1 Kings

1 Kings

The identity of the author of Kings is unknown, although Jewish tradition holds that its author was Jeremiah. The books of Kings were originally contained within one volume of Hebrew text. The two books contain an account of Israel’s kings, priests and prophets, and the spiritual activities of God’s covenant people, with the historical accuracy confirmed repeatedly. The books of Kings should not be read for just it’s historical content, but as a focus and record of God’s reward for obedience and faithfulness, and His Judgment of disobedience, as His people vacillated between His Will and their natures.

1 Kings 1

1:1-4 Abishag ministers to David
1:5-27 Adonijah plots to seize the throne
1:28-31 David’s oath to Bathsheba
1:32-53 Solomon made king

1 Kings 2

2:1-9 David’s charge to Solomon
2:10-12 The death of David
2:13-25 Adonijah is put to death
2:26-27 Abiathar deprived of the priesthood
2:28-35 Joab is put to death
2:36-46 Shimei is put to death

1 Kings 3

3:1-2 Solomon marries Pharaoh’s daughter
3:3-15 Solomon prays for wisdom
3:16-28 Solomon’s wisdom and prosperity

1 Kings 4

4:1-20 Solomon’s princes and officers
4:21-28 Solomon’s daily provision
4:29-34 Solomon’s wisdom

1 Kings 5

5:1-18 Solomon’s agreement with King Hiram

1 Kings 6

6:1-38 Solomon builds the temple

1 Kings 7

7:1-12 The other buildings of Solomon
7:13-22 Hiram of Tyre employed by Solomon
7:23-51 The furnishings of the temple

1 Kings 8

8:1-11 The ark brought into the temple
8:12-21 Solomon dedicates the temple
8:22-61 Solomon’s prayer
8:62-66 Solomon makes a sacrifice

1 Kings 9

9:1-9 God’s covenant with Solomon
9:10-28 Further activities of Solomon

1 Kings 10

10:1-13 The queen of Sheba visits Solomon
10:14-29 Solomon’s riches and fame

1 Kings 11

11:1-8 Solomon’s wives and idolatry
11:9-13 God’s anger against Solomon
11:14-40 The adversaries of Solomon
11:41-43 The death of Solomon

1 Kings 12

12:1-15 Rehoboam made king
12:16-24 Israel revolts and makes Jeroboam king
12:25-33 Jeroboam leads Israel to sin

1 Kings 13

13:1-10 A prophet of Judah warns Jeroboam
13:11-32 The disobedience and death of the prophet
13:33-34 The obstinacy of Jeroboam

1 Kings 14

14:1-4 Jeroboam sends his wife to Ahijah
14:5-20 Ahijah’s prophecy against Jeroboam
14:21-31 The reign of Rehoboam

1 Kings 15

15:1-8 The wicked reign of Abijam
15:9-15 Asa’s reign in Judah
15:16-24 Asa’s league with Benhadad
15:25-31 The evil reign of Nadab
15:32-34 Baasha’s reign in Israel

1 Kings 16

16:1-7 Jehu’s prophecy against Baasha
16:8-20 The reigns of Elah and Zimri over Israel
16:21-27 Omri’s reign over Israel
16:28-30 Ahab’s reign over Israel
16:31-34 Ahab marries Jezebel

1 Kings 17

17:1 Elijah predicts drought
17:2-7 Elijah fed by the ravens
17:8-16 Elijah and widow of Zarephath
17:17-24 Elijah raises the widow’s son

1 Kings 18

18:1-14 Elijah returns to Ahab
18:15-19 Elijah reproves Ahab
18:20-40 The contest on Mount Carmel
18:41-46 Elijah prays for rain

1 Kings 19

19:1-7 Elijah flees from Jezebel
19:8-18 Elijah flees to Horeb
19:19-21 The call of Elisha

1 Kings 20

20:1-12 Benhadad besieges Samaria
20:13-30 Ahab defeats the Syrians
20:31-34 Ahab spares the life of Benhadad
20:35-43 The prophet reproves Ahab

1 Kings 21

21:1-4 Ahab denied the vineyard of Naboth
21:5-16 Jezebel plots Naboth’s death
21:17-26 Elijah pronounces Ahab’s doom
21:27-29 Ahab’s repentance

1 Kings 22

22:1-12 Ahab seduced by false prophets
22:13-28 Micaiah’s true prophecy
22:29-40 The death of Ahab
22:41-50 Jehoshaphat’s reign over Judah
22:51-53 Ahaziah’s reign over Israel


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