
Deuteronomy is a significant book which is often quoted in the New Testament with 195 citations. It establishes many concepts that have influenced religious thought and life of ancient Israel, Jews and Christians down through the ages. Moses is generally considered the original author, with the final chapters completed by a theocratic officer, possibly Joshua, who recorded both the death and the song of Moses.

The greatest commandment to Jesus and Christians, and the creed of Israel, known as the Shema, are recorded in Deuteronomy 6:4,5. The words are upon the hearts of all of God’s people, who are instructed to teach them diligently to their children, and Jesus names this commandment as the first and the greatest in Matthew 22:37.

Another major thought contained within this chapter concerns the covenant relationship between the LORD GOD and His chosen and called people, and the obligation they had to obey His commandments. Both the rewards for obedience and the punishments for disobedience are clearly laid out to His people.

The substance of the three addresses of Moses to God’s people as they awaited the final instructions to go over and possess the land God had promised to their fathers is recorded. This exciting and momentous occasion is captured in and forms one of the themes in this fifth book of Moses.

Deuteronomy 1

1:1-8 Moses recounts God’s promise to Israel
1:9-18 The appointment of judges
1:19-33 Incidents at Kadeshbarnea
1:34-40 God’s punishment of Israel
1:41-46 The defeat of Israel at Hormah

Deuteronomy 2

2:1-23 The years in the wilderness
2:24-37 Israel conquers Sihon

Deuteronomy 3

3:1-25 Israel conquers Og of Bashan
3:26-29 Moses views the Promised Land

Deuteronomy 4

4:1-8 Moses’ exhortation to obedience
4:9-14 Israel’s experiences at Horeb
4:15-40 Warning against idolatry
4:41-49 Cities of refuge chosen

Deuteronomy 5

5:1-6 The covenant in Horeb
5:7-21 The Ten Commandments
5:22-33 The people’s fear

Deuteronomy 6

6:1-9 The great commandments
6:10-25 Warnings against disobedience

Deuteronomy 7

7:1-5 Separateness from heathens demanded
7:6-11 A holy people to the Lord
7:12-26 The blessings of obedience

Deuteronomy 8

8:1-10 A good land to be possessed
8:11-20 Warnings against forgetting the Lord

Deuteronomy 9

9:1-5 The Lord will destroy the nations of Canaan
9:6-29 Israel’s rebellion at Herob

Deuteronomy 10

10:1-11 The second tables of stone
10:12-22 An exhortation by Moses

Deuteronomy 11

11:1-7 The greatness of the Lord
11:8-25 The blessings of the promised land
11:26-32 A blessing and a curse

Deuteronomy 12

12:1-16 Only one place of worship
12:17-28 Holy things to be eaten in a holy place
12:29-32 Warning against idolatry

Deuteronomy 13

13:1-11 Idolaters to be put to death
13:12-18 Idolatrous cities to be destroyed

Deuteronomy 14

14:1-21 Clean and unclean food
14:22-29 The law of the tithe

Deuteronomy 15

15:1-6 The year of the release
15:7-11 Lending to the poor
15:12-18 Treatment of servants
15:19-23 Consecration of firstlings

Deuteronomy 16

16:1-17 The three appointed feasts
16:18-22 Judges and judgments

Deuteronomy 17

17:1-13 Divers instructions
17:14-20 Choice of a king

Deuteronomy 18

18:1-8 The portions of the Levites
18:9-14 Warning against heathen practices
18:15-22 A promised prophet

Deuteronomy 19

19:1-14 Cities of refuge
19:15-21 Law concerning witnesses

Deuteronomy 20

20:1-20 Laws concerning war
Deuteronomy 21

21:1-9 Settlement for an unknown murderer’s crime
21:10-23 Various laws

Deuteronomy 22

22:1-12 Various laws (continued)
22:13-30 Laws concerning chastity

Deuteronomy 23

23:1-8 Those excluded from the congregation
23:9-14 Laws of sanitation
23:15-25 Laws of human relations

Deuteronomy 24

24:1-13 Laws of domestic relations
24:14-22 Oppression of servants

Deuteronomy 25

25:1-16 Laws of human relations
25:17-19 Command to blot out Amalek

Deuteronomy 26

26:1-11 The offering of the first fruits
26:12-19 The offering of the tithes

Deuteronomy 27

27:1-10 An alter on Mount Ebal
27:11-26 The curses at Mount Ebal

Deuteronomy 28

28:1-14 The blessings of obedience
28:15-68 The consequences of disobedience

Deuteronomy 29

29:1-9 Moses exhorts to obedience
29:10-29 The Lord’s covenant with Israel

Deuteronomy 30

30:1-20 The conditions for restoration and blessing

Deuteronomy 31

31:1-23 Joshua commissioned as Moses’ successor
31:24-29 The law to be placed in the ark
31:30 The song of Moses

Deuteronomy 32

32:1-47 The song of Moses (continued)
32:48-52 Moses permitted to see the land of Canaan

Deuteronomy 33

33:1-29 Moses blesses the tribes

Deuteronomy 34

34:1-8 The death of Moses
34:9-12 Joshua succeeds Moses


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