BEGINNINGS – The Evolution and Making of Natural Life Common Man and the Creation of Spirit Filled Man in the Likeness of the LORD God (Lesson 13)

By Kathy L McFarland

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day. (Genesis 1:20-23 AV)

578. On the fifth day, the LORD God instructed the waters to bring forth moving creatures and fowl that have life. As we now can confirm through scientific studies, an evolution of animal and fowl life came from the water long ago. Both Scripture and science are agreement with this fact. What science fails to acknowledge, however, is that the evolution of animal life from the waters would not have occurred if the LORD God had not first given permission for this to happen. This permission is His creation principle that allowed the mist causing the herbs and plants of the field to grow. Evolution from the waters is the way the LORD God chose to create animal life, by allowing the natural and ordered occurrences of law of nature to exist.

579. When the LORD God allowed the waters to bring forth life, He established two types of evolution to occur. One evolution was for the things that are in the seas as moving creatures, and another evolution of fowl that would fly above the earth. The evolution plan was developed in accordance with the LORD God’s Will. It was His direction which established the model for the evolution of life on his new earth. Notice how Scripture does not declare that “God saw it was good” at the end of the fifth day? He had more plans for the creation of living creatures, and these plans did not end with the evolution of animals and fowls from His precious waters.

And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. (Genesis 1:24 AV)

580. The LORD God instructed one other type of evolution to occur. This evolution was to come from the earth and bring forth the living creatures after their kind. The evolution of the moving creatures of the seas and the fowls of the air had already progressed from the fifth day of creation. The natural progression of the development of life occurred when the living creatures were allowed to develop outside the waters and evolve on the earth. This evolution principle that the LORD God developed allowed for there to be three types of life.

1. Moving Creatures evolved from the sea to live in the sea

2. Fowl evolved from the sea to fly in the air and live on earth

3. Living Creatures, first evolved from sea, then evolved from earth, to live on the earth.

581. The LORD God instructed that three types of living creatures evolve from the earth. These three types of creatures were:

1. Cattle

2. Creeping thing

3. Beast

This concludes the evolution phase of the LORD God’s Creation. The evolution of the moving creatures, fowl and living creatures evolved to the point that the LORD God Willed. The evolution continued to the point of the cattle, creeping things and beast becoming alive as a result.

The LORD God still did not declare the evolution “good” and was not finished with the creation of life. Henceforth, all creation will come from His own active Work.

And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:25 AV)

582. At some point on the sixth day of Creation, the LORD God moved from allowing evolution of life, to actively participating in the Creation of Life. The earth had already brought forth the three types of life, when the LORD God began making the beast of the earth, the cattle and the creepers after the same pattern that was established from their evolution. This pattern established the beast as wild, cattle as tamed beasts that gathered together in groups, and everything that creeps upon the earth, in swarms.

At this point we have two different groups of the three types of life on earth.

Evolved from the Earth Created by the LORD God

1. beast ( wild and singular) 1. beast

2. cattle (a gathering of beasts tamed) 2. cattle

3. creepers ( rapid and swarming) 3. creepers

583. After the LORD God had created three types of life with His own hands after the pattern of evolution, He was well pleased and saw that it was good.

What is the Typology for “cattle”, “beasts” and “creepers ” in the Word of God? Prophesy of the LORD God is always rich in typology because it is given to only specific people of the LORD God to understand. Many words in the Word of God have meaning far beyond what is understood by common people of the world. Ezekiel 34:1-31 defines cattle, beasts, flocks and shepherds in detail, and gives Christians the ability to understand the deeper mysteries of the LORD God’s Creation. We will first examine Ezekiel 34 in it’s entirety to understand the context of all of the Words contained within. Once this scripture is read in its entirety, we will begin to break it down in simple statements of fact that are easily followed and understood. Finally, we will combine the facts in categories, to make the newly learned mysteries easily absorbed. Once our study of Ezekiel 34 is completed, we will reference several other Scripture to further enlighten your understanding of cattle, beasts, creepers and flocks. We will then return to our study of Evolution and Creation with a greater understanding of the mysteries of the LORD God.

And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God unto the shepherds; Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! should not the shepherds feed the flocks? Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool, ye kill them that are fed: but ye feed not the flock. The diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost; but with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them. And they were scattered, because there is no shepherd: and they became meat to all the beasts of the field, when they were scattered. My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and upon every high hill: yea, my flock was scattered upon all the face of the earth, and none did search or seek after them.

Therefore, ye shepherds, hear the word of the LORD; As I live, saith the Lord God, surely because my flock became a prey, and my flock became meat to every beast of the field, because there was no shepherd, neither did my shepherds search for my flock, but the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not my flock; Therefore, O ye shepherds, hear the word of the LORD; Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against the shepherds; and I will require my flock at their hand, and cause them to cease from feeding the flock; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more; for I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them. For thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek them out. As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered; so will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. And I will bring them out from the people, and gather them from the countries, and will bring them to their own land, and feed them upon the mountains of Israel by the rivers, and in all the inhabited places of the country. I will feed them in a good pasture, and upon the high mountains of Israel shall their fold be: there shall they lie in a good fold, and in a fat pasture shall they feed upon the mountains of Israel. I will feed my flock, and I will cause them to lie down, saith the Lord God. I will seek that which was lost, and bring again that which was driven away, and will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick: but I will destroy the fat and the strong; I will feed them with judgment.

And as for you, O my flock, thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I judge between cattle and cattle, between the rams and the he goats. Seemeth it a small thing unto you to have eaten up the good pasture, but ye must tread down with your feet the residue of your pastures? and to have drunk of the deep waters, but ye must foul the residue with your feet? And as for my flock, they eat that which ye have trodden with your feet; and they drink that which ye have fouled with your feet. Therefore thus saith the Lord God unto them; Behold, I, even I, will judge between the fat cattle and between the lean cattle. Because ye have thrust with side and with shoulder, and pushed all the diseased with your horns, till ye have scattered them abroad; Therefore will I save my flock, and they shall no more be a prey; and I will judge between cattle and cattle. And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, even my servant David; he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd. And I the LORD will be their God, and my servant David a prince among them; I the LORD have spoken it. And I will make with them a covenant of peace, and will cause the evil beasts to cease out of the land: and they shall dwell safely in the wilderness, and sleep in the woods. And I will make them and the places round about my hill a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing. And the tree of the field shall yield her fruit, and the earth shall yield her increase, and they shall be safe in their land, and shall know that I am the LORD, when I have broken the bands of their yoke, and delivered them out of the hand of those that served themselves of them. And they shall no more be a prey to the heathen, neither shall the beast of the land devour them; but they shall dwell safely, and none shall make them afraid. And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither bear the shame of the heathen any more. Thus shall they know that I the LORD their God am with them, and that they, even the house of Israel, are my people, saith the Lord God. And ye my flock, the flock of my pasture, are men, and I am your God, saith the Lord God. (Ezekiel 34:1-31 AV)

Ezekiel 34:1-31 analyzed verse-by-verse:

1 ¶ And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, 2 Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God unto the shepherds; Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! should not the shepherds feed the flocks?

