BEGINNINGS – The Creation of Light, Heavens and Earth, Seas, Sun, Moon and Stars (Lesson 12)

By Kathy L McFarland

Day 1: Light

1 ¶ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. (Genesis 1:1-2 AV)

517. The Spirit of the LORD God existed before the heavens and the earth.

518. Before the LORD God created the heaven and the earth, there was a great and deep abyss of surging water.

519. The waters that existed before the heavens and the earth was a place that the Spirit of the LORD God moved upon.

520. When the Spirit of God came to these waters, He was relaxed and contemplative.

This surging and moving water where the Spirit of the LORD God came to relax and contemplate, is the beginning of His plans for creation. All creation accomplished by the LORD God originates from this moving water, and His Plans for His Creation uses water as the basis for all He does. Notice as you read the Word of the LORD God how water is a central point in all of the LORD God’s plans. It is crucial to understand the relevance of water to the LORD God, if you are to understand and know Him.

Throughout our studies, the typology for water will be discussed over and over and over. It’s that important to the LORD God, and it’s that important to us. The relaxing and contemplative atmosphere received by the LORD God through water eventually is the water given to His Chosen people and typologically represents the Will of the LORD God given freely to (thirsty) men. The influence and Spirit of God operating in man through grace, to regenerate, strengthen and refresh man’s spiritual (inward) and natural (outward) life experience.

Because we know how the LORD God uses water for man’s regeneration, strengthening and refreshment, we can glimpse at how He felt as He moved upon the surging water. We can know that he felt regenerated, strengthened and refreshed, because He offers us the same gift through water now. It is the powerful water that influences and moves the Spirit of the LORD God to create. Without this rushing water, the creation of the heavens and earth, might not have ever been. It is through the contemplation of the rushing waters that moved the LORD God to create, and it was rushing waters that moved God to base all life on.

Throughout our studies to come, you will learn about the water separating man from the LORD God, the water joining man to the LORD God, the flowing waters that regenerate and strengthen, and the standing water that is dead and repugnant. Until then, understand this:

Rushing water existed before the heavens and earth. The LORD God received relaxation, refreshment, strength and regeneration as He moved upon the great waters. As a result, He contemplated all that He received from the waters, and chose to create. His Creation was based on these waters, and plays a central part in your relationship to Him, and His relationship to you.

521. The Spirit of God received strength, refreshment and regeneration as he moved through these waters. As a result of His contemplation, He chose to Create.

522. All of the LORD God’s Creation is based on these waters, and plays a central part in man’s relationship to Him.

3 ¶ And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. (Genesis 1:3-5 AV)

523. The LORD God’s first Work of Creation was to make light.

524. Light was used to illuminate the rushing waters, where the LORD God received relaxation, refreshment, regeneration and strength.

525. When something is illuminated, it is enlightened. To be enlightened means that it can be deeply understood and known. The typology for light is illumination and enlightenment.

526. The LORD God desired that light be shed on the waters. This desire was derived from His contemplation of the waters. Because of this strong desire, He created light to understand the waters more.

527. When the LORD God created light, His precious place of waters was illuminated to Him in a powerful and enlightening way. He saw this surging water in a new way, and through his understanding and perception, the creation of light by the LORD God became. In other words, through the LORD God’s contemplation of waters, they became revealed by light. The more He thought about these waters, the more light was shed upon them. Through the LORD God’s very act of thinking about these waters, light was created, and enlightened His understanding even deeper. Therefore, the LORD God created light through thinking deeply about the surging waters that He moved upon.

528. The LORD God saw and considered His creation of light. Because He “saw” and considered the light, after He had given permission for the light to exist, we can assume that He did not plan the creation of light, but rather, that He allowed the light to happen.

529. When the LORD God considered the light, He determined that the light was good.

530. As a result of seeing that the light was good, he divided the light from the darkness. He separated the light from the darkness, because He thought one to be good, and one to be not good.

531. The LORD God decided that the light that brought illumination and enlightenment was good. Darkness that hid all understanding and perception deeply within its blackness was not good. Therefore, the LORD God separated the good light from the bad darkness.

Note how the LORD God separated the light from the darkness. It’s important to remember that the LORD God created light, and that the LORD God separated darkness from light.

532. After the LORD God divided the light, he gave both light and darkness names. By giving them names, the LORD God formally declared them as existing and being allowed to exist.

533. The LORD God named the light “Day”.

534 The LORD God named the darkness “Night”. Night is considered by the LORD God to be without illumination and enlightenment, which is bad. Its very name represents adversity throughout the LORD God’s Word.

