
The prophecy of Malachi delivers stern rebukes to the people and priests to call them to repentance, and to promise future blessing. His theme is God’s love for Israel in spite of the sins of the priests and the people, and is testimony to the graciousness of the LORD God in condescending to answer man’s foolish and childish statements.

Malachi 1

1:1-5 The Lord’s love for Jacob
1:6-14 The Lord rebukes the priests

Malachi 2

2:1-17 Israel’s unfaithfulness rebuked

Malachi 3

3:1-5 The approach of the day of judgment
3:6-15 The payment of tithes
3:16-18 The final lot of the righteous and the wicked

Malachi 4

4:1-6 The coming day of the Lord


Zechariah is a messianic prophet with frequent mention of both the first and second advents of Messiah. He dwells completely on the person and work of Christ, and his prophecies contain apocalyptic proclamations as well giving prominence to the Angel of the Lord. The tone of his prophecy is one of encouragement, and focuses the attention of God’s people to His Glory.

Zechariah 1

1:1-6 A call to return to the Lord
1:7-17 The vision of the horses
1:18-21 The horns and the carpenters

Zechariah 2

2:1-13 The man with the measuring line

Zechariah 3

3:1-10 Joshua vindicated

Zechariah 4

4:1-14 The candlestick and the olive trees

Zechariah 5

5:1-4 The flying roll
5:5-11 The woman in the ephah

Zechariah 6

6:1-8 The four chariots
6:9-15 Joshua – a symbol of the priest-king

Zechariah 7

7:1-7 Insincere fasts reproved
7:8-14 Disobedience the cause of captivity

Zechariah 8

8:1-23 The restoration of Jerusalem promised

Zechariah 9

9:1-8 The judgment on the neighboring nations
9:9-17 Zion’s future king

Zechariah 10

10:1-12 The Lord’s redemption of his people

Zechariah 11

11:1-3 The Lord’s redemption of his people (continued)
11:4-17 The foolish shepherds

Zechariah 12

12:1-14 The future deliverance of Jerusalem

Zechariah 13

13:1-6 The cleansing of Jerusalem
13:7-9 Smiting of the Lord’s shepherd

Zechariah 14

14:1-21 Jerusalem and the nations

What really happens when a Christian dies? AVOID THE SHIPWRECK!

It will NOT be a bright lighted tunnel! It WILL be a ship in waves and wind! Call on Jesus!

(Note to Readers: REPOSTED. This is so important to understand deeply so it is sealed in your memory at the time of your death, that I have included part of the deep study on passing over from earth life to eternal life)

Death: Passing Over as a Christian
Lecture 111-3

By Kathy L. McFarland
The dying experience for a Christian is not complicated. Scripture tells us exactly what will happen, and how we are expected to respond. However, there is a slight complication in learning what the Lord Jesus Christ wants us to know. It is hidden in His Word, similar to the parables He spoke to His disciples. Do you remember what He gave as the reason for speaking in parables?

Matthew 13:34–35 (KJV 1900)
34 All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them: 35 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret
from the foundation of the world.

Mark 4:1–2 (KJV 1900)
And he began again to teach by the sea side: and there was gathered unto him a great multitude, so that he entered into a ship, and sat in the sea; and the whole multitude was by the sea on the land. 2 And he taught them many things by parables, and said unto them in his doctrine.

Mark 4:10-13 (KJV 1900)
10 And when he was alone, they that were about him with the twelve asked of him the parable. 11 And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: 12 That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them. 13 And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables?

Also understand:

Proverbs 26:7–9 (KJV 1900)
7 The legs of the lame are not equal:
So is a parable in the mouth of fools.
8 As he that bindeth a stone in a sling,
So is he that giveth honour to a fool.
9 As a thorn goeth up into the hand of a drunkard,
So is a parable in the mouth of fools.

There is only one key to understanding the hidden symbology and typology in our life today that are contained within the Word of God. THE HOLY SPIRIT within Christians that have been baptized
with Him is a crucial means to that understanding. It is the Holy Spirit that guides our studies and reveals the deeper things in Scripture. So, when non-Christians read the Bible, their eyes understand only the literal words within it, and they handle any deeper things within like fools. But Christians have been given the ability to read literal words and find deeper things and teachings of the LORD God that are hidden from the profane and secular.
Sadly, Christianity has been watered down so much in these times, that there are very few teachers of Scripture that know how to seek those deep teachings of God. All Christians can be strengthened by those important Words, but seldom do they experience them because there just is no one to teach them how to really read the Word of God with the Holy Spirit’s help.

