DEFICIENT, WRONG, FALSE, LIES of ridiculous theories of Atonement

Atonement means the reconciliation with the LORD God that Christ accomplished through His life and resulting Crucifixion and Resurrection for the forgiveness of sin and the granting of eternal life and ability for righteousness through the complete salvation of His Followers.

In this holiest of Seasons that celebrates the Crucifixion and Resurrection our our beloved Lord Jesus Christ and the atonement of our sins through His shed blood, there are many lies and false teachings floating out their in the carnal world of wickedness. Here are possibly some of the lies you will hear:

False Theory – Ransom made to Satan

Defender – Origen (A.D. 184-254)

False Idea – Satan accused of maintaining hold on people, requiring Christ’s shed blood as a ransom on their behalf for their release

Weakness – This is an offense to Christ’s sacrifice upon the cross for the salvation of human beings; the judgment is upon Satan, and he is NOT in control!

Modern Day – This gives some falsely perceived support to Satanic worshippers who think the devil is more powerful than the LORD God.

False Theory – Recapitulation

Defender – Irenaeus (A.D> 130-200)

False Idea – Christ lived a full life of experience in the same pattern as Adam; thus, he sinned.

Weakness – Scripture upholds the sinlessness of Christ (1 John 3:5) and fully contradicts a duplication of Adam’s fallen state.

Modern Day – Efforts made to suggest Christ’s fallen state, marriage to Mary, collusion with Judas in arranging his own death are some of the popular media false reflections of Christ.

False Theory – Satisfaction

Defender – Anselm (1033-1109)

False Idea – The LORD God’s honor is betrayed and lessened by sin which can only be restored through Christ’s honoring death. Once honor is restored, God is able to forgive sins.

Weakness – Makes God’s honor an attribute that rises above all other attributes and refutes the doctrine of vicarious atonement.

Modern Day – Not much of a problem today because of the purposeful intentions of the worldly to remove all honor from the LORD God.

False Theory – Moral Influence

Defender – Abelard (1079-1142)

False Idea – The need for the atonement of sins in human beings is unnecessary. They need only to have hearts made ready to repent, accomplished through Christ’s death.

Weakness – Atonement become unnecessary an the achievement of holiness the goal.

Modern Day – Adherents include Friedrich Schleiermacher, Albrecht Ritschl, and Horace Bushnell

False Theory – Example

Defender – Socinus (1539-1604)

False Idea – Christ’s example of obedience toward the LORD God inspired reformation of sinful behavior; Christ’s death was unnecessary.

Weakness – Denies the deified part of Christ, declaring him to be fully human and a great example for human beings to emulate.

Modern Day – Adherents include Thomas Altizer and the denominational Unitarians.

False Theory – Governmental

Defender – Grotius (1583-1645)

False Idea – Christ’s death paid a token to the LORD God, that gave Him the opportunity to forgive people of their sins, through the governance of His law.

Weakness – Denies the changelessness of God. Also allows His law to be negated in order for Him to forgive human beings without need for payment of sin.

Modern Day – Adherents include Daniel Whitby, Samuel Clarke, J. McLeod Campbell, Richard Watson, H.R. Mackintosh.

False Theory – Accident

A. Schweitzer (1875-1965)

False Idea – Christ formed a Messiah ideology that caught him up accidentally into events leading to his death.

Weakness – Denies Christ’s purposeful sacrifice and substitutionary atonement.

Modern Day – Some popular media and extremist efforts develop an accidental life of Christ as a moral teacher that was caught up in events beyond his control.


The Lord Jesus Christ purposely went to the cross for His crucifixion after prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. He was sinless in all ways during his time spent on earth. He was crucified, taking upon himself the original sins of His Followers. When He shed His blood, it became the atonement that He would offer to His Father, the LORD God. This offering of atonement of Christ’s blood is based upon the promise the LORD God has made to forgive all sins and grant salvation and eternal life to all those covered in Christ’s blood. Following Christ’s resurrection, all followers became eligible for the Baptism of Jesus Christ and the Baptism of the Holy Ghost to assist in the full process of walking eternally with Christ.


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