584. The LORD God established shepherd in Israel to feed His flocks. “Flocks” is typology for the people of the LORD God gathered together. “Shepherds” is typology for the leader of the LORD God’s people. (If you need proof of this fact, you can jump ahead to Eze 34:30-31 to verify.)

3 Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool, ye kill them that are fed: but ye feed not the flock.

585. The shepherds of Israel were given great rewards as a result of their position as leaders of the LORD God’s people. They received the choicest parts of all things given to His people and they were clothed in honor of their elevated position.

4 The diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost; but with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them.

586. The shepherds of Israel were given the tasks to care for the LORD God’s people by strengthening the diseased, healing the sick, binding the broken, bringing back those who had been driven away, and looking for those who had become lost.

587. The shepherds of Israel failed to accomplish the tasks set forth by the LORD God, and instead ruled the LORD God’s people with force and cruelty, thus, the prophesy was directed to them.

5 And they were scattered, because there is no shepherd: and they became meat to all the beasts of the field, when they were scattered.

588. The people of the LORD God were scattered because there was no shepherd to lead them.

589. When the people of the LORD God became scattered, they were devoured by the beasts of the field. There are many typological facts that can be discerned logically from this passage:

1)”Beasts” are not the LORD God’s people.

2)”Beasts” are of the “field”.

3)”Beasts” are able to devour the LORD God’s people when they come to the beasts dwelling places.

4) When the LORD God’s people are scattered without a leader, they become prey to the “beasts”.

5)”Fields” are not the dwelling place of “flocks” of the LORD God’s people.

6)Though the LORD God’s people may be led through the “fields” by a shepherd, the land belongs to the “beasts”, and

7)When the LORD God’s people are scattered without a leader, they become instant fodder for the beasts of the field.

6 My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and upon every high hill: yea, my flock was scattered upon all the face of the earth, and none did search or seek after them.

590. “Sheep” are of the “flocks” are the people who belong to the LORD God.

591. When people of the LORD God are scattered without a leader, they wander through the mountains and high hills. Notice the location where God’s people go when they are without a leader. They do not stay in the fields, but desperately go to the high mountains and hills to be closer to the LORD God, and avoid the predatory beasts that wait to devour them in the fields.

592. “Face of the earth” is another name for “fields”, and is defined both specifically and typologically as the “common ground of the world”. As a result of this passage, we learn that the dwelling place of “beasts” is the “common ground of the world”. Therefore, we can surmise several facts:


1. Represent men who do not belong to the LORD God.

2. Men who do not belong to the LORD God dwell on the common ground of the world.


1. The LORD God’s people become scattered without a leader.

2. When they are scattered, they still gravitate toward the high mountains and hills to be as close to the LORD God as they can, and as far away from the world and the men of nature who dwell there.


1. The word “Natural Life” designates the life lived in the common ground of the world.

2. The word “Spiritual Life” designates the life lived by the LORD God’s people as they strive toward the Kingdom of God.

3. A common person of this world, is a “beast of the field”, and is often referred to as a “person of nature” or a “natural person”.

4. A person belonging to the LORD God and the Kingdom of Heaven is a “sheep of His flock” and is often referred to as a “person of spirit” or “spiritual person”.

593. When the LORD God’s people became scattered, the shepherds of Israel did not search for the Jews, nor even care enough about the “flocks” disappearance to inquire about them. Thus, the LORD God delivered this prophetic message to Ezekiel.

7 ¶ Therefore, ye shepherds, hear the word of the LORD; 8 As I live, saith the Lord God, surely because my flock became a prey, and my flock became meat to every beast of the field, because there was no shepherd, neither did my shepherds search for my flock, but the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not my flock; 9 Therefore, O ye shepherds, hear the word of the LORD; 10 Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against the shepherds; and I will require my flock at their hand, and cause them to cease from feeding the flock; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more; for I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them.

594. The LORD God was very angry because:

1. The shepherds deserted their responsibilities to lead His people, resulting in their becoming prey to all of the natural people of the world.

2. The shepherds fed themselves the food that the LORD God had provided for the flocks, and did not feed His people.

By this time I hope that each of you are thinking deeply into the meanings of the Words used by the LORD God, and have realized that the food given to the shepherds for distribution among the flocks is not just the literal meaning of the idea, but, representative typologically also. Spiritual food is provided by the LORD God to nourish the spirits of His People to provide both sustenance and growth. The shepherds were guilty of receiving all of the spiritual nourishment from God, and keeping it to themselves for consumption. They failed to share His spiritual nourishment among the people, as the LORD God had provided for.

Therefore, the duties of a shepherd are to lead the LORD God’s people, and feed them the spiritual nourishment provided by Him. If the shepherd keeps the spiritual nourishment for himself, he no longer is leading the people. If God’s people are not led by the shepherd, then they become scattered, and try to reach the LORD God on their own by going to the high mountains and hills for nourishment. All the while, the natural and common life of the world awaits God’s people’s walk into their world, so they can be devoured with the ferociousness of their beastly natures.

595. The LORD God punished the disobedient shepherds by removing them as leaders to His people and refusing them spiritual food as a result.

596. The LORD God delivered His people from the shepherds mouth, so they may not be “meat” for them. Notice how the LORD God’s people can become “meat” to not only the common men of this world, but also to the spiritual leaders who fail to lead them in accordance with the LORD God’s Will.

11 For thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek them out. 12 As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered; so will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. 13 And I will bring them out from the people, and gather them from the countries, and will bring them to their own land, and feed them upon the mountains of Israel by the rivers, and in all the inhabited places of the country. 14 I will feed them in a good pasture, and upon the high mountains of Israel shall their fold be: there shall they lie in a good fold, and in a fat pasture shall they feed upon the mountains of Israel.

597. The LORD God promised to search out his scattered People as their Shepherd, and deliver them out of all the places they had gone on the cloudy and dark day. Note the typological description of the time when the scattering of His people occurred….”cloudy and dark day”. This vivid description allows us to see the day as the LORD God interprets, and is useful of understanding the depth of displeasure the LORD God is feeling.

598. The LORD God promised to bring His scattered people from all the countries and people they had gone to their own land.

599. The LORD God promised to feed His people in their land upon the mountains of Israel by the rivers, and in all the inhabited places of the country.

The mountains of Israel are also described as “fat pasture”. The country is described as “good pasture” and “good fold”. “Rivers” are the running waters represent the influence and Spirit of God operating in man through grace, to regenerate, strengthen and refresh man’s spiritual (inward) and natural (outward) life experience. The LORD God promises to give His people rest and nourishment in both their natural and spiritual lives, in their own land.