Thanks be to God! I have been taught by the Holy Spirit to teach you to see the hidden inside the Word of God. It is the process of passing over in the death of a Christian that we will begin studying that deepness today. Contained within the literal Word of God are important instructions and briefings to what will actually happen when we pass over, and how the Lord Jesus Christ expects for us to handle it. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s help in understanding this crucial Scripture instructions and be prepared for any traces of the fear of death to leave your thoughts forevermore.

Creation of the Seas

Genesis 1:6–10 (KJV 1900)
6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. 8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. 9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. 10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

The LORD God made the firmament from the waters and called it Heaven on the second day of Creation. He gathered the waters under Heaven and let the dry land of Earth appear. Between Earth and Heaven the waters were gathered together, and He called them SEAS! It is the sea that must be passed over between the Earth and Heaven; it is the division that separates both.

Physical Death

Mark 4:35–41 (KJV 1900)
35 And the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side. 36 And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship. And there were also with him other little ships. 37 And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. 38 And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish? 39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. 40 And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith? 41 And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?

1. The Lord Jesus Christ told His disciples the reason for parables, with the Parable of the Seeds, (Mark 4:3-8) and The Explanation of the Parable of the Seeds (Mark 4:13-32). He wanted the disciples understanding of the underlying meaning of their next experience to be forefront on their minds.

2. That very same day, the Lord told His disciples “Let us pass over unto the other side.”

3. Whenever we see the Words “pass over” or Passover, we are immediately drawn to the memory of the LORD God Passing Over those Israelites houses that had the blood of a lamb painted on
their door posts during the carrying out of the last curse for the death of the firstborn against the Pharaoh (Exodus 12).

4. We also remember the Passover remembrance ordained by the LORD God to be celebrated every year (Deuteronomy 16).

5. Those two examples show a critical need for Believers to understand deeply what “pass over” means, and to understand the events that happened in Mark 4:35-41.

6. Literally speaking, pass over speaks of “moving from one shore to another shore over water.”

Other side – 4305 πέραν (peran): adv. and prep. (never compounded with verbs); ≡ Str 4008—LN 83.43 across, on the opposite side; the region across (Mk 3:8; 4:35; 5:1;
6:45; Lk 8:22; Jn 1:28; 18:1)

Conclusion – 4306 πέρας (peras), ατος (atos), τό (to): n.neu.; ≡ Str 4009—1. LN 80.6 limit, end of a space (Mt 12:42; Lk 11:31; Ro 10:18+; Ac 13:33 v.r. NA26); 2. LN 61.15 conclusion, end of a matter (Heb 6:16+)

(James Swanson, Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Greek (New Testament) (Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 1997).

7. Note the Hebrew word for “other side” is “πέραν (peran)” which is “across, on the opposite side; the region across.”

8. Note the Hebrew word “πέρας (peras)” as just the end root changes it to “conclusion.”

9. The Lord Jesus Christ took His disciples after sending the multitude away. This journey is just for His disciples.

10. They notice that there are other little ships around them.

11. A great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, and it filled the ship with water.

12. The disciples got scared. Big time. The boat was rocking back and forth severely, and the waves were rushing and beating and splashing and roaring. It was scary, and the disciples reached out to their Lord Jesus Christ who was in the boat with them.

13. They crawled to Jesus in that furious storm. He was asleep on a pillow, unaffected by the buffeting ship. They awoke Him and screamed, “Master, carest thou not that we perish?”

14. Jesus arose up, rebuked the wind and told the sea, “Peace, be still.” The wind ceased and the seas grew calm.

15. Jesus asked his disciples “Why are ye so fearful?” “How is it that you have no faith?”

16. By asking these questions, Jesus lets us know that to be fearful in this situation buffeting winds and furious seas while in a ship, shows A LACK OF FAITH!

17. This experience astounded the disciples and they became EVEN MORE FEARFUL, saying to each other “What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”

18. Let’s do a bit of word typology, then I will lay the experience out for you in the deepest teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.

19. Pass over to the other side – Means to move from life on earth to life in Heaven.

20. When even(ing) was come – Evening represents the end of life.

21. Jesus said to them “Let us pass over unto the other side.” Note that you do not do that by yourself. He said “us.” Jesus and you pass over together.

