BEGINNINGS – Spirits of Adoption, Bearing, Bondage, Burning (Lesson 3)

By Kathy L McFarland

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:24 AV)

The LORD God is not a Physical Being. He is a Spiritual Being. He does not embody form, but yet His Spirits are organized together to create the ultimate Being of our LORD God. To understand the Being of the LORD God, you must first know the individual Spirits that make up the complete essence of Him. Combined together, the LORD God’s Spirits have created our omnipotent and omniscient God. They define who He is, and establish Him as the great I AM.

Further in these studies, you will understand how all of the Spirits of the LORD God interconnect and interrelate with His People. The exact identity of Jesus Christ will be made known to you, as the Spirits given to him by the LORD God are examined. The specific place that you occupy in the great Plans of the LORD God are revealed as the Spirits given to His people are learned, and the Ways of the LORD God will be known through the study of the Holy Spirit. The spirits of Lucifer will also be discussed, to allow you to form a complete picture about how all things are interconnected and controlled by the LORD God.

You are about to receive the most dramatic, awe-inspiring teaching that anyone one can ever receive. It is a great honor to be given the opportunity to come close to the LORD God. This specific and detailed information reveals the essence of the LORD God in a way that will redefine your relationship with Him, and allow you to draw closer to your Creator than you ever thought possible. Embrace your journey of new discovery. You are about to be blessed with knowledge that will bring you into a close relationship with the LORD God, a new understanding of your Savior and King Jesus Christ, and an awareness of where you fit in the great Plans of the LORD God. Praise Be to the LORD God!

To begin our study, you must first have a basic understanding of the functionality of the Spirits of the LORD God. We will start with some basic concepts to start your learning process. Normally in our studies, we present Scripture proof at each statement of fact. When we use a “concept” in our studies, we are giving you information that will be proven throughout our study by Scripture when taken together as a whole. Oftentimes, the “concept” method allows the student to delve right into the new material and gain a quicker understanding. This “concept” method does not give us permission to lazily omit Scripture proof, however, and we strive diligently to include proof throughout the study to each concept. Be aware of these proofs, and apply them to the concepts and known truths in your mind as you discover them in your study of the Word of God.

Concept #1: An orange is a good example of understanding the makeup of our LORD God. An orange in it’s wholeness is formed as one, complete piece of fruit. Contained within that whole piece of fruit are individual sections making up individual parts of that fruit. Each of the LORD God’s Spirits are like these sections of fruit. They are all similar. They are all part of the LORD God; but, each is contained within itself and able to separate from the other Spirits.

Each Spirit has His own responsibility, His own Work, His own Personality, His own Will. Just as an orange section that separates from the whole orange continues to be an orange, so is a Spirit of the LORD God who separates from the whole of the LORD God to independently perform His Works.

Concept #2: The Spirits of the LORD God are fluid, moving, living Beings. They go, they come, they talk to each other and they move to the Will of the complete LORD God. When these Spirits are not moving they have a resting place. While all Spirits belong to the LORD God and respond to His Will where ever they are, some Spirits have different resting places. These resting places have been chosen by the LORD God to further the carrying out of His Will. Specifically, there are three resting places for the Spirits of the LORD God. They rest either in the essence of the LORD God, in the essence of Jesus Christ, or in the essence of a Christian.

1 ¶ And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: 2 And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; (Isaiah 11:1-2 AV)

There are seven Spirits of the LORD God which are given to rest in Jesus Christ. The first Spirit is the

1. Spirit of the LORD and prepares Jesus to receive the other six Spirits which are:

2. Spirit of Wisdom

3. Spirit of Understanding

4. Spirit of Counsel

5. Spirit of Might

6. Spirit of Fear of the LORD God

7. Spirit of Knowledge

There are seven Spirits of the LORD God which are given to rest on Christians through the Spirit of Christ. The first Spirit received by Christians is the:

1. Spirit of Christ, which prepares them to receive the other six Spirits which are:

2. Spirit of Truth (John 14:17)

3. Spirit of Life (Rom 8:1-11)

4. Spirit of Adoption (Rom 8:14-17)

5. Spirit of Promise (Eph 1:13-14)

6. Spirit of Grace (Heb 10:29) (Phil 1:25)

7. Spirit of Holiness (Rom 1:3-5)

Concept #3 – Though all Spirits of the LORD God have a specific and chosen resting place, all Spirits have the ability to move to all places in accordance with the Will of the LORD God. For example, all Christians will always have the six Spirits resting in them, however, they are not limited to just these six Spirits. The LORD God is able to send measured amounts of all of His different Spirits to a Christian to help accomplish His Will and His Works.

Concept #4 – Each Spirit of the LORD God has the ability to be measured and dispersed according to the Will of the LORD God. If again, we were to compare the functions of the Spirits of the LORD God to an orange, a tiny drop of juice from one section would exemplify the measuring and dispersing of a Spirit of the LORD God to a Christian for the accomplishment of the LORD God’s Will and specific Works.

We will discover more concepts as we get deeper into the study. Make sure you watch for the Scripture proofs of each of these concepts, and unite them with your known truths of the Word of God as they are revealed to you.

All Spirits of the LORD God will be studied in alphabetical order (mostly).

Spirit of Adoption

14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. 15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. 16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

17 ¶ And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. (Romans 8:14-17 AV)

117. Everybody that is led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God.

118. All Christians receive the Spirit of Adoption which gives them the right to call the LORD God their Father. The Spirit of Adoption is one of seven Spirits that rest on all Christians, through the Spirit of Christ.

119. The Spirit of Adoption allows Christians to call out to their Father LORD God and be heard. If not for the Spirit of Adoption, the LORD God would be unable to hear your cries. If not for the Spirit of Adoption, the LORD God would be unable to accept you as His own child.

120. The Spirit of Adoption also talks to the spirit inside a Christian, and reassures him of his status as a child of God. This quiet witness of the Spirit of Adoption inside you allows a faithful confidence of your equal standing as a son of God.

121. As a result of the Spirit of Adoption’s witness, Christians are able to claim their right to the inheritance of those things promised to the sons of God.

