By Kathy L McFarland
Spirits of the LORD God
Adoption – Makes Christian a child of the LORD God and gives the right for inheritance
Bearing – Upholds worker as he accomplishes the Works of the LORD God
Bondage – Maintains the Muslim servants and disobedient Jews
Burning – Purges impurities from the righteous and holy
Counsel – Teaches path to judgment which leads to knowledge and understanding
Creation – Makes all things to be given life through the touch of the LORD God
Deep Sleep – Obscures spiritual awareness of Jews to allow salvation to Gentiles
Deliverance – Enables escape from forces that control or restrain LORD God’s Works
Discerning Spirits – Judges and identifies all things spiritual
Evil – Causes trouble to come to a person’s life to make him seek refuge in the LORD God
Faith – Implants confidence of Jesus Christ and salvation to all Christians
Fear – Prevents faith and gives control to the Spirit of Bondage
Fear of the LORD – Causes the hatred of evil and paves the way for Spirit of Wisdom
Grace – Instills the LORD God’s influence upon a person’s heart and brings salvation
Goodness – Teaches the LORD God’s Will and instructs in the way to go
Hardening – Prevents understanding to facilitate implementation of the LORD God’s Will
Healing – Makes well and restores to health the physical, spiritual and eternal
Holiness – Effects resurrection from death through the giving sacred purity to Christians
Judgment – Determines and judges sins of men and earth through Jesus Christ
Knowledge – Distinguishes good from evil and measures works through Jesus Christ
Life in Christ Jesus – Causes Christians to walk the way of Jesus Christ, free from sin
Love – Shares agape love with LORD God’s people and prepares them for other Spirits
Might – Controls right hand of LORD God to accomplish His Works through Jesus Christ
Ministry & Miracles – Supplies spiritual nourishment to increase LORD God’s Works
Persuasion – Manipulates situations to allow man’s true character to be revealed
Power – Goes forth to accomplish the Works of the Spirit of Might
Promise – Seals the LORD God’s Abraham blessing to Christians through Jesus Christ
Prophesy – Speaks the Word of God, foretells events, and testifies on Jesus Christ
Raising – Stands up men in higher position over others
Sanctification – Makes and helps maintain purity and holiness
Supplication – Brings fervent and reverent prayer to the LORD God’s ears
Sword – Emits the righteous holy power from the Word of God
Tongues – Speaks of mysteries to the LORD God in a language not known by man
Interpretation – Interprets mysteries spoken by Spirit of Tongues to man
Truth – Comforts Christians, provides access to the LORD God and Jesus Christ, gives spiritual gifts, reveals truth, convicts world of sin, glorifies Jesus Christ, as the Holy Ghost
Understanding – Prepares the way to receive the presence of the LORD God
Wisdom – Makes priestly mediators, and gives revelations and knowledge to Christians
Lesson 11: Revealed Spirits of the LORD God (Worksheet)
864. What Spirits of the LORD God perform the following functions? (Chapter 11 Review)
________________1. Maintains the Muslim servants and disobedient Jews
________________2. Enables escape from forces that control or restrain LORD God’s Works
________________3. Makes Christian a child of the LORD God and gives the rights for inheritance
________________4. Teaches path to judgment which leads to knowledge and understanding
________________5. Obscures spiritual awareness of Jews to allow salvation to Gentiles
________________6. Upholds worker as he accomplishes the Works of the LORD God
________________7. Purges impurities from the righteous and holy
________________8. Makes all things to be given life through the touch of the LORD God
________________9. Judges and identifies all things spiritual
_______________10. Distinguishes good from evil and measures works through Jesus Christ
_______________11. Causes trouble come to person’s life to make him seek refuge in the LORD God
_______________12. Determines and judges sins of men and earth through Jesus Christ
_______________13. Implants confidence of Jesus Christ and salvation to all Christians
_______________14. Effects resurrection from death through the giving sacred purity to Christians
_______________15. Prevents faith and gives control to the Spirit of Bondage
_______________16. Makes well and restores to health the physical, spiritual and eternal
_______________17. Causes the hatred of evil and paves the way for the Spirit of Wisdom
_______________18. Prevents understanding to facilitate implementation of the LORD God’s Will
_______________19. Instills the LORD God’s influence upon a person’s heart and brings salvation
_______________20. Teaches the LORD God’s Will and instructs in the way to go
_______________21. Causes Christians to walk the way of Jesus Christ, free from sin
_______________22. Brings fervent and reverent prayer to the LORD God’s ears
_______________23. Share agape love with LORD God’s people and prepares them for other Spirits
_______________24. Makes and helps maintain purity and holiness
_______________25. Controls right hand of LORD God to accomplish His Works through Christ
_______________26. Stands up men in higher position over others
_______________27. Supplies spiritual nourishment to increase LORD God’s Works
_______________28. Speaks the Word of God, foretells events and testifies on Jesus Christ
_______________29. Manipulates situations to allow man’s true character to be revealed
_______________30. Seals the LORD God’s Abraham blessing to Christians through Jesus Christ
_______________31. Goes forth to accomplish the Works of the Spirit of Might
_______________32. Emits the righteous holy power from the Word of God
_______________33. Speaks of mysteries to the LORD God in a language not known by man
_______________34. Makes priestly mediators, and gives revelations and knowledge to Christians
_______________35. Prepares the way to receive the presence of the LORD God
_______________36. Interprets mysteries spoken by Spirit of Tongues to man
_______________37. Comforts Christians, provides access to the LORD God and Jesus Christ, gives spiritual gifts, reveals truth, convicts world of sin, glorifies Jesus Christ, as the Holy Ghost
Adoption Faith Life in Christ Jesus Supplication
Bearing Fear Love Sword
Bondage Fear of Lord Might Tongues
Burning Grace Ministry & Miracles Interpretation
Counsel Goodness Persuasion Truth
Creation Hardening Power Understanding
Deep Sleep Healing Promise Wisdom
Deliverance Holiness Prophesy Discerning Spirits Judgment Raising Evil Knowledge Sanctification