22. The multitude, the secular and the perverse in the crowd of people just listening to Jesus and not making a commitment; they couldn’t come to the places the disciples were going in the little
ship to pass over.

23. The little ship conveyed the Disciples from one shore to the other as it will convey all Followers of Jesus Christ.

24. The great storm with the winds blowing and the waves beating into the ship is the test of faith given to every Christian as they pass over.

25. Jesus sleeping with His pillow shows us that it is absolutely nothing to be scared about.

26. He taught the disciples and us that he could easily rebuke the wind and the waves and they would calm down immediately.

27. “Why are you so fearful, how is it that ye have no faith?” asks Jesus to show that it is indeed a test of faith easily accomplished.

Let me recapture what we have learned from this account of the disciples in a storm in a little ship. We have learned exactly what will happen at the moment of a Christian physical death: As your physical body dies and your soul is released, you will immediately find yourself in a little ship. You will see other little ships floating around you; those are floating the souls of the other Christians that have died at the same time you have. The wind will pick up ferociously, and the waves will become bigger and bigger and pound your ship back and forth.

It is a test of your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Do you trust Him to be Lord over all?
Do you trust Him to have peace in the midst of the terrible storm?
Do you have confidence in His presence with you as the storm builds?
Do you have certainty that you will reach the other bank and exit your ship into Heaven?
Do you have the deep knowledge of Mark 4:35-41 to prepare you for your physical death and encourage your active strong faith at the moment your soul leaves your body?

Pretty exciting isn’t it! You now have learned how it will feel and what you will see and hear when you experience physical death. And you now know that it is a faith test, and as a strong Christian,
you are not going to fail that little test now are you?

But wait! There is a little problem, maybe. How many of you have heard about the white tunnel of peace that almost dead and temporarily dead report when they awake? The white tunnel where a peaceful entrance into Heaven shows you surrounded by your lost loved ones. Sometimes even angels and God and Jesus lookalikes as they embrace and encourage the almost dead to return to their bodies because it is not their time. And they return with a certain, strong belief, that they and all the people they have known that have died before them are in the peaceful, bright Heaven, celebrating and loving each other.

Quite a different account of physical death, isn’t it? What’s up with that? Could it be our enemy, Satan, that is purposely causing these illusions of the almost dead? What gain could Satan make by putting false illusions in the almost dead?

Possibly, if he tricks the almost dead, he might think they would never increase any faith they might possess in their remainder life. Sadly, for the devil, some actually start walking closer with Christ.
It is a Satan fail sometimes.

But what about strong Christians? Does Satan want them to become shipwrecked when they meet their test of faith and die? YOU BET HE DOES! He wants strong Christians to grow so scared at the crossing between this life and the one of Heaven, that they fail their test, and must go back to their grave and sleep until Jesus resurrects them in the Last Days. When Christians mistakenly believe that everyone can go down a peaceful tunnel and meet God and their loved ones with angels singing and white light comforting them, and instead find they are being buffeted by a great wind and storm that threatens to sink their ship, they are likely to become fearful. And if the great enemy Satan can make good Christians fearful, then he thinks he can win. Regrettably for the devil, it still is a Satan fail; strong Christians learn the secret of death before they die, and if they don’t and become shipwrecked, they still have a place in Heaven, it will just take them a little bit longer to get there!

Thanks be to God!

1 Timothy 1:19 (KJV 1900)
19 Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck: 28. It is just a little tiny verse; but it confirms what we already know. If at the time of physical death, you have a weakness of faith, or a bad conscience, you are going to be shipwrecked! 29. If you are being buffeted by the storm in your little ship, and you were expecting a peaceful white tunnel leading to Heaven, and you lose faith or remember some of the bad things in your life, you will be shipwrecked.
30. What is faith? Faith is the surety of things to come. Faith is believing that the Lord Jesus Christ died for your sins, which should lead to a very good conscience from that moment you are saved. Faith is knowing God’s Word and believing it. Faith is knowing that your Savior will warn you before tough times occur. Faith is understanding the deep things in Scripture so you can prepare for physical death and have absolutely no fear when the storm hits!
Look at the Greek word for “wrecked:”

Wrecked: ῥῆγμα (rhēgma), N. wreck; ruin; collapse. Hebrew equivalent: 3) קְרָעִים ). Noun Usage 1. ruin (dissolution) — an event or act that results in destruction; especially that involves the breakup of component parts. Related Topics: Ruin; Desolate; Corrupt.