122. Through the Spirit of Adoption, the Christian receives the right to inherit jointly with Christ. Those things given to Christ through inheritance are also given to the followers of Christ, as they all are “sons of God.” You have the same inheritance rights as Jesus Christ because you are also a son of God.

123. The Spirit of Adoption rests in you and joins with your spirit to witness to the LORD God that you are His Child. The LORD God allows His Spirit of Adoption to rest in you through the Spirit of Christ because it is His Will to do so. The LORD God chooses you to be His child and to have all rights and privileges associated with that honored position. Praise Be to our Father!

Spirit of Bearing

16 ¶ And the LORD said unto Moses, Gather unto me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom thou knowest to be the elders of the people, and officers over them; and bring them unto the tabernacle of the congregation, that they may stand there with thee. 17 And I will come down and talk with thee there: and I will take of the spirit which is upon thee, and will put it upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear it not thyself alone. (Numbers 11:16-17 AV)

The LORD God commanded Moses to lead His people from Egypt to the Promised Land, and to make them a God-fearing, commandment obeying people as they journeyed. Moses was unable to the lead the mass of people as instructed by the LORD God, because of their continued disobedience and lack of faith in the LORD God. Moses called out to the LORD God in frustration, saying “I am not able to bear all this people alone, because it is too heavy for me. And if thou deal thus with me, kill me, I pray thee, out of hand, if I have found favour in thy sight; and let me not see my wretchedness.” (Num 11:14-15). Moses pleaded with the LORD God to kill him because he was so disappointed in his inability to bear the burden of the people alone.

The LORD God chose not to kill Moses. He opted instead to take part of the Spirit of Bearing from Moses and distribute it to seventy other trusted elderly members of the tribes of Israel. Notice how the LORD God did not send any additional Spirit of Bearing toward Moses and the group of seventy. The Spirit of Bearing had been measured exactly into Moses. The LORD God had a works for Moses to do, and the LORD God gave him the amount of the Spirit of Bearing that Moses needed to complete the job.

When Moses had a weakness of flesh, and was unable to sustain the strength necessary to bear the burden of the people, the LORD God shared that Spirit of Bearing with seventy other men. These seventy men, each infused with a piece of the Spirit of Bearing, assumed the burden for a portion of the people each.

Sometimes the Spirit of Bearing is incorrectly called the Spirit of Government, which identifies the Spirit as bearing just the burden of the people. Although there is limited description about the Spirit of Bearing in the LORD God’s Word, we can confidently know that the Spirit of Bearing is used by the LORD God in a variety of situations. The Spirit of Bearing is not just for the bearing of the burdens of the people, but is helpful in the bearing of all burdens created when the LORD God has a Work for a Christian to accomplish.

If the LORD God gives you a job to do that causes a burden spiritually, physically, mentally or carnally, He’s going to give you the Spirit of Bearing to uphold you while you accomplish the job. He will measure out the exact amount of Spirit of Bearing that you need for His Works. Just as Moses was given the exact amount of the Spirit of Bearing, so will you receive the Spirit of Bearing if the job requires it. Just as Moses defeated himself by looking at that burden so closely that he was unable to overcome it’s grasp, so can you fail to realize the potential of the Spirit of Bearing and be unable to accomplish your task.

When you have a Work to do for the LORD God, and you find yourself tired, frustrated, worn out, scared, burned out, and weak of spirit and mind, call out to the Spirit of Bearing. Have confidence that the LORD God has given you enough of His Spirit of Bearing to overcome all obstacles you will face in carrying out His Work. If the LORD God does not think you can do the job He needs done, He will not ask you to do it. When He does ask, and infuses you with the Spirit of Bearing, He knows you will be able to sustain if you focus on Him and His Works. It is only your weakness of conviction in the power of the Spirit of Bearing that will defeat you.

Most importantly, the Spirit of Bearing IS the LORD God. When you receive a portion of the Spirit of Bearing, you are receiving a portion of the LORD God. The Spirit of Bearing is one of many Spirits that make up the complete essence of our LORD God.

As we learn about each of the Spirits of the LORD God, we tend to focus on Their individual qualities with regards to how They relate to us and our lives. We’re human, and our capability to understand is limited. Strive to understand the individual Spirits as a part of our LORD God and allow your mind to grasp that each Spirit is an integral part of the LORD God, and each part forms His whole. This understanding will allow you to truly know your LORD God.

In this specific case, we have been given a small glimpse of the Spirit of Bearing. The Spirit of Bearing that IS our LORD God, is so much bigger than has been shown us. The Spirit of Bearing that IS the LORD God is able to bear tremendous and horrific conditions to effect the Works of the LORD God. The Spirit of Bearing is one of the Spirits that allows our LORD God to give us chance after chance after chance to move toward His Will, and His fortitude displays the tremendous ability the Spirit of Bearing has for endurance.

124. The LORD God is a Spiritual Being. He does not embody form and he does not have a physical existence.

125. Because the LORD God is a Spiritual Being, He must be worshipped from our spirit in truth. Physical worship has no relevance to the LORD God.

126. One Spirit that makes up part of the essence of our LORD God and rests on Him is the Spirit of Bearing.

127. The Spirit of Bearing was given to Moses when the LORD God gave him the task of leading the people out of Egypt to the Promised Land.

128. When Moses was unable to call on the Spirit of Bearing because of his weakness of faith, the LORD God took a portion of the Spirit of Bearing from Moses and gave to seventy other men to help carry the burden of the people.

129. Sometimes the Spirit of Bearing is incorrectly called the Spirit of Government because this example through Moses established a government of seventy men to assume the burden for the people.

130. The Spirit of Bearing is a Spirit that bears all burdens, and is given to a worker of the LORD God to sustain Him while He is doing the LORD God’s Will.

131. The LORD God always measures out the exact amount of the Spirit of Bearing to share with a person who is doing the LORD God’s Work. If that person fails because he lacks faith in the enduring power of the Spirit of Bearing, it is that person’s weakness, and not the LORD God’s wrong measure. If a worker becomes self-focused, He will quickly lose strength to do the magnificent Works of the LORD God. Works of the LORD God require the Spirits of the LORD God to accomplish His Will.