15 I will feed my flock, and I will cause them to lie down, saith the Lord God. 16 I will seek that which was lost, and bring again that which was driven away, and will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick: but I will destroy the fat and the strong; I will feed them with judgment.

600. The LORD God promised to:

1. Feed His people

2. Cause them to rest

3. Seek them which were lost

4. Bring back those which were driven away

5. Bind up those which were broken

6. Strengthen those which were sick

7. Destroy those which were fat and strong with His Judgment

At the time of the LORD God’s prophecy through Ezekiel there was only one group of His People who were “fat” and “strong”. Those were the shepherds who had eaten all of the spiritual food that was provided by the LORD God to be shared among His people. These leaders of God’s people took all of the nourishment for themselves, and as a result, became fat and strong.

The LORD God promised to bring the scattered people back to Him, and nourish them back to health and peace in their own land, while at the same time, judging the errant shepherds disobedience and destroying them as a result.

17 ¶ And as for you, O my flock, thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I judge between cattle and cattle, between the rams and the he goats. 18 Seemeth it a small thing unto you to have eaten up the good pasture, but ye must tread down with your feet the residue of your pastures? and to have drunk of the deep waters, but ye must foul the residue with your feet? 19 And as for my flock, they eat that which ye have trodden with your feet; and they drink that which ye have fouled with your feet.

601. The members of the flock of the LORD God’s people are identified as “cattle”. The strongest among the flock are identified as “rams” and “he goats”.

602. The LORD God wanted to prevent the same errors of the shepherds from happening again. He stressed to the gathered people it was not a small thing to eat all of the nourishment provided for themselves alone, without sharing among all of the people according to His Will. He stressed that it was wrong for the strongest of the flock to drink from the deep waters, foul the residue with their feet, and expect the rest to make due with dirtied leftovers.

20 Therefore thus saith the Lord God unto them; Behold, I, even I, will judge between the fat cattle and between the lean cattle. 21 Because ye have thrust with side and with shoulder, and pushed all the diseased with your horns, till ye have scattered them abroad; 22 Therefore will I save my flock, and they shall no more be a prey; and I will judge between cattle and cattle.

603. To enforce His Will, the LORD God instituted His Judgment of His flock, to prevent any one of His people seizing of the nourishment given to all, becoming strong, pushing the others around and preventing them from receiving the things given to them for spiritual food from the LORD God.

Note the typological name “cattle” as used in this Scripture, represents sheep and lambs, typologically defined as the LORD God’s people. ” Cattle” represents a member of the flock that pushes out to graze. Other names used for “cattle” in the LORD God’s Word are ewe, goat, lamb, and sheep. All of these words designate the people belonging to the LORD God.

When you are studying Scripture, careful attention must be paid to the specific word usage with consideration to Hebrew and Greek translation. This is one of those case where if you are not careful, wrong interpretation to the LORD God’s Word can occur.

In Ezekiel 34, the word is translated as “cattle” in our English language. Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon number is #07716 and defines it as “a member of a flock, i.e. a sheep or goat” “probably through the idea of pushing out to graze”.

Yet in Genesis 1, the word is translated as “cattle” in our English language. Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon number is #0929 and defines it as “from an unused root (probably meaning to be mute); properly, a dumb beast; especially any large quadruped or animal (often collective):—beast, cattle. “

“Cattle” is also used to describe the ownership of livestock property in God’s Word, and is represented by Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon #04735.

So, the use of the English word “cattle” in God’s Word has many different meanings in Hebrew. One meaning, as used in Ezekiel, speaks of the gathered flock of the LORD God’s people. One meaning, as used in Genesis, speaks of the gathered group of beasts tamed, representing the gathering of the common people of the world.

The best typological definition for the word “cattle” in God’s Word, then is this:

Cattle = A gathering of people. (The identity of the people must be determined through study of the Hebrew translation, which will reveal them to be either

#07716 LORD God’s people as sheep, or

#0929 common people of the world as gathered beasts tamed

#04735 slaves possessed as livestock property

604. The LORD God identifies the two types of His strong people as ” rams” and ” he goats” (verse 17), and promises to judge them according to their use of their strength (verse 18). Specifically, “rams” are the strong people of the LORD God, and “he goats” are the fully grown, mature leaders of the LORD God.

If the strong and the leaders of the LORD God’s people use their power to thrust, overpower, manhandle and take advantage of the spiritually weak, then the LORD God promises to judge them accordingly, and has in fact established Judgment to officially remove those who misuse the Spiritual nourishment given for all of God’s people.

605. The LORD God promises to save his flock from these type of leaders and strength in their midst, and remove His sheep’s status as “prey” to be devoured.

23 And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, even my servant David; he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd. 24 And I the LORD will be their God, and my servant David a prince among them; I the LORD have spoken it.

606. To prevent the misuse of the powerful shepherds of the past, the LORD God promises the establishment of one shepherd to lead all of His people. This prophecy refers to the promise of Jesus Christ given as shepherd for the LORD God’s people to feed them His Word.

Prophesy to be revealed in future Becker Bible Studies in due time according to God’s Will

25 And I will make with them a covenant of peace, and will cause the evil beasts to cease out of the land: and they shall dwell safely in the wilderness, and sleep in the woods. 26 And I will make them and the places round about my hill a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing.

607. The LORD God promises that when His people are led by Jesus Christ, that He will:

1. Make a covenant of peace with His people

2. Make safe dwelling places in the wilderness and woods

3. Make them a blessing

4. Make the things around Jerusalem a blessing

5. Make showers of blessings to come in season

27 And the tree of the field shall yield her fruit, and the earth shall yield her increase, and they shall be safe in their land, and shall know that I am the LORD, when I have broken the bands of their yoke, and delivered them out of the hand of those that served themselves of them. 28 And they shall no more be a prey to the heathen, neither shall the beast of the land devour them; but they shall dwell safely, and none shall make them afraid. 29 And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither bear the shame of the heathen any more.

1. Tree of the field will yield her fruit

2. Earth will yield her increase

3. People of the LORD God will be safe in their land

4. All people of the LORD God will know Him

5. All people of the LORD God will recognize that he broke the bands of their yoke and delivered them out of the hands of the ones who used them.

6. Remove their status as prey to the heathen

7. Remove their status as food to be devoured by the common people of the world

8. Raise up a Plant of Renown

9. Remove hunger in the land

10. Remove the bearing of the shame of the heathen

Verse 25, 26, 27 are rich with typology and prophecy of events happening at the establishment of the New Earth. We are not going to delve any further into this presently, because we must stay focused on the Creation of this first earth. Future Becker Bible Studies will analyze the prophesy aspects of these Scriptures much deeper in another study. There is a some deep revelations that have been revealed to you in this brief study, however…

Rams are spiritually strong people belonging to the LORD God’s flock.