Wrecks cause ruin, desolation, corruption. Makes sense, does it not? Your faith is corrupted if it disappears at the moment of a scary event. You are made desolate for a lack of faith; you must sleep in your grave alone until Jesus resurrects you in the Last Days.
Please don’t misunderstand this. You are saved and will ultimately join Jesus for your little faith.

But if your faith is corrupted, if it is lacking, if you grow scared at the first storm upon your physical death, then you will be measured by the Lord Jesus Christ as “Lacking.” You will never assume a strong role in the New Earth if you cannot be strong getting there. Amen?


Haggai was the first prophet to speak the Word of God to Israel after they returned from Babylonian captivity. His message to the returning Israelites encouraged both the spiritual and moral reconstruction of Solomon’s Temple, which had been destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B.C. The Book of Haggai is part of “The Restoration Period” (536-420 B.C.) that is spoken about in detail in the books Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther.

In 536 B.C., Priest Zerubbabel led the remnant Israelites numbering almost fifty thousand back to Jerusalem to begin construction of the new Temple, referred to later as the Temple of Zerubbabel. Building on the same site as the first Temple, work ceased after about ten years of reconstruction because of political pressures and problems. Persian King Darius, the ruling monarch in 521 B.C., was interested in law, which led to him granting permission to the Jews to start the rebuilding project once again.

In 520 B.C., Haggai delivered the words of the LORD to stir the Israelites to start the building the Temple. Haggai spoke to the remnant about their spiritual and religious needs that were centered upon the rebuilding of the LORD God’s House. His ministry, lasting for just four short months, generated enthusiasm and motivated the Israelites to continue the rebuilding project. The Temple of Zerubbabel was finally completed in the sixth year of Darius’ rule in 516 B.C.

In the beginning of the rebuild, as the less spacious and less magnificent Temple of Zerubbabel began taking shape before the Israelites eyes, they were perplexed. To re-inspire their effort, Haggai promised them that the LORD God was with their efforts and predicted the future Temple would have more splendor than the former house of the LORD God. His prophecy would later support not only Israel’s religious restoration, but proclaim the shadow of Jesus Christ, as he restored believers through the most perfect tabernacle through his being.

The identity of “Haggai the Prophet”, author of the “Book of Haggai,” is uncertain. Nothing is known of his personal history, except for brief mention in Ezra 5:1 and 6:14. Although some suggest that Haggai 2:3 hints that Haggai was one of a group of Israelites that had seen Solomon’s Temple in its former glory (“Book of Haggai Introduction”, King James Study Bible. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1988. 1356.), there is not enough evidence to support this claim. Although his age or origin in Biblical history is unknown, Haggai’s ministry as a prophet was raised perfectly in the specific time and place to move God’s people forward, rebuild His Temple, and accomplish His Will.

Haggai 1

1:1-15 The people urged to build the temple by Haggai

Haggai 2

2:1-9 The glory of the new temple
2:10-19 Unfaithfulness reproved by Haggai
2:20-23 The Lord’s promise to Zerubbabel


The prophecy of Zephaniah was used in the providence of God to prepare Judah for the reforms and revival under King Josiah. Through the prophecy the nation of the prophet’s day was faced with it’s sin, reminded of coming judgment, and instructed concerning the ultimate glory that will one day come to Israel. Zephaniah sets what forth the day of the Lord will mean to ungodly Judah, to the world powers and to the godly remnant. His theme is the day of the Lord, which will destroy the false remnant of Baal, destroy the God-rejecting nations and purify the true remnant belonging to Him.

Zephaniah 1

1:1-18 The day of the Lord’s wrath

Zephaniah 2

2:1-15 The scope of divine judgment

Zephaniah 3

3:1-8 Jerusalem’s sin and redemption
3:9-20 Ultimate supremacy of Israel

About Us

This is an introduction to our ministry and our future hopes to establish Professional Theology as a legitimate participation in the education of seekers of Christ in untraditional places. A great deal more can be learned through our websites at and . I have tried to be as transparent and forthcoming as possible to assist those analyzing our ministry. This is a brief summation of our efforts over the last decade in the development of Becker Bible Ministries, Inc.

