
This book in the Holy Bible tells the story of God’s chosen people’s struggles with slavery and the beginning of the Hebrew nation later called Israel. It follows the development of the race from Jacob’s twelve sons (Tribes of Israel) to the deliverance from bondage and the beginning of the journey to the promised land by the leading of the glory of the LORD GOD. The testimony of both the Jewish community and the Christian church is that Moses was author of the book that emphasizes God’s covenant faithfulness.

Exodus 1

1:1-7 The Israelites in Egypt
1:8-21 The oppression of Israel by a new king
1:22 Pharaoh’s cruel order

Exodus 2

2:1-4 Birth of Moses
2:5-10 Early years of Moses
2:11-25 Moses flees from Egypt

Exodus 3

3:1-8 The call of Moses by the LORD GOD through the burning bush
3:9-22 The LORD GOD commissions Moses

Exodus 4

4:1-13 The Rod of Moses
4:14-18 The appointment of Aaron
4:19-31 The return to Egypt by Moses

Exodus 5

5:1-19 Pharaoh chides Moses and Aaron
5:20-23 Israel complains and Moses prays

Exodus 6

6:1-13 The covenant renewed with Moses
6:14-30 The genealogies of Moses and Aaron

Exodus 7

7:1-6 Moses before Pharaoh
7:7-19 The rod of Moses turned into a serpent
7:20-25 The Plague of blood

Exodus 8

8:1-15 The plague of frogs
8:16-19 The plague of lice
8:20-32 The plague of flies

Exodus 9

9:1-7 The plague on the cattle
9:8-12 The plague of boils
9:13-35 The plague of hail

Exodus 10

10:1-20 The plague of locusts
10:21-29 The plague of darkness

Exodus 11

11:1-3 Israelites borrow Egyptian jewels
11:4-10 Death of the first born threatened

Exodus 12

12:1-28 The Passover instituted
12:29-36 The death of the firstborn
12:37-42 The Israelites leave Egypt
12:43-51 The ordinance of Passover

Exodus 13

13:1-16 The consecration of the firstborn
13:17-22 The pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire

Exodus 14

14:1-20 Instructions to the Israelites
14:21-31 Crossing of the red sea

Exodus 15

15:1-21 The song of Moses
15:22-26 The waters of Marah
15:27 Israel at Elim

Exodus 16

16:1-11 The wilderness of sin
16:12-31 The LORD GOD sends quails and manna
16:32-36 An omer kept

Exodus 17

17:1-7 Water miraculously supplied by the LORD GOD
17:8-16 War with Amalek

Exodus 18

18:1-12 Jethro visits Moses
18:13-27 The appointment of the judges

Exodus 19

19:1-18 Israel at Mount Sinai
19:19-25 God answers Moses from the mount

Exodus 20

20:1-17 The Ten Commandments
20:18-21 The people’s fear
20:22-26 The LORD GOD demands exclusive worship

Exodus 21

21:1-11 The treatment of the servants
21:12-25 Laws concerning acts of violence
21:26-36 Laws concerning responsibility of owners

Exodus 22

22:1-15 Laws concerning restitution
22:16-31 Laws of human relations

Exodus 23

23:1-13 Judgments concluded
23:14-19 The three appointed feasts
23:20-33 The Lord’s angel sent to lead Israel

Exodus 24

24:1-18 Moses and the elders on Mount Sinai

Exodus 25

25:1-9 Israel to bring an offering
25:10-22 The ark of the testimony
25:23-30 The table for the showbread
25:31-40 The golden candlestick

Exodus 26

26:1-37 The tabernacle

Exodus 27

27:1-8 The alter of the burnt offering
27:9-19 The court of the tabernacle
27:20-21 The tending of the lamp

Exodus 28

28:1-14 The garments for the priests
28:15-30 The breastplate of twelve precious stones
28:31-43 The sacred vestments

Exodus 29

29:1-9 The consecration of Aaron and his sons
29:10-37 The order of the sacrifices
29:38-44 The daily offerings
29:45-46 God’s promise of his presence

Exodus 30

30:1-10 The altar of incense
30:11-16 The atonement money
30:17-21 The laver
30:22-38 The anointing oil and the incense

Exodus 31

31:1-11 Craftsmen to be employed
31:12-17 The sabbath as a sign
31:18 Two tables of stone

Exodus 32

32:1-10 The golden calf
32:11-18 Moses’ intercession for Israel
32:19-24 Moses breaks the tables
32:25-35 The idolaters slain

Exodus 33

33:1-11 The tabernacle moved
33:12-23 Moses prays for God’s presence

Exodus 34

34:1-9 The tables renewed
34:10 God’s covenant
34:11-17 Israel warned of the idolatry of Canaan
34:18-26 The three feasts
34:27-35 Moses and the tables of the law

Exodus 35

35:1-3 Regulations for the Sabbath
35:4-9 Israel to bring an offering
35:10-19 The tabernacle articles
35:20-29 The people bring an offering
35:30-35 The workmen are ready

Exodus 36

36:1 The workmen are ready (continued)
36:2-7 The people restrained from bringing gifts
36:8-38 The making of the tabernacle

Exodus 37

37:1-29 The furnishings of the tabernacle

Exodus 38

38:1-8 The furnishings of the tabernacle (continued)
38:9-20 The court of the tabernacle
38:21-31 The sum of the offerings

Exodus 39

39:1-31 The priestly vestments
39:32-43 The tabernacle articles completed

Exodus 40

40:1-12 The setting up of the tabernacle
40:13-33 Consecration of Aaron and his sons
40:34-38 The glory of the LORD GOD


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