He Goats are spiritually mature leaders of the LORD God’s flock and one of His people.

The sheep and the goats will be judged by the LORD God. This judgment is for the flock of Israel, and He will weigh the fatness and leanness of each, in accordance with the provisions He gave to them. The sheep and goat judgment is not for Christians nor for worldly people of nature; it is for the House of Israel who is left on the earth until Judgment Day.

Let’s move on:

30 Thus shall they know that I the LORD their God am with them, and that they, even the house of Israel, are my people, saith the Lord God. 31 And ye my flock, the flock of my pasture, are men, and I am your God, saith the Lord God. (Ezekiel 34:1-31 AV)

608. The flock of the LORD God’s pasture are MEN. (If we have totally missed the typological references in Ezekiel, the LORD God assures our deep understanding by revealing the key point to the whole thing, so Christians might know the deepness that He Wills.) Restated….Men are not common male individuals that live in the world…..they are not common people that live in the world……Men are the people of the LORD God who are of His flock.

NEW TYPOLOGY learned through the study of Ezekiel 34:1-31

Earth – Common and natural ground of the world

Field – Wild and worldly, natural life, dwelling place

Mountains and high hills – Closer to the dwelling place of the LORD God

Beasts – People of the world that are wild, spread out and unaccountable to a group

Sheep – The LORD God’s people

Shepherd – The leader of the flock of LORD God’s people

Flock – A gathering of the LORD God’s people as sheep

Cattle – A gathering of people whose identity must be determined through context.

Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon #07716 – LORD God’s people as gathered sheep

Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon #0929 – common people of the world as gathered and tamed beasts

Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon #04735 – slaves possessed as gathered livestock property

Ram – Spiritually strong person belonging to the LORD God and part of His flock

He-Goat – Spiritually mature leader of the LORD God’s flock and one of His people

Men – The LORD God’s people

One other group of evolution and creation has not yet been discussed. The “Creepers” or as the Word of God says “every thing that creepeth upon the earth”:

41 And every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth shall be an abomination; it shall not be eaten. 42 Whatsoever goeth upon the belly, and whatsoever goeth upon all four, or whatsoever hath more feet among all creeping things that creep upon the earth, them ye shall not eat; for they are an abomination.

43 ¶ Ye shall not make yourselves abominable with any creeping thing that creepeth, neither shall ye make yourselves unclean with them, that ye should be defiled thereby. 44 For I am the LORD your God: ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy; for I am holy: neither shall ye defile yourselves with any manner of creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 45 For I am the LORD that bringeth you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy. 46 This is the law of the beasts, and of the fowl, and of every living creature that moveth in the waters, and of every creature that creepeth upon the earth: 47 To make a difference between the unclean and the clean, and between the beast that may be eaten and the beast that may not be eaten. (Leviticus 11:41-47 AV)

609. Every thing that creeps upon the earth is an abomination. Things that creep are classified as life that swarms, breeds abundantly and moves.

To be an abomination, means that it is life that is filthy, worships idols, disgusting and detestable.

610. Things that go upon the belly are things that creep. This Hebrew usage of the word for “belly” indicates the womb of a fetus, as opposed to the stomach for food. This highly symbolic word choice describes a life that embraces the natural world so tightly, that the process of procreation and multiplication of their species, is directly related to their close relationship to nature of the world, rather than the spiritual world of the Kingdom of God.

Remember our Chapter 1 study, fact #33…

“33. The inhabitants of earth are like grasshoppers. Grasshoppers are another name for locusts. Locusts are another name for Gentiles. Gentiles are another name for Heathens. Heathens are people who do not belong to the LORD God. These people of the earth that do not belong to the LORD God are insignificant and less than nothing to Him.”

Are you seeing the connection here? Things that creep are descriptive of the life that is filthy, dirty, idolatrous, abominable, and relating closely to the natural life of the world.

One type of creeper is the life of locusts, which is another name for Gentiles. Gentiles are people of the earth that do not belong to the LORD God and are insignificant, and less than nothing to Him.

611. The LORD God instructs His people to avoid all contact with the unclean, defiled, abominable creeping life.

612. Association with this type of life will cause the LORD God’s people to be defiled and lose their holiness.

613. To be one of the LORD God’s people, means that you must be holy as He is.

614. Creeping things are not holy, and not His people.

615. The LORD God created all life with many different processes, and established appropriate laws of existence for each group of life. These different groups were chosen to be separate, specifically by the LORD God.

These different creations of life, have different ways of life. The lustful, sexual deviant, pornography world of the dirty creepers who worship natural things contrasts sharply with the holy, righteous and protected life of sheep led by the Good Shepherd toward the Kingdom of God. Each life has it’s laws, and each life has it’s ways, and should stay within it’s own boundaries, to preserve the Creations as the LORD God Wills.

We’ve gained a new understanding of many new typological terms, and now we’re ready for the new revelations of the LORD God to be received, as we apply the newly learned terms to the account of His Creation of Man.


And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:25 AV)

(582.) At some point on the sixth day of Creation, the LORD God moved from allowing evolution of life, to actively participating in the Creation of Life. The earth had already brought forth the three types of life, when the LORD God began making the beast of the earth, the cattle and the creepers after the same pattern that was established from their evolution. This pattern established the beast as wild, cattle as tamed beasts that gathered together in groups, and everything that creeps upon the earth, in swarms.

At this point we have two different groups of the three types of life on earth.

Evolved from the Earth

1. beast (wild and singular)

Created with the Hands of the LORD God

1. beast (People of the world that are wild, spread out and unaccountable to a group)

Evolved from the Earth

2. cattle (a gathering of beasts tamed)

Created with the Hands of the LORD God

2. cattle (common people of the world as gathered and tamed beasts

Evolved from the Earth

3. creepers (rapid and swarming)

Created with the Hands of the LORD God

3. creepers – (People of abomination and swarming multitudes)

Evolution has occurred by this time, and the beast, cattle and creepers have formed according to the Will of the LORD God. He examined the pattern of evolution, and chose to create life in the pattern that had developed through the years of Creation.

Thus, He created peoples of the world, wild ones, common ones, abominable ones, always using the pattern of evolution to conform to His Laws of Creation.

When this act of creating through the pattern of evolution was completed, He was not yet pleased with the results. It is at that moment, that the LORD God chose to create man in His Image, after His own likeness!


And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. (Genesis 1:26-31 AV)

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7 AV)

616. The LORD God directs His Spirits and His only begotten Son to make a man in their image and likeness.

617. The created man was made in the LORD God’s image, to have dominion over all other forms of life, both evolved, and created after the pattern of evolution. To have dominion over other life means to reign, rule, and subjugate. This means that the life created by the LORD God in His Image is a superior life form, having authority over all other life forms.