Night is when all understanding and perception is hidden deeply within it’s darkness, and men cannot see. Throughout your studies, when you see night discussed in the LORD God’s Word, you must realize that it is speaking about a specific time when there is no enlightenment, and men are stumbling in the darkness. The typology for “night” is where perception and understanding are hidden deeply by darkness.

535. The LORD God declared the evening and morning as the first day. He declared the day period to start with sunset for one reason. Before there was light, there was darkness. Therefore, the start of the day begins with darkness. Light was created by the LORD God to illuminate the darkness. Therefore, Night is darkness, ignorance and adversity which represents the start and end of the day. Day is light, and the time of understanding and perception and is good.

These basic concepts of light and dark, night and day, enlightenment and ignorance are important throughout your studies of the LORD God’s Word. Concentrate on the full and deep meaning of each concept. Your attention to specific details of these concepts will result in exceedingly great rewards further on in your studies.

What is the reason the LORD God created? The LORD God moved upon surging waters, and felt relaxed, regenerated, refreshed and strengthened. As He contemplated, the powerful water influenced and moved Him to create.

His first act of Creation, “light” was made to illuminate the surging waters so He might deeply understand. As a result of His creation, He was able to separate His created light from the existing darkness. From that moment on, the LORD God created because His Works were illuminated to Him as good and purposeful.

Each movement made by Him, resulted in new illumination and enlightenment, and an opportunity for Him to respond with even higher levels of creation.

From that very moment when light was created through the LORD God’s intense desire and effort to understand, He became the Creator to everything mankind knows. At that very instant, when the light shined brightly in His Mind, He began the accomplishment of His Works to become our Creator, our LORD God, and truly the Master of our beginnings.

Day 2: Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens

How were the Heavens created?

6 ¶ And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. 8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. (Genesis 1:6-8 AV)

536. The second creation of the LORD God was firmament.

537. Firmament is another name for the heavens. It was created through the process of expansion. This passionate act of creation by the LORD God is called expansion. This process could be compared to a ironsmith hammering a piece of metal. As the piece of metal is heated then hammered, it becomes thinner and wider and turns into a thin and expanded sheet.

538. The creation of heaven was accomplished through the direct effort of the LORD God. It was not a simple process, and did not become as a result of his “contemplation and thinking” as was the case with the creation of light. It was a direct act, which required diligent effort to create and to mold Heaven.

539. The LORD God used his newly created Heaven to divide the waters. Heaven, therefore, originated from the waters, and was surrounded by the waters as it was created. It remained surrounded by the waters after it was fully expanded into the LORD God’s completed creation of Heaven.

540. Heaven was built in the midst of the surging waters that the LORD God cherished. To complete His Creation, the LORD God named the new firmament “Heaven”, thus allowing and blessing His new creation to exist.

541. The creation of Heaven took a complete night and day. This time period is measured as the second day. No other creations were made on the second day other than the creation of Heaven.

Thus saith God the LORD, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; he that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein: (Isaiah 42:5 AV)

542. Before the LORD God stretched the heavens out with the expansion process, He first had to create the substance to be stretched. The LORD God created a piece of heavenly essence, that He then stretched out to become the Heavens.

543. There is more than one part to heaven. Heaven consists of many levels. All the levels of Heaven combined are often referred to in the Bible as “heavens.” The sky that separates Heaven from the Earth is also called “heavens”. It is usually simple to distinguish which Heaven is being spoken of when it is placed in context with Scripture.

He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion. (Jeremiah 10:12 AV)

544. The LORD God stretched out the heavens according to His discretion. The intelligence and skill of the LORD God was used in this process.

What did Heaven become?

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. (Ps 19:1)

545. The heavens declare the glory of God. They are filled with the great splendor of God and are magnificent, impressive and brilliant.

How will the first created Heaven end?

10 And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands: 11 They shall perish; but thou remainest; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment; 12 And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail. (Hebrews 1:10-12 AV)

546. The LORD God made Heaven with his hands.

547. Heaven was not created to last an eternity. It was made to for a certain time with the knowledge of the LORD God that it was perishable.

548. The LORD God is able to fold His creation up, and change it according to His Will.

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. (2 Peter 3:10 AV)

549. When the heavens pass away, they will do so with a great noise.

550. The time when the heavens shall pass away is known as the “Day of the Lord”.

551. This Day of the Lord, when the heavens will perish, cannot be predicted by any man. No one knows when this will happen. Only the LORD God knows when His creation of the heavens will cease to exist.