We incorporated Becker Bible Ministries in 2016, and are in the process for developing the Becker Professional Theology Academy to train Christian leaders to participate in ministries within the marketplace to the unchurched. Sadly, more and more Christians are falling away from participation in churches across America. Though they are leaving the churches, or rejected by them, we believe that Christ intends all to gather together to learn and nurture and build upon His Things.

We believe that it is the nature of modern day activities, especially the Internet, that has changed the way people gather information and learn new things. About twelve years ago, we started putting Becker Bible Studies on the Internet, free of charge, to reach the unchurched. Within ten years, we had missionaries (many underground in dangerous places) that used our teachings in every country of the world. We also supplied the same studies to the U.S. Army Chaplains on the front lines during war. I always include this history not to elevate our status, but to relay that God’s movement was quite apparent, in that we operated for that entire period without charging money for our studies yet they were dispersed everywhere.

We gathered many Christians outside the church setting during this period. We always tried to get those we could connected to Christian fellowship. But, soon we discovered that many of the soldiers, especially those broken from PTSD, were coming back to the states and unable to participate in regular worship in neighborhood churches. Then God brought us many, many broken seekers of Christ that had been sexually or physically abused as children; their experiences commonly left them unworthy to even come toward the cross of Christ. Outliers soon followed as the ones we were ministering to brought society’s rejected, oppressed, persecuted, misfit, and lonely to our door. Quickly we realized that these different ministries required much more skill and knowledge than what we and our associates had.

So we all went to school while we ministered as best as we could. Several of us graduated from Liberty University and Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary with degrees in religion and counseling and continued on with Master degrees in Divinity. Now that we are equipped with the knowledge we need to do the next part of our ministry, we began to develop Becker Bible Ministries, Inc. with hopes that all of the fruits we first gathered, can be expanded to bring seeking Christians to the salvation of Christ and then mature into strong Christians that can begin works that will glorify Him.

We are conservative in faith. We believe that the Bible is inerrant. We believe that it takes the acceptance of Christ as Savior and the washing of sin with His blood and New Birth through the Holy Spirit to bring salvation, justification, and eternal life. Basically, all that we believe, is believed by most Baptists everywhere. But, our ministry takes us to places that normal Baptists do not go. While most Christian leadership in Baptist churches must take care to keep their churches sanctified and protected from the heavy-duty sinners within the world, Becker Bible Ministries, Inc., go in the midst of the marketplace to minister to those seeking to know Christ. Many of those we minister to, are not only outside the regular church parameters, but also, rejected by many in the conservative religion base. This has led to some accusations against us that we cater to sinners that should not have the Gospel of Christ until they have changed.

Which gets us to a major principle of our ministry. We absolutely believe that sins within people cannot go away because they wish it, or wrestle with it, or deny it. We believe that only Christ, and his sacrificed blood, and acknowledgement of Him as Lord and Savior can remove the sin from a person. We believe that any religion that demands a sinner to drop their sins before they meet Christ is contrary to His Gospel. We have witnessed many heterosexuals, homosexuals, asexuals, murderers, abortionists, thieves, rapists, abusers, and just plain ornery folks accept Christ, begin a walk with Him guided by our studies and leadings, and keep on their journey as their sins began dropping from them. As the sins loosened, God’s grace and Christ’s love would replace it and cause the sinners to turn away from darkness and desire the light more and more.
We believe becoming a Christian is more than an event that takes place once. Though we believe the saving grace of God is all it takes for eternal life, we believe to walk as a Christian and mature spiritually in order to do great works of God that it is a gradual, ever-increasing process. We believe that a steady increase of spiritual growth, with a good foundation of Scripture, and an encouragement for a personal relationship with Christ creates super Christians that God can use for His things. Certainly, those coming from our ministry have experienced a great deal of hardship. Those arising and becoming strong Christians with relationship with Christ are the type of people you hope to find when the tough times come.