618. The LORD God created both the male and female life in His image.

619. The LORD God created life in his Image by forming man of the dust of the ground, and breathing into his nostrils the breath of life. As a result of the actual breath of the LORD God entering into His Creation, the man became a living soul. This living soul was not given to evolved creatures, it was not given to the life created through the pattern of evolution which resulted in common, wild, and defiled people. The living soul was given to one type of Creation, and that was given to the life created by the LORD God in HIS OWN IMAGE!

620. The LORD God blessed the life created in His image.

621. The LORD God instructed His Created Life to be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth and subdue it.

622. The LORD God made provisions to grow on the earth to provide for both their natural (herbs) and spiritual lives (trees), works (fruit) and perpetual increase (seed).

623. The LORD God gave the provisions of green (fresh) herbs to support the other forms of life (evolved and created in the pattern of evolution) in their natural life. Note how they were not given spiritual lives, spiritual works, or the provisions of perpetual increase for spirituality.

624. After life had evolved through the LORD God’s permission, and after He created life after the pattern of evolution and finally, had created Man in His Own Image with a living soul, He was very pleased. Thus ended His Sixth Day of Creation.

Lesson 13: The Evolution and Making of Natural Life Common Man and the Creation of Spirit Filled Man in the Likeness of the LORD God Worksheet

953. What was the beginning of the Fifth Day of the LORD God’s Creation? Gen 1:20-23 (578)

A. He created man and woman from the dust of the ground

B. He instructed the waters to bring forth life

C. He molded man after the things he saw in nature

D. He separated the elements of water from the elements of man

954. What are both Scripture and science in agreement concerning evolution? Gen 1:20-23 (578)

A. Evolution of species did not occur

B. Animal and fowl life came from the water long ago

C. Man is evolved from the ape family

D. Man will eventually evolve into a God himself

955. How did evolution from the waters come to be? Gen 1:20-23 (578)

A. A natural process of the Big Bang explosion

B. The LORD God allowed the natural and ordered occurrences of nature to proceed

C. A haphazard set of circumstances started a life creating event

D. The LORD God used His Spirit of Power to bend the evolution to His Will

956. What types of life evolved when the water brought forth life? Gen 1:20-23 (578, 579)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Man

B. Moving creatures

C. Fowl

D. All of the above

957. What exactly established the model for the evolution of life? Gen 1:20-23 (579)

A. LORD God’s Will

B. LORD God’s Direction

C. LORD God’s Permission

D. All of the above

958. What did the LORD God do after allowing the evolution of life to occur? Gen 1:23-24 (579, 580)

A. Declared the newly evolved life good

B. Allowed the day to end

C. Commanded another evolution to occur

D. All of the above

959. What other type of evolution occurred at the LORD God’s command? Gen 1:24 (580)

A. The evolution of angels

B. The evolution of demons

C. The evolution of living creatures coming from the earth

D. The evolution of living creatures coming from the waters

960. When did God instruct the earth to bring forth living creatures? Gen 1:24 (580)

A. At the beginning of the Fifth Day of Creation

B. At the end of the Fifth Day of Creation

C. At the beginning of the Sixth Day of Creation

D. At the end of the Sixth Day of Creation

961. What were the characteristics of the evolved “moving creatures”? Gen 1:24 (580)

A. They evolved from the sea to live in the sea

B. They evolved from the sea to fly in the air and live on the earth

C. They first evolved from the sea, then evolved from the earth, to live on the earth

D. They evolved from the heavens to become life on earth

962. What types of living creatures were instructed by the LORD God to evolve from the earth? Gen 1:24 (581)

A. Cattle

B. Creeping thing

C. Beast

D. All of the above

963. What was the status of the evolution phase of the LORD God’s Creation after the living creatures had evolved from the earth? Gen 1:24 (581 notes)

A. Just the beginning of evolution

B. The conclusion of the evolution phase

C. The ending of creation

D. The ending of specific intentions for the formation of life

964. When did the LORD God began making the beast of the earth, the cattle and creepers? Gen 1:25 (582)

A. At the end of the Fifth Day of Creation

B. At some point on the Sixth Day of Creation

C. He did not make life of the earth with His own hands

D. At the beginning of the evolution process

965. How did the LORD God choose to form this new life that he would first make with His own Hands? Gen 1:25 (582)

A. After the pattern of evolution

B. After the pattern of Himself

C. After the pattern of things to come

D. After the pattern of His Thoughts

966. How did the pattern establish the beast? Gen 1:25 (582)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Wild

B. Tamed

C. Gathering together in groups

D. Creeping upon the earth

E. In swarms

967. How did the pattern establish the cattle? Gen 1:25 (582)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Wild

B. Tamed

C. Gathering together in groups

D. Creeping upon the earth

E. In swarms

968. How did the pattern establish the things that creep? Gen 1:25 (582)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Wild

B. Tamed

C. Gathering together in groups

D. Creeping upon the earth

E. In swarms

969. How many types of life were on earth after the LORD God created with his own hands? Gen 1:25 (582)

A. One group with three types of life.

B. Two groups each with three types of life

C. Three groups with two types of life

D. Four groups with three types of life

970. What did the LORD God think about His making of the beast, cattle and creepers from the pattern of evolution? Gen 1:25 (583)

A. He was pleased and finished with the Creation of life

B. He was not pleased and driven to Create more life further

C. He was pleased and moved to Create another kind of life

D. He was pleased and he rested

971. What is the characteristic of typology? Gen 1:25 (583 & notes)

(May be more than one answer)

A. It is given to specific people by LORD God’s for a deeper understanding of His Word

B. Words in the Word of God have meaning far beyond what is understood by common people of the world

C. Personal interpretations that change depending on the teachers knowledge

D. Given to specific Christians to give them the ability to understand the deeper mysteries of the LORD God

972. Why did the LORD God establish shepherds in Israel? Eze 34:1 (584)

A. To rule the world

B. To lead the LORD God’s people

C. To accept sacrifice and offerings in LORD God’s name

D. To write the Word of God so all men may know His speech

973. What is the typology for “Shepherd” in the Word of God? Eze 34:1,2 (584)

A. A ruler of the world

B. A leader of the LORD God’s people

C. A priest performing the sacraments in accordance with His Holiness

D. An author contributing to writing the Words of God

974. What were the shepherds of Israel given as a result of their position? Eze 34:3 (585)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Many rewards

B. Sainthood

C. Promise of redemption and a place in heaven

D. Choicest parts of all things given to God’s people

E. Clothed in honor of their elevated position.

975. What specific duties in caring for God’s people were the shepherds of Israel given? Eze 34:4 (586)

(1) Strengthening the ___________.

(2) Healing the ________________.

(3) Binding the ________________ .

(4) Bringing back those who had been _____________.

(5) Looking for those who had become _____________.

