
Micah’s prophesy dates according to the southern kings Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah. These kings of Judah reigned from about 752 to 697 B.C. One of the most wicked kings of all Judah’s history, King Ahaz, is the focus of much of Micah’s prophesy. While the dark picture presented by Micah’s prophecy reflects the reign of King Ahaz, the brighter aspects reflect the godly rule under King Hezekiah.

One of Micah’s most important prophecies concerns the preexistence and human birth of the Messiah at Bethlehem, and affords a demonstration of the accuracy and certainty of the fulfillment of prophecy through God’s Will. The purpose of Micah’s prophecy is to face the people with their sins and the word of God’s judgment that must come upon them as a result of their persistent sinning, and to speak of the future restoration after the Babylonian captivity as well as ultimately, the restoration at the Millennium.

Micah 1

1:1-16 Judgment on Samaria and Jerusalem

Micah 2

2:1-11 Woe to the oppressor of the poor
2:12-13 The promise to the remnant

Micah 3

3:1-4 Judgment on Israel’s leaders
3:5-12 Judgment on the prophets

Micah 4

4:1-13 Swords into plowshares

Micah 5

5:1-15 The deliverers from Bethlehem

Micah 6

6:1-5 The Lord’s contention with Israel
6:6-16 The requirements of the Lord

Micah 7

7:1-7 The moral sins of Israel
7:8-20 God’s concern for his people


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