11 ¶ Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and Godliness, 12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? 13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. (2 Peter 3:11-13 AV)

552. The created heavens and the tiniest of elements will be dissolved with fire on the Day of God.

553. Believers know the LORD God’s promise of creating new heavens and earth, where righteousness will dwell.

554. Righteousness does not completely fill the created heavens presently.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:11-12 AV)

555. Spiritual wickedness is currently present in heaven.

7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, 8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. 9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. (Revelation 12:7-9 AV)

556. There will be a war in heaven prior to the destruction of the heavens. This war will be fought by the Michael and his righteous angels against Satan and his evil angels.

557. The righteous will win the war, and Satan and his evil angels will be cast out before the heavens perish.

What is the LORD God’s plan for a New Heaven?

For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. (Isaiah 65:17 AV)

558. The LORD God intends to create new heavens when the original heavens cease to exist.

559. The new heavens will bring such joy that the former heavens will not be remembered as a result.

Day 3: Earth and Seas

And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:9-10 AV)

560. The LORD God gathered all the waters together into one place so that dry land would appear. Note how earth was formed…..through the gathering of the water into central locations to expose the land.

561. This revealed dry land was called “Earth” by the LORD God.

562. The waters were gathered together in one place that was located under heaven.

563. These waters were called “Seas” by the LORD God.

564. The LORD God saw that the gathering of the waters, and the revealing of dry land was good, and He was pleased.

Thou, even thou, art LORD alone; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and thou preservest them all; and the host of heaven worshippeth thee. (Nehemiah 9:6 AV)

565. There are four parts to the LORD God’s Creation at the third day.

1. Heaven of Heavens

2. Heaven

3. Earth

4. Seas

Each of these locations are central to deep and revealing mysteries of the LORD God. It is crucial that you understand the formation and creation of each of these to fully understand those mysteries when they are given to you.

566. All four parts of the LORD God’s Creation have things that dwell in each, and all are preserved by the LORD God.

Herbs and Fruit Trees

And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the third day. (Genesis 1:11-13 AV)

567. The LORD God allowed the earth to grow grass, the herb which yielded seed. This seed yielding property allowed the grass to flourish throughout the earth.

All grass herbs produce their seed through growth. The seed is not inside them. It comes as a product of growth. For instance, when grass grows to it’s fullness, it produces seed on the top of each blade to propagate itself.

568. The LORD God allowed the earth to grow the fruit tree, whose seed was inside itself. Fruit trees produce fruit, and the fruit contains the seed inside itself. Fruit seeds develop as a result of life, and are contained within the life itself.

Herbs, Fruits, and Trees play critical roles in the spiritual and natural development of individuals. The rest of LORD God’s mysteries concerning these three things will be revealed partially in this study, and in great detail in another one of our studies “The Walk with Jesus Christ”.

569. When the herbs and fruit trees grew out of the earth and propagated themselves, the LORD God realized that it was good, and He was pleased with the results.

It is important to recognize that from the beginning, the LORD God allowed his creation to grow and produce through propagation. Herbs and Fruit Trees come from the earth, and though they were not specifically created by the LORD God, He gave His permission for them to exist through the growth of His created Earth.

And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. (Genesis 2:5-6 AV)

570. After the Seven days of Creation, every plant and every herb of the field had not grown because the LORD God had not caused it to rain. On the third day of creation, herbs and fruit trees were being produced by the earth, yet Gen 2:5-6 makes a point of saying nothing had grown. How can this be both ways? The key to understanding lies with three concepts:

#1: The LORD God creates and gives permission for something to exist

#2: The LORD God can allow His grace to come upon that existence and cause growth. Just because the LORD God creates something does not guarantee its growth. Growth is a separate act of creation of itself.

#3: The LORD God has specific Plans for the things that will receive growth through His Grace. We know that Spiritual things must receive the regeneration, refreshment, strengthening and influential grace of the LORD God’s water before growth can happen. (Remember the typology for “water”?)

But… do natural life things achieve growth if the LORD God withholds His grace filled water?

571. A mist came up from the earth and caused the herbs and plants of the field to grow from the ground. The mist did not come from the LORD God, but from His Created Earth. This shows that growth can be achieved through natural occurrences deriving from the LORD God’s creation. Another way to put it: His Laws of Nature takes care of the Natural Life of His Creation.