976. Why was the prophesy directed to the shepherds of Israel? Eze 34:4 (587)

A. To reward them for faithful service as a result of their righteous bearing

B. To warn them of things to come as a result of their poor behavior

C. To elevate them to Sainthood as a result of their holy aspirations

D. To prepare them for even greater responsibilities

977. Why were the people of the LORD God scattered? Eze 34:5 (588)

A. He was angry with them

B. He sent them to the four corners of the world to prophesy and witness

C. There was no shepherd to lead them

D. He hated them and regretted making them His people

978. What happened to the LORD God’s people after they were scattered? Eze 34:5 (589)

A. They prospered and became a great nation

B. They died and their race was extinguished

C. They returned to Jerusalem in power and glory

D. They were devoured by the beasts of the field

979. Which statements concerning the typology of the “beasts of the field” are accurate? Eze 34:5 (589)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Beasts are not the LORD God’s people

B. Beasts are of the field

C. Beasts are the natural state of all God’s people

D. Beasts are able to devour the LORD God’s people when they go to the beast’s dwelling places without a leader

E. Fields are the dwelling place of the people of the LORD God

F. Flocks are the names of the gathering together of the LORD God’s people

G. Shepherds are not allowed to lead flocks through the fields

H. Fields are the dwelling place of beasts

I. When the LORD God’s people are scattered without a leader, they become instant fodder for the beasts of the field

980. Who are the “sheep” in God’s Word? Eze 34:6 (590)

A. Christians

B. Jews

C. Good people of the world

D. The LORD God’s people gathered together in flocks

981. Where do the LORD God’s people wander when they are scattered without a leader? Eze 34:6 (591)

A. Through the mountains and high hills

B. Through the valleys and plains

C. Through the fields of the earth

D. All of the above

982. Why do the leaderless and scattered people of the LORD God wander at that specific location? Eze 34:6 (591)

(May be more than one answer)

A. TO be closer to the LORD God

B. To avoid the predatory beasts that wait to devour them in the fields

C. To blend in the with people of nature

D. To spread their religion to all corners of the world

983. What is another name for “face of the earth” in God’s Word? Eze 34:6 (592)

A. Hills

B. Mountains

C. Ocean

D. Fields

984. What is the typological meaning of “face of the earth”? Eze 34:6 (592)

A. The dwelling place of God

B. The dwelling place of holy people

C. The common ground of the world

D. The holy ground of the world

985. What typological truths can be established about beasts from your present study? Eze 34:6 (592)

A. Beasts dwell on the common ground of the world

B. Beasts represent men who do not belong to the LORD God

C. Men who do not belong to the LORD God do not dwell with the LORD God’s people

D. If God’s people walk in the fields of the Beasts without a leader, they will be devoured

E. All of the above

986. What typological truths can be established about sheep from your present study? Eze 34:6 (592)

A. The LORD God’s people become scattered without a leader

B. When God’s people become scattered they gravitate toward the high mountains and hills.

C. When God’s people walk in the common ground of the world without a leader, they will be devoured by common people of the world.

D. All of the above

987. (Contemplation) What responsibility does Jesus have as a shepherd to his flock, what responsibility does his sheep have to him, and how do the “beasts of the field” figure into it all?

988. What is the accepted term for the life lived in the common ground of the world? Eze 34:6 (592 and notes)

A. Natural life

B. Spiritual life

C. Eternal life

D. Blessed life

989. What is the accepted term for the life lived by the LORD God’s people as they strive toward the Kingdom of God? Eze 34:6 (592 and notes)

A. Natural life

B. Spiritual life

C. Eternal life

D. Blessed life

990. (Bonus) What is the accepted term for the life promised to the LORD God’s people through the salvation of Jesus Christ? Eze 34:6 (592 and notes)

A. Natural life

B. Spiritual life

C. Eternal life

D. Blessed life

991. What is a common name for the common person of the world? Eze 34:6 (592 and notes)

A. Person of nature

B. Natural person

C. Carnal person

D. Beast of the Field

E. All of the above

992. What is a common name for the person belonging to the LORD God and the Kingdom of Heaven? Eze 34:6 (592 and notes)

A. Person of spirit

B. Spiritual person

C. Christian

D. Sheep of His flock

E. All of the above

993. Why did the LORD God deliver his prophetic message to the shepherds of Israel through Ezekiel? Eze 34:6 (593)

A. He was pleased with the shepherds and encouraged their activity in the spiritual life

B. He was hopeful towards the shepherds and encouraged their growth through natural life

C. He was against the shepherds because they did not search, or even ask about, the Jews after they were scattered

D. He was pleased with their holiness and wanted to give them a heads up to coming events.

994. What had the shepherd done wrong to make the LORD God so angry? Eze 34:7-10 (594)

(May be more than one answer)

A. The shepherd deserted their responsibilities to lead His people resulting in them becoming prey to all of the natural people of the world.

B. The shepherds fed themselves the food that the LORD God had provided for the flocks, and did not feed His people

C. The shepherds encouraged and supported the spiritual lives of all people, not just the chosen few

D. The shepherds upheld the spiritual teachings of the LORD God, but failed to convince His people of their authority

995. What type of food was the Shepherds given by the LORD God for distribution among His People? Eze 34:7-10 (594)

A. The remains of sacrificed animals

B. The products of successful harvest

C. The offerings of the people at the Tabernacle

D. Spiritual food to provide both sustenance and growth

996. (Essay) What is your understanding of the reason the LORD God was so angry with the Shepherds, when the deep typological meaning of the type of food is considered?

997. How did the LORD God punish the disobedient shepherds? Eze 34:7-10 (595)

(May be more than one answer)

A. He removed them as leaders

B. He refused them more spiritual food

C. He refused them more natural food

D. He caused them to suffer persecution

998. Why did the LORD God deliver His people from the shepherds mouth? Eze 34:7-10 (596)

A. To establish a new leader for them

B. To prevent them from being meat for the shepherds

C. To guide them in a different direction

D. All of the above

999. Who can use the LORD God’s people as meat? Eze 34:7-10 (596)

A. Spiritual leaders

B. Common people

C. Shepherds

D. All of the above

1000. What did the LORD God promise his scattered flock? Eze 34:11-14 (597-599)

(May be more than one answer)

A. To search for His sheep

B. To seek His sheep out

C. Deliver His sheep out from all places

D. Bring His sheep out from the people they are with

E. Gather His sheep from the countries

F. Bring His sheep to their own land

G. Feed His sheep upon the mountains of Israel by the rivers

1001. What type of day was it when the LORD God’s people were scattered? Eze 34:11-14 (597)

A. Cloudy and dark day

B. Clear and sunny day

C. Rainy and windy day

D. Cold and wet day

1002. What is the subject of the typological definition of “running waters that represent the influence and Spirit of God operating in man through grace, to regenerate, strengthen and refresh man’s spiritual (inward) and natural (outward) life experience”? Eze 34:11-14 (599 and notes)