132. The Spirit of Bearing supports the worker as He does the Will of the LORD God. It is just a tiny portion of the Spirit of Bearing that is shared with a person. The largest portion of the Spirit of Bearing remains with the LORD God, because He IS the LORD God.

133. The Spirit of Bearing is the Spirit that allows our LORD God to give us chance, after chance after chance to move toward Him and do His Will.

Spirit of Bondage

For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. (Romans 8:15 AV)

124. A Christian is given the Spirit of Adoption.

125. Before a person becomes a Christian and is given the Spirit of Adoption, he is under the control of the Spirit of Bondage.

126. Anyone that has the Spirit of Bondage is not allowed to call the LORD God “Father”. A person controlled by the Spirit of Bondage is a servant, not a child.

21 ¶ Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law? 22 For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. 23 But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. 24 Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar. 25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. 26 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all. 27 For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband. 28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise. 29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now. 30 Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman. 31 So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free. (Galatians 4:21-31 AV)


Abram was an old man without children when the LORD God promised to multiply his offspring greatly, and make him a father of many nations. His wife, Sarai was barren. Sarai decided to take matters into her own hands and she encouraged her husband to go into her maid, Hagar, to have sexual relations with her so he might have a child. Abram complied. As a result Ishmael was conceived by Hagar and Abram. Ishmael was born into bondage as a result of his mother’s servant status, as well as a result of being born of the flesh rather than born of the spirit.

Following the birth of Ishmael, the LORD God changed Abram’s name to Abraham, and Sarai’s name to Sarah. They were very old by this time and were not physically able to produce any offspring. As promised by the LORD God, when Abraham and Sarah had sexual relations, the LORD God caused their child Isaac to be conceived through spiritual intervention. Unlike Ishmael who was born of the flesh in bondage, Isaac was born of the spirit and free.

The LORD God made great nations from the children of Abraham. Through Isaac the nation of Israel was formed. Through Ishmael the nation of Islam was formed. Christians are brothers to Isaac and the nation of Israel, and as a result, are “children of promise”. Muslims are the brothers of Ishmael, and are “children of bondage”. (Gen 21:9-13)

In future lessons we will be studying this relationship between Isaac and Ishmael in great detail. Please understand this:

Muslims have a true and real relationship with the LORD God, but it is completely different from the relationship that Jews and Christians have. The Muslims relationship with the LORD God is focused on their status as bonded servants, which can be readily observed through many of their chosen religious practices. The Jews relationship with the LORD God is focused on their status as being “children of the promise of the LORD God” and His Chosen People. Their religious practice is focused on the keeping of the laws of their LORD God, and differs dramatically from the religious practice of the Muslim, who is focused on serving their Master LORD God. Christians are “adopted children of the promise” and through their faith and following of Jesus Christ are free, and able to stand and walk toward the LORD God.

127. Abraham had two sons. Ishmael was born of the flesh from the bondwoman Hagar. Isaac was born of the spirit from Abraham’s wife Sarah.

128. There are two covenants of the LORD God associated with these two people which become the Muslims and the Jews.

129. The Muslims which were brought forth through Agar (which is Greek for Hagar) through Arabia are in bondage. All people in bondage are under the control of the Spirit of Bondage.

130. The Arabs answer to Jerusalem, the free city of the LORD God. Jerusalem is above all faiths, and the mother to all faiths. Although Jerusalem’s children are in bondage, the city remains free under the LORD God.

131. Isaac was brought forth through Sarah and Abraham and is a “child of the Promise” of the LORD God. All Jews, which came from Isaac are also children of the Promise of the LORD God. While they walk in the spirit of that Promise, the Spirit of Bondage does not control them. When they choose to walk in the flesh, the Spirit of Bondage masterly controls them as He does all things of the flesh.

132. Christians are adopted brothers of the Jews and Isaac and are “children of the Promise”. Because of the salvation and redemption through Jesus Christ, Christians are born of the spirit and free and are not under the direction of the Spirit of Bondage.

133. Children under bondage do not inherit the same things as children that are free. The LORD God has specific inheritances for the specific people. Your inheritance as a Christian comes through the Spirit of Adoption, not through the Spirit of Bondage.

6 And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. 7 Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. (Galatians 4:6-7 AV)

134. A Christian is made a son of the LORD God as a result of the Spirit of Christ being placed into his heart. As a result, a person filled with the Spirit of Christ is no longer a servant, but a son.

135. A Christian is a son of God, and receives inheritance from the LORD God through Christ.

It is necessary to understand the three differences between Christians, Jews and Muslims, if you are to understand the Spirit of Bondage. The Spirit of Bondage plays a crucial role in the maintenance of the Muslim faith to effect the Will of the LORD God.

The Spirit of Bondage, however, is not limited to the Muslim faith, and has been used often in the punishment of the Jews by the LORD God when they have been disobedient to Him and walked in the flesh rather than the spirit. This can be witnessed throughout the Word of God when the Jews are placed into bondage by other nations, and literally forced to change their relationship with the LORD God. The Spirit of Bondage is apparent and vocal as the Jews are bent to the Will of the LORD God.

Bondage is the state of being subjected to external control. Since the Garden of Eden, The LORD God made and enforced laws to control the behavior of His disobedient people who walked with the flesh. The Spirit of Bondage was responsible for subjecting the LORD God’s people to His control through the means of enforcement of His law and manipulating their destiny to His Will.

The laws of the LORD God were used to establish control, and His punishments were intended to bend and break the people toward His Will. Jews are free by being children of the Promise. Jews become servants and controlled through the Spirit of Bondage, when they choose the flesh over the spirit and reject their status of children of the Promise. It is the Spirit of Bondage who executes this plan.

There is one more thing you must understand about the Spirit of Bondage. The Spirit of Bondage rules people of “the flesh”. If the flesh sins, it will result in death. (Remember your studies in The Foundation of Jesus Christ?). If there is death, there is fear. If there is fear, Satan takes advantage of it in an attempt to control the person. It becomes a vicious cycle of flesh, sin, and death and Satan influence which often leads a believer to mistakenly confuse the LORD God’s Spirit of Bondage with Satan’s “spirit of the world”.