We are just beginning the process of the formation of professional theologists who are able to take these concepts into the marketplace and offer Christ’s teachings to those that are unable to receive them in a church setting. It is a brand new walk for us. We find ourselves in a position that we have never been in before. It is crucial that we develop workers, volunteers, and funds for God’s works to be completed fully. In the midst of the preparation of this newest ministries, many of our leaders in scary places overseas are facing daily persecutions and some, sadly facing death and destruction of their families and their ways of life.
Mission and Vision Statements of Becker Bible Ministries, Inc.
Mission Statement

Becker Bible Ministries, Inc. objective is to define, develop, and establish the new field of Professional Theology and train, certify, appoint, credential, and bestow degrees upon qualified conservative Christian Theologists to educate those seeking to meet Christ within the marketplaces that are outside traditional religious gatherings.

Vision Statement
One day all people seeking the Lord Jesus Christ will have opportunity to learn about God and His inerrant Word without exclusion, threat, rejection, ridicule, or judgment through the leadership of Professional Theologists trained to guide chosen sinners toward personal spiritual relationships, lives, and works directed by Him.

What is Professional Theology?
Theology is the study and reasoned discourse concerning religious belief and God revealed by Him from all sources including both the Bible and the physical world of God. It is the science of the LORD God’s essential being and His relationship to the universe according to His Word. Professional Theology is one of five different types of theology contained in modern-day belief systems:

Folk Theology – Every living being that seeks answers about God or forms an opinion about His things is participating in folk theology. The Internet is crammed full of folk theologists who present their spiritual ideas to the world that stretch from urban myths, angelic encounters, supernatural events, and even a few out-of-body trips stirred by favorite drugs that offer extra insight into the deeper things in life. But, folk theology is not limited to the ethereal thinkers, but is practiced by almost every being on this planet at one time or another as a connection is made to the difference between the body and the soul, and the connection between one’s own actions and God’s movement.

Lay Theology – Initiated by Christians as spiritual maturity drives them to seek deeper answers from the Word of God. Every believer that is growing in the Word of God becomes a Lay Theologist. By the very nature of their spiritual growth, a seeking heart and an inquisitive mind associate theological ideas in life with Scripture in ever-increasing depth and revelation from God. It is the time when new believers began questioning the spiritual things that are expressed in their church and their life and they begin joining concepts of personal belief in a system that helps them understand. No longer satisfied with blind or rote participation in worship tradition, they seek answers with their search for a more intimate knowledge of God.

Ministerial Theology – This type of theology defines a significant effort toward connecting the things God has revealed to mankind to human life and existence. Explanations that are sought for difficult times are carefully answered by Ministerial Theologists who offer comfort and reassurance that God is in control. Ministerial theology is practiced by ministers and pastors, as well as by Christian parents, who participate in life by sharing the things of God with others to uphold, sustain, and encourage growth toward Him as common life and the mundane, as well as life assist with difficulties and support celebrations toward God and His things.

Professional Theology – Hard questions concerning God’s movement and revelation often require systematic ordering with a careful contemplation of His Word. Professional Theologists are the Programmers, Professors, Writers, and Teachers that apply detailed study to the things of God in an effort to fully express His will and ways to others. It is a serious commitment to connect revelations that God has given mankind to lay people in an ordered way that gives them support to live their lives as willed by Him. The tools of trade for a Ministerial Theologist are the Bible and the altar to lead parishioners, and for the Academic Theologists the textbooks and the lectern tools are used to lead students. The Professional Theologists’ tools of trade are computers, Bibles, books, movies, films, television, and textbooks with real life applications to lead others closer to God according to His will.

Academic Theology – This type of theology is not connected by God’s moving as much as it is connected to man’s efforts to form systematic ideas that reflect their educational efforts that are built upon others. More often than not, Academic Theology is practiced by an elite group of educated thinkers who awe each other with ever-increasing understanding of very specific, limited ideas, usually in a philosophical, rather than a spiritual, sense. Academic Theologists are less concerned about God, but more interested in the discipline and concepts of belief. Discussion and scholarship in Academic Theology does not rely upon Scripture; it favors textbooks, journal articles, and lectures to advance its field.
Where is the marketplace where Professional Theologists minister?
It is not in the churches. It is not in the mission fields. It is not in the prisons, hospitals, or on the reservations. It is everywhere, but seldom anywhere familiar to normal, traditional religious gatherings.

A large portion of a Professional Theologist’s ministry will be spent on the Internet, the new marketplace where most people gather. Another place that will be an important part to a Professional Theologist’s ministry is assisting home churches and small group gatherings with the ceremonies, teachings, and guidance necessary to establish strong works for the Lord to come forth out of their gathering. A Professional Theologist’s ministry is lonely, but it is not unsupervised. While most of the duties take place from the quiet home office where their work seems separate from community ministries, their activities are supported by a strong training, commissioning, endorsing, advocating, and restricting body established by Becker Bible Ministries, Inc. and Becker Professional Theology Academy.