A. Baptism

B. Rivers

C. Cisterns

D. Rain

1003. What specific things did the LORD God promise to do with His flock? Eze 34:15-16 (600)

A. F______ His people

B. Cause them to R_____

C. Seek them which were L_____

D. Bring back those which were D_____ A_____

E. Bind up those which were B_____

F. Strengthen those which were S_____

G. Destroy those which were fat and strong with His J_____

1004. Who were the only group of people who were “fat” and “strong” when the LORD God prophesied through Ezekiel? Eze 34:15-16 (600)

A. Flock

B. Shepherds

C. Pharisees

D. Jews

1005. How did this particular group get fat and strong? Eze 34:15-16 (600 and notes)

A. They ate all the spiritual food provided by the LORD God to be shared among His people.

B. They forced the people to work as slaves as they sat and ate the best of foods

C. They refused to cut their hair and drink wine from the day of their birth

D. They prayed daily and tithed weekly, as well as attended all Temple events

1006. What type of animal are the members of the flock of the LORD God’s people identified as? Eze 34:17-19 (601)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Cattle

B. Rams

C. He Goats

D. Camels

1007. How are the strongest among the flock identified? Eze 34:17-19 (601)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Cattle

B. Rams

C. He Goats

D. Camels

1008. (Bonus) What specific things did the LORD God stress concerning the errors of the shepherds? Eze 34:17-19 (602)

1009. What did the LORD God do to enforce His Will to prevent any one of His people seizing the nourishment given to all, becoming strong, pushing the others around and preventing them from receiving the things given to them for spiritual food from the LORD God? Eze 34:20-22 (603)

A. He instituted His Laws

B. He created Hell

C. He had Jesus come to Earth

D. He instituted His Judgment

1010. What does the word “cattle” represent typologically in Ezekiel 34:22 when it says “Therefore will I save my flock, and they shall no more be a prey; and I will judge between cattle and cattle?” Eze 34:20-22 (603 notes)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Sheep and lambs

B. A member of the flock that grazes

C. Ewe and goats

D. All the people belonging to the LORD God

1011. What is the Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon number that represents this type of cattle spoken of in Eze 34:22? Eze 34:20-23 (603 notes)

A. 07716

B. 0929

C. 04735

D. All of the above

1012. What Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon number is assigned to the word translated as “cattle” found in Gen 1:24? Eze 34:20-23 (603 notes)

A. 07716

B. 0929

C. 04735

D. All of the above

1013. What is the typological definition of “cattle” as used in Gen 1:24? Eze 34:20-23 (603 notes)

A. Sheep and lambs

B. A dumb beast

C. Ownership of live property

D. All of the above

1014. What is the Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon that represents the type of “cattle” to describe the ownership of livestock property? Eze 34:20-23 (603 notes)

A. 07716

B. 0929

C. 04735

D. All of the above

1015. (Big Bonus) What are the Hebrew Words that represent each of the uses of the word “cattle” and their Strong’s Lexicon Number (phonetic spelling okay)? Eze 34:20-23 (603 notes)

A. 007716 _______________________

B. 0929 _______________________

C. 04735 ________________________

D. Leave this question for the student that follows me.

1016. (Even Bigger Bonus) What is the best typological definition for the word “cattle” spoken of in the LORD God’s Word? Eze 34:20-23 (603 notes)

1017. How does the LORD God identify two types of His strong people in Eze 34:17? (604)

(More than one answer)

A. Lambs

B. Sheep

C. Rams

D. He goats

1018. How does the LORD God promise to judge His strong people? Eze 34:17? (604)

A. According to their faith

B. According to their love

C. According to their works

D. According to their use of their strength

1019. What specific typological identity do “rams” hold in the Word of God? Eze 34:17? (604)

A. Strong people of the LORD God

B. Youthful leaders for the LORD God

C. Fully, grown mature leaders of the LORD God

D. All of the above

1020. What specific typological identity to “he goats” hold in the Word of God? Eze 34:17? (604)

A. Strong people of the LORD God

B. Youthful leaders for the LORD God

C. Fully, grown mature leaders of the LORD God

D. All of the above

1021. What punishment will the LORD God give his strong men and leaders, if they use their power to overpower, manhandle and take advantage of the spiritually weak by misusing the spiritual nourishment given to them to be distributed to all of God’s people? Eze 34:20-22? (604)

A. They will die

B. They will be removed from their powerful position

C. They will be forced to repent

D. They will be given forgiveness upon proper sacrifice

1022. What does the LORD God promise to his flock with regards to these type of manipulative leaders? Eze 34:20-22? (605)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Punish them

B. Save them

C. Remove His sheep’s status as “prey” to be devoured

D. Reward them for their endurance

1023. What does the LORD God promise His people to prevent the misuse of the powerful shepherds of the past? Eze 34:23-24? (606)

A. The establishment of government

B. The establishment of religion

C. The establishment of social order

D. The establishment of one shepherd to lead all of His people

1024. What is the specific identity of the LORD God’s promise to provide protection from the abusive powerful shepherds of the past? Eze 34:23-24? (606)

A. The United Nations

B. The Catholic Church

C. The Red Cross

D. Jesus Christ

1025. What does the LORD God promise to His people when Jesus Christ becomes their leader? Eze 34:25-29? (607)

A. He will make a covenant of __________________ with His people.

B. He will make safe dwelling places in the _______________ and ________________.

C. He will make them a ___________________.

D. He will make the things around ____________________ a blessing.

E. He will make showers of blessings to come in ___________________.

F. The tree of the _____________ will yield her fruit.

G. The earth will yield her ______________.

H. People of the LORD God will be ________________in their land.

I. All people of the LORD God will ________________ Him.

J. All people of the LORD God will recognize that he broke the bands of their ________________ and delivered them out of the hands of the ones who ___________ them.