Thankfully, Christians are released from this terrible cycle of fearing death and being controlled by Satan through belief in Jesus Christ. As a result, you are “born of the spirit” and a child of the LORD God. You are not controlled by the Spirit of Bondage. The Spirit of Bondage controls all things “born of the flesh”. Many great and wonderful things are controlled through the Spirit of Bondage, but always in the capacity of Master directing a servant.

As a Christian, you are not a servant to the LORD God. You are the LORD God’s beloved, adopted child. Praise be to the LORD God!

One tiny note: As Christians we are servants to our Lord Jesus Christ. He is our Master, He is our King. By serving Christ, we are allowed to come to the bosom of our LORD God. As a result, we are sons of the LORD God. Because we are sons, we are not under the direction of the Spirit of Bondage. We are always, however, under the direction of our Lord Jesus Christ and a servant to him. As Jesus always does His Father’s Will, we are in essence, servants to the LORD God also. It is a very difficult concept, and sometimes confusing. Scripture says:

For he that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord’s freeman: likewise also he that is called, being free, is Christ’s servant. (1 Corinthians 7:22 AV)

Maybe the best way to understand it is this: We are servants of the Lord Jesus Christ because we choose Him to be as our Master and He has chosen us to serve him. People that walk in the flesh are servants without choice to the Spirit of Bondage, because they must be controlled.

Spirit of Burning

2 ¶ In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel. 3 And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that remaineth in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem: 4 When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning. 5 And the LORD will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defence. (Isaiah 4:2-5 AV)

136. The Spirit of Burning purges impurities from the righteous and holy.

137. The Spirit of Burning performs His tasks after the Spirit of Judgment has performed.

The Spirit of Burning can best be understood through the knowledge we have of the purging of our impurities by the Holy Spirit.

11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: 12 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. (Matthew 3:11-12 AV)

138. The Righteous and holy are gathered to the LORD God’s protection, as the impurities left over from sin is burnt away by the Spirit of Burning.

Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn. (Matthew 13:30 AV)

139. The iniquities left over from sin, oftentimes hide within righteousness by falsely pretending to be holy. This false holiness is found by the Spirit of Burning and purged from a righteous person, gathering, city, nation and Kingdom to perfect all things of the LORD God in true holiness.

140. The Spirit of Burning performs His tasks to enable the LORD God’s people to be brought into His presence.

2 But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner’s fire, and like fullers’ soap: 3 And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness. (Malachi 3:2-3 AV)

141. Just as gold and silver are purged of all impurities, so shall the Spirit of Burning purge the LORD God’s priests so they may offer to the LORD God an offering in righteousness.

If a thing, a person, a city, a nation, or a Kingdom it to stand in the LORD God’s presence, then it must first be purged of all unrighteousness. This is the responsibility of the Spirit of Burning.


The use of the term “Christians” refers to a repentant, baptized believer and follower of Jesus Christ.

gendereth – 1080. gennaw gennao ghen-nah’-o; from a variation of 1085; to procreate (properly, of the father, but by extension of the mother); figuratively, to regenerate:—bear, beget, be born, bring forth, conceive, be delivered of, gender, make, spring. (Strong’s Greek Lexicon)

tares – 2215. zizanion zizanion dziz-an’-ee-on; of uncertain origin; darnel or false grain:—tares.

Chapter 3 – Spirits of Adoption, Bearing, Bondage, Burning TEST

161. What type of Being is the LORD God? John 4:24 (notes)

A. One complete, physical Being

B. One complete, spiritual Being

C. One physical Being made up of many kinds

D. One spiritual Being made up of many Spirits

162. Which one of the Spirits is the omnipotent and omniscient LORD God? (notes)

A. The Spirit of Adoption

B. The Spirit of Bearing

C. The Spirit of Holiness

D. Not just one, all of His individual Spirits organized together to create one LORD God

163. Why are “concepts” used in Becker Bible Studies? (notes)

A. Too lazy to find Scripture proof

B. Concepts are suppositions and imaginations of your teachers

C. Concepts allow a student to start learning with a basic understanding

D. All of the above

164. What effort is required by your teachers if concepts are used in lessons? (notes)

A. Scripture proof for the concept must be contained within the whole of the teaching material

B. True Bible teachers are infallible and thus allowed to use concepts freely and often without defense.

C. Concepts are no big deal, and should not be considered separately from the rest of the study.

D. Teachers are required to use concepts to exemplify the LORD God’s Word.

165. Bonus: What is a concept similar to when compared to Scripture? (notes)

A. Homily

B. Prayer

C. Parable

D. Sermon

166. What is your responsibility when concepts are presented by a trusted teacher in your learning process? (notes)

A. Suspect the teacher of false teaching, and disregard everything

B. Apply the concepts with the known truths in your mind as you discover them and they are revealed through your study of the Word of God

C. Concepts are not important. They can be ignored

D. Concepts are a gift given to allow a student to learn without effort.

167. (Essay) What is your teacher’s Concept #1 comparison of the LORD God to an orange? (Concept #1)

168. In the Concept #2, how are the Spirits of the LORD God described? (Concept #2)

A. Fluid, moving, living Beings

B. Stationary, resting, watching Beings

C. Forceful, powerful, waiting Beings

D. Aloof, abrupt, challenging Beings

169. How do the Spirits of the LORD God move? (Concept #2)

A. They do not move without the whole Being moving

B. They move at the Will of the LORD God

C. They individually choose when to move, without direction from the complete Being of the LORD God

D. They move randomly and haphazardly to surprise the enemy

170. What are the Spirits of the LORD God doing when they are not moving? (Concept #2)

A. Praising

B. Singing

C. Resting

D. Working

171. Which Spirits respond to the Will of the LORD God? (Concept #2)

A. All the Spirits of the LORD God, regardless of their resting place

B. All the Spirits of the LORD God, resting on Him

C. Only the Spirits of the LORD God which rest on Jesus Christ

D. Only the Spirits of the LORD God which rest on man

172. Where are the resting places of the Spirits of the LORD God? (Concept #2)

(Maybe more than one answer)