Spiritual growth comes from the waters of the LORD God which represent the Will of the LORD God given freely to spiritual things to influence, regenerate, strengthen and refresh for growth purposes.

Natural growth comes from the waters of Nature, which represent the natural life laws existing because of the LORD God’s Creation.

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so. (Genesis 1:29-30 AV)

572. The LORD God allowed the herbs and fruit trees to grow and propagate so they might feed the man and woman that He would create on the sixth day.

573. The LORD God allowed every green herb to grow to feed every beast of the earth, fowl of the air, everything that creeps upon the earth, that has evolved into life.

Day 4: Sun, Moon and Stars

And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. (Genesis 1:16-19 AV)

574. The LORD God made two great lights.

575. The greater light was made to rule the day. The sun was made to rule over the time of understanding and perception revealed through the LORD God. (Remember…light is enlightenment.)

576. The lesser light was made to rule the night. The moon was made to rule over ignorance and adversity against the LORD God. (Remember…darkness is ignorance)

577. Both lights were set in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, rule over day and night, and divide the light from the darkness. When the LORD God created the sun, moon and stars, He saw that it was good, and He was pleased.

As a result of His pleasure, this Creation becomes a pattern for the eventual salvation of His people, and will be explained more deeply in the next chapters.

Up to this point, we have learned of eight different types of Creation accomplished by our LORD God.

1. Becomes as a result of the LORD God’s contemplation and thoughts (light)

2. Becomes as a result of separating one thing from another through the direct effort of the LORD God (darkness)

3. Becomes as a result of expansion through the direct effort of the LORD God (heavens)

4. Becomes as a result of gathering together through the direct effort of the LORD God (seas)

5. Becomes as a result of the LORD God allowing propagation to evolve (herbs of the earth and Fruit Trees)

6. Becomes as a result of the LORD God giving his grace through His influence to regenerate, strengthen, and refresh. (growth of Spiritual things through LORD God’s rain.. waters from the LORD God.)

7. Becomes as a result of the Laws of Nature existing from the Creation of the LORD God (Growth of natural things through the mist…waters from the Laws of Nature)

8. Becomes as a result of the LORD God purposefully making new things through His direct effort. (sun, moon, stars)

Each of these methods of Creation is vastly different in nature, but produce the same results. A new thing is created that was never in existence before. Our LORD God, the Creator of all things, used many ways to allow His Creation to become according to His Will. These Ways of Creation can be found over and over in the methods of our LORD God, and special attention should be paid to the beginnings of this methodology, in order to understand the deeper mysteries as the LORD God as it is revealed to us.

As you begin to study the LORD God’s Word deeply, you will find many other Creation Principles being used by Him. The seven different types of Creation are not the only types, and are actually just the beginning of many marvelous Plans of Creation the LORD God has developed throughout His Time. We start your contemplation and understanding of Creation Principles with these eight, and we encourage you to explore the depth of the other Creation Principles the LORD God uses, in your private studies.

Maybe at some future time we will be able to provide a detailed study of this very topic. It is fascinating and challenging, and reveals the LORD God to us in a very intimate way. We begin to understand how He tempered His ability to create with His ultimate power, to allow His Spirits to create the expression of His wonderful Will through wisdom and time, rather than the brute force that a lesser God might attempt. It is through this variety of creation processes that reveals the absolute Truth of our LORD God and destroys the claims that evolution did not take place on earth. It Is as He Wills and Does.

Prepare to receive the mysteries of evolution of mankind and the Creation of people for the LORD God in the next chapter as it is revealed through the study of the True Word of God.

