1 Peter

The unknown author of this Epistle writes to the persecuted Christians. Many believe Peter the Rock and disciple of Jesus Christ wrote this letter because the words sound like his character. Others believe that a Galilean fisherman, whose native tongue was Aramaic, would be unable to accomplish the literary style used, and suggest Sylvanus or some unknown Roman teacher as helping Peter write his words. What can be certain, however, is the consistency and upholding of the words being written and spoken by Paul are in agreement with 1 Peter, and reflect that the One they both serve is the same Lord, as they were both inspired by the same Holy Spirit to uphold the persecuted Christians in their walks with Jesus Christ.

1 Peter 1

1:1-2 Salutation
1:3-12 Salvation wrought by Father, Son, Holy Spirit
1:13-25 Call to Christian dedication

1 Peter 2

2:1-3 Call to Christian dedication (continued)
2:4-8 Christ the living stone
2:9-10 God’s own people
2:11-17 Live as servants of God
2:18-25 The example of Christ’s suffering

1 Peter 3

3:1-12 The behavior of wives and husbands
3:13-22 Suffering and reward

1 Peter 4

4:1-19 Good stewards of God’s grace

1 Peter 5

5:1-4 Shepherd of the flock
5:5-11 Submit to God, resist the devil
5:12-14 Farewell and peace


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