A. Essence of the world

B. Essence of the LORD God

C. Essence of Jesus Christ

D. Essence of a Christian

E. All of the above

173. Which seven Spirits rest in Jesus Christ? Is 11:1-2 (Concept #2)

A. Spirit of Truth

B. Spirit of Life

C. Spirit of Adoption

D. Spirit of Promise

E. Spirit of Grace

F. Spirit of the LORD

G. Spirit of Wisdom

H. Spirit of Understanding

I. Spirit of Counsel

J. Spirit of Might

K. Spirit of Fear of the LORD God

L. Spirit of Knowledge

174. What seven Spirits rest on a Christian? John 14:17; Rom 8:1-11; Rom 8:14-17; Eph 1:13-14; Heb 10:29; Phil 1:25; Rom 1:3-5 (Concept #2)

A. Spirit of Truth

B. Spirit of Life

C. Spirit of Adoption

D. Spirit of Promise

E. Spirit of Grace

F. Spirit of Holiness

G. Spirit of Christ

H. Spirit of Understanding

I. Spirit of Counsel

J. Spirit of Might

K. Spirit of Fear of the LORD God

L. Spirit of Knowledge

175. Which Spirit prepares a Christian to receive the other six Spirits? (Concept #2)

A. Spirit of Truth

B. Spirit of Life

C. Spirit of Adoption

D. Spirit of Promise

E. Spirit of Grace

F. Spirit of Holiness

G. Spirit of Christ

H. Spirit of Understanding

I. Spirit of Counsel

J. Spirit of Might

K. Spirit of Fear of the LORD God

L. Spirit of Knowledge

176. What Spirits are used to accomplish the LORD God’s Works through a Christian? (Concept #3)

A. The Spirits resting on Jesus Christ

B. The Spirits resting on the LORD God

C. The Spirits resting on a Christian

D. All Spirits of the LORD God specifically necessary to accomplish the LORD God’s Works.

177. How do the Spirits of the LORD God come to a Christian? (Concept #3 & #4)

A. Spirits of the LORD God come complete when a Christian desires them.

B. Spirits of the LORD God come complete to accomplish the LORD God’s Will and Works

C. Spirits of the LORD God come in measured amounts when a Christian desires them

D. Spirits of the LORD God come in measured amounts to accomplish the LORD God’s Will and Works

178. If Concept #1 were used to describe the Spirits of the LORD God in relation to His Being, what would exemplify the dispersing of a Spirit to a Christian? (Concept #4)

A. The seed of an orange

B. The complete orange

C. A tiny drop of juice from a section of orange

D. An apple

179. Who are the sons of God? Rom 8:14-17 (117)

A. All good people of the world

B. All things created by the LORD God

C. All Muslims, Jews and Christians

D. All that are led by the Spirit of God

180. What is the purpose for the Spirit of Adoption to be given to all Christians? Rom 8:14-17 (118)

A. To allow Christians to feel loved by the LORD God

B. To give Christians the right to call the LORD God their Father

C. To encourage adoption of orphans from foreign countries

D. To allow Christians to become Jews

181. What is the meaning of the term “Christian” as it is used in your studies? Rom 8:14-17 (118)

A. A person that practices his religion without pause

B. A person that is good and giving

C. A church going, loving person

D. A repentant, baptized believer and follower of Jesus Christ

182. Where does the Spirit of Adoption rest? Rom 8:14-17 (118)

A. In the essence of the world

B. In the essence of the LORD God

C. In the essence of Jesus Christ

D. In the essence of a Christian

183. How does the Spirit of Adoption benefit Christians? Rom 8:14-17 (119)

(May be more than one answer)

A. The Spirit of Adoption allows Christians to call out to their Father LORD God and be heard

B. The Spirit of Adoption allows Christians to be accepted as the LORD God’s own child

C. The Spirit of Adoption helps Christians bear the terrible burdens of life

D. The Spirit of Adoption purges Christians of impurities

E. The Spirit of Adoption allows Christians to adopt orphans from third world countries

F. The Spirit of Adoption is for the benefit of the LORD God only

G. The Spirit of Adoption is the power behind the LORD God

H. The Spirit of Adoption belongs to the Jews

184. How does a Christian know that He is child of God? Rom 8:14-17 (120)

A. The Spirit of Adoption gives him faithful hope

B. The Spirit of Adoption talks to the spirit inside a Christian and reassures him of his status

C. The Spirit of Adoption prepare the Christian to become a Jew and a child of God

D. The Spirit of Adoption tells a Christian in his dreams about his Father in heaven

185. What position does a Christian hold in the family of God according to the Spirit of Adoption? Rom 8:14-17 (120)

(Maybe more than one answer)

A. A brother to a Jew

B. Equal standing with a Jew as a son of God

C. Equal standing with Jesus as a son of God

D. Superior standing with a Jew as a son of God

E. Superior standing with a Jew, but a lower standing than Jesus

F. Lower standing with a Jew

G. Lower standing with both a Jew and Jesus

186. What rights to inheritance does a Christian have as a result of the Spirit of Adoption’s witness? Rom 8:14-17 (121-122)

A. Christians are able to share in the inheritance of things promised to the sons of God

B. Christians are able to share in the inheritance of things promised to the Jews by the LORD God

C. Christians are able to share and inherit jointly the things promised to Christ by the LORD God

D. All of the above

187. Why do you have the same inheritance rights as Jesus Christ? Rom 8:14-17 (122)

A. You don’t

B. As a Christian, you are also a son of God

C. Because you are as great as Jesus

D. Because Jesus was sent to this earth to serve you

188. How does a Christian receive the Spirit of Adoption to rest inside his essence? Rom 8:14-17 (123)

(May be more than one answer)

A. He doesn’t

B. The Spirit of Adoption comes to Christians from the Spirit of Christ

C. The Spirit of Adoption was placed in Christians at the moment of their conception

D. The Spirit of Adoption is given to Christians at their death

E. The Spirit of Adoption is given to a Christians at their christening

F. The Spirit of Adoption is given to Christians at their baptism in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit

189. Why do you receive the Spirit of Adoption? Rom 8:14-17 (123)

(May be more than one answer)

A. It is the LORD God’s Will

B. To receive all rights and privileges associated with that honored position

C. Because the LORD God chooses you to be His Child

D. Because the LORD God allows His Spirit of Adoption to rest in you

190. Why was Moses unable to lead the LORD God’s people from Egypt to the Promised Land and make them a God-fearing people as they journeyed? Num 11:16-17 (note 127-129)

A. He was able to lead them into the Promised Land and change their ways

B. They had a continued disobedience and lack of faith in the LORD God

C. They were sick and tired

D. Moses was not their leader

191. What did Moses do when trouble with the people came? Num 11:16-17 (note 127-129)

A. He cried out to the LORD God in frustration

B. He asked the LORD God to kill him

C. He complained that his burden was too heavy

D. All of the above

192. What did the LORD God do when Moses was unable to sustain the burden? Num 11:16-17 (note 127-129)

A. The LORD God killed Moses and made Aaron the leader

B. The LORD God took part of the Spirit of Bearing from Moses and shared it with seventy other trusted elderly members

C. The LORD God sent more of the Spirit of Bearing to seventy other trusted elderly members

D. The LORD God punished the people but rewarded the people’s leaders

193. How much Spirit of Bearing did Moses have? Num 11:16-17 (note 127-129)

A. The exact measurement needed by Moses to fulfill and complete the Works the LORD God Willed

B. Enough to sustain Moses, until the seventy men could be refreshed with more Spirit of Bearing

C. The Spirit of Bearing was not with Moses. The Spirit controlled him from heaven.

D. Not enough Spirit of Bearing was given to Moses to complete the LORD God’s Works

194. Why did Moses need seventy men to help carry his burden? Num 11:16-17 (note 127-129)

A. The Spirit of Bearing with Moses was not enough to sustain him

B. Moses had a weakness of flesh, and examined the burden to closely

C. The job was bigger than one man could do

D. All of the above

195. What can you conclude as a result of the origin of the Spirit of Bearing that was shared with the seventy men by the LORD God? Num 11:16-17 (note 127-129)

(May be more than one answer)

A. The LORD God has a limited amount of Spirit of Bearing to share with men

B. The LORD God has an unlimited amount of Spirit of Bearing to share with men

C. The LORD God will share the exact measured amount of the Spirit of Bearing to accomplish His Works

D. The LORD God will give the measured amount of Spirit to whom He chooses. If that person fails, others are appointed and given the same Spirit.

196. What should you do when the LORD God has given you a Work to do, and you find yourself frustrated, worn out, scared of failure, burned out, or weak of spirit and mind? Num 11:16-17 (note)

A. Call out to the Spirit of Bearing that has come to you

B. Have faith that the LORD God has provided the exact amount of the Spirit of Bearing necessary to complete the job

C. Know that it is only your weakness of conviction in the power of the Spirit of Bearing that will defeat you

D. All of the above

197. Who are you receiving when you receive a portion of the Spirit of Bearing? Num 11:16-17 (note)

A. The LORD God

B. Jesus Christ

C. The Holy Spirit

D. The Spirit of Christ

198. What is one way that the Spirit of Bearing assists our LORD God? Num 11:16-17 (note)

A. The Spirit of Bearing allows the LORD God to love us

B. The Spirit of Bearing allows the LORD God to punish us

C. The Spirit of Bearing allows the LORD God to endure us

D. All of the above

199. What type of Being is the LORD God? Num 11:16-17 (124)

A. Spiritual

B. Physical

C. Natural

D. Ghostly

200. How must the LORD God be worshipped? Num 11:16-17 (125)

A. From our physical beings in truth

B. From our spiritual beings in truth

C. From our physical beings in praise

D. From our spiritual being in praise

201. Bonus – Discuss the difference between physical worship and spiritual worship and gives some present day examples of each. Num 11:16-17 (125)

202. What significance is physical worship with the LORD God? Num 11:16-17 (125)

A. Physical worship is pleasing to Him

B. Physical worship has no relevance at all to Him

C. Physical worship is one part of the complete worship expected by Him

D. Physical worship helps sustain the believers as they worship Him

203. Where does the Spirit of Bearing rest? Num 11:16-17 (126)

A. In the essence of the world

B. In the essence of the Christian

C. In the essence of Jesus Christ

D. In the essence of the LORD God

204. What is the Spirit of Bearing sometimes incorrectly called? Num 11:16-17 (129)

A. Spirit of Burden

B. Spirit of Upholding

C. Spirit of Government

D. Spirit of Expectations

205. Why is the Spirit of Bearing called by this incorrect name? Num 11:16-17 (129)

A. It comes as a result of man’s ignorance

B. It is logically associated with the seventy men sharing the burden of the people with Moses

C. It is as a result of the Jesus movement of the 1970’s

D. It is the name used by the old timers to designate affiliation with a political party

206. Why is this incorrect name so wrong? Num 11:16-17 (129)

A. It takes away the confidence that a mere Christian worker for the LORD God can be sustained

B. It takes it out of the realm of works for the LORD God, and places it into works for the world

C. It gives people of government position a false belief that the LORD God always supports them

D. All of the above

207. When is the Spirit of Bearing given to a Christian? Num 11:16-17 (130)

(May be more than one answer)

A. When a burden for the LORD God must be borne by the Christian

B. To sustain a worker of the LORD God while He is doing His Will

C. The Spirit of Bearing is with a Christian always

D. The Spirit of Bearing enters a Christian at his baptism

E. A Christian has no need for the Spirit of Bearing because their faith sustains them

208. Why does a Christian fail in doing the LORD God’s Works if he has been given the Spirit of Bearing? Num 11:16-17 (131)

(May be more than one answer)

A. A lack of faith in the enduring power of the Spirit of Bearing

B. A weak Christian

C. The LORD God’s wrong measure of the Spirit of Bearing given to complete the work

D. Self focus and self pity

E. Failure to use the Spirits of the LORD God to accomplish His Will

209. How much of the Spirit of Bearing is shared with a person to accomplish the LORD God’s Will and Works? Num 11:16-17 (132)