K. He will removed His people’s status as prey to the __________________.

L. He will remove their status as food to be devoured by the ________________ people of the world.

M. He will raise up a plant of _______________.

N. He will remove _________________ in the land.

O. He will remove the bearing of the ________________ of the heathen.

1026. Who are the sheep and the goats that will be judged by the LORD God on Judgment Day? Eze 34:25-27? (607 notes)

A. The flock and house of Israel

B. Christians

C. Worldly people of nature

D. All of the above

1027. Who are the flock of the LORD God’s pastures? Eze 34:30-31? (608 notes)

A. Animals

B. Spiritual men belonging to the LORD God

C. Common men belonging to the World

D. All men

1028. What are the new typologies and their associated definitions that we have learned through this study of Ezekiel 34:1-31? (Notes)

_______________ – Common and natural ground of the world

_______________ – Wild and worldly, natural life, dwelling place

_______________ – Closer to the dwelling place of the LORD God

_______________ – Wild people of the world, spread out and unaccountable to a group

_______________ – The LORD God’s people

_______________ – The leader of the flock of LORD God’s people

_______________ – A gathering of the LORD God’s people as sheep

_______________ – A gathering of people whose identity must be determined in context.

Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon #________ – LORD God’s people as gathered sheep

Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon #________ – common people of the world as gathered and tamed beasts

Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon#_______- slaves possessed as gathered livestock property

_______________ – Spiritually strong person belonging to the LORD God of His flock

_______________ – Spiritually mature leader of the LORD God’s flock and people

_______________ – The LORD God’s people

1029. What type of life is an abomination to the LORD God and His People? Lev 11:41-47 (609)

A. Beasts

B. Creeping things

C. Rams

D. Dinosaurs

1030. What does “abomination” mean? Lev 11:41-47 (609)

A. Filthy

B. Worships idols

C. Disgusting

D. Detestable

E. All of the above

1031. How are things that creep upon the earth classified? Lev 11:41-47 (609)

A. Life that swarms

B. Life that breeds abundantly

C. Life that moves

D. All of the above

1032. What action is designated by “creeping”? Lev 11:41-47 (610)

A. Moving upon the belly

B. Walking in the dark

C. Slowly coming closer to the LORD God

D. All of the above

1033. What does the Hebrew usage of the word for “belly” designate in the creeping things? Lev 11:41-47 (610)

A. Womb of a fetus

B. Stomach for food

C. Ability to withstand extreme forces

D. All of the above

1034. (Big Bonus) How does the highly symbolic Hebrew word for “belly” describe the life of a creeping thing? Lev 11:41-47 (610)

1035. What are the inhabitants of earth like according to our study from Chapter 1, fact #33 and the Word of God? Lev 11:41-47 (610 & notes)

A. Grasshoppers

B. Locusts

C. Gentiles

D. Heathens

1036. What is another name for “grasshoppers” in the Word of God? Lev 11:41-47 (610 & notes)

A. Bugs

B. Locusts

C. Gentiles

D. Heathens

1037. What is another name for “locusts“ in the Word of God? Lev 11:41-47 (610 & notes)

A. Grasshoppers

B. Bugs

C. Gentiles

D. Heathens

1038. What is another name for “gentiles” in the Word of God? Lev 11:41-47 (610 & notes)

A. Grasshoppers

B. Locusts

C. Gentiles

D. Heathens

1039. What is the description of “heathens”? Lev 11:41-47 (610 & notes)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Do not belong to the LORD God

B. Considered insignificant and less than nothing by the LORD God

C. Protected as an endangered species

D. Considered good as a part of the LORD God’s Creation

1040. Coming full circle then, what are the inhabitants of earth likened in the Word of God? Lev 11:41-47 (610 & notes)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Grasshoppers

B. Locusts

C. Gentiles

D. Heathens

1041. (Essay) Thus….what are the people of the earth that do not belong to the LORD God considered by Him? Lev 11:41-47 (610 & notes)

1042. What does the LORD God instruct His people to do with the creeping things? Lev 11:41-47 (611 & notes)

A. Avoid all contact with them

B. Embrace them for their goodness

C. Bring them into the fold after rigorous training and witnessing

D. Clean them up, buy them a suit and call it an act of charity

1043. What does the association with the “creeping things” in life, cause the LORD God’s people to become? Lev 11:41-47 (612)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Strong in character

B. Defiled

C. A loss of their holiness

D. More attuned to the needs of the suffering and the diseased

1044. Why can’t “creeping things” be a part of the LORD God’s People? Lev 11:41-47 (613, 614)

A. They cannot be holy

B. They are of the wrong religion

C. They are unable to differentiate right from wrong

D. All of the above

1045. What did the LORD God establish for the different life that was created with many different processes by Him? Lev 11:41-47 (615)

(May be more than one answer)

A. He established appropriate laws of existence specifically for each group

B. He established that each life remain with it’s own kind, and separate from the others

C. Heaven for all

D. Spiritual laws for all

1046. (Discuss) What are some of the typological differences between the creepers and the sheep in life? Lev 11:41-47 (615 note)

(Back to beginnings of Creation)

1047. (Discuss) What was the Eureka! moment when the LORD God decided to create man in His Image, after His own likeness? Gen 1:26-31 (Review Notes & 616)

1048. How was the Created Man formed? Gen 1:26-31 (617, 619)

(May be more than one answer)

A. In the LORD God’s image

B. After the pattern of evolution

C. From the dust of the ground

D. By the LORD God and His Spirits

E. All of the above

1049. Who was the Created Man given dominion over? Gen 1:26-31 (617)

A. All other forms of life

B. Evolved Life

C. Life created from the pattern of evolution

D. Animals

E. All of the above

1050. What does Created Man‘s “dominion” over other life forms mean exactly? Gen 1:26-31 (617)

A. Superior to all other life forms

B. Having authority over all other life forms

C. To reign, rule and subjugate all other life forms

D. All of the above

1051. (Personal Essay and Discussion) Describe your responsibilities as a Created Man of the LORD God in carrying out the LORD God’s dictate to have “dominion” over other life forms. Include in the essay consideration of the horrors of slavery and horrific subjugation of peoples throughout history, and come to terms with your responsibility to rule, with your measure of holiness given to all living souls through the breath of the LORD God.

1052. Who were created in the LORD God’s Image? Gen 1:26-31 (618)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Males

B. Females

C. All life

D. Angels

1053. What resulted when the LORD God breathed his breath into the man formed from the dust of the ground? Gen 1:26-31 (619)

A. The Created Man became alive

B. The Created Man was made in His Image

C. The Created Man received a living soul

D. All of the above

1054. Who has the living soul given to them by the LORD God? Gen 1:26-31 (619)

A. The people that He created in His own image

B. Evolved creatures

C. Those people that He created from the pattern of evolution

D. Both Humans and animals

E. All of the above

1055. What did the LORD God instruct his blessed Created life to do? Gen 1:26-31 (620, 621)

A. Be fruitful

B. Multiply

C. Replenish the Earth

D. Subdue the Earth

E. All of the above

1056. What provisions did the LORD God cause to grow on the earth for Created Man? Gen 1:26-31 (622)

A. The Natural Life (herbs)

B. The Spiritual Life (trees)

C. The Works of Man (fruit)

D. The Perpetual Increase of Man (seed)

E. All of the above

1057. What provisions were given by the LORD God to support the other forms of life (evolved and created in the pattern of evolution) to maintain their natural life? Gen 1:26-31 (623)

A. The Natural Life (herbs)

B. The Spiritual Life (trees)

C. The Works of Man (fruit)

D. The Perpetual Increase of Man (seed)

E. All of the above

1058. What did the LORD God do when He was concluded with the Creation of Man? Gen 1:26-31 (624)

A. Declared it good

B. Ended the sixth day of creation

C. All of the above


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