Lesson 12 – The Creation of Light, Heavens and Earth Worksheet

865. When did the Spirit of the LORD God exist? Gen 1:1-2 (517)

A. He was created with the heavens and the earth.

B. He existed before the heavens and the earth were created.

C. He existed after the big bang of the universe.

D. Both A & C

866. What existed before the heaven and the earth were created? Gen 1:1-2 (518)

A. A formed but empty earth.

B. Deep, great surging waters.

C. Still waters

D. Nothing

867. What did the LORD God do in the place before creation? Gen 1:1-2 (519)

A. He moved upon the waters

B. He dwelled in the waters

C. He lived surrounded by the waters

D. Nothing

868. What was the nature of the LORD God at this place? Gen 1:1-2 (520)

A. He was enlightened and aware.

B. He was ignorant and angry.

C. He was relaxed and contemplative.

D. He was confused and angry.

869. What is the beginning place for the LORD God’s plans for creation? Gen 1:1-2 (Notes)

A. At the creation of heaven and earth

B. At the creation of light

C. The plans always were

D. At the contemplation of the surging waters

870. What is the significance of water in the LORD God’s Word? Gen 1:1-2 (Notes)

A. All creation accomplished by the LORD God originate from moving water

B. Water is the basis for the LORD God’s plans for His creations

C. Water regenerates, strengthens, and refreshes spiritual life

D. All of the above

871. What is the typology for water? Gen 1:1-2 (Notes)

A. Will of the LORD God given freely to thirsty men.

B. The influence and Spirit of God operating in man through grace.

C. Symbolizes the regeneration, strengthening and refreshing of a man’s spiritual life.

D. All of the above

872. How can we know the important influence that water had on the LORD God? Gen 1:1-2 (Notes)

A. We can’t really know.

B. Through examining the importance He places on water in His Word.

C. It is made part of the Tabernacle worship

D. He tells Moses in great detail of it’s importance

873. Spiritually speaking, then, what is all life based on? Gen 1:1-2 (Notes)

A. Water

B. Earth

C. Fire

D. Wind

874. How Deep Can You GO? Contemplate the condition of a conceived baby inside it’s mother’s womb. What are the comparisons of the water environment of the baby and the experiences of the LORD God before the creation of the world? Contemplate and discuss

875. How Much Deeper Can You GO? With this in mind, can you formulate an argument of why abortion is so intrinsically against the Will of the LORD God, without using the standard arguments of the Faithful? Contemplate and discuss