A. The complete Spirit of Bearing is shared with a person

B. A tiny portion of the Spirit of Bearing is shared with a person

C. The largest portion of the Spirit of Bearing is shared, and a tiny portion remains with the LORD God.

D. The Spirit of Bearing is never shared. He goes where He chooses without purpose.

210. How does the Spirit of Bearing influence the LORD God? Num 11:16-17 (133)

A. The Spirit of Bearing does not influence the LORD God. He is only for the benefit of the workers for Him.

B. The Spirit of Bearing allows the LORD God to gives man chance after chance after chance to move toward Him and do His Will

C. The Spirit of Bearing encourages the LORD God to take on bigger and bigger spiritual works and prepare His people for supreme works

D. The Spirit of Bearing allows the LORD God to endure evil

E. All of the above

211. When is a Christian given the Spirit of Adoption? Rom 8:15 (124)

A. A Christian is infused with the Spirit of Adoption at his birth

B. A Christian is infused with the Spirit of Adoption at his baptism

C. A Christian is infused with the Spirit of Adoption at his death

D. A Christian is infused with the Spirit of Adoption at his conception

212. When is a Christian under the control of the Spirit of Bondage? Rom 8:15 (125)

A. Never

B. Before he is given the Spirit of Adoption

C. Following his baptism

D. Following his death

213. What does a person under the control of the Spirit of Bondage call the LORD God? Rom 8:15 (125)

A. Master

B. Father

C. Sir

D. All of the above

214. What is the role of a person controlled by the Spirit of Bondage? Rom 8:15 (126)

A. Prisoner

B. Servant

C. Child

D. Prince

215. What did the LORD God promise to Abram when he was old? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. To multiply his offspring greatly

B. To make him a father of many nations

C. To make him King and ruler over the nation of Israel

D. To allow him to see the promised Messiah at the time of his arrival

E. Both A&B

F. Both C&D

G. All of the above

216. What was the first response of Abrams barren wife Sarai when she heard the LORD God’s plan? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. She had sexual relations with Abram and conceived Ishmael

B. She had sexual relations with Abram and conceived Isaac

C. She sent her husband into her maid Hagar for sexual relations so he could have offspring

D. She prayed for her womb to be opened by the LORD God so she might conceive

217. What resulted from Sarai’s first response? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. Ishmael was conceived through Hagar and Abram having sexual relations

B. Isaac was conceived through Hagar and Abram having sexual relations

C. Ishmael was conceived through Sarai and Abram having sexual relations

D. Isaac was placed in Sarai’s womb by the LORD God

218. What status did the first child of Abram’s have? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. Isaac was Abrams first born and recipient of all inheritance rights

B. Ishmael was born into bondage as a result of his mother’s bondage

C. Ishmael was born into freedom as a result of his father’s freedom

D. Isaac was born into bondage as a result of his mother’s manipulation

219. What was the name of the child born into bondage? Gal 4:21-31(127 & notes)

A. Ishmael

B. Isaac

C. Jacob

D. Moses

220. What other characteristic did the child born into bondage have? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. He was born of the flesh

B. He was born of the spirit

C. He was born through immaculate conception

D. He was conceived in love

221. What facts can be established by the birth of Abram’s first child? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. A person born of the flesh is born into bondage

B. A person born of the spirit is born into bondage

C. A person born of the flesh is born into freedom

D. A person born of the flesh is born into spiritual inheritance

222. What were Abram’s and Sarai’s natural names changed to spiritual names by the LORD God following the birth of Ishmael? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. Abraham and Sarah

B. Abraham and Hagar

C. Abraham and Sarai

D. Abram and Sarah

223. What were Abraham and Sarah unable to physically accomplish because of their age? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. Produce children

B. Raise children

C. Have sexual relations

D. All of the above

224. How was Abraham and Sarah’s son Isaac conceived? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. Through physical sexual relations of Abraham and Sarah, and the spiritual intervention of the LORD God

B. Through physical sexual relations only

C. Through the immaculate conception between God and Sarah

D. Through the spiritual relationship between Sarah and an angel

225. What can be said of Isaac’s conception as a result of the LORD God’s involvement? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. Isaac was born of the flesh and in bondage

B. Isaac was born of the spirit and free

C. Isaac was born of immaculate conception

D. Isaac was born as a result of sin

226. What nation was formed through Isaac? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. Israel

B. Islam

C. America

D. Europe

227. What nation was formed through Ishmael? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. Israel

B. Islam

C. America

D. Europe

228. Who are the brothers of Christians? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. Jews

B. Muslims

C. Buddhists

D. Americans

229. What type of children are the Jews to the LORD God? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. Children of promise

B. Children of bondage

C. Children of love

D. Children of law

230. What type of children are the Muslims to the LORD God? Gal 4:21-31; Gen 21:9-13(notes)

A. Children of promise

B. Children of bondage

C. Children of love

D. Children of law

231. What type of children are the Christians to the LORD God? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. Children of promise

B. Children of bondage

C. Children of love

D. Children of law

232. What type of relationship do Muslims have with the LORD God? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

A. A true and real relationship with the LORD God

B. Different from the relationship that Jews and Christians have with the LORD God

C. Focused on their status as bonded servants

D. They serve their Master LORD God

E. All of the above

233. Bonus: Describe one religious practice that Muslims use that indicates their status as a servant to the LORD God. (Personal opinion)

234. What type of relationship do Jews have with the LORD God? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Focused on their status as being “children of the promise of the LORD God”

B. They are the LORD God’s Chosen People

C. They try to keep the laws of their LORD God

D. They serve their Master LORD God

E. Through faith and grace, they are free to stand and walk toward the LORD God

F. They are able to follow Christ to the LORD God

G. They are servants of the LORD God

H. They are adopted sons of the LORD God

235. What type of relationship do Christians have with the LORD God? Gal 4:21-31(notes)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Focused on their status as being “children of the promise of the LORD God”

