

Ruth provides an important link in the unfolding messianic genealogy. It emphasizes the sovereign activity of the LORD GOD’s provisions in the affairs of His People. Ruth shows that the LORD GOD’s promise to the seed of Abraham carries on through the troubled time of the judges, as well as moving events toward the salvation of Gentiles. Historically, this book provides information to the customs that surrounded the time period of Judges. It also provides a great role modeling for Christian women, and gives instruction in practical living. The author of this book is not known, although Samuel is one of the most prominent that is suggested as author.

Ruth 1

1:1-14 Misfortunes of Naomi’s family in Moab
1:15-22 Returns with Naomi

Ruth 2

2:1-3 Gleans in the field of Boaz
2:4-23 Boaz shows favor

Ruth 3

3:1-7 Naomi instructs Ruth
3:8-18 Ruth claims Boaz as kinsman

Ruth 4

4:1-10 Boaz redeems the inheritance
4:11-12 Boaz marries Ruth
4:13-22 The generations of Boaz and Ruth


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