876. What did the Spirit of the LORD God choose to do when He contemplated the waters? Gen 1:1-2 (521)

A. Cause a big bang

B. Create

C. Watch

D. Rest

877. What was the LORD God’s first work of creation? Gen 1:3-5 (523)

A. To make light

B. To make heavens and earth

C. To make dark

D. To make man

878. How was light first used? Gen 1:3-5 (524)

A. To illuminate the creation of earth

B. To reveal darkness

C. To illuminate the rushing waters

D. All of the above

879. When something is illuminated, what results? Gen 1:3-5 (525)

A. It becomes naked

B. It becomes understood and known

C. It becomes bare

D. It becomes vulnerable to be attacked

880. What is another word for the process of illumination? Gen 1:3-5 (525)

A. Revelation

B. Enlightenment

C. Understanding

D. All of the above

881. What is the typology for light? Gen 1:3-5 (525)

882. Why did the LORD God create light? Gen 1:3-5 (526)

A. To understand the waters

B. To reveal sin

C. To reveal wickedness

D. To create man

883. How did the LORD God create light? Gen 1:3-5 (527-528)

A. Through His deep contemplation and desire to understand the waters

B. Through His power and resolve to control the waters

C. Through His need and will to create all things

D. Through His desire and plan to destroy all darkness

884. What is the exact way that the LORD God created light? Gen 1:3-5 (527-528)

A. Thinking

B. Working

C. Speaking

D. Moving

885. How did light come to be? Gen 1:3-5 (527-528)

A. The LORD God purposefully created it.

B. The LORD God gave permission for it to exist.

C. The LORD God allowed the light to happen

D. Both A & B

E. Both B & C

F. All of the above

886. What did the LORD God consider about the light first? Gen 1:3-5 (529)

A. Future applications

B. Goodness

C. Origins

D. Causes

887. What did the LORD God do with darkness? Gen 1:3-5 (530)

A. He created darkness.

B. He allowed darkness.

C. He separated darkness from light.

D. All of the above.

888. What does the LORD God think about darkness? Gen 1:3-5 (530-531)

A. It must exist equally with light.

B. It must never exist.

C. It must be separated from the light because it is not good

D. It is equal to light, but of different character

889. Which statements are true? Gen 1:3-5 (531)

A. The LORD God created light.

B. The LORD God created darkness.

C. The LORD God separated light from darkness, after the creation of light.

D. The LORD God separated light from darkness at the moment light was created.

E. The LORD God believes light to be good.

F. The LORD God believes darkness to be equal to light.

G. The LORD God believes darkness to be bad.

H. The LORD God believes that light and dark have different purposes.

890. What significance did the naming of light and dark have? Gen 1:3-5 (530-531)

A. The LORD God had a term to use to explain his rules.

B. The LORD God gave light and darkness permission to exist.

C. The LORD God gave names so Adam would have knowledge.

D. All of the above

891. What was the name given to light? Gen 1:3-5 (532)

892. What was the name given to darkness? Gen 1:3-5 (533)

893. Why does the LORD God consider night bad? Gen 1:3-5 (534)

A. It is without illumination

B. It is without enlightenment

C. It hides understanding and knowledge

D. All of the above

894. What does the name “night” represent throughout the LORD God’s Word? Gen 1:3-5 (534)

A. Evil

B. Wickedness

C. Satan

D. Adversity

895. What is the typology for “night”? Gen 1:3-5 (534) (BBS notes)

A. Where perception and understanding are hidden deeply by darkness

B. Time belonging to evil and wickedness

C. The opposite of day

D. A time representing death and judgment

896. When did the LORD God declare the measurement of one day started? Gen 1:3-5(535)

A. One day period starts with sunrise

B. One day period starts with sunset

C. One day period starts with sunrise for His people

D. One day period starts with sunset for His people

897. Why did the LORD God designate a day period in this manner? Gen 1:3-5 (535)

A. Light was created to illuminate darkness, therefore darkness must happen first.

B. Light represents enlightenment, which is better than darkness, and must happen first.

C. Darkness is overpowered by light, therefore light exists first.

D. Darkness is allowed to exist only after light shines.

898. (Review Essay) Why did the LORD God create? (Study)

899. What is the second creation of the LORD God? Gen 1:6-8 (536)

A. Firmament

B. Light

C. Sun

D. Man

900. What process was used to create the heavens? Gen 1:6-8 (536)

A. Thought

B. Expansion

C. Propagation

D. Laws of Nature

901. What can the LORD God’s Creation process of forming the heavens be likened to? Gen 1:6-8 (537)

A. A magician waving his wand

B. A philosopher contemplating

C. An ironsmith hammering a piece of metal

D. A farmer separating wheat from the tares

902. What type of effort did the LORD God use in the creation of the heavens? Gen 1:6-8 (538)

A. Direct and diligent

B. Relaxed and patient

C. Supernatural and mysterious

D. Unplanned and chaotic

903. What did the newly created heavens divide? Gen 1:6-8 (539)

A. Light from dark

B. Sin from righteousness

C. Waters from heavens

D. All of the above

904. Where was Heaven built? Gen 1:6-8 (540)

A. In the sky

B. In outer space

C. In the void

D. In the midst of surging waters

905. What act did the LORD God do to allow Heaven to exist? Gen 1:6-8 (540)

A. Named it

B. Used His power to set it solidly

C. Established it through His effort

D. Applied force to make it exist

906. What Creations, other than the heavens, of the LORD God were made on the second day? Gen 1:6-8 (541)

A. None

B. Sun

C. Earth

D. Seas

907. What did the LORD God stretch out to make the heavens become? Is 42:5 (542)

A. Water

B. Created piece of matter

C. The elements found in the earth

D. All of the above

908. What definition can the word “heavens” be in Scripture? Is 42:5 (542)

A. The Heaven where the LORD God dwells

B. The heaven surrounding the LORD God’s Heaven

C. The sky

D. All of the above

909. How can a Christian distinguish which Heaven is being spoken of in Scripture? Is 42:5 (543)

A. Placing it in context with the specific Scripture

B. Placing it in context with personal belief

C. Placing it in context with popular concepts

D. All of the above

910. How did the LORD God stretch out the heavens? Jer 10:12 (544)

A. With his power

B. With his discretion

C. With the laws of nature

D. With the assistance of Angels

911. What are the heavens like? Ps 19:1 (545)

A. They declare the glory of the LORD God

B. They are filled with the great splendor of the LORD God

C. They are magnificent, impressive and brilliant

D. All of the above

912. How did the LORD God make Heaven? Heb 1:10-12 (546, 547)

A. With His Hands

B. With His Thoughts

C. With His Angels

D. To last forever

913. When will the first Heaven end? Heb 1:10-12 (547-548)

A. When the LORD God chooses to fold it up

B. Never

C. When He is unable to exist

D. When His Power is diluted to the point of extinction

914. What sound will be heard when the heavens pass away? 2 Pet 3:10 (549)

A. Great noise

B. Quiet as a thief in the night

C. None

D. Trumpets

915. What is the time when the heavens pass away referred to as in Scripture? 2 Pet 3:10 (550)

A. The Day of the Lord

B. The Year of the Lord

C. The Seventy Years of Tribulation

D. Rapture

916. When will the heavens perish? 2 Peter 3:10 (551)

(May be more than one answer)

