
In a national call to repentance, Hosea’s prophecy gave Israel an example of its spiritual idolatry, yet portrayed God’s love for Israel in spite of her spiritual infidelity. He prophesied in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash, king of Israel, and his ministry extended from about 770 to 725 B.C. Hosea, a weeping prophet, was a citizen of the northern kingdom like his counterpart Jeremiah to the south. Hosea’s prophesy is characterized by intense emotion as the prophet’s personal tragedy is transferred and applied to the nation. Because of the tragic details of his personal life, Hosea has been known as the brokenhearted prophet. His sorrow provides a good illustration of the brokenhearted Lord in His relationship with sinful mankind.

Hosea 1

1:1-11 Hosea’s unfaithful wife

Hosea 2

2:1-13 The Lord’s love for his unfaithful people
2:14-23 Israel is restored

Hosea 3

3:1-5 Hosea and the adulteress

Hosea 4

4:1-19 The Lord’s controversy with Israel

Hosea 5

5:1-14 God’s displeasure with Israel
5:15 Israel’s insincere repentance

Hosea 6

6:1-11 Israel’s reply to God’s admonishment

Hosea 7

7:1-16 Israel has rebelled against God

Hosea 8

8:1-14 Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind

Hosea 9

9:1-17 “The days of visitation are come”

Hosea 10

10:1-15 The punishment of Israel

Hosea 11

11:1-12 God’s love for faithless Israel

Hosea 12

12:1-14 Ephraim’s sins rebuked by God

Hosea 13

13:1-16 Ephraim’s destruction foretold

Hosea 14

14:1-9 Israel entreated to return to the Lord


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