the above

299. What Spirit of the LORD God is given to His people when they are under constraint, restraint, limit or control of a force that is causing trouble to them? Jud 15:18-19 (163)

A. Spirit of Deliverance

B. Spirit of Relief

C. Spirit of War

D. Spirit of Salvation

300. When a person receives the Spirit of Deliverance, what is he given? Jud15:18-19 (164)

A. Immediate deliverance from the controlling force

B. Power to free himself from the situation and become safe

C. Deliverance from the Spirit and transportation to a safe place

D. Promise of freedom when the time is right

301. What will the LORD God do if the delivered person has a need for things as a result of his relocation for safety? Jud 15:18-19 (165)

A. The delivered person is expected to provide for his survival needs

B. The delivered person will be provided with all the things he needs all the time

C. The LORD God will provide him with the necessary things for survival

D. The LORD God does not provide for additional things after deliverance

302. If a person has been delivered to safety, and as a result has new survival needs, what should he do? Jud 15:18-19 (165)

A. Pray to the LORD God for provisions

B. Look around….the Spirit of Deliverance provides for all needs

C. Analyze the situation and determine the best course of action

D. You are on your own….figure it out

303. How much Spirit of Deliverance is sent to a person who is in trouble? 2Ki 13:17 (166)

A. The exact amount necessary for deliverance

B. The exact amount necessary for deliverance and survival provisions for a limited time

C. An extra amount for contingency planning

D. You can never know if a large portion or small portion of the Spirit of Deliverance will come

304. When has the LORD God promised to deliver His people? Joel 2:32 (167)

A. All times

B. When He has seen they’re attempts at getting themselves out of trouble first

C. When they call Him in prayer

D. All of the LORD God’s people are protected from trouble always

305. What was one of the Works that Jesus Christ was anointed by the LORD God to accomplish concerning the Spirit of Deliverance? Luke 4:18-19 (168)

A. To preach deliverance to the captives

B. To proclaim that the Spirit of Deliverance would free His people from captivity

C. To preach that the Spirit of Deliverance would free His people from control of unGodly forces

D. All of the above

306. Why would a Christian choose to not accept the Spirit of Deliverance? Heb 11:35 (169)

A. If they were in sin and unable to recognize the Spirit of Deliverance.

B. To impress the LORD God in their ability to free themselves

C. In order that they might obtain a better resurrection

D. To get the attention of men for how important they are in their belief

307. How is a martyr made? Heb 11:35 (169 and notes)

A. The LORD God makes martyrs for specific purposes

B. One of the LORD God’s people chooses to be a martyr for Him

C. Any person of the world can be a martyr for Him

D. All of the above

308. What situation should exist before a Christian chooses to martyr himself? Heb 11:35 (169)

A. When captivity and torture would result in tremendous magnification of the LORD God’s Works

B. When death would glorify the LORD God in brilliance

C. When a defining moment has come to a Christian and will be awesome glory to the LORD God

D. All of the above

309. What can be said with certainty if the LORD God has provided you with the Spirit of Deliverance? Heb 11:35 (notes)

A. Your release from captivity is provided for by Him

B. It is okay with the LORD God for you to accept the Spirit of Deliverance

C. It may be prudent to accept the Spirit of Deliverance and continue to further spread the Works of the LORD God to His glory

D. All of the above

310. What happens when a Christian chooses to martyr himself at the appropriate and defining time and place to bring exceptional glory to the LORD God’s Works? Heb 11:35 (notes)