The Professional Theologists will perform their duties in the places that people gather in life to inquire about God that is away from traditional churches. All sorts of Christians are chosen to do this quiet, but important work. It can be done with disabilities, seclusion, and differences that are often rejected and ridiculed by traditional religious gatherings. It is the newest career field developed by God to bring people in the marketplace closer to Him, as well as provide keen leadership to the small groups and home churches that have need to be supported by an authoritative agent that is well-trained and righteous.

The Professional Theology field is brand new. The Academy will begin the formal training process for the Christian leadership and soon their presence will be seen throughout the Internet, in the Bookstores, and assisting Home Churches and small groups in every corner of the world. And it will be the Internet, the worldwide web, that will convey their teachings to those rejected, oppressed, ridiculed, fearful, and odd people that are unable to find acceptance in the traditional Christian church.


The prophecy of Habakkuk is unique among all prophetic literature for the Hebrew poetry contained within. The first two chapters contain a dialogue between the prophet and the LORD God concerning the invasion of the Chaldeans and their destruction. Chapter 3 is a psalm with instructions given to the musicians for its rendering. In the first two chapters the prophet contends with the LORD GOD, and in the third chapter, he submits to Him.

Most commentators date Habakkuk’s prophecy during the reign of King Jehoiakim. Nothing is known about the author Habakkuk. Because he is known to us only by name indicates the relative unimportance of the prophet, and the major importance of the prophecy. The theme of prophecy is judgment on Judah and Chaldea (Babylon).

Habakkuk 1

1:1-4 Why does God permit injustice?
1:5-11 God’s use of the Chaldeans
1:12-17 Why should God use the wicked?

Habakkuk 2

2:1-4 “The just shall live by his faith”
2:5-20 Judgment of the unrighteous

Habakkuk 3

3:1-19 A prayer of Habakkuk

Appearances of the Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ by Numbered Witnesses

Kathy L. McFarland

First Appearance: The Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ appears to a weeping Mary Magdalene at the tomb after Peter and John depart. She first mistakenly identifies him as a gardener, but immediately recognizes Him when He speaks to her (John 20:11-17; Mark 16:9-11)

Second Appearance: Christ appears to the fearful but joyous women, Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary (mother of James) and others, on the way from the empty tomb to tell the disciples. (Matthew 28:9-10; Luke 24:1-10).

Third Appearance: The Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ reveals Himself to two disciples, one named Cleopas, as they walk on the road to Emmaus, approximately seven miles from Jerusalem. Christ
speaks of Old Testament Scriptures concerning His death and resurrection as He walks with them, and later connects these events with the blessed bread He breaks and gives to them. The sharing of bread, laden with deep typological shadows and mysteries, supernaturally reveals Christ in recognizable form, and the two disciples know Him. (Mark 16:12-13; Luke 24:13-35)

Fourth Appearance: Peter runs to the empty sepulchre on Resurrection Day and finds only the linen clothes within the tomb, prior to Christ’s appearing to the two Emmaus disciples. At some point, the two Emmaus disciples report to the eleven disciples gathered in Jerusalem that Christ is seen arisen from death by both them, and the disciple Peter Simon (Cephas). (Luke 24:34; 1 Corinthians 15:5)

Fifth Appearance: The fifth appearance of the resurrected Christ is to the unbelieving, hard-hearted disciples as they sit eating. (Mark 16:14; Luke 24:36-43; John 20:19-23; 1 Corinthians 15:5)

Sixth Appearance: Christ appears to the eleven disciples eight days after His resurrection. Doubting Thomas is present in this meeting of the Resurrected Christ, and believes He is arisen from the dead because he sees it with his own eyes. (John 20:26- 29)

Seventh Appearance: Resurrected Jesus Christ next appears to seven disciples, Simon Peter, Thomas (Didymus), Nathanael, John and James (Sons of Zebedee), and two other disciples by the Sea of Galilee. He shouts to their boat from the shore and instructs the disciples to cast their nets for a multitude of fish. Simon Peter recognizes the Savior, and jumps out of the boat to come to him on land quickly. (John 21:1-23).