A. The date cannot be predicted by any man

B. No one knows

C. Only the LORD God knows

D. The date will be revealed soon through prophesy

E. All of the above

917. How will the heavens come to a final end? 2 Pet 3:11-13 (552)

A. They will be dissolved with water

B. They will be dissolved by fire

C. They will be destroyed by nuclear bomb

D. They will be destroyed by evil

918. How do we know that the first heavens are completely destroyed and unusable for ever more? 2 Pet 3:11-13 (552)

A. Permanent destruction of Heaven cannot be known with certainty

B. The very elements that make up the heavens and earth will be melted away with a fervent heat

C. The heavens will be used again, after they are cleansed of all unrighteousness

D. The complete destruction of Heaven will not occur if favorable judgment is received

919. How can a person be certain of the creation of a new heavens and earth? 2 Pet 3:11-13 (553)

A. Believers will know the promise of the LORD God

B. The LORD God is obligated to provide for His people

C. A person cannot be 100% certain of the formation of a new heaven and earth

D. There will be a new earth, but no need for a new heaven

920. What will dwell in the new heavens and earth? 2 Pet 3:11-13 (553)

A. Good People

B. Saints

C. Jews

D. Righteousness

921. What is not currently present throughout Heaven today? 2 Pet 3:11-13 (554)

A. Spirits

B. Righteousness

C. Jesus Christ

D. The LORD God

922. What is currently present in Heaven today? Eph 6:11-12 (555)

A. The Martyrs for the Word of God

B. Spiritual wickedness

C. All the good people of the world

D. All of the above

923. Who will fight the war in Heaven prior to it’s destruction? Rev 12:7-9 (556)

(Maybe more than one answer)

A. Michael and his righteous angels

B. Satan and his evil angels

C. Catholic Faithful against Protestant Faithful

D. Jews against Christians

E. Christians and Jews against Muslims

924. Who will win the war? Rev 12:7-9 (557)

A. Michael and his righteous angels

B. Satan and his evil angels

C. Catholic Faithful against Protestant Faithful

D. Jews against Christians

E. Christians and Jews against Muslims

925. What will happen to Satan and his angels? Rev 12:7-9 (557)

A. They will be forgiven

B. They will be cast out of Heaven

C. They will be punished in Purgatory

D. They will die

926. What is the LORD God’s plans concerning a new Heaven? Is 65:17 (558)

A. Create a duplicate of the first Heaven

B. Create a new Heaven after the original heavens cease to exist

C. Create a new Heaven only if evil is victorious

D. Create a new Heaven by reinvigorating and cleansing the original heavens

927. Why won’t Christians remember the former heavens and earth? Is 65:17 (559)

A. Because they will not have memories of past lives

B. Because the memories of past lives cause to much pain

C. Because the Christians will be so changed, they will not be a part of past lives

D. Because there will be so much joy, there will be no need to dwell on the painful past

928. How did the LORD God create land? Gen 1:9-10 (560)

A. He created land from nothing into something

B. He thought about land and it became

C. He gathered all the waters together into one place and exposed dry land

D. All of the above

929. What did the LORD God call land? Gen 1:9-10 (561)

A. Israel

B. Egypt

C. Earth

D. Desert

930. What did the LORD God call the gathered waters? Gen 1:9-10 (563)

A. Oceans

B. Seas

C. Rivers

D. Lakes

931. Where were the waters gathered? Gen 1:9-10 (562)

A. Atlantic Ocean

B. Pacific Ocean

C. Outer Space

D. One place under Heaven

932. What happens as a result of the LORD God naming the land and waters? Gen 1:9-10 (564)

(Maybe more than one answer)

A. He gives them permission to exist

B. He gives us a common vernacular to refer to them

C. Nothing changes as a result of something being named

D. Special Spirits are assigned to monitor these Creations

E. It shows the pleasure of the LORD God

933. What four physical locations existed at the end of the third day of Creation? Neh 9:6 (565)





934. What characteristics do all four physical Creations have in common? Neh 9:6 (565)

(May be more than one answer)

A. They are all holy in nature

B. They are all preserved by the LORD God

C. They all have things that dwell in each

D. They all were created to offer the LORD God entertainment

E. They all will come to an end someday

935. What types of herbs did the LORD God allow to grow on earth on the third day? Gen 1:11-13 (567)

A. Herbs of the field

B. Grasses which yielded seed

C. All herbs known to Him

D. Herbs containing spice

936. What allowed the herbs to flourish throughout the earth? Gen 1:11-13 (567)

A. Seed yielding properties

B. LORD God’s direct planting

C. The mist of water spread over them

D. All of the above

937. What is the difference between the grass herb and a fruit tree? Gen 1:11-13 (568)

A. The fruit tree is reproduced through it’s root system

B. The fruit tree has the seed inside itself

C. The grass herb propagates itself through the root system

D. All of the above

938. What plays a critical role in the spiritual and natural development of individuals as spoken in the Word of the LORD God? Gen 1:11-13 (notes)

