

The Book of Job is named from its central character. The author is uncertain. The date of composition is widely disputed. The purpose of the Book of Job shows the inadequacy of human reason to account for the suffering of the innocent. There is a mystery of divine freedom which does not contradict God’s goodness or sovereignty but remains elusive to man, and resigns to an attitude of trust and dependence on a good God whose working man cannot fathom.

Job 1

1:1-5 The riches and piety of Job
1:6-12 Satan obtains permission to tempt Job
1:13-22 Job is afflicted

Job 2

2:1-8 Satan obtains permission to tempt Job
2:9-10 Job and his wife
2:11-13 Job and his friends

Job 3

3:1-26 Job bewails his birth

Job 4

4:1-21 Eliphaz rebukes Job

Job 5

5:1-27 Eliphaz rebukes Job (continued)

Job 6

6:1-13 Job justifies his complaints
6:14-30 Job reproaches his friends

Job 7

7:1-21 Job remonstrates with God

Job 8

8:1-22 Bildad affirms God’s justice

Job 9

9:1-35 Job acknowledges God’s justice

Job 10

10:1-22 Job bewails his condition

Job 11

11:1-20 Zophar reproves Job

Job 12

12:1-6 Job answers his friends
12:7-25 Job acknowledges God’s omnipotence

Job 13

13:1-28 Job defends his integrity

Job 14

14:1-22 Job speaks of life’s woes

Job 15

15:1-35 Eliphaz reproves Job

Job 16

16:1-22 Job complains of God’s dealings

Job 17

17:1-16 Job appeals to God

Job 18

18:1-21 Bildad speaks of the plight of the wicked

Job 19

19:1-20 Job speaks of his friends’ cruelty
19:21-24 Job seeks pity
19:25-29 Job states his faith

Job 20

20:1-29 Zophar speaks of the wicked

Job 21

21:1-34 Job bemoans the prosperity of the wicked
Job 22

22:1-20 Eliphaz accuses Job of sin
22:21-30 Job implored to repent

Job 23

23:1-7 Job desires to plead before God
23:8-17 God knows men’s ways

Job 24

24:1-16 Job complains of God’s indifference to wicked
24:17-25 Secret judgment for the wicked

Job 25

25:1-6 How can man be justified with God?

Job 26

26:1-14 Job reproves Bildad, praises God

Job 27

27:1-7 Job’s truthfulness
27:8-23 The hypocrite’s hopelessness

Job 28

28:1-28 Wisdom is God’s gift

Job 29

29:1-25 Job speaks of past wealth

Job 30

30:1-31 Job is diseased and abhorred

Job 31

31:1-40 Job speaks of his integrity

Job 32

32:1-5 Elihu appears
32:6-10 Wisdom comes not from age
32:11-22 Elihu reproves the “comforters”

Job 33

33:1-13 Elihu reasons with Job
33:14-33 God calls men to repent

Job 34

34:1-9 Elihu speaks of Job’s logic
34:10-30 God cannot be unjust
34:31-37 Man must give up pride

Job 35

35:1-16 Man is not God

Job 36

36:1-15 God is just
36:16-33 Results of Job’s sins

Job 37

37:1-24 God’s works and wisdom

Job 38

38:1-3 God challenges Job
38:4-41 God shows Job’s ignorance

Job 39

39:1-30 God continues his challenge

Job 40

40:1-5 Job is humbled
40:6-24 God’s power and wisdom

Job 41

41:1-34 God’s power shown in the leviathan

Job 42

42:1-6 Job submits to God
42:7-17 God blesses Job


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