Eighth Appearance: The eighth appearance was to about five hundred brethren who see His Resurrected body with their own eyes, at the same time, and are able to tell others what they saw as proof through their testimonial witness. (1 Corinthians 15:6)

Ninth Appearance: Next Christ appears to James, the Lord’s brother (1 Corinthians 15:7). James was probably not a believer prior to the resurrection (John 7:3-5), but immediately after the resurrection he is numbered among the believers (Acts 1:14; Galatians 1:19). He later became one of the outstanding leaders in the apostolic church.

Tenth Appearance: Then the Lord Jesus Christ comes to eleven disciples on an appointed mountain in Galilee, where He gives them the Great Commission to preach the gospel. (Matthew 28:16-20)

Eleventh Appearance: His eleventh appearance occurs at the same time of His ascension from the Mount of Olives. This is the last appearance of Christ to His disciples prior to His glorification in Heaven. (Luke 24:50-53; Acts 1:3-9)

Glorified Appearance after Ascension

Twelfth Appearance: The Ascension glorified Christ appears to Stephen just prior to the time of his stoning martyrdom that was witnessed by Saul. (Acts 7:55-56)

Thirteenth Appearance: The thirteenth appearance of Christ is to Saul on the road to Damascus as he was about to continue his work of persecuting Christians. It is the time he was made blind for
three days, just prior to his conversion to the Apostle Paul. (Acts 9:3-6; cf. Acts 22:6-11; 26:13-18)

Fourteenth Appearance: Christ appears to Paul in the Temple and warns him of the persecution to come. (Acts 22:17-21)

Fifteenth Appearance: The fifteenth appearance of Christ is to Paul while in the prison in Caesarea. Scripture records that “the Lord stood by him,” and told him that he would bear witness in Rome. (Acts 23:11)

Sixteenth Appearance: The final and sixteenth appearance of the glorified, resurrected, Lord Jesus Christ is to the Apostle John at the beginning of the revelation given to him in setting of Heaven. (Revelation 1:12-20)

Updated Feb 04, 2024 12:38:38pm


The prophecy of Nahum the Elkoshite is dominated by a single idea, the doom of Nineveh. He delivers a message of judgment and destruction against Nineveh and gives comfort to Judah to know that Assyria is doomed and constitutes a threat no longer. The prophet’s name means “Consolation” which gives an indication of the purpose of the poetic prophecy. Nahum’s mission was to comfort the kingdom of Judah following the destruction of Israel by Assyria, by announcing God’s coming judgment on Nineveh, the capital of Assyria.

Nahum was born in Galilee, but during Israel’s defection moved to Judah and in Jerusalem took up his ministry in behalf of Judah against Nineveh.

Nahum 1

1:1-15 God’s majesty in mercy and judgment

Nahum 2

2:1-12 The siege and destruction of Nineveh
2:13 The overthrow of Nineveh

Nahum 3

3:1-19 The overthrow of Nineveh (continued)


Micah’s prophesy dates according to the southern kings Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah. These kings of Judah reigned from about 752 to 697 B.C. One of the most wicked kings of all Judah’s history, King Ahaz, is the focus of much of Micah’s prophesy. While the dark picture presented by Micah’s prophecy reflects the reign of King Ahaz, the brighter aspects reflect the godly rule under King Hezekiah.

One of Micah’s most important prophecies concerns the preexistence and human birth of the Messiah at Bethlehem, and affords a demonstration of the accuracy and certainty of the fulfillment of prophecy through God’s Will. The purpose of Micah’s prophecy is to face the people with their sins and the word of God’s judgment that must come upon them as a result of their persistent sinning, and to speak of the future restoration after the Babylonian captivity as well as ultimately, the restoration at the Millennium.

Micah 1

1:1-16 Judgment on Samaria and Jerusalem

Micah 2

2:1-11 Woe to the oppressor of the poor
2:12-13 The promise to the remnant

Micah 3

3:1-4 Judgment on Israel’s leaders
3:5-12 Judgment on the prophets

Micah 4

4:1-13 Swords into plowshares

Micah 5

5:1-15 The deliverers from Bethlehem

Micah 6

6:1-5 The Lord’s contention with Israel
6:6-16 The requirements of the Lord

Micah 7

7:1-7 The moral sins of Israel
7:8-20 God’s concern for his people


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