A. Herbs

B. Fruits

C. Trees

D. All of the above

939. What important characteristic does both the grass herb and fruit tree possess? Gen 1:11-13 (569)

A. They are both able to propagate life

B. They were both created on the third day

C. They both come from the Earth that the LORD God created

D. They both were given permission to exist

E. All of the above

940. Why hadn’t the plants and the herbs grown after the seven days of Creation? Gen 2:5-6 (570)

A. The LORD God had not caused mist yet.

B. The LORD God had not caused rain.

C. The Laws of Nature had not caused rain.

D. The Earth had not caused rain.

941. Where does spiritual growth originate from? Gen 2:5-6 (570, 571)

(May be more than one answer)

A. From Natural Life and the LORD God’s laws of nature

B. From the Will of the LORD God causing growth to occur

C. From the effort of the spirit that grows

D. From Mother Nature and her efforts

E. From a well lived natural life

F. From a life that chooses spiritual fulfillment over natural life rewards

942.Where does natural growth originate from? Gen 2:5-6 (570, 571)

(May be more than one answer)

A. From Natural Life and the LORD God’s laws of nature

B. From the Will of the LORD God causing growth to occur

C. From the effort of the spirit that grows

D. From Mother Nature and her efforts

E. From a well lived natural life

F. From a life that chooses spiritual fulfillment over natural life rewards

943. Why did the LORD God allow herbs and fruit trees to grow and propagate? Gen 1:29-30 (572)

A. To make the garden pretty

B. To feed the man and woman that He would create on the sixth day

C. To cause the Earth to mist

D. To feed every beast on the earth, every fowl of the air, and everything that creeps on the earth where there is life

944. Why did the LORD God allow every green herb to grow? Gen 1:29-30 (573)

A. To make the garden pretty

B. To feed the man and woman that He would create on the sixth day

C. To cause the Earth to mist

D. To feed every beast on the earth, every fowl of the air, and everything that creeps on the earth where there is life

945. How many great lights did the LORD God make? Gen 1:16-19 (574)

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

946. What was the greater light created for? Gen 1:16-19 (574)

A. To rule the day

B. To rule the night

C. To cause time and seasons

D. To reveal things to come

947. What was the lesser light created for? Gen 1:16-19 (574)

A. To rule the day

B. To rule the night

C. To cause time and seasons

D. To reveal things to come

948. What is the typology for the light of day? Gen 1:16-19 (575)

A. Enlightenment

B. Ignorance

C. Power

D. Confusion

949. What is the typology for the darkness of night? Gen 1:16-19 (576)

(May be more than one answer)

A. Enlightenment

B. Ignorance

C. Adversity

D. Power

950. Why were both lights set in the firmament of the heaven? Gen 1:16-19 (577)

A. To give light upon the earth

B. To rule over day and night

C. To divide the light from the darkness

D. All of the above

951. What pattern do the creation of the great and lesser light reveal? Gen 1:16-19 (577)

A. The hopes and dreams of all men

B. The eventual salvation of the LORD God’s people

C. The record of time itself

D. The exact date when the world will be no more

952. Match some of the techniques of the LORD God’s act of Creating with the first thing He used to create with that process.

1. Becomes as a result of the LORD God’s contemplation and thoughts

2. Becomes as a result of separating one thing from another through the direct effort of the LORD God

3. Becomes as a result of expansion through the direct effort of the LORD God

4. Becomes as a result of gathering together through the direct effort of the LORD God

5. Becomes as a result of the LORD God allowing propagation to evolve

6. Becomes as a result of the LORD God giving his grace through His influence to regenerate, strengthen, and refresh

7. Becomes as a result of the Laws of Nature existing from the Creation of the LORD God

8. Becomes as a result of the LORD God purposefully making new things through His direct effort

A. Seas

B. Growth of Spiritual things through LORD God’s rain

C. Growth of Natural things through mist

D. Darkness

E. Sun, moon, stars

F. Herbs of the earth and Fruit Trees

G. Heavens

H. Light


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