A. The LORD God will be mad, but proud

B. The LORD God will punish the Christian

C. The LORD God will reward the Christian

D. The LORD God will make the Christian an angel

311. Who is the helper and comforter to a Christian? (Spirit of Discerning Spirits notes)

A. The LORD God

B. Jesus Christ

C. Holy Spirit

D. The Church

312. How is a Christian able to communicate with Jesus and the LORD God in heaven? (Spirit of Discerning Spirits notes)

A. Through prayer

B. Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit

C. Through dreams

D. All of the above

313. How does a Christian know that a connection exists to the LORD God? (Spirit of Discerning Spirits notes)

A. Through receipt of a gift from the Holy Spirit

B. Through reassurance of the Christian’s church

C. Through the feelings inside a Christian

D. All of the above

314. Who is the gift of a portion of the Spirit of Discerning given to by the Holy Spirit? 1Cor 12:4-11 (170)

A. All Christians

B. All baptized Christians

C. Certain Christians

D. All believers in the LORD God

315. What does the Spirit of Discerning do? 1Cor 12:4-11 (171)

A. Distinguishes between good and evil spirits

B. Judicially estimates spiritual beings

C. Recognizes the different spirits

D. All of the above

316. How is a mature Christian able to distinguish good from evil with such ease? 1Cor 12:4-11 (171 & notes)

A. All mature Christian’s have a portion of the Spirit of Discerning

B. Practice, practice, practice

C. They have no better chance than a young Christian of distinguishing good from evil

D. It is wrong to think a person has the ability to distinguish good from evil

317. When is one of the times the LORD God will send the Spirit of Discerning to you? 1Cor 12:14-16 (172)

A. When you are spiritually unable to communicate with Him

B. When He wants you to understand the things of Him

C. When you need to pray

D. All of the above

318. What exactly is the Spirit of Discerning able to judge? 1Cor 12:14-16 (173)

A. Men

B. Angel

C. All things natural

D. All things spiritual

319. Which men can judge the Spirit of Discerning?1Cor 12:14-16 (174)

A. Holy men

B. Spiritual men

C. None

D. Christians

320. How does the Spirit of Discerning help the LORD God? 1Cor 12:14-16 (175)

A. He knows the mind of the LORD God and instructs Him

B. He prevents evil from overtaking the presence of the LORD God

C. He maintains all things spiritual

D. All of the above

321. What results from the Spirit of Discerning allowing the LORD God to know all of the individual Spirits and their Works and Wills? 1Cor 12:14-16 (176)

A. He is able to be one, complete LORD God

B. He is the great I AM

C. He is the LORD God with many spirits, joined together in Will and Works

D. All of the above

322. Why are Christian also able to discern things through Christ? 1Cor 12:14-16 (177)

A. Because they are holy

B. Because the Spirit of Discerning rests on Jesus

C. Because Christians have the mind of Christ

D. Because of their faith, they can distinguish evil and good

323. When does the LORD God’s Spirit of Evil enter into a person? 1Sam 16:14-15 (178)

A. When all other Spirits have departed from that person

B. While all other Spirits are present

C. When the person is at worship

D. When the person is at rest

324. Why does the Spirit of Evil enter into a person? 1Sam 16:14-15 (179)

A. When the person sells his soul to the devil

B. When the LORD God wants to cause trouble in a person’s life and soul

C. When the person is tempted by Satan

D. All of the above

325. What is another name for the LORD God’s Spirit of Evil? 1Sam 16:14-15 (180)

A. Spirit of Wickedness

B. Spirit of Darkness

C. Spirit of Satan

D. Spirit of Trouble

326. How does the LORD God’s Spirit of Evil compare to Satan’s spirit of evil? 1Sam 16:14-15 (180)

A. Satan does not have a spirit of evil

B. Satan’s spirit of evil is wicked

C. Satan’s spirit of evil attacks the righteous, the LORD God’s does not

D. Satan’s spirit of evil brings destruction, the LORD God’s brings life

327. What results when the LORD God’s Spirit of Evil comes to a person? 1Sam 16:14-15 (181)

A. The person becomes afraid

B. The person becomes sick

C. The person becomes wicked

D. The person becomes dead

328. What did Saul do when he was filled with the Spirit of Evil from the LORD God? 1Sam 16:23 (182)

A. He ritually bathed himself

B. He offered sacrifice to the LORD God

C. He prayed to have the evil spirit removed

D. He sought out David to play his harp for him

329. How did Saul cause the Spirit of Evil to depart him? 1Sam 16:23 (182)

A. By listening to David’s music

B. By forgetting his fears

C. By becoming refreshed and being made well

D. All of the above

330. (Essay) What was the process that the LORD God used to control Saul and establish David? 1Sam 16:23 (182 & notes)

331. (Essay) What is an example of the Spirit of Evil being present in Christians today? 1Sam 16:23 (182 & notes)

332. Who is the gift of a portion of the Spirit of Faith given to by the Holy Spirit? 1Cor 12:7-10 (183)

A. All Christians

B. All baptized Christians

C. Certain Christians

D. All believers in the LORD God

333. What are “fruits” as spoken in the Word of God? Gal 5:21-23 (184 & typology)

A. Results of Works

B. Results of Faith

C. Results of Religion

D. Results of Practice

334. What is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit? Gal 5:21-23 (184)

A. Faith

B. Ability to receive Spirit of Faith

C. Faithful obedience

D. All of the above

335. Where else does faith originate from? Gal 5:21-23 (notes)

A. From the LORD God as a gift to all Christians

B. From the person’s heart and mind

C. From the angels in heaven as they protect us

D. All of the above

336. (Review) What are the three ways a Christian can receive faith? Gal 5:21-23 (notes)




337. What do all Christians know through the portion of the Spirit of Faith given them? Gal 5:21-23 (notes)

A. That they will be resurrected from the dead

B. That they will stand with Jesus

C. That they have no need to fear death

D. All of the above


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