Promotion to a higher office:
Moses and Aaron, by the Lord… 1 Samuel 12:6
Promised to Balaam… Numbers 22:16, 17
Joseph, by true Interpretation… Genesis 41:38-46
Levites, for loyalty… Exodus 32:26-28
Phinehas, by decisive action… Numbers 25:7-13
Haman, by intrigue… Esther 3:1, 2
Mordecai, by ability… Esther 10:2
Daniel, by fidelity… Daniel 2:48
Deacons, by faithfulness… 1 Timothy 3:10, 13
Conditions of, seen in:
Humility… Matthew 18:4
Faithfulness… Matthew 25:14-30
Skilled in work… Proverbs 22:29; Luke 22:24-30
Hinderances to, occasioned by:
Self-glory… Isaiah 14:12-15; 1 Corinthians 4:7-9
Pride… Ezekiel 28:11-19; 1 Peter 5:5, 6