B. They are the LORD God’s Chosen People

C. They try to keep the laws of their LORD God

D. They serve their Master LORD God

E. Through faith and grace, they are free to stand and walk toward the LORD God

F. They are able to follow Christ to the LORD God

G. They are servants of the LORD God

H. They are adopted sons of the LORD God

236. Which Spirit of the LORD God controls all Muslims which were brought forth through Hagar through Arabia? Gal 4:21-31(129)

A. Spirit of Adoption

B. Spirit of Burning

C. Spirit of Bondage

D. Spirit of Bearing

237. What status does Jerusalem hold? Gal 4:21-31(130)

(May be more than one answer)

A. All Arabs answer to Jerusalem

B. Jerusalem is the free city of the LORD God

C. Jerusalem is above all faiths

D. Jerusalem is the mother of all faiths

E. Although Jerusalem’s children might be in bondage, the city remains free under the LORD God

238. Which Spirit of the LORD God do the Jews walk with? Gal 4:21-31(131)

A. The Spirit of Bondage

B. The Spirit of Adoption

C. The Spirit of Promise

D. The Spirit of Bearing

239. When does the Spirit of Bondage control a Jew? Gal 4:21-31(131)

A. The Spirit of Bondage always controls a Jew

B. The Spirit of Bondage controls a Jew when he walks in the flesh after natural life things

C. The Spirit of Bondage controls a Jew when he fails to keep the law

D. The Spirit of Bondage controls a Jew when he fails to keep Shabbot (Sabbath)

240. When are Christians under the direction of the Spirit of Bondage? Gal 4:21-31(132)

A. Christians are not under direction of the Spirit of Bondage as a result of their redemption through Jesus Christ

B. Christians were under the control of the Spirit of Bondage before they were baptized believers

C. Christians are born of the spirit and free, therefore never under the control of the Spirit of Bondage

D. All of the above

241. What do the LORD God’s children under bondage inherit? Gal 4:21-31(133)

A. The same things as children that are free

B. The LORD God has specific and different inheritances for his bonded and free children

C. Nothing

D. Guaranteed servitude for eternity

242. What Spirit confirms a Jew’s inheritance from the LORD God? Gal 4:21-31(133)

A. Spirit of Adoption

B. Spirit of Promise

C. Spirit of Bondage

D. Spirit of Bearing

243. What Spirit confirms a Christian’s inheritance from the LORD God? Gal 4:21-31(133)

A. Spirit of Adoption

B. Spirit of Promise

C. Spirit of Bondage

D. Spirit of Bearing

244. What Spirit does the Christian receive as a result of the Spirit of Adoption? Gal 4:21-31(133)

A. Spirit of Burning

B. Spirit of Promise

C. Spirit of Bondage

D. Spirit of Bearing

245. How is a Christian made a son of the LORD God? Gal 4:6-7 (134)

A. A Christian always was a son of the LORD God

B. By becoming a Jew

C. By receiving the Spirit of Christ into his heart

D. Through holy and righteous works for the LORD God

246. How do Christians throw off the chains of servitude and bondage from their pre-Christian days? Gal 4:6-7 (134)

A. They become sons, rather than servants, to the LORD God through Jesus Christ

B. They never completely remove their servitude to the LORD God

C. Christians are servants of the Chosen People, and nothing can change that

D. None of the above

247. Why is a Christian eligible for inheritance from the LORD God? Gal 4:6-7 (135)

A. Because he is a son of God

B. Because he receives inheritance through his Jesus Christ

C. Because he is a child of the promise of the LORD God

D. All of the above

248. What is “bondage”? (notes)

A. Oppression

B. Racism

C. External control

D. Punishment

249. Who does the Spirit of Bondage rule? (notes)

A. People of the spirit

B. People of the flesh

C. People who are unrighteous

D. People who are weak

250. Discuss: How do some people confuse the LORD God’s Spirit of Bondage as being under Satan’s control? (notes)

251. Discuss: What is the difference to serving our Lord Jesus Christ and being under the direction of the Spirit of Bondage? 1Cor 7:22 (notes)

252. What is the function of the Spirit of Burning? Is 4:2-5 (136)

A. Punish people who go against the LORD God

B. Purge impurities from the righteous and holy

C. To prepare a place of punishment for all evil

D. To mark those belonging to Satan

253. When does the Spirit of Burning perform His tasks? Is 4:2-5 (136)

A. After the Spirit of Judgment has performed His tasks

B. Before the Spirit of Judgment has performed His tasks

C. The Spirit of Burning works independently of all other Spirits

D. The Spirit of Burning will not be used until the Last Judgment of our LORD God

254. What happens to the impurities left over from sin in the Righteous and Holy that are gathered to the LORD God’s protection? Matt 3:11-12 (138)

A. Righteous and Holy people do not have impurities left over from sin

B. The Spirit of Burning removes all impurities left over from sin by burning them away

C. The Spirit of Burning is quenched by using Holy Water to sterilize the sinful body

D. Answers A & C are wrong answers to this question.

255. How do iniquities left over from sin try to hide within an individual? Matt 13:30 (139)

A. By falsely pretending to be holy

B. By sleeping deeply

C. By hiding within a person’s psyche

D. All of the above

256. Why does the Spirit of Burning remove these impurities? Matt 13:30 (139)

A. To perfect all thing of the LORD God in true holiness

B. To punish those who have fallen away from the LORD God

C. To highlight and bring attention to iniquity and sin

D. To scare and frighten those who would be disobedient to the LORD God

257. What results after the Spirit of Burning has performed His tasks? Matt 13:30 (140)

A. The evil are punished eternally in hell

B. The LORD God’s people are able to be brought into His presence

C. Angels are removed from the danger of exposure to sin

D. All of the above

258. What must happen if a thing, a person, a city, a nation, or a Kingdom is to stand in the LORD God’s presence? Mal 3:2-1 (141)

A. It must be saved

B. It must be purged of all impurities

C. It must be repentant

D. It must be fearful and in awe of the LORD God

259. Who is responsible for this cleansing? Mal 3:2-1 (141)

A. Jesus Christ

B. Holy Spirit

C. Spirit of Bearing

D. Spirit of Burning


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