
The Colossian Christians had been led to Christ by Epaphras. The majority were Gentiles who were progressing in their new faith. Paul rejoiced over their good spiritual condition, but the Colossian church was being exposed to a local heresy that threatened to deprive them of their spiritual blessings. Epaphras either visited Paul in Rome, or was imprisoned there with him. He informed Paul of the dangerous theological error circulating in the churches of Colossae and Laodicea. In response to Epaphras’ plea for help, Paul writes this epistle to the Colossians, which is also to be read at the church at Laodicea, in an attempt to check the heresy’s influence, to demonstrate the pre-eminence of Christ, and to confirm the addresses in the Christian faith.

Colossians 1

1:1-2 Salutation
1:3-13 Prayer for spiritual wisdom
1:14-19 The pre-eminent Christ
1:20-22 Reconciliation in Christ
1:23-29 Paul’s service in Christ

Colossians 2

2:1-3 Paul’s service in Christ (continued)
2:4-23 Warning against false teaching

Colossians 3

3:1-11 The new life in Christ
3:12-17 The Christian virtues
3:18-25 Advice for domestic life of the Colossians

Colossians 4

4:1 Advice for domestic life of the Colossians (continued)
4:2-6 Personal greetings to the Colossians
4:7-18 Closing exhortation to the Colossians


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